No, it's okay! With the efficiency of the current printing factory and bookstore, she can still buy the book in the bookstore the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Moreover, she can get the manuscript back to read first!

She still can't give up the story of Master Yan, but she can do some mental preparation first!

If Yuye knew the circumstances under which the evolution of the three views of a certain god was completed, she would definitely have a new and amazing understanding of the story of Yan.

Have you ever seen a bard who can drive a god crazy with just a heroic biography?

The next day, all the major bookstores in the capital began to warm up the new book after receiving the notice.

Even Ceylon City under the rule of Rhine has become the new base for Andersen's works after the capital.

At the same time, without human discovery, near the edge of Ceylon...

In an elf country on the other side of the river, a medium-sized bookstore suddenly opened.

The cat-eared girl first saw the original manuscript written with a feather pen, and the shocking speech of the leader of the sixteen tribes that she peeked at in the [Special Picture] also became the new book slogan of major bookstores.

The poster is a cute picture of Hubie.

There are two pictures in total. One of them not only has Riku and Hubie, but also Blank. However, unlike the couple group, which has names annotated below, there is only a character under the blank character picture.

It is a picture of the couple group and the brother and sister group playing chess. (Riku is holding Hubie and Sora is holding Shiro. You should be able to find it online. I saw it online before, so I won’t post it because I don’t have the original picture.)

Many book fans who heard that Andersen had a new book and came to support it excitedly and happily felt confused and puzzled when they saw that there was nothing below.

Everyone thought that Andersen forgot to fill in the names of these two characters when he was drawing the poster.

This doubt was not solved until everyone saw the story of No Game No Life Zero.

Because these two characters did not appear at all.

However, this "easter egg" may only be understood by people when Yan finds a way to make the real story of No Game Life after 6,000 years.

Just like that, when another night passed, the day came!

The story called "No Game No Life Zero" was officially released to this other world.

In the Elf Kingdom, on a beautiful and quiet street, elves passing by occasionally looked curiously at the newly opened bookstore on the roadside.

After thousands of years of development, the elves now no longer live in tree houses like before.

Like humans, they also have their own beautiful buildings on the earth.

There are things like bookstores in the world of elves.

As a race known for its wisdom and many sages, rich collections of books have always been the favorite of elves.

Of course, they are not very interested in the heroic biographies and epics of wandering poets.

In their opinion, the heroic biographies with poor story lines and full of plot loopholes are far more comparable to books that record knowledge.

With the idea of ​​seeing if the new bookstore can find interesting knowledge books, many elves stepped into this new bookstore.

Then they saw an elf girl who was an employee (and boss) of the bookstore who was inexplicably nervous and sweating, and a poster about "No Game No Life Zero" placed at the door.

"No Game No Life Zero? What is that?" A handsome male elf frowned and asked Sylph, who was suspected to be the only employee of this bookstore.

"That is the new mythological epic launched by our store, which records the story of the mythological war between the [Sixteen Intelligent Clans] at the beginning of the world!" She said subconsciously.

Because Yan had specifically explained it, she memorized many answers to customers' questions before opening the store.

Although Yan claimed that no matter what questions people asked when they entered the store, they could find the answers on the list of answers he gave.

But that sounded as if it was calculated into everyone's way of thinking. Sylph didn't have much expectation.

But it was just such a simple question, Sylph was still confident that she could deal with it.

"Myth... Epic?"

It's not a heroic epic, but a mythological epic... As for the word "story" at the end, it was directly ignored by the elves subconsciously. You know, "story" can be compiled and fictional.

But now everyone is attracted by a term they have never heard of before.

There have always been biographies and epics about individual heroes, and no epic can be named "mythology".

The elves, who should not be interested in hearing that it is an epic, suddenly felt a little curious.

As they looked at the poster one after another.

"I am the weakest and the strongest existence, declaring war on God, commanding the [sixteen races], subverting the known into the unknown - therefore, I am the one who controls the transformation of the world... Powerless people, what do you want to find me for?"

It was as if Yuzuha had seen those words for the first time, and the sense of shock reappeared.

The elves were stunned for a moment.

Chapter 353 Confusing illustrations, the original intention of the young Riku!

The weakest... and the strongest? !

Commanding the [sixteen races], the one who controls the transformation of the world?

Such an exaggerated statement made the elves look stunned.

This "myth" epic...

When some elves subconsciously wanted to understand what kind of story it was, they found that most of the books on display in the bookstore were actually that "No Game No Life Zero".

Does this bookstore only sell this book?

The cover of "Game Life Zero" shows Hubi holding Riku's doll and sitting on his knees on a huge chessboard in an adorable manner.

When they saw the hairpin-like jewelry on Hubi's head, which was full of metal texture and technology, the elves showed doubts.

It is said that it is an accessory, but to the machine type, it is actually more like an existence like ears, which can receive and analyze external information.

At this time, the elves have not yet associated Hubi with an unknown race.

‘Is this the hero of this epic? ’

‘Looks so cute! It seems to be human, but it doesn’t seem to be—it should be human, right? ’

With doubts in their hearts, it was not until the elves turned the pages of the book that they were surprised to find that the epic told the story of a human boy, not the cute girl on the cover.

“——When we were kids, we thought the world was simpler. There was no game that couldn’t be won, hard work would be rewarded, and nothing was impossible.

