Chapter 262: Do you understand the value of the fourth natural disaster - it is normal to ignore the lives of your companions!

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late at night--

Many people are still struggling in the underground labyrinth,

The improvement of strength often gives back in many aspects, and the spirit can also be partially restored.

In addition, use meditation as a sleeping time,

Such sleepless and crazy energy...

For a time, it reminded Homura of the past world.

Those college students who encounter good games during their breaks and stay up late in the dormitory to play games are also crazy.

A group of people who fight tirelessly,

They even became more and more bold, and gradually let go of their fighting style.

Even when encountering an attack that cannot be avoided in a dangerous moment, he can decisively use his non-lethal position to actively block the knife.

The lack of arms and legs is neither tight nor scary, but makes me more angry and regretful.

In this state, you will have to die again later, and you have to go back to meditation for a long time!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have been greedy!

With this kung fu, God knows how much the other partners can improve their strength!

Unhappy, these angry students would even occasionally burst into flames to unleash stronger combat power against monsters that affected their progress in improving their strength!

And all this,

They were all seen by the Dicuo native adventurers who entered the maze today, and they were all stunned.

What kind of lunatics are these!

Just fight without risking your life.

Some people did not despair before being hacked to death, and were even in the mood to say hello to their companions, asking them to wait for their progress and they would be back soon!

And those knights who saw their 'companions' dying didn't feel any sadness at all.

On the contrary, everyone was as excited as if they were fighting for monsters with one less person...!

"!!!" The adventurers of the Earth.

eccentric--! wow!

These visitors from another world are so barren and weird!

It even makes the adventurers in the world feel scared.

It’s not like I haven’t seen those cold-blooded adventurers before.

But even the many dark adventurers hidden among ordinary adventurers saw these "cruel" knights who didn't take their lives seriously.

I also feel scared! !

It is a fear of the unknown, of the incomprehensible.

Some of the actions of these guys are simply not something humans can do.

People from other worlds don't even have the most basic emotions and principles of normal human beings?

And it’s like there’s no end to killing such weird guys,

keep popping up,

Entering the maze endlessly.

Simply scarier than those Minotaurs.

The frightening thing about the Minotaur lies in its powerful power. The sense of oppression caused by its strength and size far exceeds that of novice adventurers, and is enough to scare most ordinary adventurers.

But the horror of these people from another world is on the other side.

Distinct from violence, cruelty, and blood,

Or more than that,

Rather, they are a group of creatures that are even more horrifying and physically uncomfortable.

I don’t know what the spiritual body is like.

As well as the adventurers from Earth who have cheats like ‘resurrection from the dead’,


They cannot understand the strange behaviors of these visitors from another world.

Fear comes from the unknown, and it’s natural for them to be afraid!

And these guys are all shrouded in strange armor,

It makes people even more trembling and frightened. What an unknown devil's true appearance is under the armor.

Maybe these guys are... not human at all? !

"Damn...! Madman!! This is a group of madmen!!

You must report to Lord Shangshen when you go back!

Just thinking about staying in Orario with these guys gives me goosebumps! "

"Yes, it's so weird. Captain, wuwuwu... I'm almost scared to tears.

When I passed those people just now, I didn't even dare to take a breath. "

"Have you noticed?

When those weirdos die, their corpses will not remain, just like the monsters in the maze. The corpses will dissipate after the magic stones are dropped. "

“Are these guys also monsters?

After death, the corpse is automatically absorbed into the maze as nutrients! "

At this time, a group of adventurers from Earth were chatting tremblingly outside the Tower of Babel.

They had just left the maze and returned to the surface,

Unexpectedly, I met someone who was frantically seeking death and experimenting with various mental combat techniques.

Students who strive to make the most of their immortal fighting abilities,

These people were so frightened that they kept speeding up their return and returned to the ground as if they were fleeing.

I don’t dare to speak loudly at this time,

I was afraid that another strange knight would appear nearby and be overheard by those weird people.

And on the other side——

As the source of knights,

Feeling that whenever the mental body collapses and returns to the game universe, the game universe will feed back part of the power,

Although these powers are just a drop in the bucket for Homura,

Not eye-catching...

But this is a good start,

Now it’s just a group of lv1 people, but when there are more and more of them,

There are even high-level adventurers appearing, lv6, even lv7, lv8, lv9,

At that time, the power that can be improved every day may not be inferior to the dividends of returning to the small garden after completing great deeds.

And if these people can grow up to a five-digit level of cleaning the earth's surface.

Relying on the immortality of the spiritual body, it is not a dream to fight alone against the millions of gods in other universes.

Such as the disobedient gods of the Godslayer world.

As long as it is not the galaxy-level combat power displayed in the later period, the power of ordinary gods is only at the surface level.

Faced with a large number of five-digit spiritual bodies who are not afraid of death and have immortality,

No group of gods can stop that world.

Seeing that the plan is on track,

Flame is also very satisfied...

Just like that, three months later.

The strength of the first batch of students improved very quickly, reaching level 2 one after another, and even many top individuals, such as Bob and others, reached level 3.

This upgrade speed,

The main protagonists of the original work are also difficult to match.

After the initial high-speed growth buff, the development of grace becomes more difficult, and more emphasis is placed on individual potential.

Not even Homura can change this easily.

He can directly instill powerful power into this group of people and forcibly raise their strength level.

But it doesn't change the talents of these people.

And that would just be counterproductive.

Maybe it's time to take the first batch of students and accomplish some real great things.

And just thinking about it,

Which parallel world do you want to take the students to to cause trouble?

That is to lead students to experience the charm of a tough boss battle.


Clairvoyance automatically activated, golden divine light flashed through his eyes,

Homura saw something and couldn't help but smile on his face.

...! It seems that there is no need to choose another world.

Did the natural disaster in this local (terrestrial) world actually recover?

Chapter 263 Crisis! Scorpio: The world is filthy again!

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at the same time--

A different world, far away from the other side of the labyrinth city.

The ruins of Ersos at the end of the continent,

A bloody killing is taking place,

Perhaps because of the constant changes in the world and the connections between worlds,

And the plot has long since disappeared from the original.

The disaster that was supposed to break out at the Divine Moon Festival was released due to the loosening of the seal, and the monster that swallowed the unwary Moon Goddess Artemis——

Scorpio - Antras is revived.

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