The image of a [player] who loves games so much appeared in the eyes of the little princess, elf, and Yuzuha.

Maybe someone in the other world has discovered it, or maybe no one has discovered it.

In the epic chosen by Homura, there are never any meaningless words at the beginning of the story. Almost every protagonist’s original pursuit, dream or belief can be found there.

Some of them lasted throughout their lives, and some were forced by the world and fate, and finally killed them completely in their own arms.

The king who fights for people's happiness, the vampire count who fights for the people and gods, and the ashes that long for fire even if they are fireless ashes.

Winning every game and building a world where everyone can play is Riku's original intention.

This time’s mythological epic is also a human myth——

Also from this day on, the dragon elf species led by Yan Long will attack the army of machine-like species encountered on the way.

Also from this day on, Riku's peaceful days will be broken due to the "ripples" of the battle between the two sides.

What he will face is something that [Blank] does not dare to face - a cruel game called "life"!

That is the process in which "children" have to be forced to grow up in the direction of "adults".

In the beginning, everyone looked at him differently, but he always maintained his love for games.

…when the heavy burden of humanity rests on his shoulders.

He finally had to start becoming the "adult" that was most incomprehensible at first.

Just when people are confused about the plot of the story.

...a mutation occurred!

As Yuzuha and the others read, this description appeared in the article:

That was the external [world], which mercilessly ravaged the boy's [personal world].

Just when the boy was still concentrating on playing chess.

——Suddenly, a dazzling light illuminated the dim room, and he moved his gaze out the window. The night sky that should have been shrouded in red has turned white.

His parents shouted with pale faces and grabbed his hand, and then there was a beam of light that seemed to connect the sky and the earth and even burn through the retina.

The boy just hugged the chessboard he was playing against in an emergency and then passed out.

When the boy woke up, the world had turned into a scorched earth, and the stench and burning smell coming from his body was his mother's limp body.

When everyone turned over a new page, the illustration captured an arrogant and unreasonable scene with all five senses.

Everyone's hearts suddenly jumped, and when they saw the scene in their eyes, their eyes suddenly widened.

‘This, this is—! ! ’

What you see is a devastated world.

Looking around, the land depicted in the picture is filled with flying rubble and sand.

But the boy who was still in the warm hut just now was staring up at the sky alone among the burning corpses of the village.

This sudden change prevented the little princess and the others from changing their mood for a while. more! The village where Riku and the others were located - was gone!

What was that beam of light just now? !

"What happened?...Gudong..." Someone swallowed.

Then a line of words that seemed extremely dazzling appeared in front of people.

‘Those are the gods who have no regard for human beings and are fighting for their own reasons. Just because of their inadvertent [aftermath], let alone the young boy's small indoor world, even the world of people disappeared without leaving any trace.

——I see, the world is indeed not as simple as in the game. ’

"How...could..." Yuzuha and the others looked at these words in shock. These are extremely dazzling and naked words that expose the laws of the world. They were all shocked by the huge amount of information in those words.

"Aftermath!!!" Someone shouted loudly.

It turned out to be - just the aftermath? !

A fact that was crueler and more unexpected than they imagined suddenly appeared before their eyes.

At first, they were also shocked because Riku and his parents were suddenly attacked.

Even so...

A powerful enemy must be attacking! After all, no one can guarantee safety when a powerful enemy attacks.

Although this feeling that the protagonist's family member died at the beginning is a bit uncomfortable, everyone can still accept it.

Do you think Riku will embark on the road of revenge and become stronger in the future?

It would be easy for people to fantasize.

However, the truth is clearer and crueler.

...Does the so-called [enemy] actually not exist at all?

In other words, it was not an attack on humans in the first place.

It was obviously just an unintentional and inadvertent battle, but it spread... and led to this tragic scene in front of me.

In the book, the parents of the young Riku even died to protect him, and all they got in exchange was such a meaningless scene!

At this moment, countless people opened their mouths slightly.

For a moment, speechless shock echoed in everyone's chest.

At this time, Riku in the book suddenly stared at the destroyer who took away everything from him.

He thought - yes, because humans are not even opponents to [them].

Riku stared at the [Destruction] that casually shattered his world like dust.

I could only barely make out [Destruction] with a human appearance, and remembered its face deeply.

He held the chessboard so tightly that he almost crushed it in his arms, turned around and ran away!

And people who are also eager to find out who the [Destroyer] is.

In the illustration, a cute girl with a large area of ​​skin exposed and wrapped in technological colors appeared in front of people.

