All the arguments seemed pale and powerless in front of the fact that the demon was cured.

Despite this, the Elf Kingdom did not execute her life in the end, but chose to exile her.

But after leaving the Elf Kingdom, where can an Elf girl go!

She could only walk confusedly along the road to the human territory.

Recalling the rumor that the female elves who were accidentally captured in the human kingdom were finally kept in captivity and became slaves to release their desires.

That terrible future made the Elf girl even more uneasy and afraid. If she left this land, she would completely lose her family and friends.

As an apprentice Elf Priestess, how should I disguise and protect myself in the human territory...

Confused about the road ahead, Sylph felt that the road under her feet was as long and tormenting as an endless corridor.

And Sylph gradually walked to a wide area, and she did not notice that there were several sneaky figures following behind her.

"Master priest, do you want to stop her here? She will leave this forest if she goes further. After crossing the Duoman River, it will be the human territory. I heard that a powerful duke has come from the human side. If..." At this time, a group of female elves carrying bows and arrows and wearing uniform leather armor spoke to a green-haired female elf, but they were hesitant to speak.

These elves have been ordered to eliminate the traitor elf, Sylph, and the evil demon when they meet. Because the demon healed by Sylph has escaped and has not been caught, they can only look for a breakthrough point here at Sylph.

And seeing that the traitor is about to leave the Elf Forest and will really escape to the human territory, if they don't take action, the traitor may really "escape"!

"It seems that the demon is not going to meet her here. Has he given up on her? Or is he going to meet in the human territory... Damn it! We can't just let this heretic escape!" The female priest gritted her teeth and hated, with a hint of doubt in her frown.

"Get ready, follow me to capture that guy. If she dares to resist, execute her directly!" The priest who thought that the demon might not care about the life or death of this traitor spoke coldly.

"Yes, priest!" After hearing this, the other elf archers were eager to try.

For the elves who like nature, the abyss demons are a group of destroyers of the earth. Every time they appear on the ground world, they will invade and destroy all the beautiful things in front of them. They are the common enemy of every elf.

And the elf girl who defected to the side of the demon is a disgusting evil existence in the eyes of these elves.

They are ashamed of the fact that the other party is of the same race as themselves.

So these elf archers are particularly proactive in capturing Sylph.

No longer hiding themselves, they called out the unicorn that had been hidden in the forest for a long time, and then everyone rode on white horses with unicorns and quickly surrounded Sylph.

At this moment, Yan just happened to find the elf girl who was walking in the rain in a daze. Before he did anything, he noticed the elves that suddenly rushed out from behind the girl to chase her.

Looking at the unicorns that could run freely in the forest, Yan suddenly became interested in the mounts of these elves.

Chapter 343: I can deceive at least ten of these innocent priest girls?

"Father... be careful." Mercury Lamp, who was originally lying in Yan's arms comfortably and happily, obviously also noticed the movements of the elves in front.

From Yan's mouth, he knew that they were now illegally invading.

Mercury Lamp immediately flew up and protected Yan, fearing that someone would do something rude to father.

Although there would be no doubt about the power of father, Yan was the most powerful and perfect existence in Mercury Lamp's heart.

But the desire to protect father still made her subconsciously act like this.

Even Yan's lingering warm embrace only made Mercury Lamp's body pause for less than a moment.

Without correcting Mercury Lamp's address, Yan waved his hand carelessly, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Don't worry, they are not looking for us. Let's see first..."

The breath is concealed and the perception of existence is reduced. Even if he stands in front of those elves, as long as he does not want to be exposed, those guys cannot "see" his existence.


"Are you... the priest? "Hearing the movement behind him, Sylph turned around in confusion.

When looking at the elf team chasing after her and the white-robed priest leading them, Sylph was a little confused...

Are they looking for her?

But...hasn't she been expelled and exiled from the elf kingdom? As such, is there anything she can do to help them?

She never thought that these people were here to catch her. Sylph still retained a naive and simple fantasy.

"Sinner-Sylph, go back with us now."

The unicorns and the elf team quickly caught up. As the leading elf waved his hand, the remaining elves surrounded Sylph.

"Please, please tell me... what on earth is this——" Sylph's voice was trembling, and she was still a little confused.

What on earth is going on!

Suddenly, Sylph seemed to have thought of something, and a look of hope appeared on her face.

Want to take me back. Did they give up the punishment of exiling her? Are they finally willing to believe her words?

Sylph, who was afraid of the human world and didn't want to leave her hometown, couldn't help but have fantasies even though she knew that the possibility was slim.

Her feet were like taking root, and she was no longer willing to take a step towards the human territory.

It wasn't an auditory hallucination. She might have been secretly longing for her compatriots to call her from behind and ask her to stop. If possible, who would be willing to leave their hometown and go to a completely unfamiliar and dangerous place!

"Everyone, do you believe me? Do you believe that I am not in the same group with that demon?"

Subconsciously, the elves in front of them directly ignored the fact that Sylph had just opened her mouth and called herself a sinner. Instead, Sylph's pitiful voice made the elves show disgusted expressions.

‘You are still pretending until now—’

“That’s right. The Divine Court reconsidered and thought that there were many doubts about your case, so they decided to postpone the punishment of exile. Now—Sylph, come back with us first!”

The leading elf high priest said tactfully, but his voice was full of threats.

Sylph didn’t notice this. At this moment, when she heard that the Divine Court was willing to postpone the verdict, crystal tears suddenly slid down her face.

