Even they saw the flash just now.

Things that do not exist will materialize into existence because they are "spoken".

That's right - that is!

In Hitti's confused eyes, blue and white arcs flashed in the endless desert.

"Ah!" As the power of "words" was materialized.

Just like reason, just like the spirit of words, their words are rules, and they redefine the world.

Countless lines shining with azure light like circuit boards appeared in the bodies of the two.

Then even the skin began to show dazzling lines flashing.

"What is this...?" Hitti let out a painful cry in astonishment.

It was as if the body was forcibly stuffed with steel bars.

Hitti felt that something hot had come in!

Yan, who was also in so much pain that he didn't want to speak...

Just quietly waited for the pain to fade away, and then... he felt the magic power in his body was refilled, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

'Sure enough - it can be materialized! '

"Take the world as a whole..." The boy spoke at this time, his voice was low and mysterious, and his unhurried voice was full of calm smiles.


There is no doubt that he has got the trump card to master the 'law of victory'.

"... and outside the whole, there is still a vast other world like stars——that is the basis for humans in a certain world to perform 'mystery'." The boy was as cheerful as a gentle friend next door, and continued to speak softly.

The words were like stones, rippling waves in Hitti's heart.

"Another world——the basis for performing mystery?!" Hitti couldn't help but take a deep breath and looked at Yan in doubt.

"That's right——that definition is [Magic Circuit]!" Bang! Accompanied by Yan's last words.

In Hitti's eyes, it was like the invisible barrier between the world and the world, which was forcibly broken in half.

The other side of the broken mirror is an equally magnificent and colorful world!

Hitti's beautiful ice-blue eyes suddenly widened and opened wide.

She recalled the essence of the ‘thing’ that Yan had just analyzed clearly, word by word.

“New… new source of magic power! Is this a new source of magic power!? How is it possible!” The girl stammered, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

The girl was trembling all over, stunned.

Even when she heard about the ‘40,000 books in another world’, she had never been half as surprised as she was now.

——Absolutely impossible! Absolutely impossible!

What kind of Arabian Nights is this! !

It’s not that there has been no strange knowledge of the ‘other world’ in the past.

But that was just another line of development due to the different development direction of ‘civilization’.

In any case, the ‘fundamentals’ of exercising mystery as a magician should not change!

In other words, as long as you are ‘human’, you must have the [Magic Corridor]. As long as you use magic, you must pass through the [Magic Corridor]!

This is just like humans must eat and drink water, and apples must fall from top to bottom.

This is something that will not change in essence.

But at this time, Yan's words broke her cognition and the unchanging law.

Feeling the mysterious charm and the intoxicating magnificent scenery in her body.

The shining blue light instantly fascinated the eyes of the seventh-level holy magician.

Although her brain kept trembling, the common sense in the past was desperately telling her that the so-called [magic circuit] could not exist.

But she couldn't help but look at the pattern obsessively.

Her eyes never moved away from the shining circuit board on her skin.

Wait! Is such a beautiful scenery really fake! ?

The fantasy in the other party's "cognition" should not be materialized!

In other words, the boy in front of him at least believed that the "magic circuit" existed.

Hitie thought with shock in her heart.


If there is no sufficient "composition" theory, even this spiritual world, the existence of the "magic circuit", cannot be materialized.

"What exactly is a magic circuit!?" Unable to hold back any longer, Hitti spoke to Homura in a tone that was almost pleading and crazy.

Homura smiled gently.


[Simulated Star Creation Chart] has the power to observe celestial bodies, and for Homura, the so-called 'celestial bodies' are other 'worlds'.

Observing 'celestial bodies' is a very complicated process.

Sometimes with good luck, you can inadvertently detect 'fragments' from other worlds and determine the coordinates of the 'world'.

After Homura traveled through time and awakened the [Simulated Star Creation Chart], a few days later, he observed a new world.

And it was a world he was very familiar with.

The picture he saw from that world confirmed that it was exactly the same as the world called 'Type-Moon' in his original impression.

'A magician hidden in the dark, unknown to the world. There are also Clock Tower, Holy Grail War, Dead Apostles, True Ancestors, and other existences that Homura is extremely familiar with. '

Sure enough -

It's that 'Type-Moon'.

Chapter 27 Homura: Correction, the one just now is not a trump card!

"In another world, 'magician' is the name for humans who use mysterious combat methods. You can think of them as magicians on our side." Yan.

