But those words reflected in people's eyes, that almost forgotten, one of the few shames of King Arthur, and the thing that made all male and female book fans jealous (envious)... was recalled again.

"He... he - Mordred... is... the son of Morgan, the witch who plotted against the king... the despicable child?!" Trembling, intermittent and stuttering words.

A girl showed an unbelievable look.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Someone screamed like crazy.

Remember, everyone finally remembered!

And Mordred's identity was finally revealed!

The knight who originally seemed to them to have the least presence and the weakest strength was actually the son of the king? ! ! (He was easily defeated by Tristan, causing people to mistakenly believe that he was not strong enough)

At this moment, when they turned the next page with trembling right hands.

On the new page, two figures wrapped in cloaks appeared in front of everyone.

In a street in the capital, two cloaked men were watching the Knight King who was returning triumphantly and being cheered by the people.

Looking at that glorious and brilliant figure.

One of the women, whose graceful figure could not be concealed even by her cloak, leaned down softly, as if she was saying something to the other cloaked man.

Her white, slender fingers were lovingly and gently placed on the shoulders of the other cloaked man in front of her.

The text below the illustration seemed to appear after the scene in the picture.

Then Claire and the others saw a sentence that made their faces change drastically, and suddenly stood up:

"As my son, you have the qualifications to inherit the throne. Now temporarily hide your identity and serve the king. Then - in the future, you will overthrow the king and replace him."

Chapter 319 Arthur: I recognize you! Call me daddy! Gloomy Mo: ...

At first, he was sent to Arthur by Morgan as the king's nephew and was canonized as a knight.

He was not very clear about his own identity.

Since he became conscious, there has only been a mother in his life, and no father.

In a sense, he and Galahad are the same kind of people.

When his mother Morgan told him that she was the heir of the king and had the same blood as the king.

"King Arthur... is my father." This thought completely occupied Mordred's mind.

Claire and the others widened their eyes when they saw this.

The book also revealed the identities of the two mysterious people, Morgan and Mordred.

"It's really them!"

"Damn... Was Mordred sent to fight for the throne?" Everyone suddenly felt nervous and anxious.

And suddenly there was a passage in the book.

Andersen: "Because of Mordred's specialness, this time I brought you two story routes! Although the ending is almost the same."

The words that made people confused, everyone showed confusion.

The legendary bard, Andersen, actually talked to them personally through his own book! !

- Mordred's specialness? Two story lines?

People quickly thought of the Piercer series, with two endings due to different choices.

They knew the world line, and it was explained in the previous book Piercer.

But what do two story lines mean, and is it also the meaning of different world lines?

Is it another story that makes two different choices and leads to different futures? So the character who made the choice this time is Mordred?

"If different choices lead to different futures, why did Lord Andersen say that the endings are almost the same..." Rhine murmured and frowned.

Thinking of the words he saw when he first paid attention to the Horned Knight when he was still unclear about Mordred's identity:

"In the final analysis, he just wanted to cure his father's loneliness, and chose to embark on the road to becoming a king for this."

Rhine's expression was a little dazed.

That knight turned out to be Mordred, so the loneliness of his father who he wanted to cure was King Arthur!

The girl pursed her lips, because the two souls who were both lacking love were attracted to each other.

Because that special word seemed to hide deep emotions, Rhine had the idea of ​​understanding the hero's biography for the first time, and wanted to know the life of the Horned Knight in King Arthur.

Although that idea is not so strong now...

But when Mordred appeared again, Rhine couldn't help but have the fantasy of "what kind of story is this".

Her heart was inexplicably touched, and a trace of expectation arose from the bottom of her heart. Can she find the choice she wanted in Mordred's story?

At this moment, Rhine finally remembered her original purpose of reading the book.

It's not just Mordred who wants to cure his father's loneliness, she is too!

In order to find a way to get her father's recognition from the book, that was her original goal of contacting the King Arthur series.

When everyone had different ideas and wanted to explore what the two story routes were and what was special about Mordred.

The plot in the book returned to the right track, and Andersen did not appear to explain anything.

After King Arthur's quick swim, Mordred was told of his true identity by his mother Morgan.

Soon, Claire and the others saw that Mordred secretly went to find the king without telling Morgan, and asked the king about his identity.

And Arthur finally knew that Morgan had left him such a forbidden child after that night.

This was undoubtedly a huge humiliation and stain for him as the Knight King.

He hesitated and struggled for a moment, but finally smiled gently at Mordred with relief and chose to accept Mordred's existence.

"I see, although it's my sister's trick, you are indeed my child. I will be responsible for educating you on how to become an excellent knight." King Arthur promised sincerely.

After all, Mordred is innocent.

Arthur didn't know Mordred's identity at the beginning. Even though he didn't know his true identity, he still chose to let Mordred become the round table. Not only because Mordred was the "nephew" introduced by his sister Morgan, but also because Mordred was the "nephew" introduced by his sister Morgan. It's because of Mordred's excellent knightly abilities.

Now that he knows the other party's true identity and his relationship with him, Arthur believes that he should fulfill his obligations as a father and teach him to become a truly virtuous knight.

On the other side, listening to King Arthur's reply.

But a picture came back to Mordred's mind.

"You must never take off this helmet -" This was the order that mother Morgan once gave to Mordred.

