For this reason, even her father, who she usually didn't dare to face, was ashamed to seek help.

The master was the one who changed her fate. If it weren't for the master, she wouldn't have become stronger and regained her confidence so quickly.

So no matter what Yan asked, as long as it didn't involve things that made the girl blush and her heart beat, she would agree!

The relationship between these two people is similar to the relationship between Merlin and King Arthur Lily who was practicing and growing.

Speaking of the fiefdom, Yan originally wanted to choose the village of the sorcerer clan where Ji Zelu and the others lived.

But there are not many people in a village, and the farther away are all forests and mountains, with only a few scattered towns nearby...

If you just want to change and develop in the village now.

Relying on Hitie's prestige in the village and the status of mayor, the sorcerer clan can complete the reform privately.

Choosing the village as a fiefdom is a waste of this opportunity.

The old king's fiefdom, except for the main city "Ceylon City", all the small towns within the Don River and the Duomana River are within the territory.

Not to mention, there are elves as neighbors.

"By the way, do elves like to read books? Such a peace-loving race should be more interested in quiet things like reading books!" Yan suddenly muttered to himself, touching his chin.

An impulse to open a bookstore in the Elf Kingdom rose from his heart.

The orcs had just fought a big war and had to rebuild everything. Now there were not many orcs who had the heart to read books. Only Youye often secretly read the manuscripts from him.

Speaking of which, Yan was still very curious about how other races viewed the epics he wrote.

Although he had transformed into an unknown king to help the white dragon.

But he didn't know how many times a pink-haired magician stole his manuscripts before he stepped into the seventh step, and helped him cultivate a dragon book fan.

He always thought that his books were only circulated among humans now.

Let the dragon fall in love with the dragon slayer, let the gods drive him crazy and fall into self-doubt, this kind of thing, Yan had never guessed.

At this time, Yan still didn't know how much damage his epics had to the creatures of the other world.

Chapter 337 The Land of Gods that is comparable to Norse mythology and Celtic mythology!

"Grand Duke!?" Rhine opened her mouth in shock.

"That's right, His Majesty the King has given you the entire Ceylon area, and you will be the Grand Duke there in the future." Yan smiled.

At this time, the news from the palace had not yet arrived, and he told the girl first.

After hearing Yan's words, Rhine was still a little unbelievable, "Forget the fiefdom, there is actually the title of Grand Duke..."

The Grand Duke is equivalent to the Duke in status.

Even with the credit for the Orc War and the credit for the master, Rhine never thought that there would be such a generous reward.

She thought it would be good to be a Viscount at most.

It turned out to be a Grand Duke. Although it was not as good as the title of Hero King that his father had, this was already a treatment that many dukes did not have.

A Grand Duke is a duke, but a duke is not necessarily a Grand Duke. Only a duke who has actual territory and is even allowed to establish a subordinate principality can be called a Grand Duke.

In his own territory, it is already equivalent to the treatment of a king.

Many medium-sized countries on the human side do not establish the position of Grand Duke at all. Even if there is a Grand Duke, it is generally held by the king himself.

When it comes to the Grand Duke, Rhine thinks of the epic of the Piercing Duke of Flame.

The Piercing Duke fought for the country and faith, and became the shield of Christianity and the monarch of Wallachia.

And now she has the same treatment?

"No... No. I will definitely not be able to do it! That's the Grand Duke!" The girl was frightened and panicked by the strong royal favor.

She was not mentally prepared at all. If it was a small territory like a village, it would be fine... even if it was the city of Ceylon that the master asked her to ask for.

If it was just a city, she would be able to muster up the courage to think of having a master to assist and accompany her.

But a small principality——!!! How could someone like her who had never managed a territory manage such a large piece of land right away!

"Don't belittle yourself, Rhine. Anyone who has been tested once should be able to withstand a more serious test. Have you forgotten how you bravely faced Merlin and the orcs in battle?" Yan said to comfort him.

Even if you can't do it, there is still a master! (Yan's actual inner thoughts.)

Although Yan doesn't really want to manage some unnecessary things, wouldn't it be better to assign a few magic clones to let them do it? As long as he has his consciousness, the omniscient state can be activated, and each clone can be comparable to the world's first-class administrators.

