In the original work, when he was bathing in the center of the lake, he bumped into the protagonist and invited him to dance.

This is a good opportunity to enhance the relationship between both parties and get closer to the soul.

Although Homura said that he would never use Orion's arrow,

But when the real crisis comes,

Artemis believed he would make the right choice,

Now that we can get closer, we can further unleash the power of the divine spear.

Afterwards, the two simply held a private dance on the sun boat in the dark night.

The others had already returned to the cabin to sleep by this time.

Under the moonlight and the sunlight emitted by the solar boat itself,

The sun and the moon shine together, and the two people dance gracefully...

As the body dances, the goddess gradually forgets all her worries and even her mission,

‘I am honored to know you in this life, Orion! ’

Artemis, whose vision gradually became blurred, didn't know how she finally returned to her residence and fell asleep.

Tonight, the goddess had a very sweet dream.

In the dream, they successfully defeated Scorpio without harming their real bodies.

He saved his own body,

Finally, the remaining self merged with the main body and was resurrected.

She fell in love with Orion for real.

But on the second day,

When the morning light intersects with the sunlight of the solar boat,

The dream will eventually wake up.

There will eventually be some regrets in life, even gods are no exception.

Sighing, hiding the deepest feelings in his heart.

Artemis knew that now was not the time to think about this, it was time to unite the adventurers to fight!


The local adventurers arranged by Artemis,

Headed by the Hermes Familia and scattered personnel from other Familia, they carried out detection and luring the enemy.

Then Yan followed the original plan and ordered the students to prepare to attack Huanglong after the family members opened the way.

Hermes watched the methodical strategies on both sides, but he touched his chin in confusion: "Strange...

I didn't see any monsters along the way.

Logically speaking, Enteles shouldn't be so honest after the seal was loosened. "

He was originally worried that the monster would feed and breed more small monsters by devouring the flesh and blood of civilians in the surrounding villages.

This will cause considerable danger to the expedition team.

But now it seems that it may be easier than imagined?


When the large army enters the sealed realm,

Finally, we encountered the small monsters bred by Entres, but there were not many of them.

These monsters really...I don't know why they huddled in the seal and did not go to the outside world.

But now it doesn’t matter to the adventurers! This is good news!

As the Hermes Familia and others shouted, "For the world we love so much", they kept clearing the way, bombarding the monsters with alchemical items like incendiary bombs...

"Let's go now!" Yan didn't hesitate, and then rushed into the deepest part of the seal with the excited "knight" students who were screaming and the goddess Artemis.

Watching the strangely screaming figures disappearing in the distance...

Hermes and other members of the family: "..."

Are these guys really reliable?

But there is no other way, now I can only choose to believe them.

Chapter 271 ‘Knights’ trained by the Taliban?!

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"Contribution!! Contribution!!"

Unlike the Hermes Familia and others who cautiously fought against the surrounding monsters.

The students who rushed into the central area all had their compound eyes red.

He charged wildly towards the monster army, fearing that if he was slower, the mobs would be snatched away by his companions.

There are those who form a group to kill the mobs together, and there are also those who rely on their high level to fly solo...

Obviously the number of people is far smaller than the surrounding monster army,

But he abruptly showed an aura that was against the surrounding monsters...

This brave and unafraid attitude,

The Moon Goddess who was traveling with him was amazed.

"They...are all true braves!" Artemis admired these adventurers from another world.

Although in the short few days that she came to Orario, Artemis also learned about the immortal legend of adventurers from other worlds.

But after all, I have never witnessed it with my own eyes——

In addition, there is such a thing as death,

It doesn't mean that you can ignore that fear if you can be resurrected.

You will still feel the pain when you are killed!

It is said that among Orario, the protagonist of a certain heroic epic who also comes from another world has the ability to "load files" all over again.

But the mental pressure and collapse caused by each death,

They are all inevitable and are clearly described in the epic.

"They may be more tenacious and enjoy it more than you think..." Homura responded casually while running with Artemis on the path of the students, with a smile on his face.

Don’t underestimate the madness of the fourth natural disaster...

As long as there are enough reward incentives,

Plus the decisive difference in mentality.

The fear of death will be suppressed to the lowest level, but will be transformed into a stronger motivation and vented angrily.

Flame: "A certain great man once said: 'If there is a 10% profit rate, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere;

With a profit rate of 20, it becomes active;

With a 50% profit rate, it dares to take risks;

For the sake of 100% profit, it dares to trample all human laws;

With a profit rate of 300%, it dares to commit any crime, even risk being hanged. ’

Now they are only afraid that there are not enough monsters to equip them with a brand new Noble Phantasm.

I will never feel dangerous, nor will I bow my head just because of this difficulty.

If you have played the Souls in the Enchanted Crystal series of games,

I know that there is an existence called human beings. Once I get serious about it,

How strong can one's will be?

For a treasure that far exceeds any treasure in the world,

How much willpower do you think humans can exert? "

Artemis looked at the fearless 'knights' who, even when they were surrounded by monsters and torn to pieces by the roaring monsters, would angrily raise their middle fingers to indicate that they would be back soon.

"...Now they may even dare to fight against the gods!" Artemis finally chose to obey her heart and subconsciously said something that shocked herself.

Precisely because we know the difference in strength between humans and gods,

That is the vast distance between heaven and earth.

Boom~! !

If you can fight, you will fight. If you can't fight, you will commit suicide and explode the supply of potions and bombs you got from the Hermes Familia.

A group of students suddenly discovered a new score-boosting technique!


If you can't kill a few monsters in a long time, you might be killed by the monsters.

But after the active suicide explosion, the refresh rate of merit increased rapidly. Are even the monsters killed after the explosion counted as killed by them themselves?

How efficient is a self-destruction attack? !


The students all felt their eyes light up.

At the same time, I was calculating in my mind whether the time I had to sacrifice and have to meditate to recover after death was worth it...

After finally getting the optimal solution! !

"For the world we love so much!!" It was clearly the students who were shouting the declaration of righteous people. More and more students suddenly changed their attitude.

From a serious person who hacked and killed each other with monsters, he turned into a terrorist and a self-destructor.

More like monsters than monsters,

Compared with these small scorpion monsters that have no emotions and only know how to kill, they are more like monsters, cruel and crazy!

Be ruthless to your enemies, and even ruthless to yourself.

Boom~! !

As one mushroom cloud after another rises into the sky,

All the monsters around him have been cleared away!


After a few minutes, the meditation was completed and the resurrected spiritual bodies,

It will also be refreshed in the nearby initial camp because Yan's game universe is used as the coordinate.

Then he obtained new potion bombs from the logistics staff of the Hermes Familia.

"Hey~! Hey~! Don't grab it!! If you use it like this, the potion won't be enough after a while!

Leave a few mouthfuls for others! "

"...! Then don't try your best to stuff it all over your body!! Fuck——! It's all covered with it!"

A group of newly resurrected students were desperately hanging potion bottles on their bodies.

I wish I could stuff two of them in my butthole.

Just so that the explosion can be bigger and wider later.

"You beast——! The way you play the game, just a few monsters won't be enough!"

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