Not to mention that the surrounding space is completely in a vacuum.

Even if a 'sun' suddenly appeared in this inherent barrier, it would not be able to help Hitti.

This has to be mentioned: In the universe, the distance from the sun to the earth is about 150 million kilometers, and the space in between is a vacuum state.

It's 'the same' as the space the two of them are currently in.

‘——The temperature is close to absolute zero, around minus 270 degrees. ’

Although sunlight reaches the earth after traveling 150 million kilometers, it heats =-= the earth.

But light does not produce any thermal effect in a vacuum.

No heat will be felt during this distance of 150 million kilometers, but heat will be generated after reaching the earth.


Same thing…

In this world without any 'warmth', any 'idea' to draw some warmth from the outside world has become a 'luxury wish'.

This is the ‘last trump card’ that Yan has painstakingly arranged.

The 'ice purgatory of despair' that is infinitely close to absolute zero! ! ! That is a 'temperature' that has exceeded the tolerance range of human cells!

As long as the human body's limits have not been exceeded, it is absolutely impossible to survive the 'Abyss of Despair'.

For Hidi, who had always longed for the 'vaporization and freezing method', Homura sighed happily and smiled.

——There is no more suitable 'death experience' for her to experience this 'extreme vaporization and freezing method' in person.

Just like what Homura thought...

At this time, Hidi was really helpless about the frost that appeared on her body. Her consciousness swept around her body and the air around her solemnly and quickly.

He has no clue about the 'things' that appear on him.

There was only 30 seconds, and she had already wasted more than ten seconds. Even if her body can still hold on, it won't 'collapse'.

But the next step is to find a solution to the 'problem' in just ten seconds - it's too difficult! !

The pretty face of the conscious body gradually became anxious.

at this time--

Homura looked at the floating consciousness in the sky, his pupils widened.

He noticed the 'anxiety' on Sheidi's face.

Because of the 'Simulated Star Creation Diagram', he can see even intangible things like consciousness, which is between the spirit and reality of nothingness, with his 'naked eyes'.

‘Can’t you find the crux of the problem? That is also inevitable. ’ These words flashed through Yan’s heart.

‘Although in my original world, the individual strength of human beings is not as strong as magicians, they have found a new way and have already reached a higher mountain on the road of observing the universe.

From the murderous primitive years to the splendid civilization of modern society. From savage apes to evolved intelligence and wisdom, they gradually freed their hands and learned to use tools. ’

Yan's thinking paused slightly here. He was silently thinking about the long but glorious and splendid evolutionary history of mankind.

‘After 7 million years, we still have not forgotten our original intention. Constantly thirsting for new evolution, he finally embarked on the road to explore the mysteries of the universe. ’ Suddenly, Yan’s heart started to burn.

Such human beings, such beauty——

Even in the 'different world', that dazzling crystallization of wisdom is still shining and heating at this moment.

'Give me! Take a good look! This is the crystallization of human wisdom that is full of longing and will keep moving forward even until death, the possibility that belongs to human beings! ! ! ’

Looking at Hidi in the sky, Homura screamed and roared in his heart, and his eyes became more determined.

25 seconds, 26 seconds, 27 seconds——

'Is it already over here...' Sheidi thought with difficulty. If her conscious body sweated, she must be sweating profusely now.

How can I prevent my own destruction? Time cannot be stopped and 30 seconds is about to end.

The concept of 'that' does not exist in my mind or knowledge at all.

'How is it possible - how is it possible - that he has mastered 170 million book knowledge. But I couldn't find a way to deal with the situation at hand. ’

I put my heart and soul into it, I tried my best, I tried my best - it still wasn't enough.

Suddenly, seeing a body with a painful expression on one side because she couldn't breathe, Hitty's eyes lit up.

The girl who realized something suddenly returned.

...The struggling and twisted body suddenly opened her eyes from the frost. The girl directly controlled the magic power in the magic circuit to break through the nail of her index finger. The last warmth and bright red was wrapped in the 'magic power' and was preserved without evaporating.

Controlling the bright red wrapped in magic, before arriving at the last second, finally!

——Written big characters in the air! !

"Empty...air——!!" Boom! !

The power of words begins to materialize! In the next moment, the space that had been stripped of everything returned to life again.

Even Yan fell into a state of shock.


‘It’s really amazing——

Even when his consciousness was about to collapse, he still found a way out. ’

"Then - oxygen." Sheidi looked confused, her spirit was still a little dazed and pale, and she had not yet recovered.

Homura spoke again.

Another girl’s ‘nightmare’ begins again!

As Bishidi almost finished writing the word 'air', the powerful 'Word Solitaire' was unleashed again in less than a second.

The 'oxygen' in the entire space was 'taken away' in an instant, and it fell into deathly silence.

After a few minutes.

"How--how, is it possible..."--hoarse! An unbelievable hoarse voice rang out in a low voice.

