At this time, the protagonist has directly crossed over to the era of adulthood.

In the book, he is no longer called by the boy's name. People finally knew the name of the white-haired boy.

——"Riku". He is now a young man.

As for his identity...the leader of a group of humans who are on the run and seeking survival.

The content of the book at this time is about Riku as the leader, taking Ivan and Yare, and the three of them are collecting food for the gathering point outside.

…With descriptions in the book and several human perspectives.

The humans and elves who are reading are gradually gaining a deeper understanding of the various settings of the 'world' in the long past.

But with more and more profound descriptions.

Many amazing words and concepts began to appear in the eyes of people and elves.

The elves were soon greeted with new shocks from the palpitations and suspicions that they had not yet recovered from before.

Their eyes widened, then opened wider and wider, and finally their whole bodies started to tremble...

"These, these are-!" An elf who was reading suddenly lost his voice.

——Alson, Douglas was originally an excellent elf guard who was calm and calm.

Although he is not as good as those sages who specialize in magic, he considers himself as the Zhili elf guard of the royal family. He is also well-informed among the elves and knows the existence of many secrets.

But now he couldn't believe some of the "things" he was seeing on the books in his hands!

He saw a character named "Yiwang" in the book looking at the ashes in the sky and falling into a silent memory:

——The [War] started by the gods and their creations for unknown reasons turned the earth into scorched earth and covered the sky with ashes.

The ashes hit the Elf Corridor, the power of stars flowing in the sky, and the light emitted finally dyed the sky red.

In order to adapt to the "different world" setting, Homura explained that "Elf Corridor" was the past name of "Magic Corridor".

——The stars in the sky actually have the life-like concept of the 'Elven Corridor', which is also the 'Magic Corridor'.

This is something Arson and Douglas never thought of! As we all know, another name for the 'Magic Corridor' is the Source of Life.

But what was the past world like that he had just seen and learned from the perspectives of those three ‘human beings’ in the book?

The stars in the sky actually have a ‘magic corridor’?

Doesn’t that mean that stars are alive? !

Arson, who has never watched King Arthur, does not know the concepts of "root" and inhibition.

Otherwise he wouldn't be so surprised. After all, "Gaia" is the pan-consciousness of the land and planet beneath their feet (the fog).

To some extent, it proves that the planet is also alive.

...and the above question is just one of the questions that makes Arson tremble.

What followed made him even crazier——

It was a powerful and powerful impact that turned the entire sky red.

The article assumes that "ashes" are formed by the death of the world during the war and the corpses of all races who died in the war.

Seeing this, Alson felt like fuck! He can't even maintain the elegant etiquette of being a noble elf guard!

——How much "ash" does this damn thing need to do that kind of thing! ! Think of the "ashes" floating in the sky all over the world!

...Gudong...! A mythological epic indeed deserves the name of a mythological epic!

Chapter 356: [Spiritual Skeleton] and bread that doesn’t smell good at all!

It’s not just Arsen. In fact, this crazy setting is now causing the brains of many humans and elves to explode!

"The Elf Corridor... can cover the entire sky with ashes? Could it be... that all living things on the surface are dead?"

"Shit! The book says that the sky is completely covered in red and no sunlight can be seen. Did our human ancestors actually live in a world where we couldn't even see the sun?"

"I remember that when Riku was a child, the sky was already red in the description. Does that mean the war had already started at that time? And it must have started a long time ago, otherwise it would be impossible to form so many 'ashes'. This would be fatal How many creatures!”

"So many people died in the last orc war, but we didn't see any ashes washing up the sky and dyeing it red. I guess there are other conditions besides dead people!"

"Perhaps it's because the number of people who died in the Orc War was too small! That was just a war between us humans and Overlord Warnir, and it didn't affect the entire orc race. But in the epic, the entire planet was affected. !”

In the bookstore, a group of readers analyzed it attentively and seriously, and analyzed it very seriously.

——Too exaggerated! How appalling!

The story has obviously just begun, but many settings exposed in it have already made everyone unable to help but eagerly discuss it.

In fact, the opening chapter of this epic is too grand and scary.

If they keep those conjectures in their hearts, they will definitely not be able to bear it!

Compared with the mythical war at the beginning of the world, the racial war between them is simply a trivial matter, a child's plaything!

Autistic! Autistic! A thick shadow came over the humans who were reading in the capital.

They can't imagine how their ancestors survived in that situation!

If human beings are accidentally affected and destroyed! Doesn’t it mean that there is no such thing as human beings now? ?

At this moment, Violet Bookstore is in a corner where no one notices...

A middle-aged man who didn't care about his appearance was trembling all over and never stopped.

He didn't participate in the discussions of other book fans around him... nor did he leave.