"Girl... girl!? Eh!" The little princess and the others said in surprise.

The girl who appeared in front of them was actually a girl with a cuteness report.

It was not at all connected with the previous brutal light column.

That was a light column that changed the surface of the earth with one strike!

Even now, they were not sure they could block the attack. The culprit was actually a cute loli? !

At this time, because of the huge difference in clothing, not many people noticed that she was the same person as the girl on the cover.

As the story was told, people finally understood what the "aftermath" just now was! It was actually a war between one of the highest leaders of the dragon spirits, a dragon king, and the group of Mechas.

The book also specially marked the name of the dragon spirits for the dragon race in the past.

But the Mechas were a brand new race in the eyes of everyone!

Before everyone could react from the dazzling sci-fi style outfits of the Mechas.

The next sentence in the book attracted their attention again.

"This is... the ancient [war] that split the sky and destroyed the planets!"

Hiss~! Looking at this sentence, and then looking at the world that was devastated before, and even the sky was red for some reason.

A chill rose from everyone's spine, and they were silent.

"This is... the epic... of mythology?" Suddenly, an elf girl saw this and spoke timidly.

There was unstoppable panic in her eyes!

Is the world at the beginning of the world so dangerous? Oh my God! What kind of situation was their elf tribe at that time!

Chapter 355 Ashes that hit the stars! Everyone was almost scared crazy at the beginning!

"Why have we never heard of... such a thing in the history of civilization! The war that created the world and destroyed the planets!" An elf looked at the story in the book with doubts and spoke.

Did such a terrible war really happen in the past, and even the gods who were high above participated in it.

Is this really an epic?

——Is it a myth that happened in the past?

Why has there never been any legend about that kind of myth in their elf kingdom!

The elves were shaken.

Originally, they were not interested in epics and just flipped through them casually. Now they dared not put the books in their hands back to their original places.

The things recorded in it were too shocking, making people want to find out.

The elves are known for their wisdom. For this group of elves who love knowledge, they are never lacking in curiosity about things.

The books record the giant dragons that were once called dragon spirits, and the never-before-seen race of Mechas.

All of these firmly attracted their attention.

But after all, they have not experienced so many stories in the King Arthur series and the Dark Souls series.

... They have not seen the appearance of Flame as the vest of the Knight King and the Nameless King.

At this moment, some elves still have doubts about the authenticity of the story.

However, the next paragraph of the page:

'This is a rare story... It is definitely a story you have never heard of! —— After all, it is a myth that will never be mentioned (again). 'Andersen.

After the story about Riku's childhood, the name of the wandering poet 'Andersen' appeared again in the text.

His words written in such a confident tone locked everyone's eyes firmly on one point.

'——A story I have never heard of! ?'

Many people took a deep breath and widened their eyes.

'What an arrogant tone! 'This became the inner thoughts of many elves at this time.

On the contrary, the humans who were also reading did not feel strange (arrogant) at all.

In their eyes, Andersen was just like the omniscient sage "Merry"!

King Arthur, the Impaler, the Undead, Sigurd, after experiencing these heroic epics, is there any need to question the endless wisdom of that adult? ! No! There is no doubt at all!

Many humans in other worlds have long become fans of Homura, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are bragging about the Andersen universe.

Sometimes people may not believe the truth, and completely lying will also be questioned.

The epic of "No Game No Life Zero" is indeed just a "story" to this world.

However——【I have never heard of it】!

Such confident words made the elves feel the strong confidence of the legendary bard.

Originally, Yan just wanted to express that the plot of "No Game No Life Zero" was definitely exciting enough and would not disappoint them.

But people understood it as "this is the secret meaning that only he (the great Andersen) still remembers".

Otherwise, how could he say such arrogant and even confident words!


【Who wrote this book? ! Is this really a real war that happened in the past? ! If it really happened, how terrible would the bard who knew this long-ago myth be! Could he be a person who survived from that mythical era to the present day! 】

These questions began to linger deeply in the hearts of the elves.

The elves were in doubt, and their original doubts faded a little.

Such a proud attitude doesn't seem fake——! On the contrary, it is very likely to be "real"!

Because of a sentence that Andersen accidentally inserted into the text, he made up so many things in his mind.

The thinking of people in the other world is ultimately limited to the authenticity of biographies and epics.

Even if there were wandering poets who randomly compiled epics in the past, they did not dare to completely imagine a new world. At most, they just wrote about the ambiguous fantasy between the "demon king and the hero".

But Yan is exactly an outlier.

——The perspective of the story changes again.

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