Hitti lowered her head, her eyes red as she looked at her now intact body and white jade-like hands, and was stunned.

The hole between her fingers had disappeared, and the pain on her body was gone.

If she looked around, she would find that she had returned to the 'real world'.

"Because, the game--is over..." Yan's slow words calmly and ruthlessly shattered Hitti's fantasy. This put an end to this 'duel'.

That's right, the game is over.

The surroundings are no longer the scenery of the inherent barrier, and everyone has returned to the 'library' at the beginning.

It's really over--

It ended with the defeat of 'Hiti'. She, lost...!

... Time goes back to the moment when the power of 'word chain' was materialized.

In the end, Hitti did succeed in regaining a little precious time for herself.

Because she couldn't breathe, she thought that there was a lack of air around.

Then, because of the word spirit of ‘Yan’, the ‘oxygen’ component that should have existed in the air was taken away.

This did not attract the girl’s immediate attention.

Because she did not know the [composition] of the air, she made a wrong judgment that made the girl extremely regretful at this moment.

The moment she said the word ‘oxygen’——

Yan immediately held her breath, and her eyes looked at Hitti quietly without wavering.

However, Hitti inhaled a large amount of gas...

But her consciousness collapsed in an instant at a speed that was even more terrifying than when she was suffocated before!

Chapter 32 Hitti: I...Yan: Don’t talk, if you ask, you lose!

Obviously, you only need to stay where you are and wait to be frozen into slag and die together with your cells——

You don’t have to experience this degree of ‘pain’ for the second time.

Yan can only admire the other party’s strong will to win? Or is it too stubborn?

Even the last killer was avoided——but the girl lost to another ‘mistake’.

‘Flame’ deprived the ‘oxygen’ in the air in the end, giving the opponent the final fatal blow.

Originally, he didn’t intend to go that far——

Once the atmosphere loses its oxygen content, the consequences will be more serious than the text chain game between ‘Blank and Jibril’.

Not to mention that ‘Flame’ held on to his last breath, and there was no cute sister to have close contact with him for ‘internal air circulation’.

In the game of ‘Blank’——

Because the oxygen content is too low, the air will be filled with oxygen that will only be [highly toxic] if simply inhaled, and the human body will lose 80% consciousness in an instant due to strong decompression.

…If it was just like this, the pain that Hitti had to experience in the vacuum environment before would not be less than this.

Their situation is even worse.

But if there is no oxygen in the air at all.

In ‘Flame’s’ mind, he didn’t want to recall the ‘scene’ that happened to him and Hitti just before the last return.

‘It’s really too miserable——’

If he had known it would be so painful, he would have chosen a gentler way and slowly won the victory.

It goes without saying that oxygen is important to humans.

But how many people know that it is equally important to the whole world?

Suppose that the oxygen in the world disappears for 5 seconds -

First, the daytime sky will turn black.

With the disappearance of the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays will directly enter the planet's troposphere, and humans will be as painful and burning as living in a "toaster".

At the same time, about 21% of the air pressure will cause your eardrums to explode due to the disappearance of oxygen.

This is similar to jumping into the seabed nearly 2,000 meters deep.

The ocean and other water bodies will also evaporate into outer space.

The earth will be broken and collapsed because of the loss of oxygen, which accounts for up to 45%.

If there is no oxygen, you can imagine the Hoover Dam, the Pantheon dome and any other concrete building collapsing immediately.

In just a few seconds, the world will become a desolate and dilapidated planet.

It was under such circumstances that the "inherent barrier" where the two people were located did not even last for one more second, and collapsed faster than them.

Hitti, whose body was already on the verge of disintegration, fainted directly because of the strong stimulation at that moment, and could not continue the "text chain".

He stayed in the last world that was like the "end of the world" for 30 seconds before being sent back to reality.

'Yan'... became the final winner.

He almost lost his life.

"Just now... what was that?!" Hitti's mind vaguely recalled the last scene, and she looked at Yan with pale eyes and asked.

The last moment before fainting, the world in the retina fell apart.

The whole sky was dark and terrifying, and it seemed that the "scene" collapsed.

'Yan' groaned slightly, and didn't know where to explain to the other party for a while.

There are a lot of knowledge points involved here. If the girl wants to understand, she must at least understand what "oxygen" is first.

Does he have to popularize the "common sense" on the earth to the other party first?

Before "Yan" responded, Hitti spoke again in a hurry:

"First, you used the 'mental world' to consume the magic power in my body, and then created a 'space' that was enough to freeze everything. Because of the previous large consumption of magic power, and the sudden invasion of cold. I almost couldn't even gather the magic power to 'write' - you!"

"And the last one, that world that seemed to be the end of the world..." Hitti exclaimed with some lingering fear, her beautiful eyes staring blankly at Yan, unable to come back to her senses.

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