"Excellent magicians are good at the technique of drawing magic from the world. Just like a filter, magicians use their bodies as conversion circuits, draw magic from the outside world, and make magic that humans can use. This conversion circuit, magicians call it a magic circuit."

As Yan uttered these words.

His words seemed to open the door to a new world for Hitti.

"How incredible." The girl blushed, and finally could only spit out such weak words.

She looked at Yan with great surprise and enthusiasm.

She racked her brains but couldn't think of a better word to praise this "door".

In the end, she could only give up helplessly.

"If the magic in the human body is compared to a small source, and the magic contained in the world is compared to a large source. Under normal circumstances, the large source is naturally stronger than the small source. Excellent magicians are good at driving the magic circuit to draw magic from the outside world to fight. From the perspective of use, there is no difference between the "magic circuit" and the "magic corridor."

"But-" Yan paused here.

"But what?!" Hitti asked hurriedly. She rushed towards Yan, but Yan held her cheek with one hand, and her cute face was deformed.

"Woo woo woo! Come on, tell me!" Even so, the girl still tried desperately to get close to Yan.

At the same time, Hitti couldn't help but make a "hehehe" sound like the big bad wolf seeing the little white sheep.

"Just stand there and listen, no need to get so close!" Yan said helplessly.

The girl looked like a "slut" at this time, as she wanted to get close to his mouth and listen to his voice.

"By the way...won't you continue the "text" below? 30 seconds are almost up."

"Ah!" Hitti was startled and sat up straight.

The two fell into a new round of confrontation.

"Big Tree!" Hitti. The pronunciation of the first letter of Big Tree and the last letter of Magic Circuit are the same in the other world.

Boom! ! The desert, which was originally a yellow sand, became a whole forest of trees because of the girl's "words".

"Trace-on! [Projection starts]" At the moment when the trees rose, Yan also spoke.

This time, it was not a "text chain", but an attempt to drive the magic power in the body.

By observing the world and adding the theoretical explanation of "magic" in the original world.

Yan restored the [Magic Circuit].

Then by the same token -

Since the theory of [Magic Circuit] can be used.

... [Projection Magic] should also be usable.

I have always been thinking about becoming a melee mage [Nuclear Bomb Sword Immortal] - I want to try the 21st company of Crane Wing.

Recalling the introduction of [Projection Magic] in my mind, I started to try it.

"────Projection, start"

Identify the creative concept;

Determine the basic framework;

Copy the composition material;

Imitate the production technology.

At this moment, the sword that gathers fantasy is completed────!

Ge, Gu, Wu, Ah, Ah, Ah——

Accompanied by a burst of electric arcs rising from around Yan, Yan raised his right arm high.

When Hitie's eyes were cast over, under the stunned expression of the girl, a series of sharp swords as black as iron sand materialized from the void.

"Is this——magic!?"

Swish, swish, swish!!! As Yan pressed the back of his hand, the sharp swords around him suddenly shot towards Hitie.

Instantly pierced through several large trees blocking the two along the way.

Bang!!! The sharp swords that shot out suddenly exploded after colliding with the 'entity', splashing smoke and dust all over the ground.

"Ah~!" Ji Zelu, who was watching the battle, exclaimed.

Then she nervously turned towards Hitie.

The center of the smoke and dust was wrapped in sand, and it was impossible to see the situation inside for a while.

"Gege——did we win?!"

"If we won, we should have been out." Yan suddenly spoke, his eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled as he looked at the figure that was gradually becoming clear in the smoke.

It actually "succeeded".

I just don't know how to get the effect.

If he can kill the "other party" directly, it will save him a lot of trouble!

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Yan's face showed a hint of disappointment.

"Ah. Did I disappoint you, boy? Although it's the first time to use this thing called "magic circuit", I can still do it by simply driving "magic power". After all, I am also a magician!"

As the smoke and dust dissipated, the girl who made the voice was now protected by a layer of magic shield.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to defeat her?" Yan said to himself.

"It seems that you also made a mistake! First, you eliminated my 'magic corridor', making it impossible for me to use magic. Then you materialized a magic circuit that I don't understand and am not good at.

It's a pity that this method is not applicable to magicians who have surpassed themselves and understood the principles of the world.

As long as the magic power can be used, even if it is this 'magic circuit', I can compile a magic formula suitable for combat in a short time." Hitti slowly walked out of the smoke and said with a smile.

There was a hint of exploration and thought in her eyes.

"Then - I will accept the final victory." Hitti quickly compiled the magic of 'flying'.

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