This time, Riku's mind went blank.

He saw Hubie calmly open his chest and point to the parts wrapped in complex machinery and emitting a faint light——

"... Just use that fork and pierce it here... Hubie... will die."

But perhaps because she felt that her words were not in line with her own, she showed a surprised expression and corrected her words.

"...? Death... is not a biological thing... permanent stop - cannot be repaired... completely destroyed?"

Then she continued very frankly:

"... Hubie... wants to see... Riku's [heart]... so... it's okay..."

—— Make a [request].

"—— Follow your heart... Kill Hubie... okay?"

Everything was silent, that was the voice in the heart. At this moment, the humans who read books in the capital and the elves in the elf kingdom had completely blank minds.

Boom—— stunned!

For a moment, the only thing left in their vision was the girl who asked Riku to kill her.

Riku only needed to gently pass the fork in his hand to easily complete the easiest and most incredible feat in human history!

Killing a powerful and terrifying Mecha-Machina with an ordinary mortal body who knows nothing.

...Now this ordinary human who neither knows magic nor the wisdom of God can complete the legend more easily than any dragon slayer!


'Huppi, what is she...she, she...thinking about? ' Tongue-tied, everyone can only continue to look at the following plot with unbelievable and incredible eyes!

What will Riku do? !

Will he kill Hughie?

The tension in their hearts reached its peak.

It was even more nervous than when they were worried that Riku would be killed.

Faced with a choice -

Should they support Riku to take the opportunity to kill this uncertain Mecha-Machina, or give up killing "Huppi"?

People's eyes were a little flustered, and they couldn't figure out their inner thoughts for a while.

It seemed that they didn't want to see Hughie die.

Not as a Mecha-Machina, but as the girl of "Huppi", the "impression" that the Mecha-Machina girl they had seen so far gave to everyone.

Everyone was reluctant to destroy it.

However, it was useless to be reluctant. Under such deep hatred, Riku would not soften his heart and let Shubi go.

But the unexpected plot happened in front of everyone.


——You are lying, Riku.

‘At this time...are you still trying to shirk responsibility? How low have you fallen, you scumbag? ’

It’s not to Shubi, but Riku is actually insulting himself? !

Stunned, stunned, stunned!

Eh? ... Eh! ... Eh! At this moment, Yuzuha and the others stared blankly at the amazing reversal in Riku’s heart.

Riku, who was obviously hating Shubi to death and wanted to kill him just a moment ago, suddenly changed his mind.

‘I see, if you want to say the most fundamental reason, it is the [battle] these guys carried out. ’ Riku.

Then the 48 people who died——Chad, Anton, Alma...Memegan, Karim...——and Ivan,

No matter what excuses they had.

Those who told them to die. It's (still) you - maggots! !

Boom! Riku's inner words, like lightning, broke through the darkness in everyone's mind and lit up the night sky... It was as bright as day.

People were stunned!

When they saw Riku's confession, in the end, Riku still blamed all the faults on himself.

There is such a thing...

Some people couldn't help but clench their fists as they watched, their nails almost digging into the flesh, trying to comfort Riku.

No matter what, the deaths of those 48 people can't be blamed on Riku! He has done well enough.

But thinking of the dead Iwan, and the 47 in front... They didn't see the human ancestors who died for unknown reasons and when.

—— He hesitated to speak! Even if he wanted to say something good for Riku, he didn't know how to start.

People always have to face choices. Even if none of those choices are what you want to choose.

For those who don't need to make painful choices, no matter what they say, it will only be like talking without any pain at this moment.

It's better not to say it!

Everyone's face turned pale and blue, and they said nothing. In the end, there was silence, helplessness, and sadness.


Riku let go of his hand, and Hubie sat down on the ground.

Facing Hubie's eyes that were as wide open as glass beads, Riku couldn't stand her eyes like that, and turned his back to her.

"...I'm going to sleep."

Having said this, Riku lay down on the bed made of straw.

"Wide open eyes"—— Hubie's slight surprise was ignored by everyone, and only a few people noticed that she showed human emotions for the first time.

The elves didn't realize what that meant.

At this time, Hubie felt incredible, looked at Riku quietly and asked: "...Why...don't you kill Hubie...?"

