Claire was so embarrassed that her face turned red and she finally couldn't help but complain: "This, this... what kind of magical operation is this?"

The image of the god-level pig teammates just appeared in everyone's minds, and they were quite unified.

It makes people want to stop talking!

A war triggered by an accident! Because of this kind of thing, all of their last expectations were destroyed!

Ahhhhhh! The girl suddenly held her head in her hands and screamed loudly, with a look of despair on her face!

Sure enough—you shouldn’t have any expectations for this!

At this time, countless people couldn't help but think about it.

"Hans Christian Andersen, old thief! You bully people! Woohoo!"

On purpose! It was definitely written that way on purpose! Even if it is written directly that the two sides start fighting, it would be better than this!

It obviously gave people hope, but then suddenly arranged something like this.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world!

For the legendary troubadour who spread despair and happiness to people at the same time, everyone's hearts were filled with only sadness and anger.

Poof! !

After killing another enemy, the King of Knights stood alone on the hill where corpses were piled up, trembling as he looked at the bloody and tragic battlefield in front of him.

At this time, only two figures, Mordred and himself, were left on the battlefield, still standing on the ground.

They are facing each other like fate!

Mordred was at the bottom of the mountain of corpses, looking at his father with confusion. He held the brilliant King's Sword in one hand, spread out his arms, and loudly said the words that Claire and the others were very familiar with: "Have you seen King Arthur?" , your country is finished! No matter who wins between you and me - as you can see, they have all been destroyed! Shouldn't you have understood that this would not happen if you passed the throne to me? The situation has changed. Am Morgan's clone, so I am hated by you?"

Everyone trembled with the voice, just like King Arthur's heart.

Faced with this roar, King Arthur just said expressionlessly: "I have never hated you. There is only one reason for not passing the throne to you - you don't have the power to be the king."

After hearing this, Mordred rushed forward excitedly and angrily.

But Claire and the others were silent.

It's obviously the same conversation and the same scene.

When said by the male Mordred, it can only be ridiculed.

But at this moment, Claire and the others felt a deep sadness from Xiao Mo.

It was a pitiful and helpless cat, like a cat that was about to explode at a moment's notice. It could only protect itself with a disguised strong appearance, and hide its inner feelings with its rebellious and clamoring attitude.

Bang! Bang! !

In the fierce battle, Mordred's helmet was split open again!

Underneath the beautiful beating sound of pig iron and gold, there is a dangerous confrontation of life and death between knights.

Poof! Mordred seized the opportunity and penetrated King Arthur's abdomen with the king's sword, and was then knocked away.

When she came forward again, she was penetrated by King Arthur's holy spear.

"Never take off your helmet in front of others" - Freed from the mask given by her mother, Mordrett faced Arturia face to face for the first time.

"——Father..." Xiao Mo's trembling hands used his last strength to touch Arthur's face longingly.

The eyes full of grief and anger are now gradually dimming.

King Arthur - like an unattainable dream that she can never reach.

Snap! There are people who are reading a book while holding other things in their hands, and they still don’t know if the things have fallen to the ground.

Claire and the others all stared at this scene blankly, speechless as they were shocked by the indescribable emotion.

What on earth is that——

How to describe the shock.

Is it desire, is it deep love, or is it roaring and roaring like a shooting star... There is only a moment of rebellious glory.

——It’s complicated and difficult to understand!

Mellie: "She loves and admires the king so much. How could she hate the king! What Mordred hates is never the king, but herself who cannot get the king's approval. In the end...she is the one who hates the king the most. People who understand the heavy burden that Wang carries! Alas! Under Morgan's instigation, she still chose the same path as her other 'self' (the old Mordred). This is also a kind of thing for her. A painful choice! Rebellious Knight—Mordred.”

The book suddenly used the voice of the flower magician to describe it this way.

Then there was this narration.

She is just an ordinary child who longs for her father's love.

Just like every child who longs for care. Does Mordred really want to be king? !

With no ambition, who can understand that she desperately wants to become King Arthur's legitimate heir, just to get the king's approval!

I want to cure King Arthur's loneliness, I want to heal King Arthur's trauma, I want to become a useful person to the king and his father!

In order to get the recognition of the king, he embarked on the road to become a king.

This wish was not realized until death.

After her death, her soul sublimated into a heroic spirit, and she would always proudly talk about her status as the "legitimate heir of King Arthur"!

A betrayer who is despised in the eyes of the people, an anti-hero who will never have a good impression of the king, but he upholds the honor of the king more than anyone else and is proud to be the king's heir!

Very strange! But this is "Mordred"!

Heroic spirit—this term is no longer unfamiliar to everyone.

Looking at the words described in the text, which were not understood by people after Mordred's death, and then looking at the statement that he still talked about his identity as "the legitimate heir of King Arthur" after he turned into a heroic spirit!

How much did she love her father and King Arthur!

Everyone was silent and dazed.

But even with such a deep love that turned into obsession after death, Mordred personally injured King Arthur in front of his body, causing him to die of excessive injuries in the end!

That is - with what kind of painful and complicated feelings, he would personally swing the sharp blade at his father.

At this moment, the world is silent!

The sounds of all things seem to have disappeared from everyone's ears, leaving only the world and emotions in the book that brought people a shock like heaven and earth.

