But the story ended so suddenly?

Did Merlin tell Bedivere where King Arthur was?

Will Bedivere return the holy sword successfully?

And why did Little Bei, whose soul should have burned out and whose consciousness should have died, revive again? What did Merlin do to him?

Although the word "awaken" is used in the text.

But if they really think that just by walking over and calling twice, Bedivere, who had already turned into stone, will wake up, then they really have a problem with their brains!

"I still have many, many doubts! How is it possible! How could King Arthur end here!"

Hurrying to turn to the back, everyone saw the last page, and the words left by the author, the bard Andersen.

"The story of Sir Bedivere returning the holy sword will appear in another magnificent epic, so stay tuned. The story of King Arthur has come to an end here!"

-It's really over!

The unwilling crowd flipped through the last cover several times, and some people were so obsessed that they almost tore it to see if there was an Easter egg story hidden inside!

But it was obvious! The author himself said it was finished. This time there really was not a drop left!

More and more people finished reading the story and began to discuss the story.

For a while, the capital was full of people, and even the bookstore, which was supposed to be a quiet place for reading, became like a busy city.

Even the bookstore owner couldn't help but join this big discussion.

And the rebellious knight, the wild hunt, the holy spear, Lord Bedivere, Merlin, etc. became the most talked about words.

Even after several hours, the voices in the capital still did not subside, but instead had a tendency to intensify.

Various "Ahhh!" sounds of pain and grief were heard from time to time.

Street corners and alleys were full of crying and resentment.

This is definitely the first time since the establishment of the empire that this capital has had such a big sensation!

If the civilians were not holding books instead of weapons, many soldiers on duty that day would have thought that people were rioting. They were preparing to break into the palace and overthrow the rule of this country!

Chapter 335 The epic of rebellion against God is about to begin! The world is changing slowly!

Three days have passed since the eighth and final volume of King Arthur was sold.

Bookstores in the capital have always been in short supply. Even if major manufacturers reprint, the popularity has not decreased but increased.

Several other cities around the kingdom have also started the final sales.

Remove the insignificant cost of a piece of paper, which is less than a few cents.

A large amount of koalas went into Yan's pocket.

More than a hundred times the profit. If it weren't for the care of the magician, the nobles who would be jealous of this huge wealth would definitely tear him to pieces.

Yan became a rich man just like this -

If you want to ask how rich he is, even if he buys all the fantasy materials such as dragon hearts and chimera fangs on the market, it would probably be more than enough!

Going further up... the rarer and more precious materials cannot be bought with money.

So after completing the first small life goal of developing in another world - earning enough money to learn alchemy, black magic, white magic and other expensive professions.

Yan began to swell...

"Boring! It's really boring! Will the next work still be a myth or epic?" Leaning against the windowsill, Yan sighed.

Yan, who had just finished the King Arthur series, set his sights on other mythological stories. Although he didn't plan to open a new volume immediately, he could plan it in advance.

Even if pure epics made money, they didn't mean much to Yan.

So, he began to be dissatisfied with just writing exciting (tragic) stories.

It should be exciting, mixed with some revolutionary stories that can bring a new look to this world!

So - is his story still limited to the single race of humans? Because the scope of dissemination is too small, so no interesting things happened?

Speaking of interesting things...

Yan remembered the holy sword he had taken away when he transformed into the nameless king at the White Dragon Cliff.

Although from his current perspective, only the Holy Sword of the Savior Star, the Original EA, and the End Sword formed by the concept of the Great Flood of World Destruction can be considered as truly valuable treasures.

But the divinity of the gods from another world attached to that holy sword is still worth exploring.

And Yan, who has activated the omniscience and omnipotence state, wants to thoroughly analyze the sword.

Then he found something interesting - the concept called "fantasy".

The goddess worshipped by the Northern Church. If Yan remembers correctly, it should be the goddess of fate and harvest.

