
A group of people have faster hand speeds! Everyone started grabbing potion bombs frantically.

In the eyes of the students, this is almost equated with a large number of meritorious deeds!

The Dicuo family members in charge of logistics looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

For a while, I didn’t even dare to stop or remind...

His whole body is covered with so many dangerous potion bombs,

Are you really afraid that if it accidentally explodes during the battle, you will lose the fun?

Hermes and other members of the Familia who were luring the enemy on the front line only had one or two in their hands to use as grenades.

And the students said they were really not afraid...

Danger? What they want is danger, what they want is detonation!

Wherever there are the most monsters, just rush there! As long as you rush in and successfully detonate the bomb, you will gain blood!

Roar~! !


Located deep within the seal, Scorpio Enteles in the underground temple,

Feeling aware of the outside world, small monsters that are dying crazily,

Although the army of monsters sent out by it will not feel fear,

But because they couldn't understand the enemy's brain circuit, they all fell into a panic as if they were at a loss.

The instilled hunting instinct is to continuously compress the survival circle to make the enemy fearful, lose fighting spirit, and finally lose the ability to resist.

But don’t talk about fear now—

Even before their death, these people were as excited, full of fighting spirit, and full of killing intent as if they had been given blood.

They are simply more like monsters than them, crueler, bloodier, and colder... like evil ghosts crawling out of hell.

The small monsters cannot understand the current situation in front of them.

After sharing the vision and transmitting the information to the mother body Scorpio Entres as the mastermind,

This legendary god-killing weapon is also in chaos!

Chapter 272: Are you that confident in those adventurers?

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Since it cannot be understood, then destroy it!

Roaring, Scorpio desperately absorbed the power of the Moon God, and suddenly countless blue flashes of light fell from the sky like heavenly punishment and rain of arrows, bombarding the distant battlefield.

Boom! !

Countless adventurers were wiped out before they even got close to the monsters.

"...! Fuck...! Get out of the way!!" A student screamed, and the next moment he was swept away by the light rain, and was blown to pieces, leaving a bottomless pit on the spot.

A scene like missiles washing the ground,

Let the students' offensive pause slightly.

But then a sense of anger and excitement hit!

The surviving students: “!!!Awesome!

Is this the god-killing monster? "

They were so excited that they trembled all over, took a breath, and tried their best to calm down the fear in their hearts, but when they thought of... even such a terrifying power.

Even the surface of the earth does not know how many layers of soil have been reduced by the bombardment,

You can't really kill them either! !

What followed immediately was strong confidence and...a kind of enthusiasm that refused to admit defeat.

Is the enemy strong?


But it is precisely because it is powerful that it is challenging and gives people a sense of accomplishment in conquering.

Although the current level is still scary, it is not enough to deter them! !

"Spread out!!!"

Later, some students became more sophisticated and stopped fighting in groups. Instead, they hid in the forest and attacked the monsters from all directions.

They don’t have to really fight anyway,

As long as you escape the bombing, rush into the monster group, and self-destruct painlessly, everything will be fine!

The enemy's dispersion also caused Enteles's attacks to be dispersed.

He didn't even kill a few students, but killed many small Scorpio monsters.

This made the students watching from a distance howl inwardly——

Gan~! ! Just compete with your companions for heads.

Now the boss is competing with them for heads?

Gradually, it was discovered that such an attack would kill eight hundred enemies and injure one thousand.

Antras also stopped attacking,

Then a crescent moon composed of countless small magic circles began to gather above the head.

The crescent moon makes a bow——! Then——!

The Orario gods on the other side of the world can clearly see it even if they raise their heads.

The moon above my head turned into two,

And on one of them, bow strings and arrows have gradually begun to condense...

The shining, bright light gathered into an arrow that was enough to destroy the surface of the earth! !

Gods: "...!!"

Loki: "Did...failed?!"

Freya, who was drinking red wine in the back room: "No, maybe Scorpio is afraid! The final desperate struggle begins!"

Loki was surprised: "Are you so confident in those adventurers from another world?"

The corner of Freya's mouth curled up slightly and she said, "Maybe!"

She is not confident in those adventurers,

But have confidence in that adult!

With Master Yan here, how could we lose?

...and on the other side,

Feeling the world-destroying bow beginning to gather above my head,

Artemis was also a little anxious;

Fortunately, they have arrived at the sealed gate.

After relying on the divine will of Artemis to open the door.

Under the protection of a group of students,

Yan and the others stepped into the last corridor, and then a huge scorpion-shaped monster appeared at the end of the field of vision.

"... Ontles!!"

"Is this... the monster that kills gods?!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" The moment a group of students saw the huge figure, their heartbeats seemed to slow down, and their breathing seemed to stop at that moment.

Blood flowed backwards,

The fear of huge things may be engraved in human DNA,

Even in epics, similar behemoths have been seen more than once,

and even more terrifying scenes have been seen.

But the moment they saw the scorpion,

especially the students who understood that this was reality and a real crusade, they were suddenly silent, and the hair on their bodies stood up.

"How can we fight such a big monster!"

The students looked at their thin arms and legs,

and suddenly remembered the scene in the Lostbelt,

the servants scraped the Thunder Emperor, and the embarrassment of Beowulf being regarded as a savior and chopping trees.

The weapons in human hands are no different from toothpicks to monsters of that size.

Even if they can break through the defense,

they are just like toothpicks poking through the skin, which can't hurt the bones.

Except for making the monster hurt... there is no other use.



Thinking of the treasure, thinking of the qualification for customizing the A-level and B-level treasures.

If I can hurt this big guy,

the merits I get must be more than killing any other monsters, right? !

If I can take the last head, then wouldn't it be the first place, stable?

"For the treasure!!!" After a self-brainwashing, forgetting the fear and taking a step forward bravely,


the students seemed to feel their bodies lighten, and infinite power surged from their bodies.

After the first student rushed out with a fearless roar,

the other students seemed to be affected by the chain reaction of dominoes,

and rushed to Scorpio Ontles.

Bang~! ! Boom!

Ontres waved his huge limbs and swept forward suddenly, and suddenly...

The huge corridor broke in the middle.

Under this blow, countless students' spirit bodies were shattered, and the broken limbs flew into the sky and turned into starlight. The spirit power dissipated and returned to the body.

This fierce scene,

immediately angered countless students!

Not only did it fail to make them retreat, but it became more ferocious.

For a while, the sound of potion bombs exploding continued to sound.

Some of them exploded instantly after being hit by Scorpio's limbs.

Some rushed all the way to Scorpio's feet and died heroically after shouting!

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