Homura didn't know that the mythical epic had attracted the attention of the gods.

I don’t know the outcome of the discussion among the gods.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care——

He was already prepared to face that kind of situation one day.

If he could understand the thoughts of the gods at this moment, he might even strongly recommend them to take a look at the new epic he is about to release.

‘Can’t think of how to connect the relationship between gods and humans? Watch The Epic of Gilgamesh! If it’s not enough to understand the wedge of the sky... how about the lock of the sky? This is a double guarantee! ’

What a perfect (pleasant) solution!

Although the final result is definitely not what these gods like.

But Tianzhisuo and Tianzhiwedge rebelled against the gods together. There is no more exciting story than this.

at the same time--

In the Northern Theocracy, in the jade-cold Holy See of the Holy City.

The priest's remaining 'meat balls' and the church members who were only half-breathed were able to salvage some.

But now he is still in a state of half-breath. After he is cured, he will no longer be able to become a warrior and fight for the church.

This news made their Pope's face become ferocious under the silver mask...

And after learning from the ‘survivors’ the ‘reasons’ that led to the failure of this mission——

‘A race whose entire body of metal can instantly replicate great magic? A demon with black wings? And Sky Strike? ’

[Ex-Machina], [Flügel]... Almost subconsciously, these two races burst out of the Pope's mind.

He had watched the game Life Zero, so how could he not be familiar with the powerful and terrifying unknown races mentioned by survivors like the priest and Joanna.

The powerful learning ability, the [Access Control] that can reverse the trajectory of divine attacks, and the [Sky Shift] for space teleportation, all of these are exactly the same as the descriptions of the abilities used by Ex-Machines during the war in the book.

As for the latter——

After listening to Joanna's description of the mercury lamp's appearance, the Pope could still remain calm.

It's just that the ability of [Sky Shift] is suspected. Maybe it's a coincidence. Is it another space teleportation magic with the same effect?

As a result, after hearing that the opponent’s last attack was called [Sky Strike]——

The pope's heart skipped a beat.

The wings are black, but they can perform sky strikes——

A race that looks suspiciously like an Ex-Machina can also instantly copy the magic of the priests and others.

Is this really just a coincidence? Could it be mutated Flügels and Ex-Machines?

There was a chill in the Pope's back. When he came back to his senses, he found that his spine was already wet with sweat. He suppressed his inner emotions and calmly came to the golden loom again...

Using the power of the divine tool, he wanted to once again detect the Ex-Machina and Flügel...the truth about whether these two races really existed.


The divine power on the golden loom was activated and awakened, and words began to be written on the fabric...

Just as the Pope was staring at the fabric with concentration and solemnity...

The divine power stored in the divine tool had already headed towards the city of Ceylon - but before the divine power could get close, Yan casually formed an invisible hand in the air and grabbed it.

"The breath of the gods - or the divine power that contains the concept of [destiny]? I wonder if it can be combined with the devil's heart. Will the taste of the devil's heart mixed with the power of other gods become better?"

At this moment, in a room in Ceylon City, Yan said those words under the trembling and confused eyes of the little vampire Loli Tina.

It seemed like he was talking to himself, or like he was asking the two little ones through the contract space...

‘How about sprinkling some cumin on the golden grade ingredients? Or would some ketchup be more to your liking? ’

But all this is beyond the understanding of the little vampire loli's small brain.

What divine power? What demon heart?

What is this person talking about?

She didn't understand anything and didn't dare to ask anything! Woohoo!

Tina said she just wanted to go home now and didn't know when she would be released.

When the little vampire Loli thinks of her recent experiences, she wants to shed bitter tears.

First of all, it was inexplicable... While working, the [coworker] who was working hard with him suddenly changed his form instantly.

One moment they were happily moving bricks together, and the next moment they witnessed a crazy massacre with their own eyes!

Tina still remembers the dull scenes when she saw those "light cannons washing the ground, rebounding the opponent's ultimate move in one second, and learning the opponent's ultimate move in one second."

She was brought here after that, no one paid attention to her, and she didn't dare to run around.

I don’t even dare to run away——

Whenever she couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​escape, take Princess Lily and leave the city of Ceylon directly.

Tina thought of the "bright fireworks" that filled the whole world shortly after the priest cut off and everyone in the church fled in the direction.

In addition, I know that [workers] all have the ability to move in space...

She didn't dare to move even more.

As a result, Homura waited in fear all night, and it was not until the next day that Homura remembered this little vampire loli.

Then Yan just came over and noticed the power of the divine tool that had just arrived in Ceylon City.


Then there is no more.

"Bang!!" In the Theocracy, the sacred golden loom suddenly shattered with a loud noise.

The divine power stored in the divine tool was completely drained by Yan in one breath, following the source, and was directly scrapped!

The Pope, who was at the center of the explosion, could not react consciously for a moment, or could not accept the facts in front of him...

