I basically stay in the 'library' during the day and never leave. Occasionally, I will stay here overnight.

It was just one night without seeing Homura. Ji Zelu, who had never been separated from Homura for such a long time, was already filled with tears.

If her father hadn't said she was too young and wouldn't have allowed her to stay out at night, even if the little princess cried, she wouldn't let go.

... Jizaru will never be separated from Homura.

Homura stretched out his hands and caught Ji Zelu steadily.

Then I saw Restia behind me.

"——Homura! I want to hug him!" Restia glanced at Ji Zelu with some envy, and then spoke to Homura in a low voice expectantly.

Then when Yan nodded, he happily lay down in Yan's arms.


Homura's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this time, he happened to have Ji Zelu in his left hand and Restia in his right hand.

"Is this the winning model of life that embraces everyone?!" Flame said to herself.

"Ala. Are you going to attack your sister and friends so soon?" On the side, Hidi looked at Homura with curiosity and interest.

A flash of excitement flashed across the girl's face. Having reached the ‘Seventh Step’ at a young age, she is now at the rebellious age of pursuing excitement!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have played that exciting ‘Word Solitaire’ game with Homura.

"If you have time to care about my situation, why not help me quickly think of ways to make money!" Yan.

Before Hidi could reply, the two girls in Yan's arms had already raised their heads.

"Yan, do you need money very much?" Restia, whose face turned red and looked up from Yan's arms with satisfaction, asked curiously.

There was still a hint of joy in his eyes because he had held 'Yan' in his arms.

'So warm - just like everyone described. ’

‘I got it… I hugged my friend ‘lovingly’ today. My father and mother will definitely be happy for me. ’ When she turned back, she took a small notebook to record the ‘feeling’ of this time and take it out to commemorate it in the future.

"Gege..." At this time, Ji Zelu also raised his head and called softly and curiously.

Afterwards, Homura told them the situation.

Just when Homura was halfway speaking, looking at Ji Zelu in his arms, Homura's voice suddenly paused.

A thought suddenly flashed through my mind.


'I remember. [Biography of the Brave] seems to be quite popular in this world! ’

Before thinking about it, I had thought about whether to write the stories of the 'heroes' on earth as 'fairy tales' to share in other worlds!

Homura's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that the nobles and princes in the capital of the kingdom are very fond of "brave" themed stories!

Advocate for ‘heroism’? !

Thinking of those stories that have to be told in various versions of the 'hero and the devil' that are written like a ghost and are still widely circulated around the world and making a lot of money.

Homura suddenly felt that people's wallets in this world might be surprisingly easy to cheat!

Well, how about trying to write one or two ‘heroic’ fairy tales? As for a pen name——

Yan subconsciously glanced at Ji Zelu in his arms, and a calm smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Ah...just call me Andersen."

Andersen only writes beautiful fairy tales for children.

He gave all his beautiful stories to children who were as simple and innocent as a blank sheet of paper.

As for those ‘adults’…

Chapter 36: Achilles’ heel, the death of King Arthur, and the 300 Spartan warriors!

Since I have chosen to write the stories of ‘heroes’.


Which hero to start with first remains to be considered.

Homura plans to publish two types of "fairy tales" under the pen name of "Andersen".

One is like bedtime reading in previous lives, such beautiful 'childhood' stories as 'Grimm's Fairy Tales', 'Andersen's Fairy Tales', and 'One Thousand and One Nights', which are only dedicated to children.

The other is the 'black...' cough cough - "heroic epic" specially for adults.

Although Yan really wants to write some thought-provoking and profound moral stories like "Don Quixote".

The world of adults is dirty and dark, full of intrigues and struggles, which makes people feel disgusted.

But precisely because of this, stories like ‘Black Fairy Tales’ and ‘Don Quixote’ are even more needed to warn people.


Homura gave up on such 'interesting' thoughts for the time being.

Human beings prefer things that are shiny and shiny on the surface, and stories are no exception.

As his first work in a different world, it would be better for him to become famous under the pen name ‘Andersen’ first.

... Then choose some stories that are more acceptable to the public.

"——If we talk about the 'hero' story that best suits the background of this era." Flame murmured and started writing at the desk in the corner of the library.

"The Heel of Achilles, The Death of King Arthur, The Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta... and the 'Twelve Trials' when Hercules was still a demigod can also be written. With a few modifications, They can all become 'stories' that fit the background of this era." Quickly scribble some of the "familiar" story names on the paper.

At this time, Diyan's eyes were shining, and he was extremely excited when he thought of the names of those 'heroes' that would ring out under the sky of this other world in the future.

Suddenly - Homura's voice stopped.

