But they couldn't help but show a hint of joy in their eyes.

Damn - finally they don't have to suffer here like a bumpkin and be despised by the Ceylonese.

In fact, the citizens of Ceylonese City have never despised them...

Under the advocacy of the lord, they now begin to abide by various newly established city rules.

This is the clothing they must follow after enjoying the good treatment of Ceylonese City.

After adapting to those polite rules, the Ceylonese people found that life seemed to have become better.

The Ceylonese people were in a very good mood during this period, and the overall quality of the citizens was also rising rapidly.


The Ceylonese people couldn't help but take a second look at the clothes that stood out from their crowd when they passed by.

Especially the church personnel, who are still acting as merchants in the caravan...

Among the outsiders, the most attractive to the local Ceylonese people are the merchants.

People are always curious about the goods from other regions...

Especially now that people's lives have improved, they can't help but compare the products of the outside world with the new products brought to them by the lord.

Then the difference in this comparison came out;

The inferiority complex of the church people was also triggered.

Until they contacted their colleagues on the priest's side, they took the full car of goods and fled away in a hurry...

As if they were thieves, they always felt that the people around them were looking at them with strange, colored eyes like looking at giant pandas...Many church members--

Unconsciously, the pace of everyone's feet became faster.


One person ran faster, and of course the others also speeded up.

But the person who speeded up ran faster, and the rest of the people couldn't help but speed up.

Then you surpassed my speed, I will surpass your speed!

As if they were competing to see who could run faster, in the end everyone ran faster and faster...

If there was not a large car of goods that was difficult to transport, they would have probably activated the divine art to strengthen their bodies and flashed and moved instantly.

"It's so hard for me..." At this time, a flame who witnessed the miserable situation of "a caravan" throughout the whole process...and the black big hand behind the lord, couldn't help but show a helpless expression.

If Ceylon City wants to develop, these changes alone are not enough...

Foreign caravans can drive the development and economy of the city, but now the merchants in these caravans seem to be directly autistic because of the things he made?

Don't run!

Come to the Lord's Mansion to find me! I will provide you with goods channels, and you can sell the things in Ceylon City to other cities!

Such a big business opportunity, why didn't these merchants see it?

"What if, I said what if...; Ji Zelu, Restia, if the things I made are too high-end, and the merchants are scared away, no one is willing to come to Ceylon City to do business, what do you think we should do?"

Yan dragged his chin and asked the two little lolita who were eating the newly launched fried potato snacks beside him.

At this time, Yan and his sister Ji Zelu and Restia were staying in a newly opened snack bar.

The potatoes in the store were naturally provided by Yan and others...

The potato seeds sown before have not matured so quickly.

Restia tilted her head cutely, and was a little confused about this question... There was a trace of entanglement on her delicate face.

Although she was once a king (demon king) who managed a city.

That was the territory that belonged to the demon king and was recognized by all tribes.

But——In fact, Restia never cared about those problems.

The management of the city also depends on subordinates. As for how to manage this Ceylon city well and how to attract those merchants...

Even if she was once a demon king who could destroy the world, she couldn't think of a way to deal with such things.

On the other side, Ji Zelu also showed a nervous expression like a primary school student being asked by a teacher.

Ah Wu——swallowed the fried potatoes in her mouth in one bite.

Ji Zelu looked at Yan eagerly——

Okay, Yan knew that it was useless to expect this cute thing.


So in the end, I still have to find a way to solve this problem myself?

"After all... those merchants are very weird!" Yan suddenly murmured, thinking.

He didn't have the habit of turning on the omniscient mode at any time.

If Yan needs it, although the omniscient and omnipotent star of the other world may not be made yet, he can't be truly omniscient and omnipotent in this world...

The two worlds are different in origin.


If he just wants to see through the things in front of him, he can still do it.

Yan, who had not unlocked the state before, did not notice the power in those people that was inconsistent with the merchants.

Or it could be noticed, but Yan subconsciously ignored it.

After all, in his eyes, the weak chickens who couldn't even understand reason...should be at the same level as ordinary humans.

How could he see the difference then?

"It's obviously a caravan, but they are so thin-skinned...Shouldn't merchants be smarter and thicker-skinned than each other?" Yan continued.

A famous thinker on Earth once said such a sentence, which analyzed the group of merchants very thoroughly.

"Once there is an appropriate profit, the capitalist will become bold. If there is 50% profit, it will take risks; for 100% profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; if there is 300% profit, it will take risks." For profit, he would dare to commit any crime, even risk being hanged.”


A strange smile suddenly appeared on Yan's face, as if he had discovered something extremely interesting: "I already have a 300% chance!"