According to the priesthood, the [reason] that the goddess has comprehended should be the most likely of the two! However, it is the concept of "fantasy".

Although it cannot be said that the power of fantasy is not strong, it is far from the concept of that goddess, and the strength of fate is not bad.

Then -

Assuming that the divinity on the holy sword is that of the goddess, is the priesthood of this goddess really not a lie?

If the [reason] in the divinity is not that of the goddess believed in by the church, then whose reason is it...

Apart from the gods, is there anyone else who can add their own reason to the divinity? The premise of satisfying this condition is to first erase the reason originally contained in the divinity.

This... is even more demanding than directly adding new divinity to the long sword.

"The waters of religion in another world are also very deep! Just such a little divinity is not enough! What is the nature of gods?" Homura whispered to himself.

An idea arises in his mind... What better way to explore the essence of a god than to face him directly?

Omniscient...omnipotent, although it is only the omniscience and omnipotence of the Xingyue world. It cannot completely analyze the origin of the world in a different world, but he can still analyze the approximate strength of the gods.

After a little analysis using the power of reason, he soon came to the conclusion he wanted.

——If he outputs all his power now...

"So, is there no need to be afraid of those guys? Then just let them get out."

It’s too much trouble to find them one by one!

Sure enough, the right thing to do is to do the opposite and let the gods take the initiative to send you to your door! So how to attract the gods...

It seems that a simple heroic epic alone cannot attract them!

Then - completely cut off the source of faith, even if those gods who become powerful by strengthening their own principles are not in a hurry, those natural gods who were born in the priesthood should be unable to sit still!

Natural gods who have lost faith will be like the eight million gods in Japan. The weak will be reduced to a ridiculous level that even some big monsters cannot defeat.

Yan didn't believe that it was related to strength and origin, and those gods could still sit still. ——Let’s bring some epic stories of rebellion against God to another world!

Be prepared...

Homura was also prepared for the worst if Epic didn't use it. (Hermetos, the god of alchemy who has no time to trouble Homura and is mired in autism - OK, OK, everything you say is right, "Epics are useless! Gods will not be treated like this") attracted by things")

"...a heroic epic of resistance to the gods! I think about it, as the wedge of heaven that connects humans and gods...the story of Shining seems quite suitable." Has already written about the King of the End of the British Gods (Arthur), I don’t mind writing about another king (Gilgamesh) who brought about the end of the ancient Babylonian age of gods.

Continue, "You can also play the game life, but the world view needs to be slightly revised!"

Enough, these two stories are enough for the time being.

After drawing a circle around these two stories in his mind, Homura was ready to collect some interest.

The interesting things are not only exploring the mysteries and observing the gods, but also shaping the world into your own backyard as you wish is also an interesting process.

To change the other world, cultural and spiritual changes are not enough. Now he's off to do other things.

While thinking about it, Homura put on a white mage robe (the same style as Merlin's) and put on the hood that came with the robe to cover up the unique black hair color.

‘…Look! It even eliminates the need for disguise, which is really convenient! ’ Homura, who was very satisfied with his current outfit, opened the door. (Yan: It seems that I also have the potential to become an online scammer)

Homura then left the library.

The royal capital, the royal palace.

The old king was talking with the King of Heroes about the last unknown king, and the completion of the King Arthur series, which was recently rumored in the capital.

There are stories about the relationship between Mellie and Merlin, about the Wild Hunt, King Arthur, and even the "King of Heroes" is mentioned. [This discussion is about Gilgamesh]

(During the Battle of the Nameless King, Mellie confided in him the existence of another Hero King [Gilgamesh]. This caused the Dragon-Slaying Sword Master to no longer use the title of Hero King after returning home. He was teased by Nameless with one finger. The sword master thinks he is not comparable to the great king mentioned by the sage Mei Li. Well - if he knew that the great king he admired would only say "hahaha", he would probably be disillusioned! Funny, just kidding! )

Then, the two of them chatted and discussed the issue of the kingdom's upstart - the fiefdom of Rhine.

