In a world of magic and faith, and true gods.

Such pure longing, even anger and resentment, have the possibility of giving birth to gods!

Because Morgan is not a god in people's eyes, there may not be any related gods born for a while.

But a certain god who was falling into autistic state was awakened by this astonishing and materialized anger, resentment and other negative emotions!

Hermitus "..."

What's going on! ! What kind of outrageous thing must he have committed to attract such a large amount of negative emotions in the capital.

On the other side of the book, after being rejected by King Arthur.

Mordred: "Really...why I can only be at the bottom of the round table - I finally understand."

The girl spoke with a trembling voice.

Even people who were reading could not hear her tone.

But he can also imagine what a desperate scene it would be.

The fantasy was completely shattered, and was denied by the person I admired the most! Morgan's words actually became reality!

What a blow this is!

When Mordred was overjoyed and wanted to ask the king, everyone was relieved at the same time.

They thought that King Arthur would respond like he did in the previous world, and they didn't care at all about Morgan's almost "prophetic" words to Mordred.

How could Brother Arthur, such a gentle person, have the heart to reject and hurt Mordred.

This wave is stable! As long as the relationship between father and son is good, there will be no betrayal later!

But Claire and the others never expected it.

In the end, the problem was with the king, not the rebellious knight.

"The last seat of the Round Table - ah! It's so painful to watch! Is the Mordred of this world the last seat of the Round Table? Has she been ostracized by King Arthur?"

Everyone who didn't know that Mordred was seated at the round table, after seeing Mordred's desperate words, took it for granted that only Mordred in this world was the last seat.

In fact, the knight's seat has not changed in the two worlds.

The only change is that the Mordred of this world is no longer the king’s cutie!

Chapter 327 A war caused by a shaking hand!

"No matter how hard you work, even if you are better than anyone else, Mordred has been despised by King Arthur as the evil son who has stained his life the moment he was born."

"The higher you stand on the top of the clouds, the more painful it will be when you fall. For Mordred, this is the transition from hope to despair, which ignites the fire of hatred for King Arthur in his heart."

People looked at this description in silence.

For the first time, they felt that they were leaning toward Mordred, not King Arthur's side.

" a little pitiful!"

"The tragic knight who cannot show his true colors only longs for his father's love, but he is ruthlessly rejected by Arthur... Alas!"

"Uh... why do I suddenly feel that Arthur did something wrong this time." King Arthur, who has never been "wrong" in people's eyes, is an ideal and perfect king. Apart from his brave and fierce fight with King Berlino last time, he has no other shortcomings. .

But now——

"It's indeed wrong. If it were Arthur in my mind, he should... no, he would definitely choose to accept Xiao Mo!" Someone suddenly spoke excitedly.

——Xiao Mo?

When they heard this title, other people in the bookstore who were discussing the plot were stunned.

However, the female Mordred is indeed very cute! Being called Xiao Mo affectionately seems... a great feeling!

Everyone's eyes gleamed, and then they all started shouting one after another.

A new wife has appeared! Just as there seem to be many more people who like Flower Magician Mellie than Arthur.

A cute, sweet girl, isn't she much sweeter than Arthur from this other world [cold and strange]?

Because the words Arthur spoke before could no longer combine his image with the King Arthur he knew.

Coupled with the setting of King Arthur in another world, the recognition of King Arthur in this world is not as high as that of Mordred, who looks pitiful in the book.

The petite and cute appearance of Mordred in the illustration has attracted a lot of fans.

Comparing the contrast between the male Mordred, people are even more excited at this time!

The same is Mordred... The male Mordred is too gloomy and the things he does are too disgusting. Now that he has turned into a simple Xiao Mo who longs for his father's approval, the feeling is suddenly different.

As new illustrations appear in the picture.

That was Mordred lowering his head, looking cold, pitiful and helpless in despair after getting a reply from the king.

Sadness and anger spread in my heart.

The faces of Claire, the little princess, Rhine and other girls couldn't help but shine with the radiance of motherhood.

Looking at Mordred at this time, they felt extremely pitiful.

The subsequent plots in the book are astonishingly similar as history reappearing.

Everyone once again watched the process of King Arthur's conquest of France.

Because of King Arthur's rejection of Mordred, they were all nervous at this moment...

'Not for that reason, Mordred. You might as well betray King Arthur! ’

Even though the King Arthur of this world seemed inhumane, cold and unintelligible before.

But in the end, he still has the identity of King Arthur.

Everyone still doesn't want to see the tragic scene of betrayal and separation.

The son stabbed his father to death... Pah! Now it's a daughter!

No matter how you look at it, it's really too sad.

