After that, Yan's figure disappeared without him noticing, and he was ready to continue the layout.

He was not satisfied with the current progress speed - the construction of Ceylon City had to be accelerated!

And the people who were in agitation did not notice when Yan left and how he disappeared.

One after another, people began to step onto this beautiful street. People subconsciously straightened their backs and walked upright, and their inner vanity was greatly satisfied!

At this moment, they had never felt proud of being residents of Ceylon City like today.

This kind of wide, solid and beautiful marble road, even the capital does not have it! But they can walk on it at will! ! This is really - great!

People all felt respect and awe for the lord who created this miracle.

From that day on, they gradually began to accept the new lord's various novel ideas.

Green trees began to be planted on both sides of the streets in Ceylon City, and the sewage pipes under the city were also built. Even through magic... even garbage can be decomposed and reorganized into useful substances.

After that, the lord got an alchemical product called a steam engine from somewhere.


The railway and transportation trunk lines from Ceylon City to other towns in Ceylon also began to be built.

As the roads leading to major towns were gradually opened...

Ceylon's big move attracted the attention of many businessmen, but they were still waiting and watching.

Although Ceylon City is the main city of Ceylon... but because of the inconvenient transportation and roads, coupled with Ceylon's own poverty and backwardness, generally not many people would run to this remote city.

Just when the merchants had not decided whether to take action.

Even few people were optimistic about the lord's intention to repair the roads leading to other cities.

How much kolas would it cost and how much labor would be recruited to complete such an exaggerated project!

Everyone thought that the lord would not be able to hold on for long...

But what no one expected was that from the beginning, the "lord" did not intend to let ordinary people work.

The knowledge about road construction obtained from the source was directly loaded onto the "tool men". The mass-produced alchemical products without self-awareness were sent by Yan to build roads leading to several surrounding towns.

And how strong are these "tool men" -

Hehe! Yan remembered that after he cast the magic of falling asleep on the entire Ceylon City, those groups of tool men completed the "great feat in the history of road construction" overnight.

In a week, he couldn't build a smooth road to other cities... He wrote the pen name Andersen in reverse!

As for the stone materials needed for road construction -

Learn about marble petrification magic. Isn't stone everywhere?

Just as Yan was helping their great "Rhine Lord" to lead Ceylon City to prepare for a well-off society, improve productivity, and then set off a vigorous industrial revolution.

The caravan disguised by the Seventh Agency finally arrived.

Chapter 431 At this moment, they felt the crushing of knowledge!

When the Seventh Agency of the Church arrived in Ceylon City, it was already seven days since the completion of the marble road.

During such a long period of time, the interior of Ceylon City has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because of the blockage of information, these changes have not been spread.

The caravan disguised by the Seventh Agency was fortunate to become the first batch of foreign tourists.

After paying the kolla at the city gate, the caravan entered.

Although it was just a disguise, their car was indeed loaded with a lot of goods, and disguise also requires professionalism!

Of course -

If possible, they would also sell these goods.


The church members who had just entered the city had not had time to find a place to stay. After entering the city, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The dirty, backward buildings and streets imagined did not appear -

Under their feet was a marble road that was so luxurious that even the capital did not have it. Many buildings on the street seemed to have been pushed down and rebuilt.

The incredible snow-white walls and the marks of the paint seemed not to have dried yet...

Not far away, many cloaked figures could be seen leading residents to repair their houses.

An old, dilapidated house had just been pushed down in front of them, and a group of cloaked people built the walls piece by piece at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"What are they doing?! They..."

The black priest listened to the muttering of a young subordinate beside him and calmed down...

"Don't worry about them. According to the original plan, some people will sell the goods brought on the car. The rest of you will follow me to find a place to stay."


Although everyone was very curious in their hearts - I don't know how this backward city in the eyes of outsiders can be built more beautifully than the capital.

The red-roofed and snow-white cottages on both sides of the street even reminded them of the largest sacred church in the church.

The same snow-white, the same beauty and beauty, but it was made directly by the gods using divine magic.

From these snow-white walls, the church staff did not feel the fluctuation of magic...

It's not - magic, nor is it familiar with the fluctuation of divine magic.

A certain clergyman walking at the end of the team couldn't help but turn his head and take another look at those houses and buildings.

Another group of people also brought a cart of goods, ready to sell them.

When several citizens heard that this was the latest goods shipped from the capital, and there were many popular clothing styles among the residents of the capital, they picked up the clothes on the carriage.

But after looking through it twice, they all showed disappointed expressions.

"It's so ugly... This fabric and style, why do I feel that it is not as good-looking as the casual clothes issued by the City Lord's Mansion yesterday. The material feels so rough."

Several church members who saw someone coming were happy, and just when they were about to promote their products, they didn't know how to say it -

They were not real businessmen, so naturally they didn't know how to promote their products.

But when they heard these people say that their clothes were ugly and of poor quality——

These church members got anxious...

