To say it's strange would be an understatement.

It’s not simply strange, it’s very strange!

But if you can become that kind of immortal spiritual body,

It's true that fighting becomes more relaxed.

But just like this, Artemis didn't think she could deal with that Scorpio.

At least the performance of other knights is far from enough!

Although there are worries in my heart, I have already determined to accompany Yan in the last moment of the Battle Road, the moment before the world of Battle Road is destroyed.

It’s also a kind of romance…

The goddess who thinks so...

He did not express his worries, but smiled gently, choosing to support and believe in Homura.

Artemis: "If it's Orion,

After transforming, I will definitely be able to defeat that Scorpio! "

Homura: " just said hero, right?"

Artemis: "What?"

Homura: "What I want to say - heroes also have a stage for heroes to fight.

Now is the time for the grim black warrior to appear.

I won't let you die here.

I will not die, you will not die, and this world will not perish,

Let me do it for you now. "

Chapter 274: Use Ultimate Kuuga as a promotional video!

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"I don't want to see anyone cry anymore..."

"So, please watch my transformation!"

If you can't save everyone you want to save,

That kind of rescue would be meaningless.

In order to achieve a perfect ending,

The dark form that a certain man once incarnated.

Almost subconsciously, Homura said that person's famous line.

My mind is full of how to bring this promotion to a perfect end, and there is no one more suitable to appear at this moment than the most popular warrior among the knights.

Compared with other more modern and mechanized knights,

That stern black warrior,

It is also more similar to the current mental body and the 'knights' transformed by students who take the physical strengthening route.

More sense of immersion.

Thinking like this, when he came back to his senses, those rather shameful words had already been spoken.

In the eyes of the outside world, Artemis and others would only regard these as Homura's words.

Affected by that heavy atmosphere,

Artemis looked at the man in front of her in shock...

‘Because I don’t want to see people cry anymore,

Does this include me?

No, I should say it must be included.

If the previous shot was aimed at the chest,

Except for a world where goddesses can cry, it can probably be achieved.

Everyone can rejoice in the happiness that the world crisis has been lifted.

Don't hesitate to do this...

Fight too!

That firm will to protect others——’

"Is this the real 'hero'?" Artemis thought with some emotion, it was really great that Orion could be him.

The next moment,

A belt appeared on Homura.

"That's it?" Many students who noticed the situation here, or whose attention was attracted from just now, were stunned.

It feels so familiar——

Then I noticed that almost all of my companions had similar belts on their waists.

Is this a characteristic of their spiritual bodies after transformation?


Does that person also want to...!

Just when the students couldn't help but guess.

henxin! !

As Yan walked forward, he kicked...

A burst of red light began to appear on the surface of the body!

Then he stepped forward again, and an armor frame composed of golden arcs began to grow on Yan's body. Finally, a knight composed of a set of black armor and red compound eyes walked out of the red light.

Kamen Rider Kuuga's ultimate form appears,

When the style of painting is completely different from that of the warriors present,

The appearance seems to come with special effects, and the sense of heaviness and sadness rises.

In the dark... The little magician Mei Li of the trumpet flower in the waistcoat makes people feel like they are seeing pictures flashing by in a trance.

It was the top of a snow-capped mountain,

The crying black hero and the laughing white demon flashed past.

The footsteps with blood marks left clear and deep footprints in the snow one after another.

It was like a hiker with a heavy weight on his shoulders.

"Snow (blood)...?!" A student woke up suddenly, only to find that he was still in the underground temple in front of him.

There are still those dangerous small monsters all around, and in the distance is the terrifying Scorpio Enteles.

The snowy mountain scene just now seemed to be just an illusion.


but……? !

When people subconsciously looked in one direction, a black warrior appeared where the original flame disappeared!

"It's him!!" Suddenly everyone seemed to recall the cold snowy day just now,

In that silent silence, a figure fighting alone.

It's like returning to the most primitive survival battle, a brutal fist-to-flesh fight between flesh and blood!

It is more of a competition of wills.

It was clearly underground, but the students felt as if heavy snow was falling all around.

"Wait...what were those...?!

Is that also a spiritual body? "A student murmured in a daze.

"Black...hero!" Artemis.

And the ultimate form of empty self in front of me,

His handsomeness, calm temperament, and the posture of a battle-hardened warrior, as well as the aura of ultimate darkness that seems to be oppressive, and the complete opposite of the gentle red compound eyes,

Everyone:…………! !

It turns out that compound eyes can be so handsome!


They originally thought that they could pinch their faces pretty well and were already very handsome.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt regretful——

At the same time, I doubted my own aesthetics.


Misstep...why couldn't we (we) come up with such a handsome appearance at that time.

If you stick to this!

This has a strong aura and stylish appearance.

Woohoo~! Love it, love it!

Of course, if they were to pinch it now, they wouldn't be able to do it.

It's not that Homura restricted his appearance;

Instead, based on the mental power and control the students had when they first created their mental bodies,

Even if I imagine the appearance of the Ultimate Kongga in my mind,

In the end, it was difficult to create such a complex shape...

It would be great if I could create a white space at the beginning of my life.

In addition, everyone's spirit and preferences are slightly different, so a one-to-one replica is basically impossible to achieve.

Immediately, the students looked at the most eye-catching dark warrior who looked like the king of knights, aiming at Scorpio Enteles with one hand,

Then a supernatural started a fire—!

Boom~! ! !

Angtles' body suddenly began to glow with raging white flames.

"White...white flames!" The students lost their voices.

Is this magic?

But how? !

They are also knights, why don't they have such cool skills? Just being able to make such a huge Scorpio burn.

The flame is still white? !

This is the color of the flames that are like the flames of condemnation, like the real moon god judging the sins of this beast that killed the moon goddess,

(Dark place——Merry: I added magic!!

A little special effects magic!

Mei Li, the flower magician, successfully won the best special effects artist of the show! )

The flames soaring into the sky illuminated the entire underground seal temple,

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