For a time, many travelers even wanted to experience the story of Qin Shihuang for themselves after it was officially released.

In order to wait until the day of release, I even postponed my original schedule...

Many people even exclaimed that this is definitely the most outstanding invention on the Teyvat continent in recent years.

If you can't experience the official version of Magic Crystal in person,

Look at the story of the emperor who ended the Warring States Period, they will definitely regret it for the rest of their lives~!

look--! ! You must read it before leaving!

It’s a trip anyway, so there’s not much time left!

Chapter 29: The crime is in the present time, but the merit lies in the future!

The wait is always long...

However, things have their beginnings and their endings.


Three days later, the day that countless people had been waiting for for a long time came when the magic crystal was officially released.

Because the commotion was loud enough and the publicity was sufficient, now the streets are empty.

For a product, is its sales good?

The decisive key factor is its quality.

As for entertainment in Teyvat continent,

The emergence of magic crystal can be called a dimensionality reduction blow. Apart from this one, there is no other semicolon.

Coupled with its high quality and low price, as soon as the Magic Crystal was launched, most people in Liyue Port who had enough money bought one.

There were even businessmen from abroad who were keenly aware of the business opportunities and wanted to buy hundreds of them at once to resell and test the waters.

But it is a pity that from a long time ago, Homura has set a limit on identification on the magic crystal, and one person can only buy it once.

In Liyue Port, a person can only purchase one item similar to identification.

Many people feel quite sorry and heartbroken about this...

What a missed opportunity.

Any big businessman with some discernment can see that this will be the beginning of the next era.

But those gourmets who were attracted by the story of Qin Shihuang didn't think so much.

They used the magic crystal with excitement and familiarity,

According to the previous trial version,


On the bookshelf, the previous pv of the First Emperor has disappeared, replaced by...

It is a book cover with the words Great Qin Empire.

When consciousness sinks into books,

The next moment——

A familiar feeling of dizziness came over me, and the space was chaotic, as if I had been displaced.

Wait until you come to your senses,

They once again returned to that charming world with the same seven-nation regime as the Teyvat continent.

"Where is King Qin?!"

"The First Emperor! I want to see the First Emperor!"

"How strong, I am Da Qin!" It has just begun, but many people with strong receptive abilities have already learned to send barrages.

For a while, because of the previous pv and listening to books at Heyu Tea House,

Many Liyue people have become Jingqin elements...

At this time, they all expressed their inner emotions excitedly.


When I heard the magnetic narration gradually coming to my ears, suddenly... everyone fell silent, and the barrage was empty.

That was told in Yan's voice...

The story of a king, an emperor, and a hero.

‘In the history of mankind, which is as vast as the Milky Way, heroes and kings have been born as numerous as stars.

Their stories will not fade even after thousands of years.

But even in the entire history of mankind, among all the heroes,

Never has a person's life been so controversial. ’

‘Even after more than two thousand years, there is still no definite answer.

He was the first emperor to realize a unified dynasty in that ancient eastern land - Qin Shihuang! ’

Accompanied by the eloquent voice,

A scene began to flash before people's eyes.

But he lives high in the main hall of Xianyang,

Standing on the throne, no one dares to look directly at the figure, which is more majestic and dazzling than the sun in the sky.

For a moment, people couldn't help but hold their breath, they didn't dare to say a word, their minds were affected.

The voice continued: 'Some people say that he was the emperor who founded a unified dynasty, unified the Central Plains, and had great achievements throughout the ages;

But some people say that he is cruel, cold-blooded, and an eternal tyrant who preys on the common people but also burns books and humiliates scholars. ’

‘He has done too many things in his life,

It is no longer possible to evaluate and judge what kind of existence it is from a single thing.

Even after more than two thousand years, later generations still have mixed reviews...

But there’s a saying you should probably listen to—’

The sound paused for a moment, then disappeared completely...

People's vision gradually dimmed, and finally, in the darkness, a line of font appeared,

‘The crime is in the present time, but the merit is in the future. ’

Eight words, but an image instantly became extremely vivid, as if it was about to come out!

People lost their minds for a moment.

Human nature is extremely complex,

Compared with divinity, it loses some sublimity, but has more changes and possibilities.

People who do good things are not necessarily good people.

And people who do bad things are not necessarily bad people.

For an emperor,

You need to have a strong vision that can coordinate the overall situation.

His vision is never limited to the present, but to a more distant place.

Immediately afterwards, a line of font appeared in front of people's eyes again.

'386 BC'

Through the annotations, people know its time measurement, how far back in ancient times it was,


Pieces of battlefields appeared before people's eyes.

There is fighting everywhere,

The stumps were broken off, countless people fell in pools of blood, and the seven kingdoms conquered each other.

The brutality of the battle and the lingering smell of gunpowder smoke in the air made the people of Teyvat, who had been living a happy and peaceful life for many years, turn pale.

Many people have even imagined that when a war breaks out, they can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and perform meritorious deeds.

After seeing the horror of the battlefield, they were all timid and frightened.

And from different angles,

People have seen what ‘time flies’ means,

On the same land,

The last moment I was still shouting with all my strength,

Countless people fought, slashing their swords at their enemies.

The next moment, the scene returned to silence...

There are unburied corpses everywhere, and there are scenes of wild beasts and birds eating the corpses.

This scene fully demonstrates the cruelty of war.

The so-called war...

It should never be something that is labeled with beautiful words.

And all of this stems from the weakness of the Emperor of Zhou in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The vassal states came together and began to talk about it.

The seven strongest countries among them are Zhao, Wei, Han, Chu, Qi, Yan, and Qin.

There are many other small countries among them, such as Song, Yue, Ba, Shu, Zhongshan, etc.

Caught between great powers, I feel anxious all day long, fearing that one day I will be destroyed by the great powers.

And even the people who were born in the seven powerful kingdoms,

He also lives in the heat of water.

The wife has lost her husband, the children have lost their father,

Old people lose their children, this scene can be seen everywhere...

Countless young people were recruited into the army and died tragically on the battlefield.

And how many people, even if they were not affected by the war,

Because the man who is the backbone of the family is gone, they will eventually lose their ability to survive.

Famine, natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc. that accompany wars,

Starvation deaths abound... such as those who exchange children for food,

Even people who have seen Heyu Teahouse once,

Seeing it again, I still can’t bear to look at it...

It can be said that

In the entire Central Plains, there is no place that can truly be called peaceful and stable.

Chapter 30 The survivors of Fen Sixth Life, everyone: SSR six times in a row? What kind of luck is this!

As long as the Seven Kingdoms are not destroyed,

The war will never end,

Either to expand territory or simply for revenge.

Two hundred years of fighting, never-ending...

It is unfortunate for everyone to live in such an era.

I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times.

"It's so tragic!" Someone couldn't help but sigh.

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