‘He was very excited, and Rhine’s expression looked a little sad. What's wrong with her. ’

The timeline in the story progresses rapidly.

At this time, Lancelot had already robbed the execution ground and rescued Guinevere, who was supposed to be burned at the stake.

Lancelot, who knew Guinevere's innocence better than anyone else, even thought that he was no longer worthy of the name of a knight or the noble holy sword of the indestructible lake.

But she still couldn't sit idly by and watch the life and death of her friend Guinevere.

After rescuing Guinevere, the two fled all the way to France.

But this move angered the Round Table and the citizens of Camelot.

Some knights originally expressed doubts about how a noble knight like Lancelot could do such a conciliatory thing with the queen.

After knowing this, they gradually believed in the ambiguity between Lancelot and Guinevere.

The two people's escape has become a mountain of ironclad evidence, making the world feel ashamed.

The knights, the people, everyone who had been deceived from the truth began to accuse and scold the two men for their shameless behavior, and spontaneously defended the majesty of the great and glorious king.

Once the noblest of knights, Lancelot was now a disloyal disgrace to the knightly world.

The wise Queen Guinevere also became a woman with a reputation as dissolute as Morgan.

"Oh my god!!" A strong blow hit Princess Chenxi, and her head felt like it was struck by lightning.

The little princess simply didn’t dare to read about what happened in the book! !

How could these people, these people say so many outrageous things!

It is clear that Sir Lancelot and Guinevere have always been innocent.

Everyone who saw this blushed with anger because of the ignorance of the people.

But in fact, if they hadn't always viewed the story from God's perspective, they might have become a member of this group of ignorant people.

After some sober people realized this, their faces became even uglier, as if they had eaten a bunch of food and became unspeakably stinky.

At this time, the story in the book has developed to King Arthur leading the Knights of the Round Table to attack France.

Under the pressure of the Round Table, in order to maintain the face of Britain and his own honor as king, Arthur had to conquer the country where Lancelot was now located.

Even if that's not what he wants to do!

This heart-wrenching scene made Claire and others even crazier, holy shit! Damn it! Damn it! Please, leave a way for Lancelot and the others to survive!

They have never hated the round table so much! Exploded! My lungs are about to explode!

Even though I understand the actions of the Round Table members who want to maintain their glory, I cannot emotionally accept this setting at all!

On the other side, forced by King Arthur's strong intimidation, France chose to compromise and return Guinevere after communicating with Lancelot and the others.

This time Arthur showed a different courage. When the Round Table wanted to execute Guinevere immediately, the King of Knights broke out!

"I will not make the same mistake again. No one can hurt Guinevere!" Arthur expressed his belief in Guinevere's innocence and his willingness to continue to accept Guinevere as his queen.

Guinevere was very moved after hearing this, and she promised to go back to Camelot to wait for the king's return.

The Round Table finally said nothing, but asked to continue the campaign against France.

Because Gawain was very upset about Lancelot killing Gareth, and the hatred in his heart made him unable to accept letting Lancelot go.

Arthur, who had made concessions on Guinevere, could only agree to Gawain and the others...

Saving Guinevere was the limit of what he could do.

So Arthur led the Knights of the Round Table and continued to conquer France.

And not long after...

Mordred, who was in charge of guarding the capital in Camelot, looked at Queen Guinevere who was sent back, with a faint smile on his face.

Mordred recalled that before Arthur went to war, he once hid his face with one hand on the throne alone for the shameless Knight of the Lake, and wondered if he was crying.

"My father! Would you rather cry and mourn for a knight who is unfaithful to you than recognize me and pass the throne to me?"

He doesn't really want to be recognized by the king, nor does he want to get the throne, but the throne should be his...

Hatred - arising from feelings of jealousy and injustice.

Mordred slowly walked up to Guinevere without lowering his head... just looking down at the somewhat bewildered woman in front of him emotionlessly.

Looking at the knight Mordred in front of her, an uneasy feeling was inexplicably born in Guinevere's heart.

‘——What does he want to do to himself? ’

Chapter 321: My son’s gun was shot! Return the Holy Sword Chapter!

The scene changed, "While Arthur was participating in the Battle of Rome, Mordred snatched Queen Guinevere and the throne, and the battle between Arthur and Mordred broke out."

One sentence sums up the story of Mordred in Arthurian legend.

When the news reached King Arthur on the front line, Claire and the others did not see the actual picture or text description.

But it still made them feel like they were struck by lightning.

Mordred...he ended up stealing Arthur's queen? !

The woman who took away her father was such a taboo and rebellious person that was not tolerated by the world.

This knight, whose strength didn't seem to be very outstanding, finally got his own name - "Rebellious Knight" Mordred.

Everyone was surprised and incredibly angry.

How dare he! How could he do this!

The Arthurian dynasty, which had gone through two generations of efforts, began to fall apart at this moment.

The news that King Arthur had died in battle spread from the capital of Camelot. Mordred ascended the throne with the rumor and took out the shining sword from the royal treasury.

He finally got what he wanted.

What his father was unwilling to give him, he got by himself.

King Arthur's throne, women, and everything he had were inherited by himself.

As he became king, no one would criticize his origin.

