In fact, he also had some guesses about the truth.

Plus, it’s Mellie after all! !

The woman with the same origin as Merlin,

It’s normal to do whatever frivolous things you do!

Chapter 276 The next one will be decided by you, Sora!

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The moment before being engulfed by terrifying energy, flames and hot sand,

Sleeping Beauty finally woke up from her deep sleep, with a trace of tears in her eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he was protected by the dark warrior in his arms, in the form of a princess.

Finally walked out of the center of the nuclear explosion...

That powerful kick...

Kicked away all the haze in the dark night.

"Didn't I tell you? I won't make you cry anymore...

For this reason, we must save you and the world together.

So...don't cry. "

"These are tears of joy! My Orion!

It is the taste of happiness!

Thank you, really... thank you for everything you have done for me~! "At this time, the remnants of the goddess had already turned into blue-white light particles and returned to the original body. Even the original Moon God changed her usual attitude of hating love.

He smiled happily at the knight.

This is an epic battle to prevent the girl from crying and to make the goddess and the world smile happily.

This can also be seen in this world,

It is not a heroic tale that only appeared in the past and in books.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh~!! Let us applaud and sing praises for the black hero!" God Hermes, who was applauding, led all the members of the family to offer sacrifices to the hero who rescued the goddess. The biggest celebration.

And this scene was eventually included in the ‘promotional video’.

Before I knew it, the time came a few days later.

On Orario's side, the monsters in the dungeon were rioting, because they were led by the two major families Loki and Freya.

The suppression was also successfully completed...

But it is still not as good as the glory of the horrifying monsters brought back by Homura and others, the god-killing weapon.

And the story of the destined goddess lover, the legendary black hero, who saved the goddess...

No matter when you put it,

In this world with a heroic theme as the stage, it will always be the most beloved and exciting legend for adventurers.

For the return of the hero, the carnival and celebration banquet unfolded for several days and nights.

Although it is strange that the hero himself disappeared after that,

But it doesn’t matter…

This does not affect the adventurers who simply want to hear about that wonderful adventure.

Then when I heard the excitement, I felt like toasting and having a banquet.


With the successful production of the promotional video,

It is not just posted on the Magic Crystal Forum of the Taoist World for the purpose of recruiting students.

Even the wrong world and the re world are updated simultaneously.

More and more people have witnessed the saving figure in the flames~!

That dark and stern warrior marching backward toward the pale flame!

"So...handsome!!" Bell, who was still in the countryside at this time, looked longingly at the black hero in the promotional video.


Originally, in hero stories, it was a color that mostly appeared in the form of evil, monsters, and devils.

For the first time, it appeared in the person of decency and the savior.

But the darkness of the ultimate void,

But it's not disgusting...

On the contrary, it is deep and mysterious, coupled with those red eyes that make people feel warm from the bottom of their hearts for some reason.

This dark appearance actually adds a sense of security.

Walking peacefully in the darkness to serve the light, the dawn watchman.

In addition, men seem to naturally prefer darkness to light!

Cool enough!

Therefore, the black hero, this unique individual, is like the sun that is guarded the brightest among the stars.

It is so charming and cannot be ignored.

The most handsome guy in the crowd, the most handsome and unique one among the heroes, is exactly what he said.

And coupled with the appearance of Ultimate Kuuga, he is indeed the most unique and handsome among many adventurers...

"The knight in that his name Kuuga?" Many adventurers based their name on the promotional video.

I also learned the name of the mysterious black hero for the first time.

This name is completely different from Homura's real name.

It should have been a very strange thing,

But people have a special feeling that distinguishes the appearance after transformation from the self before transformation.

Giving a name that is like a code name is also very touching.

It's like a precious phantom or a knight's armor,

As long as you obtain it, you can become the powerful, mysterious hero who walked out of the explosion without looking back.

That longing——

Let many young people dream,

I’ve all dreamed of it——

The person who becomes an empty self is what he is.

He turned into a black hero, saved the world, and held a beautiful goddess in his arms, and was admired by thousands of people.

Ah——~! !

Just thinking about it is a dream that can make innocent young boys like Bell blush and get excited.

Those who prevent people from crying and tragedies are worthy of the name of heroes.

Isn't this one of the sources of their initial pursuit to become a hero?

Such a person is very handsome! !

"But is Kongga also that kind of existence called a spiritual body?"

"I never thought that a spiritual body could be transformed in this way!"

On the Magic Crystal Forum,

Many people are also talking about Homura's Kuuga transformation method.

The existence of a spiritual body,

It has been so long, and it is no longer a secret that there are many different worlds on earth.

But the method of 'transformation' is obviously different from the way the spiritual body appears.

The latter is more like the concept of avatar...

The former provides many adventurers and gods with a new 'hero mode' inspiration.

This mode of transformation, the posture of becoming more powerful...

He was simply born to be a hero.

A romance full of personal heroism!

And when necessary, it seems to be able to help the hero hide his true face and protect mankind silently without anyone knowing.

Not for honor, fame, or praise from others,

I just want to protect other people’s smiles,

If you follow this process - oh oh~!

That would be even greater!

Just thinking about it makes the gods tremble and say they are so high...

How attractive are the heroes born from this process?

Isn’t there a similar story about King Arthur that proves it before?

Unlike the old sword, the female version of King Arthur always hides her gender and fights, sacrificing her youth and happiness for the country and the people.

Sacrificed everything.

Just hiding my identity,

I need to become more professional when I transform.

He can truly be called a masked knight...

And rumors about Kamen Rider are gradually spreading on the Internet,

The students were almost in tears...

In addition to not being able to transform, they are also 'knights'!

If you want to talk about hiding your identity,

Compared to Homura's true identity, which is known to the world,

They are more like Kamen Riders!

Why hasn't such a cool saying become popular before?

He has quite a lot of reputations for being a weirdo, a natural disaster, etc...!

My heart is tired and I have no love~!

Homura, who had been paying attention to the online forum, smiled knowingly and felt his eyes light up: "Then I might as well show you how the real Kamen Rider protects the world." ’

How can a promotional video alone be enough...

Homura himself had the idea of ​​bringing Kuuga's story to the forefront in the form of a tokusatsu drama.

At this time, it is obvious that the best time has come!

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