In order to verify this conjecture, the God of War would tell these things to the other gods.

But what disappointed him was that none of the gods seemed to have shown the appearance of hearing about the era of the 'War'.

Could it be that the era of the war was really just a sham?

Is the mythical epic written by Andersen just a story he imagined? Or has it been so long ago that even the gods don’t know anything about it?

(The god of alchemy, Hermitus, doesn’t want to talk to you and is madly @you, asking you to take a good look at Andersen’s other works.)

At this time, the body of the God of Alchemy in the heaven also heard about the game life zero and the God of War.

He is in a very bad mood now.

Thinking that humans may not need gods, such perfect humans do not need Hermitus with a group of tyrannical and powerful rulers on their heads.

——He is heartbroken for the future of mankind.

If the gods discovered the threat of human beings - discovered the terrifying possibility, would they...

No, it should be impossible to directly exterminate humans.

Many gods require faith to survive and become stronger...

But there is no guarantee that there will be thoughts about the 'possibility' of suppressing or killing humans.

For example, completely imprisoning human beings ideologically.

Ah... He absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing!

After watching Game of Life, Hermitus has now become a fanatical human supremacist.

All the pleasure and excitement he longed for were seen in that group of humans called [Ghosts] in that era of war.

You can say that your thoughts have been completely conquered...

Unlike other gods, such as the God of War.

Ares just thought the content in the epic was interesting.

And Hermitus has gone through such a long thought process, and he has always hidden a kind of "nature" and "crazy persistence and desire" in his bones.

He is already a little sick now, and the collective collective consciousness of human beings is an existence of the same type as Gaia, the mother of their gods!

Now his mind is full of thinking about how to cover for humans and fool the gods. Hermitos has no consciousness that he is also a 'god'.

(commonly known as 'rape')

Even though there are not many gods among the gods who believe in the words of the God of War...but there are always gods who are curious and dubious, right? !

A sense of divine mission surged within him, forcing him to stop this change.

He wants, he wants to see more miracles of mankind! See the endless possibilities! A future full of excitement! Want to see more human epics!

Therefore, he will never allow that feeling to be stifled by the gods!

——This is the god of alchemy, Hermitus, his greatest spiritual food, and the meaning of his existence.

I see--

After an extremely great ideological awakening...

Hermitos set his sights on the God of War, who was now most likely to have discovered the possibility of 'humanity'.

‘We have to find a way, it’s best to shut this guy up forever! ’ Such crazy thoughts flashed through the God of Alchemy’s mind.

Under normal circumstances, he is a god of alchemy, and if he wants to deal with a god with combat powers, there is no point in seeking death!

But thoughts of this and that kind popped up in his mind so uncontrollably. Hermitus could no longer control his brain—he was getting out of control!

(The world of Greek mythology, the fire thief, the sage of mankind - Prometheus gives you a thumbs up;

Godkiller World and Prometheus also gave you a 666 deduction: "From now on, the roles of the sun and shadow that protect mankind will be handed over to you, brother!")

Chapter 443: The Peak of Divine Life! Gouyigou, everything you need!

In the face of mythological epics, the gods may be dismissive, doubtful, or harbor other people's unpredictable thoughts.

But the story of Game Life Zero ended with a ripple in the world of gods.

Some curious gods took on incarnations and went to the lower world to verify the authenticity of the mythical epic...

And more gods don't believe it, or are thinking-'Do humans really have such great potential? ’

If there really were humans who could do the same thing as the protagonist in that epic, even deceiving the gods and playing with them as pawns——

That situation... is indeed appalling.

At this time, several gods were gathering together to discuss how to treat 'human beings' in the future after hearing about the mythical epic.

"I don't think there's anything to worry about... After all these years, have you seen how many humans have the will to resist the gods?"

"——Just ordinary humans. Without our protection, it is very difficult to survive. How dare you fool us?" Another god also said calmly.

‘It is impossible for man to be hostile to God—

As long as some divine punishments are casually sent down - such as plagues and natural disasters... a large area of ​​humanity will die. ’

Most humans still need to eat to survive. Slightly worse conditions can reduce the harvest of many lands or even destroy them. Human beings are such a fragile species.

For their gods, there is actually no need to be too vigilant!

"That's right...human beings cannot do without our protection. And when we protect humans, correspondingly...they will also repay us with their faith. This is the unchanging theorem of this world."

Just like rain falling from the sky, it is born in the sky and disappears on the earth...

The laws of nature have long been formed into iron laws that are hard to violate, just like rules.

For the gods --

Humans believe in gods, and they protect humans... It is also an inseparable and deep-rooted relationship;

"The things in that mythological epic are basically difficult to reproduce -- in the past thousands of years, we have not heard of any legends of the races on earth collectively rebelling against our gods. Don't mind..."

