Yan silently gave the other party a good guy card in his heart. Just today, he had gained a lot of high-level magic from the other party.

Even the "forbidden" magic that can open the door to hell, like the one in front of him, Yan also collected a lot.

Many of them, even Hitti himself could not perform, but only knew the "principle" and manifested it through "text chain", so they were collected by Yan.

...For Yan, as long as he "knew" the principle, he could learn and master it.

Regarding the universe view formed by the three theories of ancient humans observing celestial bodies, Yan only wanted to say one thing:

"Never underestimate "human beings"!"


Just then, Hitti in the sky attacked Yan.

Looking at the incoming flames and thunder, Yan's mind moved slightly, and several sharp swords inserted in the ground bounced up from the ground and shot out. Boom! !

The sharp sword exploded in mid-air, offsetting the magic falling from the sky.

"Flying is really an attractive thing..." Looking at the flying Hitti in the air, Yan suddenly murmured, with a light and hearty smile on his lips.

His eyes became gentle, with a touch of danger in the gentleness.

"No matter which world the human beings are in, there are truly touching geniuses who make planes fly to the sky and ships sail to the sea. Whether it is technology or magic."

"Because of this, even if I can only 'imitate' others like a monkey (the ability to simulate the analysis of the star map), I will have the idea of ​​​​being torn to pieces and getting close to that sky." Yan suddenly sighed.

I want to witness the possibility of human beings, I want to realize that possibility, I want to experience the touching and joy in person.

Before that, he should start with winning this victory--!

He controlled the projected sword and blasted Hitti several times. In the blink of an eye, 30 seconds are coming again.

"My turn-listen, Hitti. It's really over next!" Yan's loud voice sounded in the inherent barrier, and then he suddenly took a deep breath.

Just when Hitti hadn't reacted to Yan's words.

Under the eyes full of fire, the boy shouted out the word: "Quantum-vacuum!!!"

Buzz! ~! Huh~!

It was like a big hand gently passed through the entire world of the inherent barrier in an instant.

Suddenly, as if time had stopped, the whole world was still.

Whether it was living or inanimate.

The two rumbling torrents in the sky also suddenly stopped like a movie pause.

"Uh..." The girl opened her mouth. Although it was an interjection, her voice did not come out of her throat as usual.

Her face suddenly turned pale, and then like a drowning person, her eyes showed a struggling and painful look.

What is "quantum vacuum"?

There are two concepts of vacuum. Vacuum in the general sense means that there is no material existence.

In this sense, there is no absolute vacuum in the universe. Even in the space between galaxies, the density of matter is about 2-5 atoms/m3, and these atoms are in the process of constantly ionizing into ions (or protons and electron pairs) and then recombining into atoms.

Another kind of vacuum is the quantum vacuum.

This vacuum can be free of any matter, but it is not an absolute vacuum. Quantum mechanics believes that in a space with nothing, there is also energy, which is called "vacuum zero-point energy".

"Vacuum zero-point energy" does not mean that there is no energy, but that this energy is at its lowest state.

Under certain conditions, the vacuum zero point can also be materialized and become a visible and tangible form - that is, materialized matter.

This is also the reason why the universe exists, that is... the so-called Big Bang is the "singularity" where the vacuum zero-point energy in the quantum vacuum materializes and the Big Bang occurs.

To use the blank words in the original book: it triggers the "astronomical phenomenon caused by the death of super-large planets and the collapse of gravity", and the [hypernova explosion] at 50 billion degrees Celsius will evaporate galaxies several light years away...

--equivalent to the great power of the creation of the world!

Of course, the current situation does not meet that condition.

Yan did not want to die with the other party directly and blow both of them to death.

He could not guarantee that he could survive one more second before the other party was blown to death.

The "vacuum" environment alone was enough to kill humans.

So the question is-

Chapter 30 One link after another, the desperate "absolute zero"!

'How long can an ordinary human body survive in a vacuum? '

Yan's brain quickly passed through a message.

'In a vacuum, the pressure of humans is the same as that of the external space, so they will not be crushed.

But the real "culprit" that causes human "death" is actually caused by the body reaction caused by the free gas accumulated in the interstitial space.

If this "decompression" process takes more than half a second or longer, the lung tissue will be safe and sound.


Yan's forehead broke out in cold sweat, holding his breath and looking up at Hitti in the sky.

Although his own condition did not look very good at this time, his eyes were brighter than ever.

The corners of Yan's mouth still maintained the slight upturned look from the previous moment.

- Like the look of a victorious hunter when he is observing the final wail of his prey.

...The ability to materialize ‘Text Solitaire’ can be completed almost instantly.


The outside world changes in less than half a second.

The process of 'decompression' is infinitely shortened, which also causes the degree of lethality and threat to the human body from the outside world to instantly increase.

...Yan used the magic power in the magic circuit in advance to simulate a transformer-like transfer circuit on the surface of the body, which came in handy at this time.

In this regard, Hidi did not know the other party's plan.

In other words, the girl was tricked without knowing anything——

Hidi's face in the sky now looked horribly scary, she was covered in sweat, and her whole body was red and emitting steam.

The girl's eyes widened desperately, revealing countless terrifying bloodshot eyes. She opened her mouth to make a sound, but it accelerated her 'death' even more.

Hitti could only feel so painful that she was about to faint, and her whole body was about to collapse.

Of course Homura knew the reason for the extremely painful scene of the girl in front of him.

