She flew into the sky and floated, looking down at Homura and said.

The same dangerous and murderous gaze as when he first entered the library.

On the battlefield, you should have the mentality of killing the opponent and fight with all your strength.

In the game with Homura, Hidi has unknowingly fallen into a duel between 'magicians'. Treat him as a respectable opponent!

At this time, he unleashed that powerful sense of oppression on Yan without any reservation.

Hidi stretched out her hand solemnly and carefully, locking Homura's position.

"I'm very happy with this game, so - it's over!" the girl said softly, and the high-heat flame vortex began to spin in the palm of her hand.

It was a magic that simulated the operation of advanced fire magic - 'Scorching Jet'.

Homura, who was unable to fly, could only be trapped in this forest like a target. The flames will burn through the entire forest in an instant.

Coupled with the opponent's commanding view, Homura's figure was completely invisible.

"Ah,'s over." Homura said calmly at this time.

It was as if he was not at all anxious about the situation in front of him.

Ji Zelu and Restia on the other side had already anxiously clasped their little hands.

And Yan just stood up slowly.

Just in time, it's his turn again!

"Inherent barrier - unlimited sword system." The first and last sounds echo each other.

The judgment of ‘Text Solitaire’ was successful.

Rule 2: If something that does not exist is spoken, it will be manifested.

Suddenly, Yan said to Hidi: "Correct me, I didn't intend to use the [projection] 'magic' just now to solve you... I just wanted to try it, but I didn't expect it to actually work."

"What--" Hittie's face was startled after hearing this, and she looked a little confused, before she could ask anything.


The world inside the retina has changed again.

Chapter 28 The world where mental images are embodied! Another day for world peace!

Before he finished speaking, a whirlwind roared up.

"Inherent enchantment?! - What is that?!" Hitty was startled, the movements of her hands slowed down a bit, and it was another 'terminology' that she had never heard before.

Following the change of light and shadow, Hidi couldn't help but close her eyes. When she opened them again, she was shocked by the 'world' in front of her.

The wind blowing in my face was bone-chilling, as if it would freeze everything.

This is not like the blazing wind that comes from the desert, nor is it like the cool breeze that blows in the mountains and forests.

The unknown cold wind eroded the present world and then subverted it.

Distance and location have lost their meaning at this moment. The strong wind blowing from the wilderness changed everything it went.

On the horizon in the distance, there was a dusk scene like the fading sun, and huge gears were slowly turning on the sky dome like a background cloth.

The green hills were covered with various unknown swords, replacing the original large woods.

at the same time……

There are more swords falling from the sky like rain, joining the plain of swords. Poof! Poof! Poof!

It’s like a desolate world that has been swept away and burned by cold flames——

The world is changing before our eyes.

Changing the sky and the earth, completely replacing the sun, moon and stars, this is a scene that can be called a 'miracle'.

The words that hit Hidi's throat were suddenly stuck, as if being held tightly by invisible giant hands, and she was trembling and unable to speak.

"No, it's, have you realized your 'reason'?!" The girl lost her voice.

Then, she suddenly remembered the word that Yan just said.

Connected end to end, no...this is the power of [Text Solitaire]. This ‘world’ is a ‘world’ that is ‘reified’ by words.

Thinking of this, Hidi slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the scene in front of me is still shocking, but what should I say...

It is also more acceptable than a half-year-old boy who has reached the pinnacle of magic and mastered such absurd and terrifying things as 'reason'.

"This is other people's 'reason'. You borrowed other people's great magic!" Hitty affirmed with a slightly rapid breathing.

The magic in front of me has undoubtedly reached the level of 'taboo'.

It is the kind of great magic that has the power to tamper with the laws of reality and should be recorded in the forbidden book.

The scene of the 'world' will change in an instant, which all means that this is a magical phantom that has eroded the real world.

But the cold wind coming from the air, as well as the clearly visible texture and dust of the world in front of her, seemed to tell Hitty that this was a real 'world'.


One person creates a new world! ? What a joke! What's the principle?

What is the principle of this magic! ? What are the rules that have been rewritten?

A theory that can change the entire world. Is there really such a powerful magic in the world?

How much magic power does that require?

Even ordinary gods can't do it! The heaven and earth were overturned, and the sun, moon, and stars changed in an instant.

This definitely touched the taboo law of ‘Creation’.

Hitty was trembling all over and her scalp was numb.

Only the ancient God of Creation, who should only exist briefly in the creation narrative, could do that kind of thing!

Such a ridiculous scene was right in front of him at this moment. She felt that her outlook on life had been greatly impacted.

In fact, the ‘Reality Marble’ is not as magical as Hitti imagined.

Although it can be regarded as the limit of magic that is called miracle... but in essence, it does not directly change the ‘real world’.

That kind of exaggerated magic is difficult for even the gods to complete.

“Reality Marble is a magic that materializes the magician’s own mental landscape. Once activated, the surrounding space will change into a completely different landscape. The so-called materialization of mental landscape means that the Real Marble replaces one’s own world without changing the realm. At this time, the size of oneself and the world will be replaced, and the world will be completely locked in a small container. This small world is the world egg, which has also become the name of the theory.” Yan looked at Hitti who kept shaking her head and slowly spoke, giving the girl the answer.

