But then——

The screen turned and the general started the game. He attacked a police station in an urban area.

The target is a male police officer,

Faced with the overwhelming power of this weirdo, a group of police officers were killed one after another...

Just as outside police support arrived, they kept firing.

The general is a calm man,

Facing the new bullets developed by the scientific research institute for monsters, he showed complete disregard for his power.

Step by step, he slowly approached the police officers and others.

The police officers and others also fired and kept retreating.

Sora finally arrived!

Chapter 60: Surprising appearance, the same form transformation, golden thunder! General = high match Kongga?!

The police officers gradually had no choice but to retreat...

Finally, the Godai who arrived transformed and picked up the pistol that fell beside the police car. He turned over and stood on the top of the police car, his body having transformed into the form of a Pegasus.

He raised his gun from behind and aimed it at the general's heart.

Seeing this scene, people couldn't help but hold their breath.

If a seemingly very powerful general can be killed by a direct sneak attack,

No one thinks there is anything wrong with a sneak attack...

After all, every battle with Kuuga was too painful.

If only it could go so smoothly.

Only enemies that are successfully eliminated are good enemies, and there is no need to talk about martial ethics with those cruel guys.

Whoosh~! ! ! A phantom accompanied Kuuga as he pulled the trigger and headed towards the general's vest.

As an arrow penetrated directly into the general's back, a golden Kuuga mark appeared.


Soon, the Kuuga Seal accompanied the general's eyes to light up with a quiet, oppressive green light.

Suddenly dissipated.

The general just slowly pulled out one of the fang-like ornaments on his chest.

In an instant, it turned into a dark, domineering crossbow, turned around and shot towards Kuga.

Kuuga quickly switched to blue form, jumped and dodged...

But everything behind him was blown up by an arrow.

Terrifying explosions and roars shot up into the sky.

In the flames soaring to the sky,

The energy wave that seemed to be scorching the earth and sky made everyone speechless in shock.

Just one arrow~! !


Like Kuuga, he can transform into various weapons~! !

When he killed a policeman before, he used the fang-like thing on his chest to turn into a black sword.

Now I can create crossbows again...

This, isn't this the same as Kuuga~!

People immediately thought of Kuuga's Titan-form sword and Pegasus' crossbow just now.

Such a battle scene with a strong sense of déjà vu makes people swallow their saliva...

"I'll just say...

There are so many Gurungi, there can’t be only two cases like Kuuga and Zero..."

Some people couldn't help but murmured after seeing this.

There will always be a few talented ones among the Gurungi...

Not to mention that everyone has the talent to attract the ultimate darkness.

But like switching forms, or being good at using and changing various types of weapons in combat,

It does exist after all!

Although the general did not change form,

But his own strength is amazing enough to resist Sora's mark.

But it doesn't feel ordinary at all. With such a powerful body, and the ability to transform into new weapons according to different combat situations~!

Can that be seen as an enhanced version of Sora? !


Some people even thought,

When they killed the police just now, they seemed to see golden thunder coming out of this weirdo's sword.

...! ! !

Even the golden thunder unique to the fifth generation has been reproduced!

Doesn't that mean that the sublimation mode is no longer a plug-in unique to the fifth generation?

When I think of this,

Everyone's breath was stagnant,

The same style is not scary, whoever is weak will be embarrassed~! !

You have what I have, but it depends on who has the more familiar and powerful power!

Blue Kuuga was then seen confronting the Shogun.

...the screen flashed,

on the other side,

Ms. Yuda received a call from home.

Her mother blamed her for never having time to come back.

The grandson made a mess at home and stayed in the house instead of going to school.

She was worried that something was wrong with her child, something bad had happened to her at school.

And taught Yuda a lesson,

Is it another unconfirmed life form?

Does it have to be you?

It's time like this. As a mother, it's time for her to come back.

Ms. Yuda's face gradually lost her smile.

And on the other side,

Give the child's perspective, looking at the photo of himself and his mother,

The child was sitting on the ground, looking unhappy.

This scene gives people a lot of feelings...

More than just an empty self,

Humanity is also trying to cope with the disasters caused by these weirdos.

The pain of not being able to return home...

The spirit of sacrifice as a researcher,

People saw it…

If there weren't so many crises.

Everyone should live a happy daily life with a smile on their face.

But now everyone is smiling less and less.

These are all cases happening around us...

They somewhat understood Wu Dai's desperate mood.

Returning to the battlefield between Kuuga and the Shogun,

Looking at the enemy holding a crossbow, Kuuga subconsciously picked up the wooden stick on the ground and directly transformed into the invincible purple Titan form.

He wanted to get closer to the enemy, but after being hit several times from the front, although he was a little shaken, he finally walked up to the general and chopped off the flying crossbow arrows with his sword.

Then he stabbed the general in the abdomen with another sword.

The general did not make any resistance and let Kuuga do it.

But from beginning to end, the general had a calm and unhurried aura of a strong man.

People noticed that the general's eyes flashed purple light at the moment before he was stabbed.

Everyone: !!!

First green, then purple~!!!

No way? !

Finally noticed that the general's eye color changed, not just glowing.

After that, people saw the general slowly grasp the sword of Kuuga with both hands.

In Kuuga's unbelievable eyes,

he used his own power to corrode the sword, turning it into a dark and hideous sword.

"Don't be too arrogant..." After saying that, the general punched Kuuga away with a punch, sparks flying.

Then he slowly pulled out the sword stabbed at his waist.

Not even a trace of blood was shed when it was pulled out...

The powerful body has been fully revealed...

And this powerful body that gives people a strong sense of déjà vu, and the black sword that has been deformed by ntr.

It makes people verify a certain conjecture in their hearts... pupils tremble~!

No, I was wrong before,

Not only the weapon changes,

If the green pupils correspond to Kuuga's green Pegasus form,

then the purple pupils correspond to the Titan form...!!

No way...

It's really the same type of transformation as Kuuga!

Even from the sense of oppression and actual performance, it gives people a feeling of an enhanced version of Kuuga!

When seeing the general holding a sword and slowly walking towards the unarmed purple Titan form of Kuuga,

a feeling of bullying the weak arises spontaneously,

and the situation is reversed instantly~!

Everyone: ! ! What a strong sense of oppression!

At the same time——

On the other side,

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