"What is this?" A pair of curious eyes appeared on Restia's expressionless and delicate face.

"A special combat doll made by alchemy. Although it has good combat power, it has no self-awareness and needs the magician to divide his mental power to manipulate it." Yan said.

Although he was ready to write some "fairy tales" to make money, Yan still made other preparations.

... Compared with the "alchemical materials" of those expensive legendary creatures, no alchemist would ever dislike having too much money.

While Yan controlled the feather pen to write quickly, he completely activated the magic corridor in the "alchemical doll" in front of him and completed its last step.

At this time, there were many other strange things placed beside Yan. They were other alchemical works he completed when practicing "alchemy".

He had asked Hitti to contact the nobles and magic shops in the royal capital and prepare to sell all these "alchemical works".

Although there are some powerful "alchemical magic items" among them, such as the alchemical doll in front of him, which has the strength of the fourth level in the mouth of "Hiti".

But Yan had no reluctance to part with them.

Alchemy dolls without independent intelligence have no "soul".

If they just want ordinary combat dolls, with his current ability, as long as the materials are sufficient, he can make as many as he wants.

What is really worth keeping for collection is the doll with "self-personality" like Mercury Lamp in "Rozen Maiden".

"——I'm back!" The door of the library opened, and Hitti's voice sounded from outside.

At the same time, a noisy and bustling street market with unique sounds came from the outside world.

Yan looked up and looked out the door. The scene outside was not the door of the familiar "village" mayor's courtyard, but a bustling wide street.

'That should be the street inside the capital! '

'No matter how many times I look at it, it's so incredible. '

Just as Yan thought at the beginning.

The "library" is not built in the mayor's residence.

It is a "library" in a special space - its portal is a space channel connecting various locations.

As long as the user opens the "location" in his mind, he can reach any place in the world.

It is a buggy ability like "Anywhere Door" and "Harry's Moving Castle".

However, this ability has a limitation -

You can only reach the place you have been to in person.

If you want to go directly to the abyss or the kingdom of the gods, it is impossible, because there are extremely strong space walls in such places.

"Did you get the things, Hitie-chan?" Yan asked with a relaxed smile on her face.

"You really know how to order people around, Yan." The pink-haired girl complained.

Not long ago, Yan asked Hitie if there were any warrior training methods and advanced combat skills.

That is, the "breathing method", which is the same as the Magic Corridor, and can also enable people to enter the fourth step of the "mysterious" power.

But this is the "library" of the magician.

Most of the books are also about the "magic way".

There are some basic swordsmanship, or books on physical training and breathing, but Hitie has no collection of more advanced ones.

Before, Yan had considered the problem that his current physical fitness could not keep up with the speed of magic power growth.

With the [Simulated Star Creation Chart], he was ready to develop in an all-round way!

...After Hitti gave those basic books to Yan to learn. Yan quickly mastered those basic combat methods and breathing methods in the surprised eyes of the girl.

Originally, Hitti thought that only the descendants of the "Hero King" in the capital would choose to practice sword and magic.

When Hitti first heard Yan say that he wanted to practice the warrior's physical training skills, he was still a little confused.

A genius in magic, you don't practice spells, you want to practice sword skills? !

At that time, Hitti thought Yan was just impulsive, so she resisted the urge to slap Yan a few times to turn him back to the magic path, and gave him those books on basic warrior-related skills.

Thinking that Yan would find out how hard it is to be a "warrior" after trying a few times, and then give up.


Hiti just watched Yan go from being unfamiliar with the sword the first time he swung it, to holding the sword in his hand very standardly and steadily the second time, and performing all kinds of perfect sword swinging movements like a textbook the third time.

The girl was stunned by Yan's talent again.

The last time it was because of Yan's magic talent, this time it was because of the warrior talent.

Just now, Hiti went out to find advanced warrior books for Yan in the capital.

Although she didn't have any here, there were many fifth and sixth-level "iron fools" in the capital to collect!

Fearing Hiti's reputation as a seventh-level strongman, basically, as long as it was not too important private skills, those warriors handed over what they learned.

But until now, Hiti didn't understand why Yan had to learn the warrior's fighting method.

Wouldn't it be better to be a magician and chant spells and use big moves in the back?

Easy and handsome, the most important thing is that the lethality of magic is also strong enough!

"Here, these are the various advanced warrior skills and advanced breathing methods you asked for. Although you have good talent as a warrior, there is no need to practice sword skills specifically. With your talent in magic, you can completely use magic to solve the enemy from a distance." Hitti couldn't help but say.

"Magic? Chanting spells is too troublesome. If you are not careful, you will bite your tongue. If you have time to prepare magic, it is better to go up and chop directly." Yan.

"Ah?" Hitti looked surprised and couldn't help laughing. What a 'ghost' reason!

'Of course, if the enemy is not very strong, just throw one or two 'magic cannons' without chanting.

If the enemy is very strong, then swing the holy sword and go up to open the invincible! 'Yan added two more sentences in his heart, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He has deeply realized how to go on the path of a mage!


After spending an afternoon, Yan finished writing the first volume of "The Death of King Arthur".

It describes the story of how the demon [Merlin] helped the old king to seduce the Duchess, gave birth to Arthur and took him away, secretly raised him up, and then pulled out the 'Sword of the Chosen King'!

Then it is how to sell these "stories".

