Now, Qin has finally made some achievements.

It's time to be proud, right?

Why do some people tremble?

What does proton mean?

And the word Zhao Guo was also mentioned.

Thinking back carefully, this is not the first time that Zhao Guo has appeared on the scene.

The listeners at Heyu Teahouse remembered the story of the unknown assassin who assassinated Qin, a survivor of the Zhao Kingdom.

The foreign businessman recalled the time when he experienced the pv of the First Emperor in the Magic Crystal in major bookstores.

King Qin gritted his teeth and told of his tragic childhood humiliation...

My late father seemed to have been bullied by Zhao people.

He also followed and lived a life of dependence on others in the State of Zhao.

Could it have anything to do with this?

And with the paragraphs of comments entering people's minds.


That means being a hostage in Zhao State.

Gongzi was the name given to the royal family, royal heirs, and nobles during the Warring States Period.

That is to say——

Qin Yiren has royal blood and has the opportunity to become the next generation of King Qin.


Many people showed shocked expressions,

The smart people who react quickly have already thought of something and connected it with the childhood experience in King Qin Yingzheng's pv.

Bai Qi killed 450,000 Zhao people in a trap.

This was obviously an unprecedented victory.

On the continent of Teyvat, it is enough to be called a country-destroying battle.

Which country among the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat can muster such a large army?

Not to mention, even if all the names are soldiers... the fight is really over,

Four hundred and fifty thousand people were killed in one breath,

It is no different from the subjugation of the country.

Even if all the people are dead, how can there be a country without a country?

Such a crucial battle must be an important turning point for Qin to destroy the six kingdoms.

Even if the time to destroy the Six Kingdoms is not now,

It must be very close...

But the current King of Qin is not Ying Zheng.

In addition, Ying Zheng and his father were bullied by Zhao when they were young.

Many people immediately thought of it...

What kind of environment could the King of Qin and the future Emperor Qianjie be exposed to in this way when he was a child?

Proton! !

This identity suddenly made everyone realize.

Could this be that person's father? !

‘This young master of Qin’s surname is Ying and his given name is Ziyi.

"Historical Records" records that his name was Zi Chu. ’

As a prince, he appeared in the capital of Zhao Kingdom...

There is also a complicated origin in this.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the relationship between countries was relatively complicated.

One moment, the two brothers are good friends, and the next moment they are fighting each other.

Falling out faster than flipping through a book...

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and there are only eternal interests between countries, but no eternal friends.

Strong countries unite with powerful countries to bully weak countries,

Weak countries unite with weak countries to jointly resist the wolfish ambitions of powerful countries.

This is a common thing...

Based on this environment,

Countries may enter into marriages or exchange of interests in order to reassure their allies.

Even the king's heirs can be sent to other countries as hostages.

That is, hostages...


The seven countries basically all have each other's children living in other countries' capitals, in order to avoid war as much as possible.

Ying Ziyi came to Handan, Zhao State, as a hostage and stayed there for more than ten years.

When the relationship between Qin and Zhao was good, Ziyi had a noble status and had the support of Qin, and he could still live a comfortable life.

But as the honeymoon period passed, Qin gradually became stronger and stronger...

They even went to war against Zhao, and there was a tragic battle like the Battle of Changping.

Ziyi began to be unpopular with Zhao people in Zhao State. All kinds of insults seemed to pour out the anger of Zhao State's inferiority on the battlefield on this young master of Qin State.

Although his identity may still be useful...

King Zhao would not kill him on impulse.

But naturally, they will no longer be regarded as honored guests to support their lives.

He was allowed to be scolded and humiliated by Zhao people.

And the Qin State has become stronger. As long as there is a chance, it will never let go of the destruction of the Zhao State...

If it really comes to the day when the country is broken and the mountains and rivers are gone,

Not to mention the King of Zhao, even the remnants of the Zhao State will definitely have hatred in their hearts and want to drag this young master of the Qin State along with them.

Didn't Qin think of this?

Of course not...

But for King Qin,

There are many descendants, so sacrificing a few heirs is not a bad thing.

The emperor is ruthless...

As long as the Ying family bloodline is not cut off, as long as there are still people who can inherit the throne,

Just one or two royal bloodlines are not as important as Qin's great cause.

"This... is so cruel! This is driving Mr. Qin to death!

The smoother Qin's war on the frontline becomes,

If this young man is different, he will die sooner! "

"It can be called a narrow escape, no... it should be said that it is a start of ten deaths, a start of hell...

Is this the father of the future Qianzhuyi Emperor? "

"What, what?

Emperor Qianzheyi's father?

Isn't that the father of the First Emperor Ying Zheng?

Ah, did I miss it? Where did it say that this young master of Qin State was that person’s father? "

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, obviously...

Many people have already guessed Ziyi's identity.


There are many people who can’t figure out what’s going on and are still confused.

They continued to look behind...

First, I saw that 450,000 Zhao people died in the Battle of Changping.

Especially knowing now,

After their people surrendered, they were still trapped, killed and buried alive.

The overwhelming hatred seemed to be turning into reality.

The word "Bai Qi" has become their nightmare...

If the true master was really in front of them, they might be so frightened that they couldn't even move their bodies.

But facing a captive proton,

Those Zhao people whose husbands and sons died,

As if they had found an outlet, each one of them frantically directed their hatred and resentment towards Gong Ziyi.

Zhao Ren spit on his face,

Even if there is no order from King Zhao, the young master of Qin cannot be touched.

But all kinds of vicious abuse, all kinds of physical and mental humiliation,

It’s everywhere…

Even if the guards saw it, they would just turn a blind eye.

You know, this is Handan, the capital of Zhao State...

Nowadays, as long as you are a Zhao person, there is no one who does not hate the Qin people.

I wish I could eat its flesh and drink its blood.


The arrangement of fate is always so wonderful.

While Ziyi was a hostage in Handan, he met a man.

It was this person who not only changed his destiny, but also changed the future destiny of Qin, and even the entire history.

Everyone:...! ! !

Chapter 32: A legend in the business world, the position of a king...priceless!

A turning point has appeared!

People's eyes widened in surprise.

But it feels like it should be.

If the future King of Qin and the future First Emperor Ying Zheng are really his sons.

Then Qin Ziyi would not easily lead him into the enemy's base camp.

But who has the energy to lend a helping hand to King Qin in such a crisis?

at this time--

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