Chapter 336: Homura wants to spread the teachings of harmony in the "Elf Kingdom"!

A new kind of legion has arisen in the kingdom - the Knights.

Its current leader is none other than Rhine, who led the hundred knights to complete the orc raid. (Of course, this is a literal statement...funny.)

In fact, both the God of Alchemy Hermitos and the members of this knighthood knew that they and others had taken a huge advantage.

The orc army was destroyed by the legendary "real Knights of the Round Table" (Homura alone) - it has nothing to do with them.

But this achievement was finally attributed to them. In addition, when Yan transformed into Lancelot, he led Rhine and the others to take the lead in capturing the capital of the Orc Empire. Almost all of Homura's contribution in the last orc war was given to Rhine.

Now that Rhine's reputation is at its peak, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the new king of the kingdom.

The leader of the knights became famous, and the experimental knights also became a real weapon of the country, and they were vaguely famous as the strongest legion in the kingdom.

Although anyone with a discerning eye and the real upper-class nobles can see that this knighthood is not as powerful as the rumors say, the real powerful one should be "Lancelot" who has the same name as the legendary Knights of the Round Table.

And now, as the greatest contributor to the war, he naturally deserves corresponding rewards.

——Title, fief.

When it came to the daughter of the King of Heroes, the old king specifically asked the Sword Master about his thoughts on being a father.

However, after hearing the old king's question, the hero king, no... should be called the sword saint now. A hint of hesitation and subtlety appeared on his handsome face of abstinence.

The dragon-slaying sword saint remembered that his daughter suddenly found him early this morning, looked at him with a complicated and nervous look, and finally blushed and embarrassedly asked him to help choose the special station.

He knew his daughter's temperament well and knew that it would definitely not be the fiefdom that Rhine wanted to choose -

With her character, if she wanted to prove her talent, she would definitely choose a more dangerous place.

There was only one person that the sword saint could think of who could influence Rhine's decision. The real hero who led this war to victory.

Sure enough - this fiefdom should be what 'he' wanted.

"Your Majesty... why not divide the towns in Ceylon to Rhine." With a cold face, although he didn't like to ask the king for anything, he still mentioned the location of the fiefdom when he thought of Rhine's request.

"Ceylon - do you mean the city near the Don River and the Duoman River?" The old king asked in surprise.

The forest opposite the Duoman River is the territory of the elves. Although it is only a remote branch of the elves that drifted to many human empires, it is actually a medium-sized elf kingdom.

Because most of the elves living in this elven kingdom are natural elves who love peace. Although the large territory headed by Ceylon City is located on the edge of the empire, it has always been relatively peaceful and there will not be much war.

Now the Knights are Rhine's private army. If her fiefdom is divided in Ceylon City, this kingdom's "strongest" trump card will inevitably go to Ceylon.

The old king's mood is a bit complicated "..."

To be honest, he didn't want to use such a big talent.

But looking at the hero king who was half-kneeling in front of him, waiting for his response with a cold face and solemnity.

"Okay... Then all the territories from Ceylon City to the Duoman River and the Don River will be divided to her." The old king finally agreed to this request.

——This is the first time that the Hero King has made a ‘request’ to him!

And this news reached Yan not long after.

Even Rhine himself didn’t know, but he already knew the specific location of the fiefdom.

The reason is that he ‘witnessed’ the conversation between the Hero King and the old king…

“It’s Ceylon City!” Yan smiled under the hood where his eyes couldn’t be seen clearly.

After having the fiefdom, he can do something drastic.

Whether it’s agriculture or industry, start with Ceylon City…

The steps can be smaller, and it seems good to change the magic style into steampunk magic style first.

By the way, he hasn’t seen a real elf yet! This is also an opportunity that can’t be missed!

That’s right, the fiefdom chosen by Rhine was chosen by Yan instead.

Rhine, who obeyed the words of his master Yan, basically agreed without refusing.

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