He found that the final endings of the ‘heroes’ and ‘protagonists’ in the stories he just thought of didn’t seem to be very good!

Only the last one, Hercules, became a god.

The rest died tragically, tragically, or tragically.

“Achilles’ heel”, just by looking at the name, Yan remembered the tragic fate of the invincible heel warrior who was defeated by an arrow.

“The Death of King Arthur”, needless to say.

The loyal knight betrayed him. He went out to quell the rebellion, but his son stabbed him in the back.

“The 300 Spartans” fought to the end, killing only one person, and blinding one eye.

“Writing a hero who is too tragic for the first time, even if the book is a big hit, it will be scolded by readers.” Yan frowned.

Although he said so verbally...

Yan suddenly crossed out the name of the last Hercules.

His face turned into an evil, bad [happy] smile [joy] expression.

"But - tragic heroes make a deeper impression and are more attractive!"

Yan still remembers that when he was a child, he watched the cartoon "Ancient Greek Mythology" and saw the invincible Achilles being shot in the heel by an arrow and died, and he was sad for a long time.

When people read stories, they often put themselves in the shoes of the "hero" in the story.

This leads to the fact that when reading some tragic works, people can't help but get "crazy" from the bottom of their hearts when they see the ending.

There are even people who can't help smashing the keyboard and slapping the computer screen when they see their favorite characters die.

For the people in this world, what kind of crazy expressions will they show after seeing the endings of these stories.

Yan said - very "happy to see".

"It's decided that it's you... I really hope to see such an interesting picture soon!" The feather pen in Yan's hand finally drew a horizontal line under "The Death of King Arthur".

After "twelve battles" without defeat, he successfully led the Knights of the Round Table to repel the Saxon invasion from the north.

It can be said that he is the king of the peak of ancient heroic characters.

That is a story about the king of knights! ——Arthur Pendragon.

In the original story, it was all about the description of the various glorious and great deeds of that king.

It is just right to use this story to expand the market.

The setting of "King Arthur" just fits the image of "hero" in people's hearts in this world.

Although this "hero" may die in the end!

It can be predicted that the plot when King Arthur is dying and the round table is disbanded will be in the later stage.

It will not affect Yan's idea of ​​becoming famous in the early stage at all.


It is the moment for Yan to "let the world feel pain!" again!

For this world with poor "spiritual entertainment", let the people in the other world also experience the pain of ecstasy and death, but can't stop!

Yan's face showed a dark smile.

The story was initially drafted, and then it was the later modification.

With the awakening of [Simulated Star Creation Chart], Yan's memory is getting better and better. As soon as he picked up the pen, all the content about "King Arthur's Death" that he had read in the book emerged in his mind.

At the same time, this book is also included in the "40,000 books".

Yan doesn't have to worry about forgetting any small paragraph.

Now he only needs to remove and modify some "things" in the story that don't fit the background of the other world.

"Hmm... I remember there seems to be magic of mind control!" Yan suddenly thought, if only the pen could work by itself;

It's hell to work by hand.

A few minutes later, Yan, who tried several times, successfully used mental power to control the pen to write automatically.

First, the names of the main characters, King Arthur, the demon [Merlin], and the Knights of the Round Table were listed one by one.

Then the personalities and characteristics of these characters were marked below.

The original version of "The Death of King Arthur" was more like a narrative epic, and it was not very immersive to read.

In order to make the characters more flesh and blood, so that people from all walks of life in the entire other world can read it easily, some passages need to be polished.

For a while, the feather pen, under Yan's control, quickly wrote one story after another on the paper.

At this rate, he might be able to finish the book in a week.

Although it is a long mythological story.

But the original text is only 650,000 words.

After removing various inappropriate parts and revising them, the final length will be around 700,000 words.

Yan plans to finish the first volume today.

At the same time, he is doing two things at once, controlling another feather pen and starting to write a "short fairy tale collection".

This is a children's book he prepared for children.

He plans to write three short stories, "Little Red Riding Hood", "Clown Duck" and "Mermaid" to test the waters.

It is worth mentioning that these stories also have "black fairy tale" versions.

Maybe it would be nice to publish a special "adult" version of the black fairy tale collection in the future.

Yan thought with a little thought.

Chapter 37 Chanting spells and biting your tongue is too troublesome.

Time passed quickly as Yan began to write.

At this time, he had completed the collection of three short "fairy tales".

Ji Zelu was lying on one side, curiously looking at the new "fairy tale" story written by "Ge Ge".

From time to time, she would ask Yan about some "fonts" that she couldn't understand in her childish voice.

Restia was focusing on a "human-shaped object" that Yan was fiddling with.

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