Is it wrong to think that a child who knows nothing, is ignorant and stupid, looks at the world with innocent eyes?

——Is it really wrong? "

Library…holding hot new books straight from the printing press.

Finally, I could see the main text. At this time, Yuzuha was reciting the words in the book while looking at an illustration in front of her.

'It was a shabby, small room.

In a small room illuminated only by faint lights, a white-haired boy was picking up chess pieces.

There was only one young man inside. However, in the darkness, the boy stared at a clearly visible figure, seemingly deep in thought. ’

Seeing it from a god's perspective, Yuzuha compared it with the description in the text and found that there was indeed a vaguely transparent shadow in the illustration.

‘The protagonist this time, uh... is still a child? ! ’ Pomelo leaves.

Unlike the elves who were surprised that the protagonist of the epic was a human, the cat-eared girl was surprised to find that the thin figure in the illustration was obviously still a teenager.

Even King Arthur looks much bigger and more reliable when he draws his sword.

‘And now the protagonist is playing a game? Do you have a playful nature? Sure enough, he is a child who has not grown up yet! ’ Yuye sighed inwardly.

However, the next moment——

‘...Wait, what is that board game? It looks like a lot of fun! ’

Yuzuha, who just thought the new protagonist was a bit small and unreliable, waited until she looked at the chessboard.

The clear and orderly squares and exquisite chess pieces instantly attracted Yu Ye, who had never seen such a chessboard before. It’s a cat’s nature to love to play!

On the other side, the elves who are very unfamiliar with chess are a little confused at this time, but one thing is clear, this is indeed a "game".

For a while, they were confused by this seemingly "irrelevant" behavior.

Looking at the exciting words in the preface and promotion, I thought it would be a story of human survival from hell! As a result, the protagonist was seen happily playing the game at the beginning.

So...what's going on?

For a moment, confusion and confusion flooded into their hearts.

The royal capital...

At this time, in major bookstores, many people who had just bought new books and were excitedly preparing to feast their eyes on it were confused when they saw the scene at the beginning of the white-haired boy playing chess against the "air friend".

Until such a passage appeared in the book.

[The young man holds the chess piece in his hand and is lost in thought again.

——Once we grow up, everyone will naturally stay away from games.

Why? Is it because I no longer have the leisure to play games?

Or is it because the world is not as simple as the game? No matter what the reason is, people naturally stay away from games as they grow up.

But the boy never thought about that kind of thing. He just put the pieces on the chessboard again after careful consideration.


If you look intently into the darkness, you will see that your opponent is right there. Just looking at his appearance, he is no different from a teenager - he is so strong with a confident smile!

He is always above himself, and he is always the loser. As if it was a given that there was no chance of winning from the beginning. That gave the young man immense fun, so he challenged (him) again. 】

That was a fragment of Riku's memory when he firmly believed that such an 'invincible player' existed.

It is now described in text in the book.

And Tetu, the God of Games, is the ‘invincible player’ he firmly believes.

It can be said that he is the weakest god born from the faith of Riku alone.

After Riku stopped playing games, Tetu never appeared again.

He gave up his original intention of pursuing the game and had forgotten the joy of simply being a player.

It wasn't until the appearance of Hubie that he changed and helped him regain his original intention and the sincere happiness and satisfaction he felt at the beginning.

It is not about constantly calculating in order to win, but simply enjoying the process of winning in the game and enjoying the joy of simply defeating a strong enemy.

And when Riku fell into the darkness and despair of his soul and was pulled by Hubie to come into contact with chess again, looking back at this moment...this last 'chess'——

Only then would Yuzuha and the others realize how long it had been since Riku felt a real smile and the feeling of being a player.

Although it seems to be just a fleeting childhood memory, it is actually a very important turning point in Riku's life.

This is also the reason why Yan did not choose to start describing the story of Riku when he grew up.

"What... does it mean?" In the palace, the little princess and others felt inexplicably blocked when they saw this passage, and they did not gain anything after careful thinking.

Although the new epic is called "No Game No Life Zero" or "The Game of Life", zero can also be understood as starting from zero, and it can also be understood as returning to the initial period of zero to find the feeling of being a player.

But obviously the little princesses now can't understand what the concept of "player" is, and they don't realize the core purpose of "No Game No Life":

'That is to play games happily together in a world without war and blood! '

It's not clear how heavy the meaning is.

The little princesses now see Riku's inner confusion about adults no longer playing games after growing up, and they just feel that some emotions in their hearts are faintly touched. This also planted a "seed" in their hearts, until it blossomed and bore fruit later.

Chapter 354: The ancient [Great War] that split the sky and the earth and destroyed the planet!

He was just greedily pursuing a more brilliant [best move].

He wanted a more correct move! A better tactic! A more brilliant strategy!

He challenged and accepted the challenge of the other party with a fearless smile, and so on...

Even if he seemed lonely to others, he was eager to do it and enjoyed it!

This is Riku Dora, and it is also the Riku Dora that Homura wanted to share with the humans in the other world when he became "Andersen".

There is nothing that makes him, as a human, happier than to witness the epic of mankind together.

——And that most simple and bright world, where there is only loss, win or draw! It is the [boy's world] named Riku.

...With this beginning.

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