Great! Does the Divine Court mean that it is willing to review her case?

From an apprentice priest respected and loved by the elves, to a betrayer and sinner cursed by thousands of elves!

The happy and peaceful life was suddenly broken, and she felt desperate to fall directly from the world to hell. No one believed her no matter how she explained, and she could only feel endless pain... Now a glimmer of hope was in front of her!

The heart that was almost crushed also felt a little warmth and joy again.

It was like a long drought and a rain, and light in the darkness.

She couldn’t stop her tears from sliding down her face, but she showed a smile on her face.

‘Isn’t she an enemy?’ Yan, who was watching the elf girl crying with joy in the dark (emphasis added), was watching the elf girl crying with joy.

No matter how you look at it, she doesn’t look like she needs help.

But Yan’s perception is very clear. The elves riding on the unicorns are extremely hostile to this elf girl.

“…Interesting.” Yan.

In Yan’s eyes, the naked malice was as bright as a 1000-watt light bulb.

What will happen next! Without standing up to expose the elves’ malicious thoughts, Yan continued to watch the scene with an intriguing smile.

“Go and bring her here.” Looking at the tearful smile, the high priest frowned and ordered the elves around him.

Then several elves approached the defenseless Sylph, and then…

Sylph was suddenly restrained from behind and her hands were tied up with magic vines without any vigilance.

“Ah!” Sylph let out an inexplicable and panicked cry.

Her beloved staff was also confiscated.

"We won't kill you until you reveal the location of the demon. If you don't want to suffer some physical pain along the way, don't resist!" The elf who took away Sylph's golden staff said coldly.

"——" Sylph, who had no idea what her compatriots were saying, but also felt something was wrong, opened her eyes in disbelief.

Although she was simple, she was not stupid.

At this time, she finally discovered the undisguised malice on the faces of the elves.

In an instant, Sylph's fists tied behind her clenched tightly.

"What a pitiful and hateful guy. Don't look at me with that disgusting expression, you can understand it by thinking about it! How can we believe the words of a sinner who has dealings with the demon." Sylph's abandoned eyes seemed to be a little unnatural. At this moment, the elf on the opposite side seemed to understand the question Sylph wanted to ask in her heart, and mocked.

But even though Sylph's current appearance touched her heart, the elf still didn't think that the other party was wronged.

After all——

That was the heretic priest who had treated the devil.

At this moment, Yan, who was hiding on the side, looked at the elf girl Sylph, who was still shivering with tears on her face and cold all over, and the sadness and pain on her face could not be concealed.

"No matter how sad and desperate it is, it seems so insignificant." Yan.

The girl's tears must be bitter and mixed with a hint of sweetness now!

"Father..." Mercury Lamp.

"Get ready, Mercury Lamp. It's time for us to go out."

"Are you going to fight?"

"... Well. It would be best if we don't have to fight, but I don't think those elves can communicate well in their current state!"

In fact, he is a pacifist!

So he is still——

"Good evening, all the elf ladies! I am sorry to bother you for a while. I am very sorry if I disturbed your interest!"

Just when the elf girls were about to press Sylph to leave, a casual chuckle without any apology suddenly sounded in the forest.

"——A man's voice?!"

Chapter 344 The companion of the devil? Just a human!

There were no signs of a fight in the forest.

The priestess was relieved that Sylph didn't resist at all.

This sinner is still quite obedient... If he dares to resist, even if she doesn't want to stain her hands with the blood of the elves, she can only let these elf archers take action.

The heavy rain with the fragrance of the soil was blown away by the strong wind.

Also close to it, a male voice suddenly sounded.


The elves looked at the place where there was originally "nothing".

Two figures that did not exist suddenly appeared in the forest.

At first, everyone only found one, and then they noticed that there was a smaller shadow floating beside it.

The high priest of the Elf Kingdom-the Court of Life looked at the two with surprised eyes.

One of them was dressed as a sorcerer wearing a white wizard robe, and the whole person was covered by a white hood, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Even the race could not be distinguished.

The clothes he wore seemed to be very rare magic accessories, which seemed to represent his noble status.

The other was a delicate girl in a black and white gothic dress, with silver hair and beautiful red eyes like gemstones. She was a very cute girl with a delicate face.


She was too petite. Just like the legendary elemental elves among their elves.

At this time, the delicate face was looking at them vigilantly and coldly.

...Although the eyes could see the two people, the elves who had not sensed the existence of people there until just now suddenly became nervous.

As natural elves, they are all natural hunters with a strong sense of life.


When did these two people appear... Did they use some unknown magic to hide their bodies and breath? Or is it the ability of space transmission.

For such mysterious people who use unknown magic, we must be careful and vigilant.

The high priest first asked all the elves to retreat and maintain a certain distance to guard around us.

Even if the elves brought the sinner Sylph back to the lineup, Yan did not make any moves.

But the elves on the opposite side still did not dare to relax their vigilance.

"My name is Merlin Pendragon. Good evening, everyone in the Elven Kingdom. It would be my honor if you could affectionately call me Brother Merlin." Yan suddenly spoke.

"The first puppet of Rose Maiden - Mercury Lamp. I am the most outstanding work of father!" Mercury Lamp also hurriedly lifted her long skirt and bowed elegantly. When she mentioned her identity and name, a trace of pride and pride appeared on her cold face.

Although she didn't know why father used the name "Merlin" that he had never heard of, father had introduced her. As father's favorite puppet, she couldn't lose her manners.

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