Without any place to hide, the Pope was directly hit in the face by the fragments of the loom.

Then, regardless of looking for the fragments of the sacred tool on his body, the Pope looked silently at the empty place where the sacred tool was placed.

His eyes began to become dull and dull, and gradually lost their brightness.

"What just...happened?"

He can't even maintain his aloof temperament.

At this time, His Majesty the Pope was thinking:

A magical tool that can predict disasters. Even weak gods among the gods, such as the God of Alchemy and the God of Blacksmithing, can detect one or two divine features!

Just... broken?

Among the several powers held by the goddess whom the Theocracy believes in, the most powerful is destiny...

At the same time, it is also the essence of the [reason] mastered by the goddess.

The divine tool that contains the powerful concepts and divine power of the goddess, even the ordinary gods who have just entered the eighth step, cannot stop the peek of the divine tool... let alone directly smash the divine tool through the air!

But now it's broken! It broke without warning!

--No! It’s not like there are no signs at all!

I remembered something that I had never been able to predict about the Ex-Machina and Flügel.

...Thinking again of the scene where he asked the divine tool to detect the 'suspected existences of Ex-Machina' that appeared near Ceylon City just now...the divine tool suddenly exploded!

The Pope's pupils shrank!

Chapter 445: Your lies are like a candle in the wind!

Why can't I find any information when searching for stored words like Ex-Machina, War, God of War Artho, and Flügel?

Why did the existence of suspected Ex-Machines and Flügels explode in Ceylon City when they used their divine tools? !

Now the Pope finally understands!

This horrifying thing made the pope, who held both divine and royal powers and controlled an extremely large theocracy, fall into silence.

In the silent atmosphere, facing the broken sacred tool, this place where only the Pope exists... He is under great pressure.

‘Should we continue to investigate——’

"The Ex-Machina species that have survived since the end of the war... As expected, that race was not exterminated so easily." The Pope murmured, thinking that he had discovered the terrifying truth and secrets of the world.

When watching the mythological epic, most of the Ex-Machines sacrificed themselves in the face of the divine attack. In the end, when facing the God of War, they all had no idea whether they were alive or dead, and all lost communication...

In addition, there are no legends about the Ex-Machina anymore.

Of course - after reading the epic, many people will wonder whether the Ex-Machina has become extinct.

Including Flügel...

But what happened in Ceylon City made the Pope see another possibility.

Those two god-killing races have been hidden for so long and are still active behind the scenes of the world - they don't know what they are planning.

And in this long history, no information about them has been spread even once...

Was it just like this time, everyone who witnessed them was 'annihilated' by the Ex-Machines and Flügels?

"Kill people and silence them..." the Pope muttered, clenching his fists with great fear.

Thinking that even the divine tool was broken due to this...

His heart almost stopped at the powerful existence standing behind the Ex-Machina and Flügel.

That was definitely something he couldn't mess with.

If you are targeted by Ex-Machina and Flügel because of this...or you may be targeted by someone who is suspected to be the Eighth Step or even stronger behind!

Thinking of the abnormal combat power shown by Ex-Machina and Flügel in mythological epics.

There are also racial exceptions like Hubi and Jibril who have achieved a level and combat power comparable to that of gods, which makes the Pope feel a little creepy.

A sense of uneasiness about being targeted by an unknown and mysterious behemoth is arising from the bottom of my heart...

He hadn't felt this way for who knows how many years since he reached this height and position.

But now——

The Pope once again found the sense of awe and fear that came from the instinct of the body and from the bones when he faced the gods for the first time.

He now regrets his 'casual' decision to explore the city of Ceylon.

Not only is the divine tool gone...this is a small matter!

If he provokes those "god-killing weapons", even if he uses all the cards in his hand, he will probably die miserably.

He didn't make any announcements in the church.

In the end, the Pope could only pretend that he knew nothing, and suppressed the explosion of the divine tool.

He completely sealed the location where the artifact was stored. No one can enter here again without his permission and the magic seal being lifted.

No one can know about the shattering of the divine tool.

The Pope didn't want to see chaos within the Theocracy before those group of machines came to attack.

He could only pray that the existence of the suspected machine-type species would not notice this place and come to his door.

…Can’t afford to offend, can’t afford to offend!

‘That’s reckless...Have I lost my respect for the strong and the unknown due to my smooth planning over the years? ’ His Majesty the Pope reflected deeply on himself.

At the same time, he was also suspicious of why Ex-Machina and Flügel appeared at the same time this time.

Aren't Ex-Machinas and Flügels hostile?

Why would the black-winged Flügel help the Ex-Machina?

Or should I say——

Suddenly I remembered the information Joanna reported, that the black-winged girl who looked like a Flügel was targeting the heart of the demon god.

If we think about it the other way around - the Flügel were not helping the Ex-Machinas, but were also craving for something?

- The heart of the demon god! If the Ex-Machinas also attacked the church because of that, everything would be explained.

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