At this time, because the corridor was blown up,

Homura and Artemis, who could only go to the bottom of the pit, came to the place where Artemis's family had sacrificed their lives.

When she saw the bodies of those children and the dried black and red blood, Artemis said sadly, "I'm back."

But there is no time to remember more...

"Orion, now...start communicating with the power of the divine spear!

If you are now, you should be able to exert some of the true power of the magic gun.

You have seen the power of Entres.

Although these children will not really die, their spirits will eventually fail.

If this continues, it will definitely be our side that is unable to hold on and perish first. "

Artemis begged sincerely.

"As long as Orion's arrow penetrates the crystal in the monster's chest... Scorpio will perish,

The world-destroying arrows from the sky will also dissipate. "

"...The moment you penetrate the crystal, you will die. This is not salvation at all, Artemis. I will not use the magic gun to shoot Scorpio." Of course, Yan refused, and then he looked at this Enteles, who had not yet revealed the crystal on his chest,

It is different from the Scorpio in the original work who exposed the crystal on his chest in order to further squeeze the power of the moon god.

This time it seems that because of the crazy self-destruction of the students, Scorpio has become more cautious and now protects his core crystal well.


Immediately, in the pleading eyes of Artemis,

She knew it was wrong to force such a heavy burden and such cruel thing on Homura.


This is the only way to defeat the monster.

On the other side, Yan thought of something and suddenly took action.

Although he didn't really intend to kill Scorpio with Orion's arrow, he still took the magic gun handed over by Artemis.

When Artemis watched Homura take over the magic spear, she felt relieved in her heart, but also felt a little empty for some unknown reason.


‘What else am I asking for, this is fine.

I was ready to make sacrifices.

Now Orion's pain is even greater than mine...

Isn't this the result I want to see? ’

Chapter 273 Yan: Have you ever heard of the miserable black warrior!

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The next moment——

Holding the divine spear upside down, a sound like the ringing of a bell echoed on the divine spear.

When I saw the pure white light shining on the divine spear and even Homura's entire body,

Artemis and even countless students who were fighting couldn't help but cast their gaze over.

Some were even killed by monsters in sneak attacks.

I could only curse loudly, and then decisively chose to ‘self-destruct’, boom, boom~! !

Amidst the constant explosions,

But the bell seemed to ring in the silence, extremely clear, as if it was about to sound the angel's death signal.

Yan's arm holding the magic gun exerted a little force, and a crisp rolling sound came out——

(You can refer to the powerful voice of a certain welding knight - Black, Son of the Sun, when he transforms.)

Slowly make a throwing motion,


Assumption - an arrow thrown by a body with the same weight and density as the planet,

How much power will it cause?

The great hero of ancient Persia, Arash, was astonishing and his arrow that flew across the borders seemed to be still close before his eyes.

In the eyes of people, the echo of the sharp gun is releasing the inner strength.

But no one doubted it at all,

It might just be that someone's hand was too strong, causing a certain artifact to spontaneously protect itself.

Although the artifact is naturally not that easy to break...

Ordinary people don’t even think about breaking the artifact.

Even if you hit it with a Noble Phantasm, it will be difficult to break it.

But obviously a man whose hands are as strong as the density of the planet itself is not considered normal or ordinary people.

Boom~! ! !

Whoosh~! ! ! ! The next moment,

It penetrated the atmosphere and suddenly hit the surrounding air to form a large, dull ring. Even the ground beneath Yan's feet suddenly sank into a deep pit.

And Orion's arrow had turned into a flash of light, perhaps finished in the blink of an eye.

The whistling beam of light penetrated Scorpio's eyes with extreme ferocity and ferocity, and then shot directly into outer space.

And when Scorpio's eye was poked out, even a moment of blocking was a stain on the brutality of the shot.

A huge mushroom cloud exploded from Scorpio's eyes,

Half of the God-killing Weapon's head just disappeared...

And Orion's arrow, which was trending unabated from above, directly hit the arrow of the world-destroying crescent moon that was slowly condensing.

He was directly hit by the uncondensed arrow and was completely destroyed.

Then continue towards outer space! Suddenly, the shadow disappeared!



Everyone was stunned by this terrifying blow.

The power of that artifact is so terrifying? ! !


The adventurers who reacted looked at Scorpio, who had lost most of his head.

They couldn't help but cheer for this shocking scene,


This is……


Although I didn’t expect the boss to be killed so easily, I felt unwilling to do so...

But with their strength, even self-destruction seems to be a bit scratchy.

In this case,

It’s not a bad thing to be able to see the magnificent scene just now!


The next moment,

Everyone was stunned, and the cheers became smaller and smaller.

They saw that Scorpio's head was slowly repairing under the familiar moonlight shine.

"It's the divine power of the original body! Oops!

The shot just now should have hit Scorpio's chest..." Artemis said anxiously, feeling a little shocked and moved inside at this moment.

Didn't you originally plan to shoot the crystal in the chest?

The monster's weakness has obviously been explained clearly.

"It doesn't matter……

But now the magic gun is gone, and there is no second chance.

You can only choose to believe me. "Yan turned back and said with a smile, the indifference in his tone,

It was as if what was thrown out just now was not a vital artifact, but just a throwaway piece of shit.

There is no magic gun...

Still want to defeat the god-killing monster?

Artemis shook her head, then gritted her teeth and showed a firm expression: "...! I have always believed in you. I will fight with you until the last moment Orion!

As long as you haven't given up!

No, you will definitely win.

Because you are a hero. "

"...Hero?" Yan,

Speaking of which, he recorded the entire process from the beginning of this boss crusade.

Prepare to put it on the magic crystal afterwards,

Attract more young people with dreams and fighting spirit to join Academy City.

Maybe some people are hesitant and just have to give it a try...

And as long as you are young, you will definitely not be able to refuse.

The so-called moment of becoming a ‘hero’! !

And thinking of those strange knights created by the students,

There are quite a lot of interesting ancient gods, but not many of them have online aesthetics.

It’s not enough for such a ‘hero’ to appear on the screen!

Maybe a character will be promoted as a ‘funny hero’ without realizing it.

'It should be almost done...'

Homura, who had no intention of actually leaving Scorpio to the students to deal with alone,

Looking at the students who have almost gained experience and are gradually unable to catch up with their resurrection speed,

Decided to take matters into his own hands to deal with Enteles.

At the same time, it is also to give this promotional video a perfect ending.

"As an adventurer from another world,

With the help of my own god, it is normal for me to be able to mentally transform into a knight. "Yan suddenly said.

Moon Goddess Artemis was slightly stunned, a little confused: "Huh?!

Orion's trump card is to become a strange knight like everyone else. "

Artemis hesitated a little.

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