Faced with such a cruel decision, to have a relationship with this person who was destined to have no tragic outcome...

Suddenly, Artemis heard such words that she had not expected.

"How pitiful... Have you never considered the possibility of your own survival, Goddess Artemis..." Flame,

"This kindness...

is also your cruelty."

Thinking that Flame was hinting at her concealing a love that was doomed to end in tragedy, the goddess lowered her head in shame,

and then changed the subject-

Flame: "You are too cruel to yourself, Artemis.

If I am not mistaken...

The moment you kill Scorpio will be the day you die.

But the gods will not really die,

Maybe after a long hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years,

For the sake of this love promise,

you will keep looking.

Unlike humans who live a hundred years in a hurry,

the gods have a long lifespan,

but even for gods, it is difficult to accurately find the reincarnation of someone in a world."

That's right, looking for the reincarnation of a lover...

Having watched the original movie version, Flame naturally understands that

this goddess is not the kind of god who uses people as tools and throws them away after the job is done.

The conditions for using the power of Orion's arrow are also very clear.

The closer the two people's hearts are, the stronger their power will be...

It's not true love,

This magic gun is just an ordinary weapon made of hard material.

It can't play the role of an arrow that can destroy the surface of the earth. In the end, it pierces the arrow of Scorpio.

The goddess's love is not fake...

After identifying a person, she is prepared to search for a long time in the vast sea of ​​people,

and to realize the love that spans thousands of years.

Although on the surface, the moment of her self-destruction is cruel to her lover.

And in the long road that is almost impossible to find in the "divine life", this is even more cruel to the goddess herself.

She is trapped in her own cocoon...

Looking for a future that is almost impossible to find.

Compared, she may have forgotten the memory of her previous life,

and has a new lover.

Still willing to seek an answer, a miracle, and a continuation of the relationship.

Just like Jingwei filling the sea and Yugong moving mountains...

For this chaste goddess who will never change her heart once she falls in love with someone, and who has all the memories,

For her, the result of this choice is the cruelest.

The protagonist in the original novel does not have the power to save this poor goddess while destroying Scorpio.

But Yan is different...

With his power, he does not need to borrow the so-called arrow of Orion.

In this case-

We must not let the tragedy happen again.

On the other side, Artemis was slightly stunned after hearing Yan's words.

According to her personality,

In a trance, Artemis seemed to see the future.

It seems...

If she really follows the future she has chosen,

In order to see her beloved again,

she will indeed choose this way!

Chapter 270 Weak mortals can kill gods with two fingers!

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Artemis was speechless...!

Somewhat touched her heart,

Thinking about what Yan said before,

that without the magic gun, Scorpio can still be eliminated.

A feeling of throbbing and accelerated heartbeat rose from the bottom of her heart,

... Was she protected by someone?

As a goddess, was she protected by a mortal...

That subtle feeling,

She had a heart-moving feeling at that moment, but she didn't hate it, and even vaguely understood,

Why the gods like the people of the lower world so much.

She also understood why the children once told her that 'love can be very beautiful', she thought she understood a little.

Even when the gods knew that mortals only had a hundred years of time,

and were destined to be alone and die with mortals, and send away the pain of their loved ones,

some people still couldn't help but like the people on the earth.

The gods who have combined with humans probably think the same way...

If you are always wrapped in this kind of "warmth", for a long time...

Even gods will find it difficult to get out of it and not immerse themselves in it.

That's why--



In this case, she doesn't want to see the other party die tragically in front of Scorpio because he doesn't use the power of the magic gun.

"Even if we don't fall in love now, it's okay...

Promise me that you must use the power of the magic gun and live.

Only by living can there be a future...If you want to have a good relationship with the goddess, you need a tenacious vitality." Artemis.

She also looks forward to Yan's real conquest of Ontres,

and then having a good relationship with the other party, instead of just falling in love in a few days.

Encouraged by this,

But in fact, Artemis knew very well that it was an almost impossible fantasy.

I just don’t want the person in front of me to give up using Orion’s arrow because of me.

Because that is one of the few opportunities for victory...

But if you don't fight,

Once the world is destroyed, he and all life in this world will also disappear.

Artemis suppressed the pain in her heart,

In the final analysis, all this was the result of her carelessness.

If she hadn't been swallowed by Scorpio,

The children of the family members will not die in battle,

The world will not face such a crisis,

And the 'Orion' she finally found didn't have to face such dangers——

She smiled and said: "It is said that gods who come to the world can enjoy love for ten thousand years.

With you who have been reincarnated in reincarnation, my children have everlasting love.

After the battle is over, I want to taste the beauty.

Therefore, you can’t lose because of the disadvantage of weapons. "



Still don't believe that he can defeat Scorpio alone without the help of the magic gun?

Although I can understand it because of my status as a 'mortal'.

Homura always thought that he was still a 'human',

But speaking of it, he is also a human being who can crush the gods at will.

Compared to ordinary human concepts, there is a slight gap.

"Don't worry, I will never use the power of the magic gun...

Stop talking about such heavy topics and do something relaxing.

Artemis, do you want to dance with me on this sun boat? "

Homura changed the subject.

Artemis: "...Woo!"

It’s strange to be reassured!

What does it mean to never use the power of a magic gun!

Didn't this mean he didn't listen to her words at all?

Artemis was also a little helpless, angry and moved at the same time.


"Want to dance? Okay."

She also hasn't danced for a long time.

The divine gatherings held by the gods often involve dance parties.

But the Moon Goddess doesn't like to interact with others. She is always away from home. She is better at fighting than socializing.

Artemis herself also has the power of the goddess of hunting.

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