If Yan hadn't cast dust-removing magic on them, their clean clothes might have been completely dyed the color of mud.

In comparison, the streets of the royal capital are several times better than here——

However, walking on such a simple street, the pedestrians seemed to be used to it and did not care about their embarrassment.

For people who cannot afford to wear luxurious clothes on the streets of Ceylon City, where civilians account for the majority of traffic, they do not need to worry about whether their precious clothes will be accidentally stained.


Because of the heavy rain for several days, and the domestic garbage piled up everywhere in the city, no one is managing it...

Such a situation can easily cause the spread of disease.

This reminded Homura of medieval Europe... After tearing away those glamorous skins, even the treatment enjoyed by the legendary king was far less beautiful than people imagined.

In Renaissance France, in order to enter the king's sight and hearing, courtiers sometimes even had to smell the king's butt first.

A person who asked for permission to use public toilets near the Louvre once recorded: "Inside and outside the palace, in the aisles and behind the portals, and almost everywhere, one can see thousands of people." Pile of 'turds'."

That kind of stinky smell is simply fragrant.

Of course - Ceylon City is not that exaggerated.

But after the rain, the smell emanating from the garbage pile at the corner of the street still made Homura frown.

Although it is not clear whether this is a characteristic of the city of Ceylon, or whether it is 'the folk customs are simple and informal', or whether other border cities are also such poor, backward and dirty scenes.

I don't want to worry about those things at all——

But as a fief of the Rhine, Ceylon can also be regarded as half of his territory.

So Homura found a new goal to accomplish before improving people's productivity.

(First, let’s completely renovate this city from the inside out.)

On the day after the agricultural reform, with Rhine's command, a new order was issued in Ceylon...

No, it is more appropriate to say it is an order than a declaration.

A message was posted in the center of the city.

It roughly means that - 'In order to create a more comfortable environment for everyone, and for the greening and development of the city - in the name of the Grand Duke, our new lord - Lord Rhine, after careful consideration, gritted his teeth and decided to Spend money to pave every street in Ceylon with marble pavements. And it will be built overnight. ’

More than that——…

'The city lord will also build a facility called a sewerage for them at his own expense. In the future, the city's sewage and garbage will reach the designated location through the sewerage, and then receive the baptism of magic and be recycled into a kind of mist that they see. The... thing called [renewable resources]. ’


At first, everyone didn't believe the city lord's astonishing statement.

How big is the city of Ceylon——

Not to mention building the streets of the entire city of Ceylon, the cost of just paying someone to repair the smallest section of the street is enough to scare any middle- or lower-level nobleman into fainting.

As a noble, the new lord would pay so much unjust money to help them build streets for free?

The people who were used to the muddy road didn't appreciate it, and even felt that the lord was a little nosy.

Is that lord crazy, or does he regard them all as fools... He actually said that he would repair the marble road in one night.

Such a miracle—ha! How is it possible? Even if you want to fool people, you have to find something more realistic to say!

This incident caused great commotion in the city of Ceylon, and finally spread throughout Ceylon in just a few days.

Everyone was doubtful and confused by the new lord's series of jaw-dropping and unbelievable decrees.

Even Rhine himself——

After the incident escalated, she hid in the city lord's mansion and did not dare to come out. She shivered in her room.

Although Master Shifu had promised her in advance that those strange decrees would eventually lead the land in a good direction, she wanted to be a good lord and a good grand duke, and she agreed at that time.

However, after she came to her senses, she felt really unsure!

And then Homura disappeared...

He didn't appear in front of Lain for a whole afternoon, which almost made this innocent girl think that she had been deceived and cheated by her master.


This is a situation where many people are ready to laugh...

Even Rhine, the 'lord himself' who apparently issued that absurd order, was in a state of confusion and strategic hiding in the eyes of the people, and did not show up.

That night——

In the city of Ceylon, countless people fell into sweet sleep in silence.

That night, the entire city of Ceylon slept extremely hard, and the quality of sleep was unprecedentedly good.

They felt as if they were under a beautiful sleeping spell, until the early morning sun broke the next morning, and these people woke up together as if they had agreed.


When the first ray of sunlight came in through the window.

The little vampire Lolitina stood up from the bed and slowly stretched out her pink hands to rub her sleepy eyes.


When she felt the sunlight of the morning, which was neither too strong nor too weak... the temperature was just right, hitting her skin.

Suddenly - Tina let out a cute exclamation, shuddered suddenly, and regained consciousness.

"Wait, wait... I actually went to bed so early last night?! Ahhhh!" The little vampire Lolita cried out in pain.

Although she herself didn't understand why she was so emotional all of a sudden.

The drowsiness she had just gotten out of bed, as well as the refreshing and comfortable feeling of having a good sleep, all dissipated together.

At this time, Tina's mind was full of one thought -

A vampire, or the true ancestor of vampires... the noble of the night!

As a late night party...