The crowd continued to read in anger. As Mordred's inner fluctuations in the text, they found that Mordred had not actually touched Guinevere.

Guinevere was still innocent, but was imprisoned.

Eh? !

Claire and the others were stunned.

——What, what happened?

They continued to watch, and then they learned the reason why Mordred spread the news that he had taken Guinevere by force.

It turned out that King Arthur forgave Lancelot, who had an affair with Guinevere. In the eyes of his son, his father's crying was proof of his forgiveness for the unfaithful knight.

He didn't need his father's approval, but for some reason he suddenly chose to commit the same crime as Lancelot.

"So, father! How would you view me! The man who robbed your wife!"

Mordred... did he still hope to be recognized by King Arthur?

Inexplicably, people couldn't help but think so.

But Mordred's attitude didn't seem to be like that.

This made everyone even more confused.

In the end, King Arthur led his army back and confronted the rebels recruited by Mordred on a battlefield.

"See, King Arthur, your country is finished! No matter who wins between you and me, as you can see, it has been completely destroyed. Shouldn't you have understood this long ago? If you pass the throne to me, this won't happen. Am I... as Morgan's clone, do you hate me like this?"

"I have never hated you. There is only one reason why I won't pass the throne to you - you don't have the capacity to be king."

Accompanied by the last cold conversation between the two.

The two sides launched a fierce struggle. On Camlan Hill, King Arthur pierced Mordred's body with the Holy Spear. He finally executed his son with his own hands.

The one sealed by the mother, "Never take off your helmet in front of people!"

Although Morgan said so, his helmet had been broken in the battle, and he was freed from the mask. His gloomy handsome face faced King Arthur for the first time.

Then King Arthur died of exhaustion in battle. Before he died, he was taken to a grove by the knight Bedivere, and the king asked Bedivere to return the holy sword.

She lied to the king twice before, saying that she had returned the holy sword, but she was exposed by the king because she failed to correctly describe the scene of the fairy of the lake taking back the holy sword.

When people were still immersed in the tragic battle of Camlan Hill.

They were also attracted by the plot that Bedivere was reluctant to return the holy sword. At this moment, they did not realize that King Arthur's life was like a candle in the wind and could die at any time.

And Bedivere's behavior of disobeying the king's orders twice also made everyone feel a little confused.

From the fact that this knight rescued King Arthur who was exhausted and seriously injured on the battlefield, it can be seen that this knight named Bedivere should be loyal to King Arthur!

But why did he resist the king's order so much.

Is it just because he didn't want the king to lose the holy sword and didn't want to return the treasure that symbolizes glory?

"If the holy sword is returned, the king who loses the immortal power of the holy sword will die because of the serious injury at this time."

When Bedivere's heart was presented in words because of the God's perspective in the book.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

King! ! Will die!

This shocking word suddenly turned into a giant hand that strangled their hearts, making them raise their hearts to their throats.

Ahhhhh! No way! It really is... It really is the final volume!!

The ominous premonition finally came true!

This battle turned out to be the end of King Arthur's last glory.

Because King Arthur had many difficult battles before, everyone did not fully realize for a while that this was the broken future that Merry and Arthur had already encountered during the sword-drawing ceremony.

When they saw that a round table named Bedivere rescued the queen, they were even more relieved.

But they did not expect that a shocking turn of events was waiting for them again!!

Rhine and the others widened their eyes, and their minds were hit by a huge impact like thunder and storm.

Swish! The faces of the book fans suddenly turned pale.

"After returning the holy sword, King Arthur no longer has the weapon to defend the country and lead the knights forward. So that's it, King Arthur has... given up the idea of ​​continuing to live! Ahhhhh!"

"No, don't give up! Didn't you kill Mordred? As long as you return to Camelot! Arthur, you can still be king!"

"As long as there is the power of the holy sword, the king will not really die! That's right, the holy sword must not be lost!" Everyone's spirit collapsed and shouted wildly.

How could they accept the ending of the king's death.

Even if they knew from the beginning that King Arthur would inevitably end up, it was one thing to know, but to actually see the perfect king in their minds actually fall down!

Everyone was trembling all over and their eyes were red with anxiety.


Wang, who was leaning against the base of the tree, opened his eyes.

"Bedivere, I had a dream——" The knight stood quietly, listening to the words spoken by the king looking into the distance.

"Even in my dream (Holy Grail War), I am fighting. In a distant country without you, in a city I have never seen before, you can say that I am stupidly confused, but as expected, I still keep waving the holy sword."

"No one can slander the king by calling him stupid." Bedivere.

Finally, after Bedivere hesitated for the third time, he returned the holy sword with trembling hands.

The Lake Fairies welcomed back the Holy Sword and loaded King Arthur's body on a small boat and transported it to Gensokyo far away from the world, where they stayed with Mellie.

His body was preserved there forever, resting and sleeping as if asleep.

Legend has it that the king is not really dead. Until the end of some time in the future, the king will wake up from his long sleep and be resurrected to save the world again.

A story line of King Arthur is over, the ending! However, in the royal capital of another world, people were completely upset!

Chapter 322 The continuation of the dream, praying for the king’s happiness!

"Why return the sword?"

"Ah! This Bedivere, the king will die after returning the sword!"

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