Everyone took a breath.

At this time, Riku could already feel his consciousness gradually drifting away. Sure enough, it was time to kill this guy, right? ’

"Hahahahahaha!" Some people laughed to the point of tears.

And Riku's reputation as a lolicon was once again established.

Now even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he won’t be able to clean himself!

When I read the article, "Now I am a tong fetishist, and I am a man who trains refugees who survived the war, this impression has been confirmed. ... It is useless to say it no matter what."

Riku's self-defeating thoughts and the way he completely gave up on explaining made everyone couldn't help laughing in joy.

My heavy heart felt much better.

He tried his best to push Ke'er aside first.

The next step is Riku thinking about how to perfect Hubi's disguise, such as eating normally like a human being, and taking a bath...

Especially now, as the elder sister, Ke'er still gives a teasing look of "I understand" from afar.

Riku just wanted to say, 'You know a hammer! ’

The first thing to do now is to solve the bathing problem.

"What about water-"

"...No problem - Hubi can be waterproof, dustproof, freeze-proof, fire-proof, bullet-proof, explosion-proof, magic-proof, and elf-proof..."

"Exaggerated race, then you just pretend to take a shower——"

"...but...there is no sewage discharge function..."

"Waterproof, dustproof, freezeproof, fireproof, bulletproof, explosion-proof, magic-proof, and elf-proof?!"

As the two communicated, people...even the elves shed some cold sweat.

I was shocked by Nahubi's amazing speech.

...Even the dragon's physical body may not be so powerful!

Especially the last sentence "Beware of Elves" - the eyelids of the elves who looked at it were twitching, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Even if they knew that the elf mentioned by Hubi was not of the same species as them.

But seeing such words still made them (elves) feel bad.

Everyone sighed, it was too strong! What's hidden in that petite body is a monster!

And they once again understood the power of the machine's functions!


"It even has explosion-proof functions, but it doesn't have anti-fouling capabilities... As a machine, isn't that a flaw?"

Riku was unable to complain.

"... If you can use elves, there is a self-purification device... But you asked me not to use it..." Hubby said, with an expression on his face that looked like a rising expression, expressing protest.

"Damn it, if that's the case, let's go all out. Take advantage of Ke'er's misunderstanding and take advantage of her to help us clear out—"

Riku hasn't finished speaking yet.

But everyone had already guessed what he was thinking.

The eyes of the little princesses are dazzling and dazzling!

ah! Are you going to use Ke'er to create an opportunity for two people to take a bath and warm up their relationship, and create a bathroom where no one else can take a bath? This way Hubi’s Ex-Machina identity will not be exposed!

"Ah! As expected of Riku!" Claire said excitedly.

But the next moment——

Hubi: "... Yuriku... helps Hubi wash..."

Uncertainly, Hubby spoke up with a sentence that made the blood of all the male compatriots in the capital boil and made the girls' bodies suddenly stiffen.


1. Wash together? ! !


Suddenly, there was an animal-like howl that shook the sky in the royal capital.

Many people on the street were startled.

Because the first batch of people who watched it basically all progressed at the same level, and now they are all at the same position.

Then the strange screams came one after another from time to time. But they are basically male voices.

It seems painful and exciting! !

Fuck! Riku, you beast, let us go!

Lolicons, lovebirds, scumbags...even machines are not spared! Hammered!

So abominable (enviable)!

When a group of men gritted their teeth and were extremely envious.

Some girls who also saw the progress here seemed to understand something, no... no need to guess anymore! Seeing the expressions on those guys' faces, everything became clear! It's just that their thoughts are not written on their faces!

So the girls looked at these strong, upright and strong men with contempt, like looking at maggots.

It disturbed them from reading.

Riku is not as vulgar as these guys!

They still believed in Riku's character. How could such a reliable human leader be a lolicon?

Even if there are some suggestive words, they must be illusions!


After Hubie put forward several inferences that only Riku's help could clean him up, Riku agreed.

"Okay, I get it...I'm leaving."

——It is impossible to win a debate of reason with machines.

In the end Riku recognized this fact and gave up resistance!

Girls "..."

Chapter 370 "Very unhappy!" A shocking display of [heart]!

Throw the red-hot stone into a large pot filled with water.

In an instant, hot steam continued to rise in the cramped bathroom.

Use steam to force out sweat, thereby washing away the dirt on your body, and then pour cold water to refresh your body.

The little princess, Yu Ye, and the elf girl were like curious babies, as if they had learned very novel knowledge.

The wisdom of the ancients——

How did humans ensure cleanliness during the war when food was not good and housing was not good?

Now everyone finally understands!


It turns out that this is how ancient people took baths.

Although I don’t know if Riku came up with this too.

But this does not affect Princess Chenxi's inner admiration and pride at all.

Anyway, it must be the masterpiece of their human ancestors!

If the little princess and the others knew, at this time in the elf country far away from the royal capital, a group of elves were also marveling at this 'novel' knowledge.

I will definitely feel even more proud.

In the bathroom... Riku was washing Hubi's hair while chatting with Hubi.

Only the sound of water drops could be heard in the room.

Suddenly Hubie said: "...Riku, let's play a game..."

"In the bathroom? Why?"


Watching Hubie express a concept that she obviously didn't understand in a question. Riku smiled bitterly and replied:

"Okay, okay...but it's forbidden to use elves, the game board——"

It was as if he had predicted such a thing. Or maybe she planned to do this from the beginning!

The plot that the men loved to see was not staged.

They could only look at the book with disappointment and surprise...

Hubie took out the chessboard hidden in his robe that he had taken off.

After a chessboard fight -

"...Hmm...you, I'm washing your hair, you should be a little more merciful."

Hubby "I'm sorry..."

Hubi's sudden apology made Riku slightly stunned. Not to this one thing, but to another thing.

Hubie then apologized again for his previous behavior in the house.

And she said, "...it is unreasonable for the perpetrator to ask [the heart] of the victim... so reasonable information cannot be obtained..." She now knows that she did something wrong before.

But Hubie really didn’t mean it! She didn't understand it at first!

Riku was surprised once again.

These are not words that a machine would say at all.

Claire and the others also realized this.

Hubie seems a little different as a robot. It seems, too humane.

There were some signs before, and now it is even more...

Could it be! ?

As if they thought of something, everyone suddenly became nervous.

Could it be that Hubie, as an Ex-Machina, also has the sensibility of a real creature?

ah! If you think about it carefully, a mechanical person wouldn't understand such a thing as "excessive"! There is no reason to apologize for something that has nothing to do with the goal!

Even if you don't think of any profound words like "Happiness and sadness are actually not much different in the eyes of machines, they are all summed up in violent mood swings."

But thinking of Hubi's words that clearly cared about Riku's feelings, everyone was a little excited.

If Homura saw their expressions, he would understand.

That's probably it - the feeling of seeing a cold dead thing that obviously doesn't have emotions, but after getting along with the protagonist for a long time, it has its own [heart], emotions... right?

This kind of thing is a miracle even in fairy tales!

As the plot progresses——

People saw the mechanical lolita who tried her best to express her inner feelings but didn't know how to express them.

With his head lowered and his voice restless, Hubie was feeling depressed.

And during the exchange between Hubi and Riku, they finally understood.

It turns out that Hubie has always been worried about what happened in the previous house.

He even made it clear that he didn’t want to see Riku [get hurt], such straightforward and ambiguous words.

Sensible, well-behaved and so simple that it makes people feel heartbroken.

"Ah! Even if it is a disguised, mechanically set character, I accept it! Hubie is so cute!" Someone said while suppressing their inner emotions.

Then he faced Riku's comfort.

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