Naturally, there are also Tianquanxing Ningguang and big businessmen from various countries who come to Liyue Port.

Whether because of their sensitivity to business opportunities or the magic of magic crystals, they will naturally not miss the opportunity to experience a truly epic experience for the first time.

And this is the next story,

It will cause huge waves in the business community of Teyvat mainland in the future, and even the term "strange goods can be lived in" was born.

And after that, countless businessmen regarded one of the protagonists in the story as the businessman's godlike object of worship, worship, and admiration.

The legendary businessman who even Ning Guang was willing to defeat... Lu, Bu, Wei.

a name,

It's enough to make all the businessmen in the other world impressed and fall to the ground.

His talent in business,

Perhaps just like the First Emperor's imperial talents,

It's so powerful that it's so's considered a miracle that's hard to replicate.

For the entire story of the Qin Empire, the First Emperor is the real protagonist.

Instead of calling it the Great Qin Empire, it might as well be called The Biography of the First Emperor.

But this does not mean that some of the supporting characters will be overshadowed. During their active period, they once overwhelmed the real protagonist.

Only tell its story alone,

Even compared to other heroic legends, it is not inferior and can be regarded as a new and wonderful epic.

‘Businessman Lu Buwei—from Puyang, Henan.

That is, the Weiguo people during the Warring States Period.

After the fall of Weiguo, he went abroad to make a living.

He travels between countries and is good at discovering many business opportunities.

So he quickly became a leading businessman by virtue of his business skills. ’

‘Due to frequent wars between countries, inconvenient transportation, and the impact of terrain and climate...

As a result, many products, such as being cheaper in the north, can be highly profitable when shipped to the south.

Rare things are valuable...

Lu Buwei seized on this point, sold at low prices and sold at high prices, and owned a fortune of thousands of gold before he was thirty years old. ’

What is a thousand pieces of gold...?

Prices in other worlds are of course different from those in Teyvat.

Although Mora is golden, it can be called a gold coin.

But for the same gold coin, the amount of wealth possessed by different world market conditions is also different.

A thousand pieces of gold placed in the Warring States Period - to put it simply, it is equivalent to a thousand gold cakes weighing one kilogram.

If you still can’t understand,

So there are four words that can well describe how rich he is - 'as rich as the country'!

Hiss~! !

The moment I saw the words "wealthy and powerful\

,"Many businessmen took a breath.

Even if Tianquan Xing Ningguang, who controls the wealth of Liyue country, can only do this.

At this time, Ning Guang was also quite interested, and even had a faint fighting spirit, his eyes couldn't help but be sharp...

She could also have thoughts of comparing herself with that person.

A big businessman from another world?


Although he is around thirty years old, he can be said to be "as rich as anyone in the country".

It’s not much more concessions than her…

Primitive wealth accumulation was completed at such a young age.

The most important thing is...

Like himself, the other party also started from scratch, which made Ningguang seem to see another himself.

But she has no experience in dealing with six countries...

The reason why Lu Buwei was able to develop so quickly is inextricably linked to his talent for war.

So although Ning Guang was interested at this time, he didn't feel that he was inferior to each other.

When it comes to the means of making money, she is confident that she will not be inferior to anyone else.

But when he continued to look back...

What she had never thought about at this time, when she was still thinking about comparing the speed of making money with the other party,

Some people... their eyes are no longer limited to money transactions.

Instead, he made a huge bet on a business called ‘life’.

‘When Lu Buwei came to Handan, the capital of Zhao State, because of business matters,

Here...he met the young master of the Qin State, Ziyi, who was in a bad situation.

Although Ziyi's condition and spirit did not seem to be very good, he was gradually losing weight due to the torture he suffered from the Zhao people.

But his speech and behavior are quite accomplished and not like ordinary people. ’

Lu Buwei, who didn't know his identity at first, just felt that the person in front of him was good and he would definitely do great things in the future.

Doing business in goods is just a side street.

The best way is to be good at discovering talented people and investing in them before they become strong.

This is applying measurement in business to life...

Business investment may not be derivative of life investment.

Although there is no benefit return at the beginning,

But in the future, you may be able to recover ten times, a hundred times, or even tens of millions of times in benefits.

Businessmen pursue profits,

As long as there is a profit of 200%, he will risk being hanged to run a business.

What's more, this can return tens of millions of times of investment?

Faced with such huge profits, even if there are some investment risks, it doesn't matter.

After Lu Buwei inquired, he found that Ziyi was Qin's hostage.

With his keen business acumen, he decided that this was a huge business opportunity!

"Business opportunity?

Does he want to do business with Ziyi? "Many people were shocked when they saw this.

As a hostage, the young master of Qin State is impoverished. What business can he gain?

People who couldn't think clearly were a little stunned...

For the first time, they didn't react.

In other words - no one dares to think that way.


As an old fox, even if he discovered the particularity and business opportunities of Ziyi,

He did not act immediately, but repeatedly investigated and confirmed that Ziyi had the purest royal bloodline.

Right now--

After having the possibility of seizing the legitimate son.

There is no better place to live than this...

The so-called exotic goods are rare and precious goods.

Being able to live means being able to purchase and stock up.

In his eyes, Ziyi is a rare treasure.


He decided to make the biggest gamble of his life.

Betting all your wealth to do something that has never been done or thought of by anyone in the past, but today...

The things he dared to think and even do... opened up new paths for future generations.

At this time, he still had the last trace of hesitation.

After all, this is a terrifying thing that has never been done before.

He admitted that he was gambling...


One day he went back and asked his father,

"How many times can you get a huge profit by investing in agriculture and getting a bumper harvest?"

The father replied: "Ten times."

"How many times the income can be obtained by investing in business and buying and selling jewelry?"

The father replied: "A hundred times."

Finally, Lu Buwei asked: "What about investing in renovation and establishing a king? How many times the benefits can be obtained?"

My father answered with two words: "Countless!"

Countless is better than a thousand times or ten thousand times of benefits.

For a moment, many people who saw this place suddenly woke up, and only belatedly realized what Lu Buwei wanted to do.

The last sentence had completely exposed his intentions and his wolfish ambitions.

"Rare goods can be lived in...can the position of a king also be regarded as goods?!"

Shock~! Countless people were shocked for a while!

On the continent of Teyvat, this is equivalent to the throne of the Seven Gods.

Hiss~! What a crazy gamble of the century.

And he still invested his entire net worth!

Chapter 33 Lu Buwei: As long as you dare to ask for it, I dare to give it to you!

Everyone's hearts felt as if they had experienced a big earthquake.

This huge gamble of life.

Once the bet loses, Lu Buwei, who has wealth that rivals the country, will be defeated. Will be transported back to before liberation...

For a time, everyone was shocked by this amazing courage.

If you have never been rich,

You can still endure poverty, but if you fail, you have to start from scratch...

This will make people collapse!

The merchants from Teyvat Continent also showed horrified expressions.

Some things are not that no one has thought of before, but that no one has ever done it, and no one dares to do it...

No one dares to set this precedent.

But what if someone opens it?

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