…Just now, Yan finally completed the step that he had been unable to complete, making the puppet have his own soul.

But Yan could not treat a life that already had its own soul, its own intellect and consciousness as a simple weapon.

After a long time…

When the smooth, naked petite body opened its eyes in confusion.

Yan hurriedly used magic to project a black and white Gothic skirt that she remembered and put it on the petite body.

"Father…sir?!" The confusion in the clear eyes gradually dissipated, and when the sight fell on Yan standing in front of him, the mercury lamp was reborn!

It was the color of cold mercury at first glance, and suddenly released amazing heat.

A happy smile bloomed on the puppet's face, and his voice was full of admiration and attachment to the creator who created him-Yan! It was father!

The confusion that had just been born and the uneasiness about the unknown environment and things around him disappeared!

She was just born, and was like a piece of pure white paper. She was still a simple doll girl who longed to be loved.

She had never experienced the feeling of being abandoned, nor had she fought with other Rozen Maidens.

Even though Yan's personality was set according to the cold-hearted Mercury Lamp after the plot had begun.

But in front of the father who created her... and had special feelings for her, how could Mercury Lamp, who was like a real child, be arrogant?

"Ahem!! What did you call me?"

"Father?" Mercury Lamp's delicate and perfect face showed a trace of uneasiness.

Is there anything wrong with calling her like this? It was the father who created her body and gave her life bit by bit. Shouldn't she call him that?

"No, theoretically there is no problem. Even if you call me that, I am right... But you should still call me Brother." Yan said.

He is not even married! If Ji Zelu, Restia, and Hitie heard Mercury Lamp call them father, they would definitely think he was a pervert!

However... Yan recalled the affectionate, innocent cry of Mercury Lamp, the cry of "Father".

... She was a little excited! ?

Chapter 341: Jill Jiao Yulu! The great senior in the girl's heart!

"Mercury Lamp - from now on, your name is Mercury Lamp. Mercury Lamp, the first puppet of Rozen Maiden."

The gentle voice of her father sounded in her ears.

- Mercury Lamp... Is this my name?

The little puppet girl was filled with unstoppable happiness and satisfaction.

Father gave her the name - Mercury Lamp.

Although Father did not allow her to call him Father, - sure enough, Father still loves me!

Rozen Maiden's first puppet - Mercury Lamp! So nice!

From now on, she is Mercury Lamp.

In her heart, she still calls Yan "Father".

Even though it was difficult to get Mercury Lamp to change her name under Yan's order, the puppet's desire for fatherly love and the person who created her would not change.

As her creator, Homura's importance to her will not change no matter how her identity changes.

Mercury Lamp, who was caught up in the joy of being named by Homura, did not notice the special title of "First Doll".

As the saying goes, if there is one, there will be two. Although Homura has no intention of continuing to make alchemy dolls now, it can be seen from the first Rozen Maiden doll that he may make the second doll, the third doll... and even more dolls in the future.

Rozen Maiden series, Artificial Girl series, and even the magically modified KanColle series.

At this time, Mercury Lamp, who was still relatively simple, did not realize that in the future, a large group of little girls might compete with him for the position in his father's heart.

Even if Homura would not make some "Alice game" to let the dolls fight each other to become perfect dolls, the principle of repelling the same sex is applicable everywhere!

"Okay, we should go back, Mercury Lamp." Put the petite doll girl on his shoulder.

When Yan made the doll, she made it according to the original Mercury Lamp's body shape, but her body was added with materials analyzed and constructed from the magic soldiers and Ji Zelu's treasures.

——The same ability to transform at will.

When necessary, Mercury Lamp can change to the size of a normal human according to her will.

It can be said that apart from the body structure, from the appearance alone, she is not much different from a real human now.

It is probably rare to find such a delicate and perfect face as her among humans.

Dolls are known for their beauty and exquisiteness, and Rozen girls have a perfect beauty that is not like that of humans.

And the Mercury Lamp made by Yan in the state of omniscience and omnipotence is far beyond the reach of even Luo Zhen, the father of Rozen Girl.

Half a month later, under the city of Ceylon, the city ushered in a new ruler.

The convoy from the Grand Duke of the Royal Capital finally arrived.

The first thing the mysterious Grand Duke did when he took office was to elevate his "teacher" to the same level as himself, so that everyone who met his "teacher" should be as respectful and obey his orders as when they met themselves.

Although this was against the rules.

However, Rhine, who had the title of Grand Duke, was considered the real king in Ceylon City, and there was no drama of nobles competing with him for power.

Before the caravan arrived, the local nobles had sent people to learn about the new Grand Duke.

Rhine, as a great hero who led the Orcs to victory in the war, was quite capable, not to mention that she also brought the legendary "Knights of the Round Table" [Otherworld Version], which destroyed tens of thousands of Orcs with a hundred knights.

After Yan turned on the omniscience and omnipotence state, he quickly taught Rhine how to quickly hand over the power of Ceylon City to himself.

It took about two days for the entire territory of Ceylon to form a new operating system led by Rhine.

After that, Yan withdrew from the omniscience and omnipotence state and handed over the rest of the work to his magic clones.

Yan, who had already instilled various memory skills into the clones, did not let them do anything extra, but just let them teach Rhine how to do those things by themselves.

What he wanted to cultivate was a wise king, not a useless king who could only rely on the help of others.

After handling everything, Yan finally had time to tour this land.

Although in the state of omniscience and omnipotence, he used the ability of clairvoyance to roughly browse the entire land.

But the feeling of being there in person is still somewhat different.