A mere fiefdom is still no problem.

Let the clone train the girl into a qualified leader, a grand duke, and even the future king of Ceylon! Thinking of such an interesting future, Yan's face was more smiling.

"Merlin?" Rhine asked confusedly.

"Think carefully, the strongest enemy you imagined when you awakened the dragon factor in your body is very similar to Merlin, the other side of the flower magician Meili?"

"But, I..."

"Let me tell you a story about a Greek hero!" Seeing the hesitation on the girl's face, Yan suddenly spoke.

He did not directly tell Rhine how he would help her in the future.

Although this would give her courage.

However, if she doesn't even have the courage to face difficulties head-on, maybe she is really not suitable for the position of Grand Duke now.


"Well... just like the Celtic mythology of King Arthur and the Norse mythology of Sigurd, on this land in the past, there was a land of gods that could rival these pantheons. Then This land is ancient Greece.”

Rhine listened to Homura's words in shock, especially the way Homura was wearing a white robe at the moment. He looked like a sage who solved people's doubts, just like the flower magician Mei Li who guides others and guides the growth of heroes in the story.

‘——The land of the gods comparable to Nordic and Celtic myths. ’

Although he didn't know how Yan knew it, Lain did not doubt the authenticity of his dear master's words.

Master Master…do you even know such a complicated heroic story?

"The hero's name is Perseus! He has been called the son of God King Zeus since he was born, because he only has a mother, but has never heard of the existence of his father."

"Pearl...Seus!?" Rhine whispered the name. The son of the God King?

That must be a very admired hero!

Yan continued: "The gods once made a prophecy that the cruel King Acrisios of the Aegean Sea had committed fratricide with his brothers. In order to punish him...his daughter Princess Danae would give birth to a child in the future. His descendants will know his life with their own hands.”

"And Perseus is Danae's son. Even though Acrisius imprisoned his daughter with high walls and iron walls, Perseus was still born."

At this time, Yan thought of Zeus, the famous Greek god-king Alexandre Dumas.

He has missed countless women in his life, and in the end, even animals could not escape his grasp.

How could a mere iron wall stop this Alexandre Dumas?

"After Perseus was born, King Acrisius was so angry that he put the two men into a large chest and threw them into the sea."

Rhine let out an exclamation.

Isn't that his daughter? And little Perseus also has his blood flowing through him! How could he be so cruel.

"Two people were rescued on a small island. The person who rescued them was the younger brother of another king. When he grew up, Perseus inherited the power of a general god from his father. As a demigod, he had extremely strong powers. body. And learned many powerful martial arts over the years.”

"One day he dreamed of Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, in his sleep. The goddess showed him a bronze mirror. There was a powerful Gorgon in the bronze mirror. Athena told him that it was the goddess you would face. A powerful monster. As demigods, sons of gods will encounter some hardships in their lives, and so can Perseus. "

Another god! Rhine listened carefully with awe.

Homura saw the awe on the girl's face.

‘Really... she’s just a jealous goddess! Even if they are powerful, such gods are not worthy of respect. ’

Speaking of the Gorgons that Perseus would defeat in the future, Homura thought of the lovely Medusa Lily.

There is a difference between a goddess who is jealous of a beautiful girl and turns her into a monster, and an evil god. Homura still prefers Athena, the god of disobedience, and the trinity of Medusa.

"After Perseus woke up, he did not see the goddess Athena again. When he returned home, he happened to find that the elder brother of the adult who took them in, that is, the old king, took advantage of his time away from home to steal his His mother was imprisoned as a slave and tried to force his mother to become his wife. So the angry Perseus broke into the palace alone and finally defeated all those who stood in his way and rescued his mother."

"When he was about to lift the millstone that the king used to torture Danae and let him grind tofu, and wanted to smash the king to death with it, he was begged by others to let the old king go. And what I really want to tell you, It’s related to the following story.” Flame continued.

He did not intend to tell the part about how Perseus killed the Gorgon.

It is enough to finish the following part.

After all, the so-called monster Medusa, known to the world as the Gorgon, is just a poor girl.

Chapter 338: Not a Grand Duke, the goal is to become an excellent king!