She actually fell asleep in the middle of the night and slept until dawn? This sleep was so sweet that it was unimaginable.


What on earth is going on?

Is it because she "stays up late" every day during the day, causing her to be too sleepy, so she suddenly falls asleep at night?

But she is a vampire!

Staying up late may be harmful to the body for ordinary humans, but Tina said that as long as she holds the fragrant Lily (the little princess loli) and takes a bite, she is not afraid of staying up all night!

Staying up late is so harmful to the body, staying up all night!

Can vampires be the same as ordinary people? Damn! Her wonderful nightlife!

I haven’t finished watching the game No Life Zero that I just bought yesterday! Since she fell asleep, woo woo woo wow!

Tina instantly felt that she had lost 1 billion.

Just when Tina was trapped in her own emotions, someone had already gotten up, left the house and walked to the streets of the capital.

When the man opened his eyes and looked at the street in front of him that should have been extremely "familiar", he was ready to go out of the city to farm...

He was suddenly startled, then excitedly opened his eyes wide, pointed at the scene outside the house and stammered in disbelief.

"Street, street?!"

Chapter 430 'Tool Man' Road Construction Project!

Overnight, the marble road covered the entire city of Ceylon.

The miracle that everyone thought was impossible was born!

Miracles, miracles, incredible power?

No one thought that what the lord promised would come true~!

Ceylon City... changed drastically overnight, and the streets of the entire city were paved with beautiful, hard, and thick marble -

But when did the construction start last night?

People were confused to find that they didn't hear any construction noise when they fell asleep.

At this time, John the blacksmith was looking at the marble road outside the house with awe mixed with a hint of fanaticism and suspicion.

He was used to the muddy road, but it didn't mean that he really liked walking on the bumpy road...

It's not that he didn't like walking on the comfortable street -

But before, he and others thought that it was the words of the city lord to fool them.

But now -

"Is this the power of the gods? It's simply a miracle!!" John couldn't bear to step on it with his shoes.

He looked at his legs that hadn't washed his feet or shoes for a few days, and there was still dried mud on them.

For a moment, he hesitated a little——

On the other side, the peasant who had just pointed at the street and shouted stutteringly was a little dizzy at this time.

He looked at the street excitedly and didn't dare to go forward for a while, for fear that his humble and dirty body would dirty the street built for them by the great lord.

At this moment...

This scene is still being played out in front of many people's houses.

Some pinched their cheeks in disbelief, and their eyes widened in pain and they gasped.

——It's not an illusion! !

A group of people who looked like country bumpkins who had never seen the world, they were enthusiastically sticking to the ground, carefully stroking the hard ground with their big hands, and showing joyful eyes as if they were stroking a perfect jade goddess.

"This is a real miracle!"

Those who think that they can get good luck by touching miracles, regardless of their face, began to do all kinds of embarrassing things to a piece of ground.


"This is not a miracle... It is the wisdom of mankind, and it comes from the benevolent grace of our great lord, the Grand Duke of Rhine!"

The sudden chuckle was spoken in the tone of a superior who could not be refuted.

The voice was not particularly loud, but it penetrated everyone's ears very clearly.

On the street of Ceylon City, a group of people stood at the door and were stunned when they heard the voice;

They looked in the direction of the voice, the center of the street.

At this time, a figure in a white robe and a mysterious hood was standing in the center of the city.

As if noticing the gazes of the crowd, the white-robed man did not show any timidity, but walked back and forth calmly on the newly built marble road in a happy mood.

...It seemed that he was feeling the beauty of this new road and enjoying its convenience. People suddenly envied him for being able to walk so naturally on this street. (Suddenly thinking of Black Woz, the protagonist now has that little notebook in his hand.)

Looking at the white-robed man's footprints, uh...it seemed that there were no footprints, but everyone seemed to have footprints in their hearts.

People all felt distressed, wondering how many black footprints the man in white had just left on the street.

Such a great project, a miracle born overnight, how could 'he' trample on this road with such peace of mind without blushing and without a beating heart?

The man in white robes—actually Yan. He looked at these hopeless civilians and sighed slightly... somewhat helplessly.

"The road was built for people to walk on, so it doesn't need to be so precious. This is a gift from the Grand Duke of the Rhine to the people of the entire city of Ceylon. Remember... it has nothing to do with gods. This is not a miracle!

I don’t say this to prove anything to you, I just want to tell you...every decree issued by the City Lord’s Palace will be realized! There is also the ability to achieve that! I hope you can actively cooperate with the Lord’s subsequent actions. "

"Okay... don't hesitate any longer. You can put your feet on this street with confidence! You're welcome!"


The residents of Ceylon City were all shocked and looked at each other for a while.

Is this really not a miracle? But the work of that lord?

The voice of the man in white robe seems to have a kind of magical power, making people believe...

If this was indeed the work of the lord - people became a little excited for a moment.

Since it is not a miracle, they can walk on this marble street as they like without worrying about offending the gods!

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