'Although it is a world of swords and magic, papermaking and printing here are very mature. There are also many bookstores in the capital. If you want to publish a book, you still have to ask Hitti for help! 'Yan looked at his ten-year-old body helplessly.

Let's go back and find out if there is any magic that can 'change appearance and body shape'.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to show up for anything!

Yan's mind suddenly thought of Andersen in fgo, who also seemed to have a 'child' appearance.

What a coincidence! But he wanted to keep his appearance as a child, but he really turned back to 10 years old.

Chapter 38 'Knights of the Round Table'? What is that?

"-Anyway, since it is a request from the nobles. Let's do it."

Gundo, the capital of the human kingdom Lindo.

Today's Violet Bookstore also opened early.

The bookstore employee muttered something, while putting a book with the font 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' printed on the cover in a corner of the bookshelf.

Although it is called a 'corner', it is still a recommended position.

From the cover of the book, you can vaguely see a beautiful golden sword inserted on the stone platform.

A group of "warriors" wearing handsome silver armor are surrounding the sword, and I don't know what they are doing.

On the high platform, there stands a person wearing a white robe, who looks like a "magician", talking loudly, as if announcing something important.

'Is this also a hero biography? ' Why is it a little different from what I saw before.

The bookstore staff looked at the books that had just been put on the shelf, and then looked at another "hero biography" that happened to be placed next to it - "The Story of the Demon King and the Hero No. 407".

There are only a few big brown characters on it...

Not to mention the exquisite painted cover, except for these "common language fonts of the other world continent", the rest of the cover is all monotonous and simple black.

Even the font of the title looks dull.

And the gold-plated font and colorful cover on "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" seem particularly "different" among the pile of bookshelves.

While arranging the remaining books into volumes and placing them on the bookshelf, the bookstore staff had a hint of curiosity in their eyes, and from time to time they couldn't help looking at the "heroic" epic in the corner of the recommendation area.

'King Arthur'?

Is this the king of which human kingdom? I seem to have never heard of this name.

What is the 'Knights of the Round Table'?

'Who are those people wearing silver armor? They look quite handsome. '

Although he didn't dare to stop the work at hand, the clerk couldn't help but pop up one question after another in his mind.

In the human kingdom of Lindo, although there are also kingdom armies, their armor styles are not very good-looking.

Except for a few wealthy nobles who would ask designers and alchemists to forge private customized magic armor for them.

The armor worn by most warriors is simple and ugly, not to mention the ornamental value. Even the armor of the kingdom's guards is ugly and fat, and each one is wrapped like an 'onion'.

This is also the reason why so many people like 'mages' and are unwilling to be 'warriors'.

As an ordinary clerk, he had never seen the uniform, silver-bright knight armor on the cover.

In the clerk's opinion, no matter how good the story in this book is, the group of "warriors" on the cover are really handsome.

Even compared to those handsome and noble magicians, it seems that there is not much difference. When he gets off work, he will buy a book and take it home to read.

"Clerk, give me the latest "Stories of Demon Kings and Heroes". Just when the clerk began to be distracted and even imagined how handsome he would be in that kind of "armor", suddenly a voice shattered his fantasy and called him back to reality.

"Okay. A total of 17 Ke La." Instead of taking the book from the recommended position, the clerk took a book from the top of the third row of books on the other side.

The books in the recommended position are ornamental items, representing only the "heavy recommendation" of the bookstore.

Many people have read these books or book titles, and if they are interested, they can ask the clerk to buy them.

Since it is a bookstore, of course it will not only sell books on the "recommended bookshelf".

"Here, 17 Ke La. It's just right, no need to look for it."

Reaching out to take the coin handed over by the other party, the clerk handed over the "Stories of the Demon King and the Hero No. 407" to the boy in front of him, looking at the excitement and expectation in his eyes.

The clerk complained slightly in his heart.

Is this another child who dreams of being a "hero"?

He really doesn't know what's so good about that kind of book.

As a clerk in a bookstore, he has read "hero biography" such as "The Demon King and the Hero", which has been a series of hundreds of issues.

He has long been tired of the old-fashioned plots.

The hero tortures the demon king in different ways.

I really don't know how the "bard" insisted on writing "more than 400 issues".

The clerk thought with some complexity.

This book should actually be called "More than 400 Ways to Die of the Demon King"!

In fact, he grew up watching this "series" when he was a child, but when he grew up, he found that he couldn't even be sure whether the "demon king" really existed.

"Hey... what is that?! Is it also a 'hero biography'?"

Just as the clerk was about to continue his work, he still had some books that had not been 'stocked'...

The voice of the young man just now reached the clerk's ears again.

He looked in the direction of the voice, but found that the other party was standing in front of the recommended bookshelf, curiously staring at the 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' that he had placed in the corner before.

"That is the new 'hero biography'. One of the heavy recommended works of our Violet Bookstore." The clerk said with a strange and complicated expression.

At this time, the boy couldn't help but take out the book that was placed on its side.

The 'cover' on it is indeed very eye-catching, especially for the passionate teenagers who are still at the age of loving fantasy.

For the bright and handsome knight armor, they have a feeling that they can't refuse.

If Yan knew that the 'painted cover' produced by the 'printing factory' that he casually asked would have such a miraculous effect, he would also be slightly surprised.

"King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? What a strange title. What is the 'Knights of the Round Table'? The pen name is - Andersen. I've never heard of 'The Bard'." The boy turned to the first page and was a little surprised to see the author's pen name in lowercase.

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