The most common clothes in Ceylon City cost 15 kilograms, which is three times lower than the cost price of the most popular styles of clothes in the capital.

One purchase price is 15, and one purchase price is 50.

Purchase a bunch of clothes from Ceylon City and bring them to the royal capital. Even if you resell them for 45, you can sell them very easily.

Such a huge profit——

It is impossible for a real caravan not to be moved.

A real businessman's desire to pursue capital and profits is not so easily affected.

"There are some interesting guests here. I hope they are not bad ones..."

Yan felt pity for these businessmen in his heart for a few seconds, and the smile on his face became more and more cheerful, even a little bit evil.

In order to build this city into its ideal appearance, he left many arrangements in Ceylon City! Even if the real god comes, there is no chance that Ceylon City will be destroyed without Yan taking action.

He doesn't want Ceylon City to make the same mistake as the elf capital!

Chapter 433: All of this is a test from the gods!


After the disguised caravan members from the church came back to join together, the entire congregation fell into a maddening silence.

"That is to say, not one item was sold all afternoon?" The black priest hesitated for a moment and tried to keep his mood calm before speaking.

"Yes, Father...the most important thing is that the people in Ceylon City already have better things, and they don't look down on our goods at all."

"A product of mechanical production?" Black priest.

"Master Father, do you know what that thing called machinery is?"

Facing a group of congregants with a shameful face, he looked to himself with longing eyes for answers to his doubts.

"Ahem..." The black priest recalled all the classics he had studied in his mind, but could not find anything related to machinery.

"I'll give you a mission. Your team won't have to deal with the matter of capturing the princess for the time being. Just leave it to us. Go and investigate what the machine is -" the black priest said solemnly.

Compared to his subordinates, his attitude towards things he didn't know was much calmer.

The priest had some special premonition——

That product called machinery may be very important.

Just from the descriptions of his subordinates, he compiled several important pieces of information in his mind——

That machinery seems to be very productive.

The changes in Ceylon City should have occurred within the past half month, and they have not received any relevant news from the outside world.

In a short period of time, the quality of life and quality of life in the entire city of Ceylon has been improved...

Their church also needs this kind of ability very much.

They are believers of God, but their bodies are still mortals, and they also need to rest and eat... Even the Theocracy has many properties of its own.

The maintenance and expenses of such a large church are quite a lot...

Several members of the Heretic Tribunal turned pale when they heard that they were going to continue investigating the mechanical information.

They did not want to come into contact with the citizens of Ceylon City. The people who had been tortured all afternoon were even more terrifying than letting them hunt down the most terrifying abyss demon!

But they can't disobey the priest's order——


"Wait... buy some soap, clothes, and shampoo that the Ceylonese people mentioned before and come back and let me see." The priest finally stopped these people and added.

Less than two hours later, the entire city of Ceylon’s new food, clothing, and daily necessities appeared in front of him.

Then the black priest began to study the good things about these things that made them dare not even come back...

"Food I haven't seen before... seems to be made of grease, but I don't know how it tastes." Picking up a piece of soap, the black priest frowned and said coldly.

The aroma coming from the tip of his nose made him nod...

With such a fragrant smell, it shouldn’t taste too bad!

It was worthy of being able to completely destroy the goods they brought from the royal capital. It seems that those guys did not deceive me.

Until these many novel things appeared in front of him, the priest had doubts about the previous reports of his subordinates, and he only believed it now.

"It smells so good..."

... Gudong... The church members around them swallowed their saliva subconsciously and couldn't help but murmured. It wasn't that they were weak in willpower, but that their saliva was secreted almost out of physical instinct.

The soap developed by Homura uses materials that are unique to this world, and the formula is different from the common soaps on earth.

The scent is stronger and more pungent - causing salivation in humans.

If they don't know in advance that this thing is not for eating, many people will subconsciously be fooled by its beautiful appearance and attractive aroma.

"Um, Father——" A church member who was responsible for purchasing these items was about to remind the priest that those items cannot be used. The ones on the far left are the new "snacks" in Ceylon City.


The priest, who was not lacking in the courage to try new things, took a bite and started chewing.

The church members’ reminder was too late.

…! ! !

When he took the first bite, the strange taste had already made the priest instantly realize that something was wrong.

And when he chewed twice subconsciously.

The black priest suddenly widened his eyes, and his face suddenly turned pale and ugly like paper.

——Fuck, what a strange smell! !

The priest cursed inwardly, ugh! He directly held the table and retched.

“God, Father… that is used by the citizens of Ceylon City to take a bath——” At this time, the previous church member trembled and stuttered.

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