The result -

As expected by everyone, when Guinevere was sent back to Camelot and the king was exhausted from fighting outside.

In Camelot, a rebellion started by Mordred started again!

Claire and the others saw this and their eyes turned red. They couldn't help but clenched their fists, but gritted their teeth and didn't curse like cursing male Mordred.

Even though little Mordred also betrayed the king, the starting point was different from that of male Mordred, which became a major factor affecting people's judgment and psychological emotions.

They forced themselves to calm down and continue watching.

Then they knew the reason why Mordred in this world chose to betray the king.

"Father... I will defeat you personally and prove to you that I am the one who is qualified to inherit the throne!"

- Inherit the brilliant and shining king's sword!

She took the sword from the treasury that she dreamed of Arthur handing over to her personally.

If Arthur could care more about this naughty child and give her such recognition, Mordred would be so happy that she couldn't help crying!

She hated King Arthur, but she respected and loved her "father" even more.

That vision has never wavered--

At this time, Rhine was in a panic when he saw this.

In her eyes, Mordred did not challenge the king out of anger and hatred.

It's more like--

"Do you also... want to get your father's recognition?" Rhine murmured, and her heart trembled uncontrollably.

Her ten fingers turned white, and she tightly grasped the pages in her hand.

It's just like a child who is not valued and is upset. Even if he did such a thing, it was to get more attention and attention from King Arthur!

And Rhine felt the same.

Following the description in the book, Claire and the others could not understand Mordred's thoughts as quickly as Rhine at first.

But from the perspective of God, they were shocked after seeing Mordred's psychological changes and the complex emotions of love and hate.

——Poor Sir Mordred!

Woohoo! No, I'm going to cry again.

The last knot in everyone's heart was also released and dissipated.

People who understand how important Arthur is to Mordred, how can they still be cruel enough to rebuke her seemingly unreasonable behavior!

When King Arthur and Mordred's army met at Camlan Hill.

Another different plot appeared.

King Arthur and Mordred did not fight directly like in the previous world, but the two sides confronted each other silently and chose to negotiate.

Just as Old Mo said, if the two sides went to war here, no matter who won...

It would cause heavy casualties among the excellent knights of Britain, and Camelot would be seriously injured and go to extinction from then on.

This battle cannot be fought! Once it starts, Britain, which is already in a precarious situation, will almost be doomed to extinction.

King Arthur was hesitant and hesitant.

As for Mordred——

She wanted the king’s approval and love more than she hated the king, and she didn’t want to turn her sword against her father until the end.

They looked at each other with complicated expressions, and no one spoke first.

Claire and the others also took a breath and watched this plot nervously.

Is there a turning point in the story?

At this moment, whether it was the Princess of Dawn in the capital, or the blacksmith’s son and ordinary farmers who were reading books, they all prayed for the reconciliation of father and son with the same identity—fans of the King Arthur series!

Only Rhine, a girl who paid more attention to Mordred and his specialness than anyone else, suddenly had a bad premonition.

She sensitively remembered Andersen’s words when he talked about the two story lines, “The ending—is about the same.”

Will there really be a turning point?

Just as the knights on both sides were nervously and vigilantly standing behind King Arthur and Mordred and looking at each other, a lizard suddenly climbed onto the arm of a knight.

The knight, who was already nervous, was startled instantly! Then... my hands started shaking!

Chapter 328: How much do you love your father? But you want to kill him yourself!

With this small action, all of Claire and the others opened their eyes wide!

Quiet, holding their breath, not daring to look away for a moment!

Oh my God! What did we all see! It's over, it's completely over!

Such a dramatic scene is even more absurd and unbelievable than telling them that King Arthur has also become a girl!

Clang! The knight subconsciously drew his sword and killed the moving thing on his shoulder! At the same time, he also killed the last hope and luck in Claire's heart.

At this critical moment, they could already guess that such an explosive scene would happen next.

NMD! Why! Everyone's desperate face! The coincidence that was too coincidental was a devastating picture.

The bright white light that flashed on the sword in an instant was reflected in the eyes of the knight opposite.

Like a secret signal! The horn of war suddenly sounded!

...The knights, who were already extremely nervous, saw the splashing "blood" and the sound of swords being drawn.

Taking that as a declaration of war, the knights drew their swords and rushed towards the enemy! Boom! The horses galloped!

The armies of both sides shouted and roared, and soon they fought together.

Even King Arthur and Mordred were too late to stop it. They could only curse and join the tide of the war.

"The war has begun!!!"

Claire and the others watched the irreversible scene in front of them.

In the end, the war broke out before the negotiations even started!

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