——[When the external air pressure is less than the internal air pressure, the 'container' as the body will be flattened and broken in an instant. 】

If the air pressure drops below 47 mm of mercury (approximately one-twentieth of the atmospheric pressure at sea level), the water in various tissues will become vapor starting from the surface of the skin.

This will cause cell failure on the body surface and a large amount of body heat energy will be lost due to evaporation. After 6 seconds, the cell failure process will extend to the heart and lungs, causing interruption of blood circulation, followed by acute hypoxia, convulsions and visceral muscle relaxation. .

As far as the human body is concerned, there is no oxygen and air pressure to deliver oxygen to the brain. Even if they don't drain themselves to death due to the difference in external and internal pressure, they will still die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

This was the reason why Homura took a deep breath before saying "quantum vacuum".

Even if he can use magic circuits to simulate the internal and external air pressure to balance the air pressure difference, he cannot create oxygen, which is necessary for the human body, out of thin air.

In 1966, when a Melician Space Agency technician was testing a space suit in a vacuum chamber, the pressure suddenly dropped to the equivalent of air pressure at an altitude of 36,500 meters, causing the man to faint for 12 to 15 seconds.

The last thing he remembered was that the saliva on his tongue was vaporizing, which was the evaporation of water under low-pressure conditions.

When the pressure returned to the pressure equivalent to an altitude of 4,200 meters, he regained consciousness within 27 seconds. Although his face was pale, he suffered no other adverse health effects.

When external pressure is reduced, bubbles can form in the human blood, which can cause damage to the lungs within minutes, and damage to the nervous system can occur within hours as nitrogen dissolves into the blood.

A sudden drop in pressure can have fatal consequences: the air trapped in the lungs explodes within seconds.

However, experts believe that if the vacuum is gradually approached in a relatively gentle way and protected by special medical personnel, the survival limit of humans in the vacuum can be up to one minute.

Homura can do similar things with his magic circuit.

"It's begun!" This thought flashed through his mind, and Homura continued to look at the sky, which was sinking more and more into hell.

Compared to Hitti, the pressure that I had to bear at this time was nothing worth mentioning.

He can't take it lightly until he actually wins.


She also had a magic circuit, but because of the pain that almost caused her brain to collapse and went crazy, she was completely unable to think a lot.

Not to mention learning from Yan, using magic circuits to imitate external pressure.

Time passes by second by second——

Homura was sweating profusely and stared at Hidi.

Ji Zelu and Restia on the side seemed to feel the seriousness of the atmosphere, and became a little nervous.

‘Are we going to decide the winner? ’

……1, 2, 3——

Homura recited the numbers silently in his mind. The time for [Text Solitaire] is only 30 seconds. If there is no response within 30 seconds, it is equivalent to automatically giving up.

In the end, Homura will become the ultimate 'winner'.

If you take off your helmet in space, your spacesuit will be filled with feces in less than a minute. In another 15 seconds, people's thinking will be confused, and in 20 seconds, people will lose consciousness.

If the air pressure returns to higher than 47 mmHg within 80 seconds, humans can still survive.

However, Hitti, whose knowledge of 'quantum vacuum' was almost in a blind spot, naturally could not think of a way to resolve the situation at hand.

Perhaps there is something special about the 'magic' who has clearly understood his own principles and transcended the limits of the human body.

Even with so many 'disadvantages', Homura could still see the struggle in Hitti.

The other party's 'consciousness' is obviously still very 'awake'.

But this is just a useless effort——

If you can't find a way, you can't change any situation.

As time went by, the girl's body even began to appear 'frozen'.

There is no such phenomenon in Yan's body, but his face is also very ugly now, "pale", "pale".

‘Has it started yet? At a low temperature of minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, which is close to absolute zero - Yan gritted his teeth and stared at the thin layer of frost in the sky.

At the same time, the 'magic circuit' ran at high speed, turning into 'heat energy' and began to warm his body.

Hiti in the sky also found another problem. Her ugly face became weaker and more painful, but her strong "spiritual will" made her never think of giving up at this moment.

As long as she wanted, she could break this "illusory spiritual world" and return to reality at any time with her "own reason".

But as a game with "life" - the most precious "knowledge" as the stakes, she would never give up even if she fought to the last moment! !

There was a blazing flame in Hiti's eyes. At this moment, her pretty face became extremely hideous and fierce, but with a different charm.

'What exactly is it - what did the other party do to the outside world. '

'Think about that and find a way to survive! ' The pupils shrank into needles, and the girl suddenly separated her spirit from her "body" to think.

In an instant, the painful body had a trace of confusion in its eyes.

Chapter 31 After absolute zero, even the right to breathe was deprived!

The space between the sun and the earth has a vacuum temperature close to absolute zero.

270 degrees Celsius below zero is only 3.15 degrees below zero, which is 273.15 degrees below absolute zero.

Hitti is now in this dangerous situation.

To solve the crisis at this time, the girl must first understand one thing;

'——There are two concepts in the universe: vacuum and non-vacuum.

And heat is only used in the non-vacuum state. It will not be felt in the vacuum. '

Theoretically, the so-called "absolute vacuum" is impossible to achieve.

In the "absolute vacuum", there is essentially no matter, including heat.

Even in the quantum vacuum, there is heat... That heat is imperceptible, but it does exist.

However, if Hitti wants to recover her body by absorbing this heat, it will be difficult to do so.

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