He just fell into a deeper obsession and couldn't extricate himself.

The God of Alchemy - Hermitos!

(Hermitos: "Yes, it's me again!")

Now this great god is almost dying of brain suffocation. When others were paying attention to the exaggerated setting that the "ashes" and the sky were both painted red.

What he noticed was that the gods, the creators of many races, led their races to start a war!

"Creators" - gods!

In the most ancient mythological period, other races were actually created by their gods! ?

Impossible! How could this be possible!

Creating a race! This is creating life! No, it is something more shocking to the "gods" than creating life!

How difficult it is to create a race that can reproduce freely and pass on. Even the current gods who have the concept and reason of "creation" may not succeed.

But it seems that the gods of the ancient war period did not succeed in one or two ways!

Think about the many races living in this world and the earth now.

An amazing idea popped up in Hermitos' mind.

If a race corresponds to a god who can reach the strength of the "Creator", doesn't it mean that during the war, terrifying monsters like the "Creator" are everywhere!

Ah——! Ah!

Hermitos now seriously doubts whether he can really be regarded as a qualified god? !

During the war, he was a "weakling" compared to the ancestors of the gods in the past.

He is a "weakling", a "weakling", a "weakling"!

Although the strong self-esteem of the god made him unwilling to admit that fact! But looking at the description in the book again, Hermitos was silent.

On the other side——

The elves continued to look back. Another setting about "spiritual skeletons" appeared in the book.

When they finished reading, they took a deep breath and felt horrified.

——【Spiritual skeletons】. I heard that it was the last radiance emitted by the elves before they died after colliding with the ashes.

It is a deadly poison to most creatures, including humans.

Bang! !

Scared! The elves looked at the words in a daze.

The elves destroyed after colliding with... ashes? !

【Destroyed elves】 Highlight. Then the last 【Last radiance emitted before death】 Highlight.

An illustration appeared in the book, which was a beautiful light spot under the red sky.

Whether it was the ashes mentioned in the book or the spiritual skeleton produced after the collision, the elves were not in the mood to care.

They only knew... that "ashes" could actually kill elves? !

Oh my God! What a horrible thing!

It was not until the elves saw the notes later that they realized that the elves that the ash collided with were not the same as the elves they understood.

Rather, they were more like the elemental elves and micro elves in their cognition.

The heart that was suddenly raised to the throat and was beating fast finally relaxed.

Many elves, including Arsen, breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not referring to their elves.

Otherwise, knowing that there was an ash that was like a [natural enemy] that would kill them at the first touch, even if they knew that the war era had passed for countless years.

But it was still a very terrifying thing.

Moreover, just thinking about the past when their ancestors of the elves had to face such a terrifying, horrifying and dangerous little light spot.

The elves' mentality exploded.

As the story continued to progress, it took a long time for people's hearts to gradually calm down.

Especially the elves, who still felt a little scared at this time.

[Why do I feel that the things described in this epic are specifically aimed at them, the elves! Is it an illusion? ! 】

Some elves who were frightened thought suspiciously.

The difficulty of Riku and the other two in the book in finding supplies soon attracted their attention again.

There is a description in the text that is particularly eye-catching:


Through the goggles... you can only see the eyes that are like darkness and can't reflect any reflection.

——They are covered with the skins of wild animals and crawl on all fours along the dark places of rocks.

Their limbs have lost consciousness and they are starving and not eating-all this is to avoid being discovered by the [enemy] and to survive.

"Enemy?" From the shock of Riku's identity suddenly changing into a group of human leaders after becoming a young man to now, they finally saw a new word.

Is there any powerful enemy looking for them around them?

Didn't this group of people come out to collect food? When did they "provoke" the enemy?


In the palace, the little princess watched Riku and the others crawling on all fours like wild animals, cautiously and vigilantly, and pitifully without even having food to eat.

The butter bread she was holding in her hand, stuffing her cheeks with happiness, suddenly didn't taste so "fragrant".

A sense of uneasiness crept up on her little face.

Looking at the magic bread that had just been steamed and delivered to her, the little princess suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt.

"No... I won't eat it. It's not delicious at all."

Chapter 357 [Swear to the will! ]

Riku, Ivan, and Yare looked down the hill without saying a word.

As expected, there was a huge meteorite crater... and a pile of steel in the center.

That was the wreckage of the sky battleship, a steel ship made by the goblins that could sail in the sky.

In addition to food, some resources useful for survival were also within their search range.

As the plot progressed, the little princess and the others gradually understood another goal of Riku and others - it was this destroyed steel battleship.


"Sky battleship?! The ancestors of those goblins and dwarves could make a magic device that could fly in the sky?!" The elves spoke loudly, feeling a little unbelievable.

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