In fact, it was his fault, he was too emotional and didn't control himself.

He could control himself normally.

But Hubie was surprised: "... Emotional, isn't it good...?"

Then he said "But Riku wanted to... beat Hubie..."

When everyone saw Hubie simply saying that Riku wanted to beat him, they smiled knowingly and felt a little embarrassed for Riku. Haha!

"... That was just my wrong words!" Riku scratched his head frantically.

After a short silence, Hubie asked Riku why he closed his heart.

"You, are you really reflecting on yourself? Don't you know what it means to be considerate--" Riku, who was halfway through speaking loudly and dissatisfied, stopped talking when he saw Hubie's glass-like eyes looking at him.

A heartless machine-regardless of whether it really has no heart-it can also be said that she has no malice.

So what she has been saying is the truth?

"That's right! Ah! I feel that Shubi is becoming more and more human! Shubi... maybe she is really not just a machine anymore!" Claire thought hopefully.

In her heart, she sincerely hoped that Shubi could find her [heart] in Riku.

The friendly coexistence between humans and machines - it seemed to open a new door for her.

Somewhere in Riku's heart, he confirmed that Shubi really wanted to know...

Not the calculating and cold-hearted Riku - the Riku he played.

But he wanted to know the [real Riku with a heart] who was worth observing.


Riku sighed and felt the [Heart Lock] being opened.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

...Under Shubi's attack, the defense wall established by the Heart Lock was finally broken.

"...Shubi wants to know...Riku's [heart]...but..." Shubi said slowly, word by word.

"...Shubi...I don't want to hurt Riku...what should I do...?"


Suddenly, Riku felt a sense of disharmony in her words.

"Why do you care about me? If you just want to know [heart], just like yesterday, you can be so blunt-"

The atmosphere gradually changed, and the little princesses and the others clenched their palms with sweat.

"... Sorry... "

Why did Shubi consider the value of being observed? What was the reason... This made Riku's heart waver.

Then there was a series of words like "I don't know" and "But I want to avoid... causing harm to Riku".

In Riku's half-joking test, he said in a rational and formal tone: "Oh~ If you don't keep the analysis object in a natural state as much as possible, you can't get the correct data, right?"

It sounded a bit harsh, and the elves and the little princesses were hesitant to speak, and finally silent.

I feel... Riku... is a bit too much!

Just as they were thinking so complicatedly.


The constantly forced Shubi's [emotion] exploded.

It was an emotion that made people feel shocked and shocked, and it was impossible to tell whether it was an emotion played by intelligence.

Real, touching, and indistinguishable words.

Hubie suddenly said: "... It feels... different... And, although the reason is unknown... But..."

An "unknown reason" and a "but"!

Even every word seemed to be the same as what Hubie said, and it was "different" from before.

Everyone held their breath, their heartbeats suddenly accelerated, and their blood flowed quickly. For no reason, they had an expectation that they didn't understand!

Hubie she——? Is this going to? !

"For some reason, Hubie lowered her head and answered in a trembling voice:

"... That sentence just now... made me very unhappy...!"

When the sense of disobedience completely turned into certainty, Riku——

People, elves! Suddenly opened their eyes wide! Shocked!

"Very unhappy!"

Hubie actually said "unhappy? ! "

Huppi, she - the Ex-Machina, the mechanical life that does not have feelings for things, actually said such a clear and sad word!

Boom! Everyone's mind suddenly went blank!

Like a thunderclap in the ground. It was impossible to recover for a while!

Chapter 371 People whose hearts were captured by Hubi!

Riku and Hubi had made a judgment when they first met - it was indeed correct.

This Ex-Machina girl - Hubi - was broken, and it was obviously abnormal.

Although she was unconscious of her words just now, everyone could see that she was claiming that [she was hurt].

-Mechanical? A guy who claimed that he did not understand [heart]?

"I'm asking you, you were disconnected by the joint body... and abandoned, right?"


