The prayers of all living beings actually moved even the god.

He did not comment on Ahhada's words, but the other god remained calm.

He was just a dying human being - could he still respect the king? He was a god!

The pride of being a god flowed in his heart.

The two gods did not know that the King Arthur they were talking about was not a human living in this world.

Chapter 330 Two hidden pains in Bedivere's heart, Eleanor's princess!

'--The next step is to return the holy sword! '

I don't know that the gods in the sky were disturbed by the voice.

Claire and the others were waiting for the final result and judgment of the second story line!

When they saw in the book... Bedivere, the knight who had touched many people;

who made everyone feel inferior because of his heart for the king, appeared again, and saw him carrying the king and fleeing from the battlefield -

Claire and the others knew that the moment that determined King Arthur's life and death and fate was coming again.

If it were Xiaobei, he would still choose to return the holy sword this time!

In this case, King Arthur would die "again"!

The word "again" expresses the complexity of everyone's heart.

After watching the pitfall sword and the stabbing gun twice, now we have to watch the tangled question of "should we return the holy sword" again?

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say.

If you hold the idea of ​​blessing the king and hope that the king can put down the heavy burden and sleep peacefully, then you should understand Xiaobei's action of returning the holy sword! ("Xiaobei", "Xiaomo". Readers have begun to subtly call heroes in a more intimate way.)

But everyone has the selfish mentality of not wanting the king to die.

Who wants to see the king they admire disappear like this!

They may be the people mentioned by Mordred and seen by Lady Meili, and like those round tables, they hatefully put all their ideals on the king's shoulders!

Everyone lowered their heads in shame for a moment, and dared not speak for their not-so-noble thoughts.

But the reluctance became stronger!

"I... don't want to see the king die." In the text, Bedivere suddenly murmured;

His eyes were full of tears, and he should have smiled in front of the king.

Keep the etiquette of smiling, but how could he not be sad at this time.

He didn't want the king to die!

He returned the sword three times, and when he was driven back to the lake where the Fairy of the Lake lived for the third time by King Arthur.

"It's over..." After painful hesitation, Bedivere threw a piece of the sword into the lake.

His arms trembled, and he didn't let go immediately.

If he let go completely, the Fairy of the Lake would take back the holy sword! He also completed the king's order!

When Claire and the others saw this and saw Bedivere's thoughts, their eyes dimmed and they felt very uncomfortable.

Yes-it's over!

Just when they thought the ending was irreversible.

Bedivere suddenly pulled back the hand holding the sword, and retrieved the holy sword that had not yet sunk into the lake...!

At the last moment, the knight made such an unexpected move.

"Eh?!!" The sudden plot twist made Claire and the others excited and let out a low cry.


It's different! The plot has actually changed! !

It's like a dark night, pierced by a flash of lightning, illuminating a ray of light...

It suddenly lit up people's inner world, and more and more people saw this and let out a low cry.

'Forgive me, King! Please forgive the selfishness in my heart.' Bedivere.

As expected - he couldn't bear to see the king die, and didn't want the king to die like this.

He still didn't make up his mind at the last moment.

Boom, boom, boom! ! Claire and the others' heartbeats began to accelerate.

It was like spring rain moistening the earth that had just survived the winter.

A strong and active heartbeat like a new life. Ah! Lord Bedivere! He - he actually chose to give up returning the holy sword!

Looking at the plot in the book, especially Bedivere's voice, people's eyes widened and excitedly witnessed something! !

"Bedivere...! He didn't return the holy sword this time!"

"——Will King Arthur not die this time?!" Someone breathed quickly, suppressing his excitement and speaking in disbelief.

There was a trace of caution in the expectation, fearing that this was just an illusion.

Even if they didn't understand why Bedivere suddenly changed his mind.

But everyone couldn't help but have a little expectation in their hearts, even if this idea made them ashamed... but they just expected it!

Expecting an ending where the king survived!

And soon this expectation will be realized as they wished.

Bedivere didn't return the holy sword, and he didn't plan to return it again!

This is what he thought.

Even if the king scolded him, he was ready to bear the punishment.

Sure enough -

I can't watch the king die with my own eyes and remain indifferent.

Not to mention handing over the king's life with my own hands.

Speaking of which, my motherland Britain is not a peaceful country. It has encountered foreign enemies many times and many people have sacrificed.

But everyone chose to believe in King Arthur.

As long as the king led them, they would surely be able to move towards a bright future! And the king led them to victory again and again, which also verified that idea.

Britain began to become prosperous and powerful.

