It is far from being comparable to high-end combat power.

And when facing monsters that have something to do with divine power, even lv7, lv8, and lv9 will never be too much.

How can human power be against the power of God? !

After all, there are only a few people who can reach this level of the farewell battle between humans and gods like the epic next door.

The main combat forces in the middle are almost all goddesses, or powerful heroic spirits with divinity.


Mortals have no chance of defeating gods.

This is what makes the gods most nervous and desperate.

And at this moment Hermes raised another question...

When Orario needs high-end combat power to stay behind,

Who else can be sent to fight?

If you only send a few level 4s, how can they be better than those 'immortal' adventurers from another world?

Moreover, their local adventurers do not have the ability to resurrect from the dead.

Loki: "Ugh~! Can it really be resurrected?

Real or fake...

The flower magician's power is too buggy. "

Loki narrowed his eyes slightly...

This is not just one or two people being given ‘immortality’;

Instead, those adventurers were all given the ability to ‘resurrect from the dead’.

A miracle of this magnitude...

Although the flower magician is not like their local gods and is restricted from using his divine power,

But even the power of God is too perverted.

Hermes: "Don't worry!

The adventurers from another world are just hired to deal with the small monsters hatched by Entres.

And that Scorpion has already swallowed Artemis,

It is no longer a monster that ordinary adventurers can deal with.

It is a monster that only the true chosen hero can defeat! "

"Hero?!" Gods,

"Artemis... I'll leave it to you next." Hermes finished speaking.

The moon god stepped out from behind him,

Then he told him that if he wanted to defeat Entres, he would have to use the power of Orion's arrow.

And only the chosen ones can use this weapon, one of the most powerful artifacts in the heaven.

"Orion...?" Many gods who knew the symbolic meaning behind it and what Orion represented in the Greek mythology of the next world suddenly looked at Artemis with strange expressions.

This is one of the three virgin goddesses in heaven.

There were so many male gods who wanted to have sex with her, but in the end they all failed.

This goddess of purity really hates the existence of relationships between men and women.

It's so serious that even the children within the family members are not allowed to have relationships between men and women.

But now this ascetic goddess is taking the initiative to find her own 'Orion'.

The power of Orion's arrow,

The chosen person needs to be close enough to the goddess. The closer they are, the more they can unleash the true power of the artifact.

That is to say——

Perhaps this goddess of purity is needed to fall in love with the chosen hero! ?

This is the battle to save the world!

Ah - even a goddess who hates love must make some necessary sacrifices. This is... understandable, right?

——What a p! !

The gods looked at the Moon Goddess Artemis in front of them with some horror...

It feels like I don’t even recognize this former compatriot.

According to the original character of Artemis, it would be impossible for her to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex even if she died. Falling in love was a taboo that could not even be mentioned.

And after that——

The entire maze Orario comes alive.

The ceremony of choosing the spear was convened by the gods, and a high stone platform was quickly built.

Maybe I’ve read too many epics recently,

The gods were also somewhat affected and began to imitate the selection plot of their Sword in the Stone.

He even took the initiative to appoint Hermes as the representative of the gods to negotiate with the Flower Magician...

The matter of hiring adventurers from another world...

It was not clear at all that Hermes had already joined Dao Yan's side.

At this time, the two of them were sitting on the second floor opposite the high platform, toasting.

And below——

It has already been arranged,

"Whoever pulls out this gun is the savior of destiny...

The hero who will surely defeat the god-killing monster——Scorpio Entres.

Young brave men!

Does anyone want to come up and try it out for themselves? Maybe you are the chosen hero! "

Oh oh oh oh~! !

Whether they are local adventurers or knights from another world - students! Suddenly his eyes became hot!

It’s human nature to join in the fun!

What's more, this scene is like an epic reappearance.

A picture with a strong sense of déjà vu…

The chosen artifact——

Fight against the god-killing monster? ! Become a savior, a hero?

Who has never dreamed that he or she is that one-in-a-million, destined hero?

The young adventurers rushed forward to try with enthusiasm, but they all failed...

Even after the legendary swordswoman Ais and other adventurers above level 5 failed...


The local adventurers in Dicuo have become less enthusiastic, thinking that they are far inferior to these high-level adventurers in terms of strength and will.

They all failed,

Let’s not go up there and continue to make a fool of ourselves, right? !

Only the knights (students) are still enjoying it.

This trial lasted only one afternoon.

However, no one was able to draw the gun successfully.

Homura: ‘...It seems that except for the original protagonist, that gun... no, I should say Orion’s Arrow, really no one can pull it out. ’


Homura thought that the setting of Orion's Arrow should be that the purer the soul, the higher the possibility of pulling it out.

But if you use the ability of "Knights never die with bare hands"...can they forcibly seize control of this most powerful divine weapon in the heavens?

Chapter 265: The holy sword can only break the skin of a body, so it’s normal to grab the earth with both hands!

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If you want to master a powerful weapon,

There may be some difficulty in the presence of its owner.

But there is no problem at all with the ownerless weapons and equipment after a little analysis.

As a man who can perfect DIY skills and rub holy swords and spears with ease,

In fact, I am not very interested in the so-called Lunar Armor.

Even if it is a power that can destroy the surface of the earth,

At best, it is just a large-sized finishing sword, which has changed from a continuous strike to an instantaneous output of wide-area bombing.

But having fun has nothing to do with strength...

Even with stronger analytical capabilities.

Rather than that, Yan was thinking more about a certain setting that he had seen about the Yangtze River Knight standing upside down and grabbing the planet.

As long as it is considered a weapon, it can eventually be transformed into a Noble Phantasm and used as its own Noble Phantasm.

Take the power of the next world and infect the pure arrows of this world~! Isn't this a very interesting thing?

Homura, who has mastered all the knowledge about the origin of the moon world,

Not to mention that "a knight has never died with his bare hands", even if he rubs a Lancelot Lingji on his own hands, or even rubs a demon orchid on his hands to act as a dragon knight, it is completely fine.


Just do it if you want to do it...

Put on your own adventurer vest.

It has been a long time since it appeared in front of people in its original form.

Flame: "Let me try!"

"Ugh, does anyone else want to try that?

Even our Estan has given up... Well, it's impossible for anyone else to succeed..." God Loki, who was staying with his family children below, subconsciously said with disdain,

The young man who thought he had this unrealistic fantasy of pulling out an artifact and becoming a savior wanted to stand out in front of a group of adventurers.

However, the courage to take the stage after all the senior adventurers had tried is worthy of praise.

I really am not afraid of social death at all!

It is as if the Chosen King of Britain did not appear among the famous knights in the epic poem.

When the knights started to compete with swords...

A 'young man' who was not even qualified to draw a sword - Artoria, who was not even a formal knight at that time, pulled out the Sword of the King's Choice.

If Merlin hadn't taken advantage of the situation later and revealed his noble identity as the son of stupid User.

Just the fact that a nameless, uncared-for country boy stepped on everyone and got the upper hand,

It can arouse the shame of all knights.

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