The vortex of flame in Hitti’s hand dissipated by itself after a gust of cold wind.

The girl stared at Yan and the sky behind him with her eyes wide open, and shuddered all over.

She kept one hand stretched out and stood there in a daze.

"Mind, mind image... the materialization of scenery?"

"That's right... although as long as you master the principle, you can use the magic circuit to cast the 'inherent barrier'. But it's not easy to maintain such a huge 'mental world'. Especially this 'world', it doesn't belong to me in the first place."

"You... actually used the ability of 'words' to materialize!? Do you want the world itself to provide magic for your smaller 'mental world'?" S~! Hittie's scalp tingled a little, and she opened her mouth slightly in disbelief.

This, is really just a boy around ten years old? ! This bastard even calculated this! !

Damn it!

Miscalculated! Completely lost in the 'intelligence war'.

The way to fight using the 'magic circuit'. Although Hittie can quickly master and drive magic with her years of experience as a 'magician'.

But it's completely unrealistic to want to directly cast magic that can fight against the 'inherent barrier' in front of her, which is a magic that has reached 'reason'.

At this moment, Hitti was under great pressure. Facing this "big magic", she felt like she wanted to self-destruct on the spot.

'Since it is someone else's stolen mental world... it must be the kind that is relatively powerful in the so-called [inherent barrier]! '

'There are countless swords piercing the endless wilderness, sparks flying in all directions, and huge gears in the distance, like a scenery of an ironworks or a forging field.'

'Who on earth is this guy who has such an inner world! What is his ability? Could it be that he can control the swords of this whole world to attack her? ' Hitti couldn't help but make a bold guess.

Suddenly... Hitti saw Yan slowly raised his right arm.

"He wants--" Hitti, who immediately realized that the other party might be going to cast some magic, changed her pretty face.

'I can't let the other party do it anymore. The boy in front of me is too mysterious.

No matter what, I have to interrupt him, otherwise I will always be led by the nose! ! ! '

Just when the girl was thinking so anxiously and carefully in her heart.

Yan's actions became faster!

The next moment, dozens of swords were pulled up from the wilderness by invisible hands under the entanglement of blue arcs, and surrounded Yan.


Just like the scene when Yan used the "projection" magic to attack Xidi before, history repeated itself!

"I——!" Cao! Looking at the scene in front of her, Xidi burst out a curse before she could even say it.

This time Yan even skipped the projection process.

Just listen, swoosh swoosh swoosh! ! Boom! ! !

The next moment, a beautiful sound of world peace suddenly came from the sky.

Chapter 29 "Quantum Vacuum", the world is still at this moment!

"Let the world feel the pain! Shenluo Tianzhen!"

Looking at this scene, Yan couldn't help but speak in a "middle school" manner in the inexplicable eyes of Ji Zelu and Restia beside him.


Xidi's figure suddenly flew out from the smoke and dust in the center of the explosion in the sky.

At this time, she was a little embarrassed. The gorgeous magic dress became tattered, and a large area of ​​her white jade skin was exposed, which completely turned into a holey dress.

But the girl had no time to care about the welfare brilliance exposed on her body.

‘Too many——!

Just now, how many swords were there in a moment! ’

It was too many to count, and Xidi had no time to count seriously. Just relying on that thin layer of ‘magic protection layer’ could not stop that level of ‘weapon self-explosion’.


Before Xidi could catch her breath.

Yan’s eyes locked on ‘Xidi’ flying in the sky and smiled darkly: “Feel the pain! Shenluo Tianzhen! Shenluo Tianzhen! Shenluo Tianzhen!…”

Accompanied by the boy’s shouting.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! ! Countless sword rains, like a torrent in an instant, swept towards the somewhat confused Xidi in the sky one after another.

“Ahhhhh!” The girl screamed in panic as if venting.

A large amount of 'magic power' in the body was drained by him and used for defense. (Here is the key point, note: at this time, Yan was already consciously guiding Xidi to consume magic power. However, the magic power consumption of controlling the inherent barrier was completely borne by the 'world', which was basically equal to zero consumption)

At the same time, Xidi still felt unsafe.

Faced with the overwhelming magic swords and Yan's indifferent attack without mercy, she hurriedly shouted: "Wide-area strategic magic - Hecate's Tears!"

Then, the power of the 'word chain' reappeared.

Hecate: She is the goddess of the night, the goddess of ghosts and magic; the earliest god, one of the creators of the world, who created hell. The true name of the god who represents the dark side of the world.

The magic named after this name opened the door to hell the moment it appeared.

The dead river of hell poured out of the door and collided directly with the torrent of flying swords.

Boom! ! In an instant, a deafening sound like a flood bursting through the dam and destroying the world came from the sky.

The two sides collided and exploded in the sky.

It seemed to blow the center to pieces. The terrifying and jaw-dropping scene, like the creation of the world and the end of the world, made everyone deaf.

On the other hand, Yan was watching as Hitti was busy, watching the [Simulated Star Creation Chart] in his body frantically analyzing the essence of the two "torrents" in the sky.

Analyzing, improving, and finally turning into "magic" that Yan could also use.

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