So Yan notified Rhine and went out with the mercury lamp. Rhine was left behind, who was entangled in various official duties and fell into an extremely anxious state.

Facing Yan's sneaking away, this silly child was not dissatisfied at all, and was even very grateful for the magic clone sent by Yan to help and teach him!

One is willing to teach (beat), and the other is willing to learn (be beaten). This is also the training that must be experienced to become an excellent king!

At this time, Rhine is no longer alone. She cheered herself up in her heart and remembered the words that the master said to encourage her before leaving -

The master said that there was a great and wise king named Jier Jiao Yulu who had worked hard to protect and govern his country until he died of overwork.

Rhine admired the great predecessor very much. After hearing this story, she was even more motivated to become an excellent king.

Compared to that great king, what right do I have to complain about being tired now that I am facing only the official duties of a city in Ceylon!


Night is coming, the sky is gradually fading. In the forest where it is drizzling, Yan is walking quietly in a white hooded robe.

"Mercury Lamp, come to my arms! It's not good to get your hair wet." Yan suddenly spoke softly to the young doll on his shoulder.

"Father... Brother is so gentle!" Mercury Lamp's eyes showed a trace of joy and expectation.

She immediately got off Yan's shoulders and flew into Yan's arms.

Yan held the petite body with both hands, and one hand gently touched her little head to block the cold raindrops.

Even though the drizzle was not a problem for her, who was the greatest masterpiece of her father, Mercury Lamp still nodded her little head with attachment and happiness.

Father's hands are so gentle...

It seems that Father is no longer angry.

Mercury Lamp remembered the time when she and her father traveled through space to come to this land. Unlike the mirror space with the same terrain, she suddenly found herself in a perfect and unfamiliar place.

Mercury Lamp subconsciously approached her father and called out "Father".

Because it was a subconscious action, Mercury Lamp also forgot the previous agreement with Yan.

Ji Zelu and Restia, who were conscious in Yan's body, happened to hear it.

Fortunately, Yan explained very quickly, making the Shura field that was almost born disappear invisibly.

Mercury Lamp realized that she seemed to have caused trouble for her father, and was very worried that she would not be liked by her father because of this.

But now it seems that she was overthinking, and her father is still so gentle.

Chapter 342 Yan, seeking a wonderful encounter!

'——Father's embrace is so warm. '

At this moment, Mercury Lamp is greedy for Yan's warm embrace and gently sniffs Yan's breath.

In her mind, her father has been made up into the image of the most gentle man in the world.

I don't know what Mercury Lamp is thinking.

"Gentle"——? Hmm? If you ask Homura how he feels, he will of course admit it! He has always thought that he is a very gentle person!

After all, he is the gentle Homura elder brother! For this reason, he will bring more "happiness" (tragic stories) to the humans in the other world in the future! That must be a future full of expectations.

"Well~! Let me see! The country where elves live in legends." Homura smiled softly as he looked at another forest in front of him, crossing the beautiful and sparkling Duoman River in the drizzle.

Homura, who did not activate the observation ability such as clairvoyance, just walked freely in the forest based on his senses.

Strictly speaking, this place belongs to the territory of elves, and humans cannot cross it without permission.

But for Homura, there is no need to abide by such rules for ordinary people.

As long as he keeps turning on the magic that reduces the sense of presence and conceals the breath and sneaks in openly... If he is not discovered, there will be no contradictions.

Although he is very curious about creatures like elves. But Yan was not in a hurry. As long as he kept walking in one direction, he would always meet elves in this elf kingdom.

A beautiful encounter is also an interesting thing.

However, just when Homura thought it would take at least some time for him to meet the first elf.

——Yan's luck seems to be very good.

Just in front of his path, in the woods not very far away...

There is also an elf girl, holding a long golden staff in both hands, walking in the rain in despair.

——With fair skin and light golden hair, there are a pair of beautiful blue eyes, a delicate and beautiful face with pointed ears.

The pure white dress that wrapped her graceful figure had been wetted, clinging tightly to her body, revealing her alluring color and curves.

Cold raindrops and biting wind blew on her delicate skin, and sharp branches in the forest occasionally scratched her clothes, but she was indifferent to the various pains she was experiencing and continued to walk alone in a daze. With.

That pitiful appearance was as lonely and helpless as a child abandoned by his parents in the crowd.

At this time, the girl was still thinking about the final judgment given to her by the Elf Court.

"Sinner - Sylph, now in the name of the Divine Court. We will deprive you of your qualifications as a trainee priestess. From today on, you will be expelled from the elven kingdom, and you will never be able to set foot in any elven land again!"

Those words were as cold as a knife cutting through her heart.

Because he cured the evil devil, he was regarded as a traitor and a heretic, and now he is expelled——

She still remembers the experience of that day.

She just prayed in the temple as usual, and then was asked to go to a location to treat a poor patient.

But after she finished rescuing the patient, she didn't discover the identity of the devil.

Although her occupation is that of an elf priestess... she also needs to add the word trainee in front of it.

She was weak and had no discerning ability, and she did not expect that there would be demons who transformed into elves lurking in the kingdom of elves.

The healing techniques of the elf priests are also mainly based on the wind and plant systems, which are the magical techniques passed down by the goddess of life that the elves believe in.

Unlike the healing arts passed down by the light gods, which are powerful against abyssal demons, their divine arts can heal even demons.

So she committed a great crime!

The identity of the devil was quickly revealed, and she was also accused of being a traitor.

Despite her efforts, no one believed her! No one wants to believe the feeble, weak and desperate words of an elf priest who cured a demon.

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