They can only pray for good weather and hope that the crops they originally planted on their land will have a good harvest this year.

No one believed that those things named ‘potatoes’ and ‘tomatoes’ given by the new lord would give them much in return.

After all, the days of spring plowing have long passed...

Do you really expect to be just like what the lord said - crops that can be sown in any season and mature in two months?

...They are not whimsical children!

Even so——

However, what comforted these people was that the lord did not know how to improve it and distributed them a batch of [new farm tools], which greatly improved the efficiency of their farming.

This is naturally the result of Homura——

Agricultural changes aside, no obvious changes have been seen in the past two months.

But industrially... With the control of these sky flames, starting from the city of Ceylon and throughout the territory of Ceylon, an astonishing appearance is being constantly renovated and born!

All the way from the Royal Capital to Hanke Town, the final destination is Ceylon City.

The Holy See - the seventh organ of the Inquisition. At this time, the elite of the Holy See disguised themselves as caravans and were carrying out a secret mission.

This troop originally belonged to the Holy Son who was casually killed by the 'Unknown King'.

After the death of the Son, he has been idle.

It was only recently that a special priest was dispatched from Jade Cold, the capital of the Theocracy, to become the new leader of this force.

Regarding the life and death of the Son, and even the loss of the Holy Sword, the Pope did not mention revenge...

His Majesty the Pope just ordered the troops to continue their mission of hunting down the princess and not to do any more unnecessary things.

Even the Pope does not want to confront the king on Thunder Bluff and the dragon knight ringing the bell in the clouds, who are suspected of being gods.

That bastard Holy Son went behind his back, secretly organized an army to slay the dragon, and even provoked such a terrifying existence——

If the Holy Son was still alive... without the unknown king taking action, the Pope thought that he would not be able to help but blow his head off first, scattering red and white all over the floor.

Not only the bloodline of the former royal family must be eradicated as soon as possible, but also the issue of mythological epics. The current Pope has too many things to be busy with——

Even if there is fear and malice towards the Unknown King, he does not dare to take action at this time. Even if he is unwilling, he must hold back first.


The Pope, who wanted to solve a big problem as soon as possible, also issued a death order to the Inquisition this time;

"According to intelligence analysis, those two little girls should have blended into the ranks of the new Grand Duchess. They should have arrived in Ceylon City by now, Father."

"Has it been confirmed?"

The new leader of the seventh organ of the Inquisition, the only one not wearing a disguise at this time, a middle-aged priest wearing clergyman's clothing said with a bright smile.

Although he was wearing a priest's robe... the color of his clothes was not the white of ordinary clergymen, but as dark as an abyss.

Black priest——

He has short, lean hair, a sparse beard, and a strong figure that even the priest's robe cannot hide.

When I first saw him dressed like this, I suspected that he was more likely to be a berserker than a priest...

The man, like a beast, stared at the subordinate who was reporting to him with fierce and sharp eyes.

Although there is a gentle and bright smile on his face like other priests;

But under that gaze, the clergy being questioned felt as if they were being targeted by a carnivore or a griffon, and were filled with a sense of oppression.

Chapter 428: If necessary, all witnesses are allowed to be killed!

What it feels like when a herbivore is targeted by a carnivore...

A trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead unconsciously.

...The clergy facing the priest felt a kind of mental shock, and their breathing began to become rapid!

"Yes... we searched for the vampire's aura - judging from the path and the remaining time of the aura, in the past half month... only the archduchess's team has passed through the previous Hank Town and the Dorset River. They may have been mixed in, and they should have reached the main city of Ceylon by now. "

Although Tina, as the true ancestor of vampires, has excellent camouflage ability and can even achieve a certain degree of aura shielding, ordinary sixth-level powerhouses may not be able to see through her magic when they are close.

But for these dark abyss races, the church has its own search mechanism. After paying a certain price, they finally discovered the "escape" route of the two little lolita.

In the eyes of the clergy of the Seventh Organization...the vampire and the princess were indeed very "cunning". They were able to detect their movements in advance and escape from the royal capital!

"Huh...! Finally found it, little guys. Let's move forward at full speed!...

——The goal remains unchanged... We will arrest them immediately after we find them, and our Pope cannot wait any longer. "

He spoke in a deep voice... After a slight pause, the smile on the black priest's face was still bright, but his eyes became more fierce and sharp:

“We are the agents of God, the earthly agents of God’s punishment.

… Our mission is to exterminate every last vestige of the flesh of the foolish people who dare to resist our God. "

Everyone was stunned, not knowing why the priest suddenly said this, but they still responded with a serious expression.

"I understand, sir!"

Just as they finished responding, the priest's expression suddenly became serious and fierce, and he asked a question:

"All operations of the Seventh Agency must be carried out secretly... If you encounter strong resistance during the arrest and are in danger of being exposed - I ask you, what should you do?"


Everyone realized for a moment, and they fell into silence for a while regarding this issue.

Below...the merchants and guards disguised as clergymen stood up in confusion and hesitation.

"Should...escape immediately?" one of them replied.