"That's right, but it's also good to make some preparations appropriately. Although humans dare not unite to resist us, it is already a blasphemous act to have such an idea in their hearts... This is a great disrespect to the gods! It must not be allowed!" A god said.

The other gods agreed with him.

If they, as gods, are scared and wary of humans because of such a "small matter", it is really too bad.

But this is not the gods guarding against humans, but to maintain the great honor of their gods...

All things on earth should be in awe of them--!

Not only should we not dare to disrespect (resist) in public, but we should also be consistent in our hearts.

No god thinks this is an overbearing behavior.

In terms of life status, they are far superior to other creatures.

The gods look at everything on earth just like humans look at ants and ashes...

Respect them, believe in them, and worship them! Isn't this what we should do? !

"So - how should we treat humans and other races in the future?" asked the god of forging, Kant.

The gods looked at Kant and frowned.

The thing that Hermitos was most worried about began to happen.

Although they all looked disdainful on the surface, the things in the mythological epic did make the gods feel jealous.

'How should we treat humans and other races in the future? '

In any case... there are people among humans who dare to write such a story of disobedience to the gods in the epic - 'God-killing'.

Such behavior is enough to make the gods feel disgusted and angry.

That bard named 'Andersen' is really too arrogant!

This is a blatant provocation to us!

"Let humans feel the greatness of us gods, learn to be grateful, learn to sing praises to our deeds... In this way, humans will not give birth to such 'madmen'!" A moon goddess said softly.

All the gods knew who the madmen she was talking about were...

For a moment, the gods looked very calm, but they all frowned slightly.

It is indeed a first-class 'madman'!

Thinking of the existence of 'Andersen' -

The gods couldn't help but think again...

There is an 'Andersen' among humans, so what about other races?

Orcs, elves, fishmen, giants... Will other races also have 'blasphemous' madmen like 'Andersen'.

"Sing praises to the greatness of us gods... Isn't this kind of thing that our believers have always been doing? That alone is still not enough..." A god with a considerable religious tradition in the world said.

The gods are not all harmonious...

Almost every god has several mortal enemies.

Their religious traditions in the human world have also fought for faith.

In order to promote the gods they believe in, the people of each church will also spread the greatness and glory of the gods to the world.

The gods have always supported this behavior behind the scenes, but now it seems that the effect is not very good.

At this time, the gods fell silent, and finally the most powerful god among them took the lead and spoke:

"Let your respective believers strengthen the promotion of your glorious deeds... You can let those believers write epics about your deeds of hunting powerful monsters - this should have a lot of effect."

Thinking of the mythological epic of 'Andersen', it is said that it is very popular in the human kingdom.

That's why he made such a proposal.

In the past, although the gods were interested in the stories of heroes on earth, they were just interested and had never thought of letting people write stories and epics for them.

Although there are myths of the gods circulating on earth, and the gods are very supportive, after all, there are no details told by the gods themselves.

Now hearing this——

At once, many gods realized that this was also a better way to promote their faith!

If more people knew about their glorious and heroic deeds...

When they thought of this, the gods who were not very concerned and indifferent at first had some rapid changes in their hearts.

Faith is the foundation of the gods...

Only by gaining more faith can they become stronger.

No one would complain about the lack of power.

As for their deeds, will they be popular or not...

Even the story of the wandering poet Andersen is so popular, there is no reason why the stories that they, the gods, personally "guided and wrote" would be bad!

Just change the brochure and turn it into a promotional epic! It seems that there is indeed a way!

So the gods with little thoughts went back excitedly to experiment with writing "personal biographies" to gain faith.

If there is a more effective way to harvest faith, then there is no need to fight with other gods to show their extraordinary strength (muscles) in front of the major races and compete for territory and faith.

In the past two years, many gods have fallen directly because of the war of gods because of the problem of faith...

If the problem can be solved without war, why not do it!

First get to the level of the creator, and then go back and kill all those mortal enemies! This is the peak of the life of a god!

Chapter 444 Is it better to add some cumin, or is it more fragrant to brush some sauce?

The gods protect humans, and humans dedicate their faith.

This relationship is like an equal exchange-

It is said to be unbreakable, that is when both parties can get what they need.

When one party no longer needs the will be another future!

[From the perspective of the gods, how should we view the existence of humans? 】

Although the gods are ready to increase the publicity of their glorious deeds...

But this cannot completely remove the thorn in their hearts!

They just haven't thought of a better way to restrain humans for the time being. If they think of a way to restrain humans, they will ruthlessly seal up all the "rebellious thoughts and possibilities" of humans.

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