However, there are still many irreversible things in this process, and many people's lives have been lost on this road.

For example, the giant entrenched in Mont Saint-Michel, after committing tyranny, robbed the niece of the King of Brittany, Princess Eleanor. The king took Knight Kay and he went out to attack the giant.

But he didn't actually play a role.

Because the king and Knight Kay defeated the giant after a fierce battle, Brittany gained temporary peace; but he couldn't save the princess. Bedivere always blamed himself for his powerlessness, and in the end it was himself who failed to catch up.

It was too late, and the princess, who was famous for her beauty, turned into a miserable corpse and lost her young life. Yes, he failed to save that important person. The first time was Princess Eleanor, followed by the Battle of Camlann, and even the king... not just once - but twice.

Bedivere no longer wants to lose the people he wants to protect.

As a Knight of the Round Table, his strength is far less than that of other brothers and sisters! But even so, he still has people he wants to protect with his life!

For this, he would protect her even if he sacrificed his body and soul.

If it happened again... no matter how powerful the enemy he faced or how cruel the fate was, he would not be afraid.

Claire and the others were shocked by Bedivere's determination.

Everyone did not expect that Bedivere had such a past.

When they recalled the story of Arthur killing the evil giant, it seemed... he really existed. But Little Bei was not famous at that time.

Princess Eleanor - should it refer to the wife of the lord who was abducted? !

Even now, everyone still feels creepy when the giant raped the princess and then killed her.

It was a very deep impression.

So that incident also had such a heavy impact on Bedivere?

People felt pity and distress for Little Bei who was too gentle and kind and blamed himself for everything.

That incident... can't be blamed on anyone!

Even King Arthur (brother) couldn't save the princess.

After strengthening his inner conviction, Bedivere gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and prepared to run back to the tree where the king lived with the holy sword in his arms. He wanted to tell the king his decision, even if he had to accept the king's punishment.


Just as Claire and the others were nervously watching the development of the story, wondering how King Arthur would face this knight who had betrayed him but was extremely loyal.

When Bedivere rushed back to the tree, all he saw was the bright red blood under the tree, and nothing else.

"——King!!!" Bedivere's heart tightened.

He hurriedly looked around but didn't see the king. Gone! The king was clearly seriously injured, how could he be gone?

Bedivere's heart became more and more anxious.

And Claire and the others were also shocked when they saw this.

King Arthur! ? ——King Arthur is missing?

Chapter 331 Wild Hunt Phenomenon, Holy Lance!

Where can the seriously injured king go...

At this moment, Bedivere was shocked and even thought of Lord Galahad who ascended to heaven with the Holy Grail.

Could it be that the king also... followed the miraculous voice to where Lord Galahad was?

King Arthur left before he could see the Holy Sword returned...

Without the protection of the Holy Sword, the immortal king should die. At this moment, Bedivere suddenly realized something!

The Holy Sword, the King...disappeared!

Could it be——! His expression instantly became more anxious.

"Is it because I pity the king's life that I made a big mistake!" Bedivere thought of an ancient legend.

If there are heroes or gods who should face death but fail to die...then the legendary heroes and gods may——

"......!" Claire and the others couldn't help but open their eyes wide when they saw this. What might it be? ! Everyone was worried for him!

Fuck, don't say half of the words! What exactly is it!

Are you trying to say that King Arthur may not be dead! ? It shouldn't be such a simple question!

——Everyone has realized that King Arthur is not dead.

But the solemn atmosphere between the lines of the text, as well as Bedivere's changing face, and the mistakes he thought he had made...

All these made everyone feel nervous before they could be happy about King Arthur's survival.

Unease spread in people's hearts.


Merry: "Wild Hunt... It is a regional myth. A mythological phenomenon that has frequently appeared in the Nordic and Celtic worlds."

The Flower Magician spoke softly, speaking on behalf of Bedivere about the conjecture in his heart.

The Flower Magician in the illustration has a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes under the hood stare from the high tower into the distance, as if he saw something.

Obviously, she witnessed everything.

She saw everything that happened to King Arthur, and also saw Bedivere's behavior of not returning the holy sword.

'—— This is troublesome! 'Merry said.

Wild Hunt - A phenomenon in which groups of visions take the form of hunters or armies, armed to the teeth with horses and hounds, madly pursuing prey across the sky or land.

The members of the Wild Hunt have different identities, ranging from undead to elves, depending on the culture of each region. Sometimes there is a leader, who can be male or female, and may be a god or spirit, or a person in a historical legend.

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