"..." The black priest suddenly fell silent and just looked at everyone quietly.

On the entire trade road outside the town, they were the only ones in the caravan—

At this time, because of the priest's silence, no one dared to say a word. The air became silent for a while, and a moist breeze blew from the distant forest, gently blowing on everyone's backs——

A bit cold!


I don’t know who swallowed first.

They didn't know why, but they felt very stressed just by being watched so calmly by their new boss.

That sense of oppression could not be given to them by the previous Holy Son.

This new boss—which department does he actually work in?

This kind of momentum——

Why do you feel more like evil ghosts returning from hell than the members of our Heretic Tribunal!

The Inquisition is usually feared and revered by other members of the church's clergy as "evil ghosts returning from hell".

They were doing all the dirty and tiring work, and being the dark side of the Holy See, they never thought that one day they would...think that other people were evil spirits.

This is really - it makes people feel complicated!

"——Stupid...bastard!!" The smile on his face faded at some point, and the priest suddenly let out a roar that shook the air.

Everyone was startled and shivered all over.

"Idiot...! What are you afraid of?...Are you afraid of villains?" The veins on the priest's forehead were exposed, like an enraged lion suddenly awakening, which brought great oppression to everyone.

Everyone looked at the priest dumbfounded, and were shocked speechless for a while.

"Hiddenness is important... but our mission is more important." The black priest roared loudly.

"We represent God and are God's agents on the earth. We should serve the gods with fear, and we should be happy to fight and be proud."

"Although the goal of living is more valuable, if the evildoers want to fight to the end - then we don't have to be merciful in our hearts... Break them with iron rods and crush evil with both fists. Treat those evildoers like potters' tiles Breaking the utensil is what we should do!"

Never bow to the villain——

The sacred iron staff used to perform divine magic in the past has been compared to a blunt instrument by the new boss, used to swing and crush the enemy's flesh...

This also allowed everyone to refresh their world view again.

"If you don't want to be discovered, then do your best to fight and capture. If that's not enough, just kill the opponent directly!"

"But...His Holiness the Pope——"

"The Pope has given me full authority to accept it, and the killing of the target is also within the scope of the mission.

My team will not accept a simple arrest mission in the future. Remember the boys - any villain who becomes a target can be killed if necessary. "The priest obviously had an extremely gentle and bright smile, but after his smile faded, he revealed a look that was more ferocious than anyone else's.

Everyone was stared at by that sight, their bodies trembled, and they lowered their heads subconsciously.

But for some reason, an unbearable excitement and bloodthirsty mood arose in his heart.

It was as if a wild beast was awakened in their chests, and something broke like a string.

‘All character targets (villains) can be killed if necessary? ! ’

Don’t be afraid of hands and feet, but carry out the faith and justice in your heart as you wish...

After a long absence, everyone’s blood was boiling!

It had been a long time since they had felt this feeling since joining the Seventh Organization.

It feels like the god they believe in is accompanying them and walking together...

Be able to dedicate everything you have to God, and for God...kill all heretics.

Don’t worry about everything, just fight like a real warrior——

That kind of absolute will, the belief that he will never bow to the villain - even to the point of being willful.

What everyone doesn't know is that the Pope took a fancy to this aspect of the priest and sent the priest in black to become their new leader.

If it were him——

...I won’t keep myself waiting long.

"If you can't hide it anymore, I give you permission to kill all the witnesses..." Finally, the black priest added.

"Kill...all the witnesses?!" The clergy were stunned.

"...If you can't bear even this small amount of sin, do you deserve to be called the Inquisition? You still have a long way to go..." In response to the shocked and horrified expressions of everyone at this time, the black priest showed a sarcastic smile. He spoke in a deep voice, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Although I heard that the Seventh Organization was rarely deployed under the leadership of that bullshit Saint Son, and the number of bloodshed should be very few, I didn't expect that it still retained this level of innocence.

...The comprehensive quality is the strongest among several major agencies, but the real strength is probably not as strong as the Abyss Crusade Team of the Holy See on the front line...

They are still "children" after all!

Then - how long can this innocence last...!

Let him see it with his own eyes.

After determining the target location, the entire convoy moved forward again.

At this moment, everyone's mind was still recalling the last words of the priest.

"Allow us... to kill all the witnesses..."

- If all the witnesses are killed, then no one can find out their identities!

Chapter 429 Starting from the construction of Ceylon City, the territory is under construction!

Just as the seventh agency of the Holy See accelerated towards Ceylon City...

At this time, the remote town in the impression of many humans has undergone earth-shaking changes.

On the first day, Yan had free time for the first time in a long time, and took his sister Ji Zelu and Restia to visit all parts of the city.

At that time, Ceylon City was not very magnificent, and the buildings on the roadside were not beautiful at all.

The product called streets was only slightly better than the road surface of the small villages of the sorcerer clan.

The muddy road was full of potholes filled with sewage. People's trouser legs would be covered with mud without having to walk all the way through the street.

Yan originally wanted to take the two little ones to experience the beautiful scenery of the border city...

In the end, he miscalculated...

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