
"Where are my big steel breasts! Fuck...there's something wrong.

It looked like such a hard armor shell, but it was actually penetrated by a poke.

And there is a feeling of flesh and blood being pierced...


This is simply...! ! "

A sentence mmmp, student A doesn’t know whether to say it or not.

To put it bluntly, the main component of the spiritual body is the spirit and consciousness of the academy.

Even if there is an entity,

It is also more similar to the body of a heroic spirit. If it is pierced, it will bleed like a flesh and blood body.

In other words, just like Kamen Rider Kuuga, he originally took the physical body strengthening system, but when the spiritual body as a physical body is transformed into spiritual power and returns to the original body,

The growth achieved by the physical body will also be returned to the spiritual body.

And the defensive power of the spiritual body that has just been formed is naturally quite weak.

It’s not surprising that if you use an ordinary human body that has not been strengthened to resist a sword, what will happen if you commit suicide like this.

Chapter 261: A life of cheating can be addictive!

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The fear of death seems to still be lingering in my brain,

Let student A's mind go blank.

Subsequently, more and more people also exited the virtual cabin.

When Student A looked at those people, he found that they were the friends who formed the team together before.

"You...you came out too? No, you were killed too?"

"Um...that's right. It seems that Bob is the only one who is still alive now."

"What's going on? Did so many of you die at the hands of that goblin?" Student A asked in shock.

Facing the doubtful and contemptuous eyes of student A,

These students are not happy either...

He also said to them, "Didn't you die at the hands of goblins just now?" !

When they saw Student A being hacked to death with a knife, they were all shocked.

I didn’t expect the mental body to be so fragile...

It’s basically the same as not wearing any clothes!

There's no way that low-level monster goblin is holding an enchanted high-level weapon!

Because they were too shocked and even at a loss, several people were caught off guard.

The monsters in the underground labyrinth won't tell you about a fair fight. Wait until you come to your senses...

After sacrificing a few people and finally killing the goblin, he met other monsters spawned in the maze.

In the end, they were wiped out in one wave.

Not long after-

Bob, as the last adventurer who was also eliminated by the group,

He suddenly sat up from the virtual cabin and gasped in horror...

"Dead...dead, all dead!!"

It wasn't until he saw his companions who were also standing up and sitting that he came back to his senses in shock.

Dead? It seems like he's not completely dead? !

Does the death of the spiritual body really not affect the body? !

But then, a twinge of pain came from Bob's brain.

A feeling of malaise suddenly came over me, as if I had been doing that kind of thing for days and nights without sleeping.

It's as if consciousness was suddenly evacuated,

This feeling shocked Bob's heart——

This... must be a drain on mental energy!

The death of the mental body will not cause them to actually die, but it will consume some of their mental power.


Before coming, Bob and others were required to learn meditation to an introductory level.

At first, Bob and others didn’t understand.

Isn’t it about cultivating heroes? No matter what, I have to learn the meditation technique from the mage.

Are you sure you want to cultivate heroes rather than sages?

In this case, instead of calling him a 'hero candidate', why not call him a 'magician candidate'.

"Using meditation can quickly restore your spirit." At this moment, the Ex-Machina who had been guarding the virtual cabin reminded Bob and others.

"Ah...thank you!" The students all showed astonished expressions.


After experiencing a life-and-death crisis, this group of students not only did not feel intimidated, but upon reacting, they became excited.



Suppressing the throbbing in their hearts, a group of people began to meditate. After the meditation was almost done, they couldn't help but immediately entered the virtual cabin.

After a few people discussed it, they formed another team after entering the world of Dicuo.

They discussed and shared the thrill of almost peeing when they were killed.

But when I find out that no matter what I do, I won’t really die!

The fear of death was virtually diluted a lot.

In addition, most of the people in the group were killed by a low-level monster goblin.

That sense of shame and anger immediately came to my mind.

revenge--! !

This must be revenge!

Perhaps men are born with an adventurous impulse in their bones, a desire for violence, abominable dancing on the tip of the knife, and singing and killing on the battlefield!

After being mentally prepared,

It's not that they are weak, but that they don't have weapons in their hands.

This time, after asking Hermes, several people successfully learned the location of the guild and received weapons sponsored by novices.

With weapons for protection, a group of people suddenly became much bolder.

Calm your inner anxiety,

Several people once again embarked on an adventure in the underground labyrinth.

And like Bob and others, there are many people who form a team to explore together.

In this way, people died one after another and returned to the virtual cabin.

After realizing that everything introduced in the virtual cabin was true, the last hesitation in my heart completely disappeared.

The heroic dream and passion were completely ignited,

A group of people happily embarked on an adventure.

And since they are basically all newcomers,

As a result, the first floor of the underground maze was almost occupied by ‘knights’.

Now, even if the students are weak, they can't stop the large number from bullying the small number.

Often when a monster spawns in a place, a group of people will rush up and chop it to death with screams.

One by one they were still shouting,


It's mine! Let me go!

Nmd, bastard, this is the monster spawning point for our xxx group, you have crossed the line!

And such a novel experience,

Never underestimate people’s curiosity and inquiring minds.

Soon the students studied more and more thoroughly the ways to strengthen their mental bodies.

Among them, there are always many bold and crazy students who are not afraid of death, and they have even moved to the lower 2nd and 3rd floors.

But most people, although they feel that the monsters on the first level are no longer enough to carve up, are still unwilling to go deeper into the lower levels.

Although monster spawning is slow on the first level, as long as you continue to fight,

The monsters are weak and there are many of them, so they are basically safe...

The effect of Yan Research's Hero Favor on improving ability values ​​has also been improved accordingly.

Far beyond the grace of God, just a few steps away...!

Compared to God's Favor, which is a way of getting stronger that won't be noticeable even if you level up, it's more of a slow simmer.

Hero Favor is simple and crude.

Although it will be affected by talent potential in the later stage and become increasingly difficult to improve,

But the initial growth rate was very rapid.

Every time a monster is killed in battle, the students can feel an obvious improvement in strength.

This also made the students even more excited...!

This kind of improvement speed is much happier than working out hard, taking time, and energy, or even achieving zero improvement in reality.

For a moment——

Everyone was immersed in the pleasure of becoming stronger.

woc——! !

Awesome! !

A group of people kept exclaiming because of the endless improvement in strength,

Although it is not strong every time, the victory is that I can clearly feel the obvious improvement every time.

Even if there is a slight improvement, but there is no upper limit,

It was like taking drugs, so dazzling that I couldn't stop.

Power fascinates and drives people crazy,

At this moment, even if we exchange wealth and beauty with these people for the inscription of heroic favor, they will definitely not agree!

Really...it's like starting another life of cheating.

Even the protagonists in heroic tales in the past would not dare to describe it like this.

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