Only the bright red Jianlan Hill is left, and the tragic world of King Arthur in the other world still remains in people's minds.

Chapter 329: Love humans as always, communication with gods!


"Enough, enough!"

"Why is it this ending again!" Someone burst into tears.

'Arthur--he really did something wrong this time! 'Seeing Merry's words and Mordred's psychological process, people thought silently in their hearts.

Contrary to Morgan's wishes...admiring his father and hoping to be recognized by his father, but this changed with King Arthur's rejection. In order to trample on his father's great cause, he began to "grind his fangs" and eventually suffered this evil result.

...That's why he was so eager to devote his whole life to get the recognition of that king! A young life that disappeared like the wind.

Rebellious Mordred, rebellious knight, a child who was not recognized by the king.

Such feelings and experiences made many young people feel deeply after watching it.

Everyone was "Mordred" and hoped to accomplish something worthy of praise and pride, so that their parents would be proud.

Everyone has had a similar rebellious stage in one way or another--

Therefore, Mordred's story also resonated with people's hearts.


Merry: "...Mordred also failed to empathize with King Arthur's distress. She is probably not the type of person who likes to listen to opinions."

Merry's words that suddenly appeared in the text startled everyone.

Then, they saw Mordred's heart.

That was the obsession of Mordred, who had died and turned into a heroic spirit:

-I only hate the king, not my father. It was that country and that era that made my father bear everything, and imposed everything on that person, just through the title of [King].

The reason why he was forced to stand on a lofty position was entirely because he was the king.

He was hated even though he was definitely not a hateful existence, and it was also because of his identity as a king. All people arbitrarily placed all their dreams, hopes and wishes on him without any sympathy.

I hate this, and I also want to correct it. Because my father is not a person who should be hated by people.

"Hate the king, not...father?" Rhine looked at these words blankly and spoke.

It seems that similar words have been mentioned before.

Is that what Mordred thinks?

"Every time I close my eyes, I dream. I always dream that I want to challenge the Sword of the Chosen but cannot. So, I think there must be something missing, something necessary to become the king. But, in fact, it is not like this, it is not like this. It is not that there is something missing, but that my father's starting point is completely different. To make someone who I have never met smile-just for this purpose, my father is determined to become the king."

As Mordred continued to speak, everyone looked at the extremely familiar words and opened their eyes wide...

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help crying.

The tears flowed down completely uncontrollably! Ah! That's right, brother Arthur (king)... They remembered the reason why he drew the sword and aspired to become the king!

What a ridiculous reason that was.

What a stupid reason that was.

What a sad reason that was.

What a vague and precious reason that was.

Mordred's voice seemed to ring out from the book, forming a sad resonance with everyone's inner thoughts!

People's ideal kings should desire more glory and higher-level things!

But in fact, it is not like this. It's just that the reward that father [Brother Arthur] wants is not a reward for anyone else, but something that everyone throws on the roadside.

What the father cares about is not the glittering gems, but the kindness he has for the inconspicuous stones that rolled on the roadside.

Because he found the painful past that is more important than anything else in that stone.

... I hope to see everyone's happy smile.

What a noble king! What a great and selfless king!

With Mordred's perspective, everyone's image of the cold King Arthur in another world began to become richer, and they could no longer remain unmoved.

Even King Arthur in another world, as always, loves humans?

Wow! ! Claire suddenly burst into tears.

Many people couldn't help crying when they saw this, from sobbing softly and crying silently just now to now unable to hold back their emotions.

The title of Knight King is so dazzling, admirable and great in people's eyes at this moment.

"Wow... As expected of King Arthur. Even though he was a little cold about Mordred, he still loved humans so deeply!"

"I originally thought that King Arthur, who was so cold-blooded and abandoned Mordred, was not worthy of the status of a king. He should die... But now after reading Mordred's inner thoughts, I suddenly don't want to see what will happen if King Arthur dies?"

"Anyway, a king who likes people's happy smiles, I think he must be a king worthy of admiration. King Arthur, don't die!"

... "King Arthur, don't die!"

The countless voices finally became one.

A very strange phenomenon occurred in the capital today. All those who saw the story of King Arthur began to shout this voice, hoping that the king would not die.

Even those who were confused and didn't understand, after asking again and understanding the reason for their shouting, they also shouted with emotion.

It seemed that such a voice could be conveyed to Arthur; it could be conveyed to the gods in heaven...

It could change everything! Change all the misery, sadness, and unfair fate!

At this moment, even the gods in the sky and many spirits heard a voice vaguely.

"It seems that many people on earth are praying loudly... King Arthur, don't die? Who is King Arthur? Is he a new king in the world?" A spirit heard the vague voice and couldn't help frowning and speaking.

"Don't worry, Ahada. Maybe another wise and powerful king in the world is about to die! Birth, aging, sickness and death are common sense. Even the greatest king cannot become a god and stand on the same level as us, and will eventually turn into a handful of yellow earth with the passage of the world." Another god chuckled to the god named Ahada.

"Although that's the case, it's rare for a human body to arouse so many prayers and beliefs! Even some less famous gods who come to the earth in person are no more than this!" Ahada said with some sighs.

He had a strong curiosity in his heart.

King Arthur - what a legendary king is this!

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