"——Who knows. I don't know either! Damn it! Please shut up!!"

Why not kill her? If you want to find a reason, there are many reasons.

But Riku felt disgusted with himself for looking for "excuses" and such things.

No one has the right to talk about the dead.

Especially him, a loser who tells others to die but doesn't dare to kill anyone with his own hands.

Will have a [friendly attitude] towards the Ex-Machina, one of the culprits that caused humanity to fall into this predicament.

As a human, he has been broken for a long time!

"...I'm sorry..." Shubi's apology.


"...? Riku...?"

The moment he closed his eyes, although he seemed to hear Shubi's confused voice, fatigue and sleepiness still took away his consciousness and made him fall into darkness.

Seeing this——

It's not just Riku who feels as if he is broken, at this time, humans and elves all feel as if they are broken.

Especially the little princesses who are humans.

[Friendly attitude]——?

Clearly, the history we saw showed that humans lived so hard during the Mythological War.

The strange thing is that they, like Riku, have a slight affection for Shubi that cannot be deceived.

Perhaps only that Ex-Machina——Shubi.

Is it different?

No, it's not because of this reason.

But from Riku's inner thoughts, people can see more things.

Riku's deep understanding and exposure of the nature of the world during the war.

"——It's not Shubi or Riku who are wrong!" Yuzuha felt pity and heartache for Shubi and Riku in the book.

Especially Shubi's constant apologies, those "I'm sorry".

She obviously did nothing and never deliberately targeted humans, why is she the one who said sorry?

At this time, people couldn't help but think so.

Suddenly, a sentence inexplicably appeared in everyone's mind.

"It's not their problem, it's that crazy and broken world that is wrong!"

Chapter 369 It's hammered! Riku who doesn't even let go of the machines!

"Oh! I'm sorry! Sister is so inconsiderate, you enjoy it slowly~!"

That was the voice of Coron who suddenly pushed the door open, saw something surprising, and left happily.


In the new illustration, everyone saw this scene.

In the blanket, Shubi was sticking to Riku, and Riku's eyes met with it.

Their skin was close, and the actions of the two people now were too ambiguous! Anyone would think wrongly!

Many people saw this illustration and smiled subconsciously. Even they themselves did not realize why they could not help but smile when they saw Shubi and Riku getting close.

"...Why did you sit on me? Can you explain?" Riku.

"...Riku said that you can't leave...the range of sight...but Riku closed his eyes..." Shubi.

At this time, she seemed to be boasting - it should be Riku's illusion!

Not leaving the range of sight, the implication is...Shubi guessed that it is the range of cognition.

-That is, touch. It works even in is judged that it is [cognizable].

She is quite confident about this, and her expression seems to be advocating [I understand the abstract intention of humans, praise me]

The little princesses seemed to be brightened, and felt that Shubi was getting cuter and cuter.

Is this really just a robot assembled with machinery, without emotions and soul?

Speaking of this kind of Ex-Machina, if you ignore the terrifying power, it is really cute!

-I really want to raise one!

A group of people can't eat grapes, and the people who see the grapes are sour think in their hearts.

Even the little princess, who is a princess, now envies the relaxed atmosphere between Riku and Shubi.

"I just asked you not to leave this room..." Riku had a headache. Why did he become like this after just sleeping?

Misunderstood by Coron again!

Seeing Riku being defeated, the elf girl showed a simple smile on her face, and she didn't know why it was very interesting.

The subsequent plot is that after the two came out, Coron mentioned the issue of whether they should take a bath again.

Coron suggested that she should give Shubi a bath, but how could Riku let Coron do that? Wouldn't Shubi's identity as a Mecha-Machina be completely exposed?

Just when everyone was thinking about what Riku should do——

Shubi: "... Riku said... except for Riku... Shubi can't let others see his skin..." (Riku: That's to prevent others from discovering your identity as a Mecha-Machina.)


...! ! !

Coron, not only Coron, but also the people who were reading books and the elves had a blank mind in an instant.

No one except Riku can look at Shubi's skin? ! Hiss! Such a bold statement!

——It will definitely be misunderstood! Such a statement!

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