"Just like there are always one or two villains in the epics of heroes. Although the king was spared by Perseus, he did not restrain his malice. But he did not dare to continue to hold a grudge. Revealed in front of Perseus." Yan said in a deep voice.

"If we talk about facing a king and rescuing his mother, this is the first test that Perseus has to face in his growth as a hero. Then how to pay for his temporary softness and deal with the king's endless malice... …This is the second test that Perseus has to face.”

ah! Rhine hesitated to speak, feeling a little more repelled by the old king.

They are both kings, so why is there such a big gap between kings?

Thinking of His Royal Highness King Arthur, Count Impaler, and even the unknown king who was rumored to have easily defeated his father.

How could the old king who deliberately wanted to seize someone else's mother be compared with those kings who fought for the people's happy smiles, or who lived in seclusion at the top of the Ancient Dragon Cliff for the hero's trial.

“The old king hatched a conspiracy.

He held a grand banquet and asked everyone to send gifts to celebrate himself. Because Perseus was very poor, he had no gifts for the king. So he made people laugh at Perseus' incompetence at the banquet. He also claimed that the so-called son of God King Zeus was also blown out by him.

In order to prove himself, the young, angry and angry Perseus said that he would bring the Gorgon's head as his gift to the king. "

"Ah! That's not the goddess before..." Lain.

"Yes. It was the monster whose appearance the goddess Athena gave him a glimpse of. Although they called it a monster, she was actually a poor girl who was persecuted by the gods." Homura nodded slightly.

"Persecuted by...gods?" Rhine said in surprise and confusion.

What does that mean?

How could the aloof gods take action against mortals?

Rhine's trust in Yan made him not doubt the authenticity of Yan's words. Rhine suddenly remembered the King of Gods in Nordic mythology, and felt that his image of the gods was too beautiful.

The Nordic God King Odin was also quite ruthless towards his children Siegmund and his sister.

"Perseus, who woke up, knew what a terrible oath he had made. He was afraid of Medusa, who was called the Gorgon by the world. But he had already boasted about it, and his dignity as a man and the son of a demigod was gone. He couldn't deny it.


Perseus could only cry alone on the tall rocks by the sea.

It was the place where I and my mother were rescued. The waves crashed on the rocky shore, and the sound of the rapids could not conceal his inner sadness. He asked Athena, the goddess he had seen in his dream, to help him, but no one responded.

After he shouted the goddess's name three times in a row, Athena suddenly appeared. Also accompanying him was another god, Hermes. Hermes gave him shoes that could fly in the sky, Athena gave him a strong and thick shield, and told Perseus how to defeat Medusa. "

Following Yan's words, Rhine imagined that mythical scene.

Flame continued: "The goddess Athena asked Perseus at that time, are you ready to face the monster this time? The monster that Athena did not let him face in the past is now qualified for him to challenge. According to According to the goddess, Perseus, who had defeated the king, had been given a new lease of life and could now take on greater challenges."

Yan's words reminded Rhine of what he had just told himself, "Anyone who has withstood one test should withstand a more serious test."

Is this also what Master Master expects of himself?

Thinking of this girl's heartbeat speeding up, she felt warm.

‘Does Master Master think that he can fulfill the position of Grand Duke? He believes in me so much——'

Thinking about it this way, Rhine suddenly felt that there was not much difference between managing a principality and managing a small territory.

——That is, it is slightly larger and has a slightly larger population, right?

"Come back to your senses..." Yan suddenly whispered.

"Ah!" Rhine blushed for a moment because he was distracted.

"Let's continue, the story of Perseus is almost finished.

Facing the goddess's inquiry, the son of the demigod gave the answer that he would rather die than challenge this trial. Athena had given him two choices.

It is the choice to face great danger, or to achieve the name of a hero and have a place at the banquet of the gods. Or choose to escape this ordeal and live a peaceful life.

Now Perseus had figured it out. Rather than living a useless life and being looked down upon by others, he would rather face Medusa. In this process, you cannot escape or regret. Taking a step back may result in being shattered into pieces. "

‘Is this a hero? ! ’

The words of the son of the demigod greatly shocked and impacted Rhine's soul.

He could have given up challenging this trial! It's obviously such a dangerous thing.

For the sake of glory, reputation, and can even face the challenge of the monster you fear in your heart.

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