"How is it possible... This is the latest model in the capital. We teach—— cough! Our Chamber of Commerce imports the best batches. We will never choose bad ones in terms of appearance or quality! How can it be impossible!"

Even if they are disguised as merchants, they are also members of the Church. The pride in their bones tells them that they must never pass off inferior goods as good ones...

Such despicable behavior is not accepted even by their Inquisition! This is a humiliation!


These citizens simply ignored their intentions and turned around and left.

A clergyman with an impulsive temper was so angry and aggrieved that he subconsciously wanted to pull out the seventh mechanism standard short blade hidden under his robe... to stop these people.

"Hey! Hey! Stop it! Are you crazy? Why are you pulling that out? Do you want to behead these innocent civilians?!" Another church member hurriedly stopped his action.

"But our goods——!" The clergyman who was stopped calmed down and asked anxiously.

Even if selling goods is just a disguise, they still paid for it, so they should get some money back, right? !

"Calm down - if the clothes can't be sold, we have other goods, which are the new styles popular in the capital - they are definitely not available here. We will set the price a little higher, so that we can get some money back!"

The clergy around felt relieved after hearing this.

However, they suddenly had an ominous premonition -

It's the new style popular in the capital again... the previous clothes were also! But none of them were sold.

Will anyone really buy their goods?

Then -

This convoy disguised as clergy endured the "social beating", "mixed doubles", "triple beating", and "unlimited beating" of the people of Ceylon City for an afternoon.

"This is not as good as the Lord a few days ago..."

"This is not as good as the Lord a few days ago..."

Just like the little boss who was infinitely brushed by the people of Ceylon City, the people heard similar words for an afternoon.

They all said that the things the Lord gave them a few days ago or yesterday, xx days ago were better.

As they came into contact with more and more people, the church staff discovered that the citizens of Ceylon City, apart from other things... their mental outlook was really good.

They were clean and tidy, and had a special fragrance that they had never smelled before. (Shampoo, shower gel)

Although the clothes they wore were not luxurious, the fabric was very soft, and the delicate and tight feel did not look like clothes that could be woven by humans.

These church staff suspected that the texture of the clothes worn by the people of Ceylon City could be comparable to the special robes worn by the bishops.

The nobles were no more than this, right? !

At first they thought it was just an exception, but they found that everyone could afford this kind of "low-key luxury".

Finally, a young man from the church could not help asking about the origin of these clothes.

In the end, they learned that it was a product made by their magical lord from some factory, and it was completely made by machines -

Then -

"What is a machine...?" People who had not watched No Game No Life Zero, did not know about the Ex-Machinas, and had no understanding of the novel concept of machines were confused.

The clergy looked at each other, all with bewildered expressions.

Finally, they quietly lowered their heads in self-abasement.

The cold eyes of the past were now filled with deep self-doubt.

Damn it - it's all because we didn't study much when we were young. Although we joined the special forces of the Holy See very early, we only studied books on church doctrine for two years at most.

Obviously, everyone has the power to fight a group of ordinary citizens of Ceylon City alone, but this kind of "knowledge" crushing makes these God's agents who think they are elites autistic...

Shame! Too shameful!

Not only the products called machines that make that kind of clothes, but also other things that the Ceylon people say...

They have never heard of soap and shower gel.

In addition, the dazzling white new houses on both sides of the street seem to tell them all the time that you have never seen these things either.

The church members lowered their heads even lower. They didn’t want other ‘colleagues’ to know that they knew nothing and looked down on them, so they could only pretend that they hadn’t seen or heard anything…

As if they were indifferent to everything.


At this time, they didn’t notice that their companions… lowered their heads even lower.

Chapter 432 Three hundred percent, even dared to risk being hanged!

In the whole afternoon, they didn’t sell a single piece of goods until the sun went down.

I heard that the newly built factory in the east of Ceylon City can already wholesale products that are better quality and cheaper than the goods they have.

Even lower than the cost price of their purchase.

If the purchase price of an ordinary robe is fifty kelas, then those Ceylonese people only need to spend 15 kelas to buy a casual dress in the city that is more beautiful and textured than theirs except for the monotonous clothes and repeated styles.

People wearing uniform clothes can be seen everywhere in Ceylon City.

This seems to have become the exclusive clothing of the residents of this city--

However, Ceylonese people would rather wear the same as others than buy the rags in the hands of church members.

According to the words of Ceylonese people now: "Is this really worn by people?"

...If it is not worn by people, what are the residents of the royal capital? ! The church members thought indignantly.


Looking at the Ceylonese people's clothes with good texture and fine silk threads, everyone felt uncomfortable, especially the robes on their bodies, which were even more chilly.

They felt like beggars instead of businessmen. After being attracted by this beautiful city, they felt ashamed of themselves... They wanted to get closer, but they didn't fit in here.

"I can't stand it anymore... Everyone, let's go back! Meet up with the priest first." He was going crazy if he stayed here.

"Okay, meet up..." After hearing this, the others nodded heavily, as if they were very unwilling.

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