Like a huge burning firewood,

Faced with the painful howl of the god-killing monster,

No one is paying attention to where Orion's Arrow, which was originally supposed to be a key artifact, has flown to.

‘Can we win? ! ’ Such thoughts arose in the hearts of everyone present at the same time.

Even Artemis, the goddess of the moon, saw hope.


Just under the spotlight,

Everyone saw Homura's transformation into the ultimate red-eyed Kuuga, spreading his hands downwards and holding them empty, and slowly squatted down and made a movement to accumulate energy before running.

Typical nuclear blast kick posture,

Although talking about the posture of Ultimate Kuuga, every flat attack is comparable to a big move, and there is no need to pose at all.

But it's handsome!

Facing the huge Scorpio,

As a world boss that was defeated in the promotional video, let’s give it a relatively decent death!


"What are those gestures and actions... intended to do?" The students felt their hearts skip a beat for no reason, always feeling that something even more shocking was about to happen next.

But the next moment, they wondered if they were being too suspicious.

It's just an action...

Chapter 275 Hulia!!! Nuclear blast kick!

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The nuclear explosion kick is not like those before the large-scale magic is cast.

There will be many obvious and extremely complex magic circles.

Therefore, people can't see anything just from the movements...


(Merry: 'I'll add a little more special effects!')

Spreading from the belt to the legs, golden lightning began to rise from one of Ultimate Kuuga's footsteps, looming.

Then golden arcs of electricity shone all over the body,

Finally they all came together.

At that moment, the wind seemed to have stopped.

Amidst the howling wind and swaying white firelight, Scorpio Enteles, who had not yet noticed what he was going to face next, was still roaring in pain.

Its figure was shrouded in flames, now like a large torch,

Except for the occasional shaking limbs,

The students can no longer see what it looks like inside.


The next moment,

People looked at a dark figure, like rushing lightning, and suddenly rushed towards it.

"Ah~!" The students suddenly exclaimed,

It is human nature to be afraid of fire.

Even if they have mastered the power, they may not be afraid of ordinary flames.

But obviously the pale flame that was as hot as the moonlight was not among them.

Fear comes from the unknown…

No one knows how dangerous it is in that mysterious white flame.


Now sprinting towards Scorpio, who is covered in flames, isn't it like launching a suicide attack on Huo Jie!

Different from them who are pure spiritual bodies...

The students can see it very clearly.

That pitch-black figure was directly transformed by the opponent's flesh and blood body!

And at this time——

It was the moment when people exclaimed and widened their eyes,

The Ultimate Kuuga had already rushed in front of Entres, jumped into the air with both feet, rolled and then kicked hard into the flames.

——Julia! !

After a shout that echoed throughout the temple,

People completely lost their pitch-black figure before their eyes, and then a dull, earthquake-like roar suddenly came from the flames.

——Kicked! !

Such thoughts just flashed through people's minds, and the next moment,

Buzz~! A burst of bright light suddenly rose from the pale flame, and the swaying flame seemed to become more dazzling white.

Just when people thought it was an illusion, boom! ! ! ! !

With Enteles as the center, terrifying energy suddenly exploded,

Ah~! !

The knights who did not react were swallowed up by the rapidly expanding energy waves and turned into sand in an instant.

Countless small Scorpio monsters were also destroyed in an instant, whoosh~!

The next moment,

A huge inverted bowl-shaped energy body broke through the underground temple, and then brought up the stratospheric sand that went straight to the sky. Boom~!

There was another loud noise that shook the world. The Hermes Familia and others who were fighting the monster army as bait in the distance were shocked and looked at the place where the underground temple was sealed in horror.

The heat waves and hot sand are higher and higher,

Everything that polluted the world and reappeared in the destruction of the world was suddenly swept across the surrounding land, as if everything was being reclaimed and plowed!

"Oops~! Run!!! Run away!!" God Hermes looked at the huge mushroom cloud that was expanding rapidly and was about to break out of the sealed zone...

grass--! !

It's too late!

All this happened in just a moment.

Realizing that it was impossible to avoid the aftermath of this unknown attack...

Hermes really wanted to curse at this moment——!

Do you have to use your divine power?

Otherwise... you will die! He must die!

Is this an attack from Enteles? Impossible!

Is that the liberating power of Orion’s Arrow?

After all, both sides use the power of the Moon God...

But when did Moon God's power become so violent?

Feeling the heat and light that is about to be swallowed up by the sun,

The violent energy that destroys the world!

Just when Hermes was trying to protect himself, he no longer cared about being sent back to heaven after using his divine power.

The next moment——

When those heat waves approached the seal, they suddenly...

It's like the pause button has been pressed,

Time and space stopped.

Then a pile of pink petals enveloped all the members of the Familia present and the god Hermes.

Let the trumpet Meili pull away and activate the Noble Phantasm, and take these people back to Avalon to avoid the nuclear explosion.

Wow~! !

Even the Noble Phantasm Liberation Language was skipped.

"Hello~!! Everyone... are you surprised or not?!

Welcome to Meili-chan’s Fairy Castle! "

At this time, the sage at the top of the tower greeted countless adventurers who came to the paradise.

"Not...not dead?! Weren't we swallowed by the terrifying energy just now?"

"Where is this?"

"Lord Hermes, are you okay?"

A group of family members cried with joy.

God knows what they just saw!

That big explosion emitted from the inside of the seal for unknown reasons,

Even the sky seemed to be swallowed up and completely dyed red, making a big hole.

It's really scary! That scene!

Hermes: "It's okay... It seems that I was saved by that beautiful goddess from another world.

This should be the fantasy land of Avalon described in King Arthur's epic. "

Hermes breathed a sigh of relief and thanked 'Merry' above for taking the lead in taking off her hat and saluting.

Then the adventurers from each family clan reacted one after another and saluted gratefully.

It was really a life-and-death situation just now!

"Oops...the adventurers from another world and the goddess Artemis are still inside...Lord Hermes!" Asfi El Ander, the leader of the Hermes Familia, the blue-haired eyed girl Lomoda's expression changed and she said hurriedly.

Hermes: "Don't worry! The Flower Magician was originally accompanying us to fight over there.

Since she can unfold Avalon and pull us in, she can also pull Artemis and the others in,

If you don't see it now, it doesn't mean something happened.

Avalon is so big here, maybe those people are in the other corner. "

Asfi El: "There are so many adventurers, even if they are far apart..."

Hermes dragged his chin as if he had thought of something and said suddenly: "Those guys won't really die anyway...

Well, maybe Goddess Mei Li didn’t intend to save them all. "

Saying this, the corner of Hermes' mouth curled up with a trace of pleasure.

Asfi El, who was well aware of the bad character of his god, knew that the other party was playing tricks on him again.


This time Hermes was right!

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