It's the same type of enemy! !

We and the enemy have the same origin~!

Thinking about Kuuga and Zero again, people felt a little gloomy.

In order to deal with the ultimate darkness, Kongga must also take the initiative to pursue the ultimate power.

Although it sounds nice, it is called the ultimate power.

But it’s actually the ultimate darkness!

Darkness is not a good term in the first place, let alone being preceded by the name - [Ultimate]~!

The awakening of the ultimate darkness is not just for one person.

There is one thing that needs special mention,

The information obtained at the beginning stated that Kongwo and Zero were both existences that could attract the ultimate darkness.

As the plot progressed, people also thought a lot about the origin of Gurungi.

It's really just as they thought...

Of course, "the enemy and we are of the same origin" is not just a simple joke, but a real one, with the same possibility! The true ‘enemy and we are of the same origin’!

In other words, if the knight's power is developed to its peak, he may be able to obtain the ultimate power!

Since Kuuga and Zero can attract the ultimate darkness——!

Moreover, the ultimate form of Kuagata that symbolizes the ultimate power, that pitch-black color,

It’s four corners~! !

Number zero also has four corners! !

When people think of the terrifying power of the Ultimate Kuuga, they feel extremely depressed.

That is to say——

Has Zero reached its ultimate form now?

But the empty self is still in the process of transformation.

This is not good~!

Although I don’t know why the enemy has been slow to take action against me.

There was obviously a brief 'confrontation' last time,

But I didn’t see my face,

No last hit~kill Kuuga~!

Number Zero...what are you thinking about? !

People can't understand each other's thinking,

Especially those previously weak Gurungi compatriots were also wiped out by it.

His cold-bloodedness and cruelty,

The actions are so bizarre that people cannot understand them at all...

After the op, the screen flashed,

Coming to the scientific research institute, Ms. Yuda invented a tracking bomb.

Hit the monsters to track them to their lair.

While the fifth generation continues to work hard to find ways to make himself stronger...

on the other side,

The General and Rose Girl are two suspected weirdos who are leaders and cadres.

We chatted about Bai An’s game on an overpass,

I didn't succeed even once after that.

Under the obstruction of Kongwo and Linduo humans.

But the general did not panic, and said arrogantly that it was precisely this kind of Kuuga and Linduo that had the value of defeating them.

"I'm waiting..."

Below the overpass, in the distance...

A young man in white walked slowly and slowly from the sidewalk, laughing.

It was extremely ethereal... and sounded in their ears as if traveling through space.

Everyone in the immersion naturally heard it,

And discovered that it was extremely eye-catching and eye-catching among the crowd,

Like a white angel,

A strange existence that is not noticed by the people around him.

It was as if the space around him was blurred by the huge force, making it impossible to see the opponent's figure clearly.

This familiar feeling, and that appearance——

Everyone:! ! !

Number zero? ~!

What do you mean, what the other person said just now~! !

It was as if he was looking forward to it.

This makes people begin to speculate about Zero's true character.

And after that——

What people didn’t expect is that

...The new weirdo No. 46 is none other than the general himself.

This time he is going to take action himself!

Everyone was surprised...

At the same time, a certain guess in my heart was also verified! !

Is the general about to take action? ~!

Sure enough, the final battle is almost here!

Gurungi is almost dead...

Now it's the turn of the last few mysterious cadres!

Once I defeat the cadres, it's time to face Zero, right? !

And suddenly——

what people think of,

If Kongga is also regarded as having the same origin as Gurungi~!

Can that be seen as,

Is Kuuga himself participating in Shiroya's game?

No matter if I win in vain or someone else wins,

Maybe for some people, they are happy to see it?

! ! ! Shocked!

People who are startled by their own conjectures,

He immediately shook his head vigorously,

This idea is too crazy...

Even if Sora was originally one of them,

But from the moment Kuuga came to humanity’s side,

He and those weirdos are already enemies!

How can one allow the enemy to grow...

So what kind of mentality does it take to do such a stupid and crazy thing?

Thinking of this, everyone who had made such a guess just now laughed.

I feel like I’m thinking too much…

And here,

When Godai arrived at the Seongnan University research laboratory, he asked Sakurako if she had made any new discoveries.

I learned that there are no records of Kuuga’s other forms in ancient times.

In addition to the basic four colors...

Not to mention the miserable warrior.

There are none of the various sublimated forms of the Five Dynasties.

After all, it was due to an accidental electric shock...

And I feel like my strength is not enough,

In order to cope with the increasing pressure brought by weirdos such as Zero,

Godai smiled and said,

Since the doctor once used electric shock to help him become stronger,

Maybe if you do more electric shocks, you can get stronger power?

My colleagues in the research lab were all worried about this.

Think Godai is crazy...

It’s so messy~!

"You can't force yourself like Godai, right?"

"But I want to do this!

I still want to see everyone’s smiles,

So... even if I force myself, I still want to do something within my ability.

No? "

Godai smiled gently and gave his iconic thumbs up again.

The will that infects people's hearts and the words that touch people,

People don't know whether Yingzi and others were moved.

But people at this time were really moved.

Even if you can become stronger through powerful electric shocks...

But it is also dangerous.

What's more, it's not guaranteed to succeed.

No one would be willing to choose this kind of masochistic and desperate way to become stronger!

I've obviously found some feeling.

Maybe next time we fight, we can be like before,

Just like opening up a new form every time, the ultimate form was successfully developed.

But this determination to prepare for a rainy day, actively look for every opportunity to become stronger, and not hesitate to fall into danger...

Sure enough, the fifth generation is the fifth generation~! !

This enthusiasm makes them moved no matter how many times they see it!

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