Because the face under the armor is similar to Wang Jiuzheng, once people discover it, they will inevitably become suspicious of his identity. His mother Morgan has always sealed his true face.

When she heard King Arthur admit his identity, Mordred was a little touched and surprised.

Did the other party believe his words without even seeing his true face under the helmet?

Mordred was not a child born and raised normally.

In order to satisfy the mother's ambition, as the product of King Arthur's union with her, the birth of the son was "inevitable".

After his birth, he was given a special spell to speed up his growth.

Because of these reasons, Mordred's growth rate is far faster than human beings, and his life cycle is shortened accordingly.

He himself once said, "When the children who are playing with me and my sword-wielding self grow up, I may have already aged and died."

Because of his own uniqueness, he has always felt ashamed of his abnormal birth and growth, and was unconsciously jealous of the people around him.

However, unlike "Mordred" from the other world, he only inherited the jealousy but did not retain the innocence of his childhood.

Because of this difference, naturally he would not have any admiration for the perfect king in front of him.

I came here to ask Wang just to verify a certain suspicion in my heart.

"Is this so?" Although Wang's promise was somewhat unexpected.

Mordred was not greatly affected and quickly calmed down.

...The handsome face similar to Wang's under the armor is still gloomy.

Mordred and King Arthur in different worlds are like the relationship between the flower magician and the king.

——Merlin in the stupid world has always looked at Arturia in a more serious (probably?) way, and in the end felt guilty and regretful for what he had done.

——But the relationship between Meili and Old Sword in the world view of Old Sword has a hint of ambiguity and harmony.

Although the histories of the two worlds are similar, the personalities of many characters may have undergone significant changes. Even though they are "the same person" as the old sword and the dead hair after becoming heroic spirits, their desires are completely different.

Similarly, due to personality reasons, Mordred in this world is not as eager to get the king's recognition as Xiao Mo in the stupid world! Even if Arthur in this world recognizes Mordred, the relationship between father and son still becomes subtle!

Chapter 320: Would you rather cry for that disloyal knight than acknowledge me? hehe!

At this moment, when people are still looking for the so-called storyline and the specialness of Mordred.

...The first story line brought about by 'Andersen' has quietly begun.

The Mordred who appears here is a male Mordred who was born from the original version of King Arthur legend, Death of King Arthur and the world of Shape Moon, combining the image of Mordred in the entire three worlds.

He is cold and sullen.

Because he did not have a good childhood when he was young, the price of accelerated growth is that he becomes more emotionally indifferent and prone to jealousy.

If Mo Zai in the stupid world has always maintained his innocence as a child in that suffering and dark life, he has longed for the perfect king and father, and longed for Arthur's recognition.

So Mordred at this time is the old Mo who is completely swallowed up by the darkness, and has a bad personality that makes the 'Old Sword' and the original King Arthur also suffer.

After Arthur began to educate Mordred, he gradually discovered problems with Mordred's character.

Although on the surface he agrees with all his decisions, from time to time... Mordred will reveal his rebellious side.

For some reason, Mordred was very hostile to the family of King Berlinor, the knight in the Danger Seat in the past, and even killed Lanmarok, the son of the late King Berlinor, in a sneak attack.

After adding the matter of uniting with Argue and them to capture Lancelot...

Arthur now has a very headache for his son.

As a knight's code, he should punish the other party severely, but as a father's debt, his inner emotions were biased towards Mordred.

In the end, no matter what mistakes Mordred made, King Arthur turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye to it, minimizing it as much as possible, minimizing it... and letting it go.

But Mordred like this made Arthur unable to relax and pass the throne to him.

No matter how guilty he was, he would not joke about Britain's future.

If Mordred remained like this, how could he become a king who brought happiness and smiles to the people! Arthur would not recognize such a little Mordred as a king.

For these reasons, although he began to teach Mordred the practice of knighthood, Arthur never mentioned the issue of the successor to the throne.

He planned to train and train Mordred again.

If the other party was really not suitable to be a king, he would pass the throne to a knight who was suitable to lead Britain to prosperity.

However, Arthur's silence stimulated Mordred's extremely sensitive heart.

"My king... my father, are you not going to pass the throne to me? You still look down on my origin by not mentioning this matter!" Mordred thought with jealousy in his heart.

As the only heir of King Arthur, his father never mentioned the issue of the successor to the throne.

Sure enough -

Whether it was his mother or his father, for them, he was a dispensable tool.

The brilliant and shining king's sword placed in King Arthur's treasure house.

That sword [more dazzling than any silver], with a value comparable to the [Sword of Promise Gold], a weapon that symbolizes the succession to the throne, has never been given to him by his father.

This made Mordred more certain of his inner guess, and his face under the armor became indifferent and gloomy.

"No... it's not like that! Sir Mordred!" Rhine murmured with a little rapid breathing after seeing this.

In her mind, she still had the image of the knight facing the king, the impression of the knight who only wanted to heal her father's loneliness.

Why did it become like this now? It should definitely not be like this!

Facing Mordred who misunderstood Arthur's intentions, Rhine was more anxious than anyone else at this moment.

Putting herself in the role of Mordred, if she also misunderstood her father, how sad would the Knight King be as her father!

Rhine felt very uncomfortable when she thought of this.

However, Rhine's voice could not be transmitted to the book after all.

Claire on the side looked at her best friend blankly;

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