He is a murderous tyrant!

--wrong! ! ! "

With a suddenly raised voice, the emperor declared domineeringly in a rebellious tone that absolutely did not allow for refutation!

"My war lasted only ten years.

And the war between the seven countries lasted for two hundred years! "

"Without my unification of the world, how can there be peace in the world?"

The sound penetrated the cracked metal and was deafening.

It’s shocking in a nutshell, but it’s so real!

The sharp time contrast made people subconsciously identify with this voice.

The Ten and Hundred Years War?

Chapter 28: No one understands him, no matter whether he is the enemy of the world or not, he never flinches!

"This is...

The beginning of the era of human rule? "Ke Qing was a little absent-minded. There was a shock that could not fade away in the beautiful Kazilan's big eyes.

I fell into a long silence for a while...

Although in the promotional video,

There is no scene about how brutal the war between the Seven Kingdoms was.

How many innocent people were affected.

Even if only the army appears, it will be overwhelming.

A passionate scene that shows the fear and power of a great power.

But the voice of the First Emperor in the PV that cuts through the cracks of gold and contains strong will,

Never bow down in the face of obstacles at all levels,

Even if the people close to you don't understand, you still have the will to go your own way and carry out the so-called 'cruelty'.

But Ke Qing was still vaguely aware of Warring States.

After losing God’s protection,

What terrible consequences will be brewed if people completely let go of their natures and shackles and fight against each other.

Hundreds of years of war!

And finally someone can end this war.

But he is isolated from the world, as if he has to become an enemy of the whole world to end this troubled world.

No one understood or supported the emperor's choice.

They only saw brutality, war,

But they didn’t see the cruelty of the war that would last longer if this war was not ended!

At that moment——

It is clear that the figure standing on the main hall is extremely domineering and overwhelming,

But it's a little distressing.

"Without the guidance of gods, are humans really so miserable?" Ke Qing thought with a pale face.

"No, that's not right...

There is also a good side, such as His Majesty the First Emperor..." Ke Qing murmured, with a hint of respect and admiration in her eyes.

The courage and pressure that the other party carries is much greater than that of one of the seven stars like me!

As expected, heroes emerge from troubled times.

The upper and lower limits of human beings are ridiculously high.

She is connected in the prosperous Liyue,

Occasionally, I will have self-doubt and feel depressed.

Thinking that his ability is insufficient, he actually wants to be comparable to and parallel to the emperor.

But that emperor was so lonely and was the enemy of the world, but he never bowed his head and never believed in his fate!


"This is exactly the quality I need to learn..." Ke Qing couldn't help but think.

She knew what to do next.

“If you waste too much time, you won’t be able to get things done.


This form of reading is also a kind of learning..." Ke Qing,

Then Keqing ordered his subordinates,

When Qin Shihuang's epic is officially updated, be sure to subscribe to it as soon as possible.

The people under Keqing were quite surprised, as if they had seen something incredible.

Is this... still Master Keqing?

The one who makes a distinction between public and private affairs,

You will never fish when you are at work. Not only do you not fish for yourself, you are also strict with your subordinates.

I wish I could replace the entire office staff with 996s.

A strong woman who works overtime every day!

He would actually issue such an order while working.

That's the script, right...

Is there any deeper meaning in this?

Everyone was confused and confused...

The sun is rising in the west.

never mind--

If they can't figure it out, they don't think about it. Compared with Master Keqing who is too strict, but is strict with others and even more strict with himself, they really hope that Master Keqing can have a good rest and rest.

It’s not bad to touch fish occasionally.

It’s not that you work hard, that would be bad.

But if you go too far, it will really make you breathless. Not everyone can catch up with Keqing's footsteps.

Everyone’s abilities are limited...maintain the same high-intensity work mode as Keqing,

It’s been a long time…

It’s very easy to get tired physically and mentally.

at the same time--

other side.

Yun Jin, who went out for a few days to search for inspiration in the mountains, returned to Liyue Port.

She was ready to think hard and write a more outstanding new drama, but she was not in a hurry to start performing at Heyu Tea House.

Good stories also need to be settled...

Not to mention, I want to adapt it into a drama.

And what made Yun Jin a little disappointed...

I'm out here these days, trying to find out the traces of the legend of the Goddess Piguan and write a new chapter.

But nothing new was discovered.

As for other stories, there are no stories suitable for adaptation into opera.

Until Yun Jin came to Heyu Teahouse,

I heard many people at the door talking about Qin Shi Huang,

And Mr. Homura, when will the lecture start again... something like that.

Many people also mentioned the words crystal and immersive storybook.

This scene surprised Yun Jin...

It’s only been a few days since I returned to Liyue Port.

It always feels like a long time has passed and things are completely different.

Usually when the entrance of Heyu Tea House is crowded with people,

It was probably when Mr. Yun started singing.

But it was obvious that this popularity had nothing to do with her.

Just relying on the storybook and storytelling, it could cause such popularity...

A trace of curiosity rose in Yun Jin's heart.

'Maybe there will be new discoveries, let's ask Mr. Fan...' Thinking like this,

On the other hand,

Mr. Yun was not the only one who was attracted by the story and PV of the First Emperor.

Xingqiu, the second lady of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, who wanted to write a good storybook,

and Dadali Duck, the best toy salesman in Zhidong Country, who was suspicious and alert because of the big commotion in Liyue Harbor,

and almost thought that Ningguang had made some big moves,

and even Zhongli, who was paying attention secretly, etc.

As for ordinary people, there were countless.

There were even foreigners who came to Liyue for tourism,

such as the people of Fontaine with a camera, who paid attention to the story of Qin Shihuang this time, but for another reason.

Fontaine's photography skills were the best!

How could anyone come up with an immersive, fully engaging sound and video experience?

With a mentality of dissatisfaction, indignation, and fighting fakes,

but after just looking at the PV in the magic crystal,

many Fontaine people were silent and fell into complete silence.

Some people on their side had also begun to study the existence of movies before, how to completely preserve the sound and picture and make them move.

The Fontaine people always felt that the first masterpiece, the best movie, would definitely be shot there.


But...? !

After watching the PV of the First Emperor,

the dimensionality reduction attack made them confused.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that

what a surprising and incredible experience, if all future stories can be presented in this way...

it will be popular! ! It will definitely be popular throughout the entire Teyvat continent!

What is the future of movies (room for survival)?

As for the travelers from the other six countries, they didn't have so many ideas at all.

After feeling the shock of the PV, they were happy to witness an epoch-making product with their own eyes again.

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