Roar~! !

A huge scorpion-like monster roaring upwards,

The god-killing weapons that were once sealed by the great elves in ancient times can be called the natural enemies of the gods.

Relying on the characteristic that can perfectly swallow divine power, it swallowed the unwary Moon God and trapped it in the crystal on his chest.

"What——!?" He no longer cares about the setting that gods cannot use magic power in the lower realm.

Even if he is sent back to heaven...

When the moon goddess Artemis panicked and wanted to use her divine power to resist, she found that her divine power was being absorbed by this monster!

The moon god was captured and became the monster's power bank. And the relatives of the Moon God also died on the road to save Artemis.

Only the remaining mental body of the goddess was attached to Orion's arrow, which was like a silver spear, and was sent out.

The story moves towards the original plot development...


During this period, the hero who was destined to conquer Scorpio had not yet grown up.

Bell was still watching A Tale of Heroes with his grandfather in a small place in the countryside.

Now it’s time to say watch the epic in The Magic Crystal.

The 'remnant' of the moon goddess Artemis... Let's refer to it by her real name, Artemis.

In desperation, she took Orion's Arrow and wanted to return to Orario to bring in reinforcements...


"Is this really Orario?" Artemis looked at the maze city that had a completely different appearance.

I wondered how many years it had been since I came back. At this moment, I looked confused and felt that everything in front of me was unfamiliar.

Because of the new rise of epic,

There are many modern things and even buildings in Orario.

Although the original appearance can generally be seen,

But with the addition of the man on the street holding a magic crystal in his hand, the adventurers chatted happily about some heroic stories that Artemis had never heard of.

Everything she saw felt strange to Artemis.


After feeling the breath of those fellow gods, I made sure that I was not looking in the wrong place.

He didn't care what was going on with Orario now.

The top priority now is to bring the news of Scorpio's awakening to the gods.

Especially since his own body has been swallowed up. Once the monster further digests his divine power and even uses his own power,

Everything in this world will be destroyed.

We must not let this world-ending crisis come!

Not long ago, Yan's clairvoyance had witnessed this scene, and he did not intervene... informing the gods in advance,

He even deliberately delayed the time, waiting for the Moon Goddess to come back after her hard work...

Give Scorpio time to grow.

But Yan has already arranged a barrier near Scorpio in advance.

The small monsters hatched by it are unable to leave the sealed place and infest the nearby human villages.

"The boss has almost grown up.

This level of trial should be able to increase a considerable amount of great achievements. "Yan was very satisfied with the timing of Enteles' appearance.


Even the Orario gods fell into a long-awaited panic after learning the news. Less than two days after the last divine meeting, they immediately started a new emergency divine meeting.

And the Gods of Fun who just a few days ago were happily giving some unpleasant names to the newcomers of the various Gods’ families,

Sitting in the Shenhui seat at this moment is like sitting on pins and needles.

"Artemis, this is all a big crime you committed..."

"Oh my god~!! Enteles has swallowed the power of the Moon God! If he is allowed to control that..."

"The strongest arrow in heaven that only the goddess of purity can shoot,

Once that arrow is shot, the world will be leveled to the ground. "The beauty goddess Freya gently shook the red wine and said calmly.

But the gods who heard these words were even more frightened, and they all whined.

And subconsciously began to reprimand the goddess Artemis for her negligence...

They can't use their divine power in the lower realm!

Even if he uses his divine power, who can dare to block that terrifying arrow head-on when faced with the strongest weapons in the heavens!

The power that can level the world,

joke……! Who would risk their lives to face that!

Even if the gods never really die,

But no one wants to give it a will take countless years to be resurrected.

Many gods were angry with the Moon God and proposed to send the Moon God Artemis back to heaven for abusing her divine power.

For gods who cannot be truly killed,

Being sent back to the boring world of heaven is the cruelest punishment.

And they didn't mention at all that the one wielding the power of the Moon God now was not the Moon God himself, but the Scorpio monster.

But whether it is the monster or the Moon God himself, no matter who uses the Moon God's power, it is meaningless to the gods.

Ouranos, the great god in charge of the guild, suppressed all quarrels forcefully...

Expressing whether to punish Moon God, or how to punish him, everything will wait until Scorpio is solved,

The primary goal now is to deal with that god-killing weapon!

Under the majesty of Ouranos, the gods finally calmed down.

Knowing that this is an inevitable disaster,

So some people sent people, and those with supplies sent supplies.

Soon, with the consultation of the gods, an expeditionary volunteer army of adventurers was prepared to go against Entres.

And the main force of the expeditionary force,

Naturally, they are members of the Loki Familia and the Freya Familia, the two most powerful Familia in Orario.

"Everyone...please allow me to make a statement!" In the past, whenever something big happened at the meeting, Hermes, the god, was more active in causing trouble than anyone else.

It was rare that he had remained silent since just now.

Seeing that the time is ripe...

Having already learned everything from Homura and acted according to Homura's opportunity, he stood up with a smile.

Hermes raised objections to the selection of the main force of the expeditionary force...

and informed the gods,

Under the threat of the power of the moon god,

I'm afraid the underground labyrinth will not be peaceful and needs high-end combat power to suppress it.

The Loki Familia and Freya Familia cannot leave...

In case some invincible monsters emerge from the maze,

They need to send troops to defend and garrison.

And this is not alarmist...

In the original plot, when Bell and others were attacking Scorpio,

The maze is in turmoil because of the fear of the world-destroying arrows that may fall from the sky at any time.

It was the many adventurers from the Loki Familia who suppressed the riot in the labyrinth.

The maze is self-aware…

Of course it also feels fear.

The gods know this very well.

Thinking of this, the faces of the gods became ugly.

Chapter 264 If the knight had never died with his bare hands to infect the divine weapons!

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Subconsciously, Hermes' words reminded the gods of the three major trials in the world.

If a monster of that level leaves the maze, no, even if it is slightly weaker,

For current Orario adventurers,

It is also a huge trial!

Thinking of this, the gods even felt that it was not safe to just leave the Loki Familia and Freya Familia behind.

I wish there were more adventurers above level 3 to guard the maze.

But Scorpio cannot ignore it...

The combat power is seriously insufficient!

The great god Ouraros asked aloud: "Hermes...since it is the question you raised, I guess there is already a solution."

Hermes bowed slightly and walked out,


“What do you think about leaving the task of conquering Entles to those adventurers from another world?

The speed of their progress is evident. "


"Hermes, stop joking! What can those lv2 and lv3 people do?"

"There isn't even a lv5 adventurer.

How could he be Enteles's opponent? "

The gods immediately questioned.

They can't help but wonder...

Even though adventurers from another world grow at an alarming rate,

But it's just the growth rate, it doesn't mean they are strong now.

And Enteles is a monster who has gained the power of the Moon God!

Although one can use divine power, it does not mean that one is as powerful as a god...

Artemis was more likely to be swallowed up due to carelessness, and was restrained in terms of attributes (divinity), so she was unable to resist and looked so weak.

But it also depends on who is facing Enteles.

Only those at level lv3 can be called great adventurers.

And this only belongs to Orario's current backbone combat strength.

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