"In order to return to that joint body, you want to analyze [heart] no matter what, but that has nothing to do with whether I am harmed or not-"

"...? I don't want to go back...Oh!"


"...? Eh, no, then who ordered you to analyze the [heart]?"

"...? Because I'm interested... judge for yourself..."



The conversation between Schwei and Riku, and this answer, shocked everyone.

Wait, just because... I'm interested?!

What a joke, if you feel interested, then--that doesn't mean?

The girls' eyes suddenly showed a bit of strong expectation!

And Riku's next words directly expressed everyone's thoughts.

"You said interest--that's not emotion, that's [heart], right?"

Riku showed an incomprehensible look--and Hubie froze instantly.

"…………? …………? ...I don't know."

The girl, as if something was exposed, chose to avoid the question in a panic.

Sure enough--

She already had [heart]!

Everyone was instantly excitedjpg, and their faces seemed to have turned into huskies.

Their fantasy actually became a reality. Miracle! It turns out that a miracle has already been born!


"...I don't know... Riku's words make sense...but Hubie, I don't feel the importance...why is that?"

"Are you asking me about this?"

Asked by Hubie with a serious face, Riku's face twitched unconsciously.

And the people outside the book, seeing this, nodded subconsciously and seriously, and seemed to agree with Hubie's words very much.

Of course it's you!

If I don't ask you, Riku [Lolita], who should I ask?

Oh! As expected, Riku and Hubie are a perfect match!

Because Riku didn't respond, Hubie——

"...List the possible answers——"

Continued: "...It doesn't matter, as long as Riku is here, no interest, no meaning, no connection, refuse to synchronize. Analysis is the priority. Not analysis, but understanding is the priority——[error], [contradiction], [violation], [error], [contradiction]——"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! You're smoking, hey!?"

Looking at Hubie's exhaust, Riku couldn't help but panic.

——But it was only a matter of seconds, Hubie turned around, looked at Riku and nodded.

"The conclusion seems to be...I don't want to go back."

"Ahhhhh! Too, too cute! If you don't want to go back, then don't go back! Please go and marry Riku!" At this moment, Claire seemed to be shot by Cupid's arrow. Seeing this scene, her heart was suddenly touched and she shouted.

She is such a cute couple!

On the next page, an illustration of "Steam Princess Shubi" with residual steam on Shubi's head came into everyone's eyes.

They really felt that Shubi was different -

Even among the Ex-Machinas, she must be the cutest and most special one.

A machine with a [heart]! Whenever they thought of this, and then thought of the humans and Ex-Machinas who came together like a dream, everyone smiled and gave sincere blessings.

Perhaps it would be nice to have a Ex-Machina who could let Riku put down his [disguise] and accompany him to release the suppressed emotions in his heart!

"It's so ambiguous..." Riku said, which was what everyone wanted to say.

He began to find it funny, and repeated it with a wry smile, and suddenly -

"... Forget about those... Checkmate." Shubi.

...!!! !!!

"You guy... I'm concentrating on the conversation, and I can't focus on the chessboard, once again!"

"... Yeah."

Then the two chatted in harmony while playing chess leisurely.

That scene was regarded by humans and elves as the beginning of the oldest friendship and love between humans and Ex-Machina.

Perhaps the relationship between the two can be traced back to a much earlier time, as far back as when Riku was a child.

But during the time when Riku washed Shubi's hair, the hearts of humans and machines finally relied on each other without concealment or reservation.

The elves also felt a little moved by this feeling.

Originally, they were a very proud and exclusive race.



This guy is indeed an Ex-Machina, and he can kill humans unconsciously.

They are the same as other races and have trampled on humans countless times so far.

Never let your guard down, reason shouted. I don't know why——

This girl who began to care about the length of her hair frequently cannot be viewed with theory at all.

Riku couldn't help slightly.

'Emotions, such things, are really not controlled by the heart! '

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