And even if it is the blood of the previous king,

Wasn’t King Arthur unable to convince the public at the beginning?

Even the Knights of the Round Table, who are extremely famous in their territory and later generations, are constantly fighting and winning.

Win and attract them one by one.


When Loki looked at the familiar ‘face’ on the high platform,

"Uh..." The cunning god suddenly became silent.

Isn't this the dependent family of the goddess Mei Li from another world?

In the past, many outstanding children from the re world came to this world after chasing the figure of this person.

The existence that is suspected of being ‘Ang’…

A man who demonstrates heroic qualities in an epic poem,

It's like the great ancient hero sung by the bards suddenly came into reality from the story of the Hero's Tale.


Many adventurers who recognized Homura's face cheered.

If it were him, maybe——

At this moment, even the gods watching below became energetic and interested.

Originally, they thought that this kind of gun-drawing ceremony was a waste of time...

Is the moon god's arrow so easy to pull out?

If only it were so easy to be recognized,

When they were in heaven, the group of LSPs who were concerned about the chastity of the three pure goddesses took action not long ago.

All he has to do is pull out Orion's arrow and prove his identity as the destined Orion.

This goddess, who is apparently the most difficult to deal with among the three goddesses, may actually be the easiest to deal with.

"If you are a true hero...

Maybe we can get a response from that arrow! "A god said excitedly.

Although it may not be you who embraces the beauty,

But as a beautiful LSP and a god of fun, as long as someone can pull a pure goddess down the river of love, such an interesting thing,

It's enough for them to look forward to it.

"I said... probably not.

When it comes to heroic qualities, of course I believe in that child...

But Orion's Arrow requires more purity of heart.

Hey hey hey...

A test that even the swordswoman couldn't pass. "Another god spoke.

Sword Princess Ais's heart is actually pure enough, but her obsession with revenge has even sublimated into skills.

Maybe that's why she couldn't get a response from Orion's Arrow.

And Homura was thinking...

This arrow shouldn't resist thoughts like lsp, right?

To say that obsession is sublimated into skills,

Does yearning count?

Or is it just pure longing, not desire?

But even if he doesn't resist the idea of ​​​​lsp, Homura feels that his other thoughts are definitely not related to those with a simple heart.


Under the spotlight and anticipation,

He didn't use the Noble Phantasm at first, then tried to pull out the arrow but it didn't come loose at all.

Although Homura felt that he should be able to do it easily if he used brute force to force the arrow, but that was not necessary at all...

Watching one second, two seconds, three seconds pass by,

Judging from the fact that Homura still didn't react when he held Orion's arrow.

The people below were suddenly in an uproar——

"Can't even that adult pull it out?"

"Ah. Sure enough, this thing can't be used by humans at all."

"It's just a lie!

How could any human being be able to control an artifact? "

People who were still a little disappointed suddenly seemed to be a little relieved.

This is something that even a man with such a dazzling and dazzling soul in the epic cannot do.

It’s even more impossible for ordinary people like them to do it!

Maybe this was just a prank played by the gods, a joke.

I had never heard of any ancient heroes who were so powerful that they could even control artifacts!

The heroes in the epic here are not as terrifying as those in the moon world next door.

And just when people thought everything was over...

Buzz~! ! A burst of bright red lines suddenly spread from Homura's palm to the gun body.

and did not use excess strength,

Homura just started to try to use "Knights never die with bare hands" to erode the magic gun itself.

The originally unresponsive magic gun suddenly began to buzz and tremble...

Seems to want to resist...

Perhaps it was Lancelot who would have been blown away before completing the erosion and failed.

But how could a weapon that had lost its owner possibly shake Homura's current body?

Although Homura has never tried his true strength, what is it now that it has reached its limit...

But the density and weight of his body have long exceeded that of the planet itself, just like Azdahaka, the three-headed dragon of an absolutely evil demon king.


Regardless of the strength, just the defensive power and thickness, if you want to shake it even half a point,

I'm afraid I have to use the Holy Sword of Stars to unleash it with all its strength and slash it!

Chapter 266: This is the battle to save the world! Since you won’t die, I’m afraid of death!

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And even the Anti-Star Holy Sword,

It also depends on what kind of ‘star’ it is.

Asteroids are stars, so are Uranus and Neptune, and even the sun itself...

When the curry stick was pushed hard into the forehead, it probably only broke the skin and left a little bloodshot at most, but no more.

Although on the surface, the flame in the eyes of the adventurers at this time is not that powerful, he is just an ordinary human being.

Even the gods didn’t notice anything was wrong…

Being able to see through the radiance of human souls like Freya despite being sealed by divine power is a special case after all.

Therefore, no one knows how terrifying a monster is standing in front of them...

If this magic gun is truly rooted in the earth,

At worst, just lift it together with the planet itself and use it as a weapon.

If Homura is interested and wants to give it a try, he can really try grabbing the earth while standing upside down., that's just too unsightly.

There is no problem in directly 'infecting' the planets at the soles of your feet with the magic gun connected to the earth.

Unfortunately, Orion's Arrow was unable to resist this overbearing infestation ability.

Soon, bright red lines began to cover the surface of the spear.

This astonishing external appearance naturally attracted the attention and exclamation of the people below.

Even the Moon Goddess Artemis, who had been hiding in the dark and watching everything, was a little surprised.


Even the goddess Artemis cannot see through it.

And the gods who have read the epic may look familiar...

But it is difficult to connect it with a certain Yangtze River knight.

After all, there is no fourth war yet,

The few scenes in which the Yangtze River Knight appeared showed that the knight would never die with his bare hands.

But it’s not that amazing…

The infinite treasure phantom Yu who lost a certain Elbow King and Street Lamp King enthusiastically cooperated with the performance,

Knights never died with their bare hands and never left a deep enough impression on people's minds.

Perhaps in their eyes, that kind of power can only be used to control some ordinary weapons and Noble Phantasms. Even if it can seize other people's Noble Phantasms, there should be an upper limit.

And under Yan's size...

Whether the so-called upper limit exists or not, even if there really is an upper limit, it no longer exists.

The infection process is so fast that one cannot even feel the instinctive struggle of Orion's Arrow.

Even the remnants of the goddess on the arrow were instantly dyed with the color of flames.


Even Artemis herself didn't notice anything strange.

Click~! !

The moment the ice crystals flickered and shattered, on the high platform, Yan easily pulled out the magic gun and raised it in the air with one hand.

First there was a brief moment of silence and astonishment——

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~! ! Fiery cheers came from the audience.

"Pull it out...Pull it out?!" The sun god Apollo and other gods were stunned and said in disbelief.

Then the eyes of these gods became more and more intense...!

Ahhh, ahhhhh~! What a great, great, great kid!

Isn't this more desirable?

If we can indirectly obtain the powerful and pure goddess who was beyond reach in the heaven by obtaining this child,

Oh oh oh oh, with the help of various filters,

The gods became even more envious of the otherworldly goddess Meili who was the first to snatch this child.

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