...This is such a strong ego. I think.

He respected gods and loved humans so seriously.

The result of all this is to choose the path of abolishing gods and hating human beings. ’

[Respect the gods seriously and love humans at the same time. 】

But the words in the passage are as if they are ringing in my ears.

Those sentences and words seemed to contain profound meanings, which greatly impacted people's brains.

"——Too great power breeds too great loneliness." Youye.

"And the result of all this is that we can only choose to abolish gods and hate human beings." Harut.

People murmured such words and their eyes widened.

...and then lost consciousness.

Chapter 453: A pure soul will be happy precisely because of such a string of ornaments!

'He has carried conclusions with him since his birth. It is isolated as a being that is neither a god nor a human being.

With the characteristics of both sides, the world he can see is too far and too vast.

Even God cannot understand everything he can see, and cannot know what he has seen. ’

"A world that even the gods cannot see through..."

Harut, who is the hero king of this world, cannot understand that feeling, nor can Yuzuha, who is a beastman, and Hermetos, who is also a god, can only show a blank expression about it.

No one, human, god, or other race, can understand Gilgamesh.

[Two-thirds are gods, one-third are humans——]

This power made Gilgamesh an unparalleled king, and also made him completely excluded by gods and humans...

‘God will not fully accept him, and people will fear him, and will always be able to walk alone... How lonely is that?’ People can’t imagine.

From Enkidu's description, all they felt was loneliness.

"Enkidu... maybe he put himself into it and felt the same way!?" Claire couldn't help but murmured.

She thought that when Enkidu was describing Gilgamesh, he must also be thinking of herself!

They are also human beings created by God...

If I hadn’t seen the same scenery——

How could he understand Gilgamesh's heart so well.

Although she couldn't understand the vision and feelings of a 'demigod hero', she could understand - and understand the lonely emotion in those words.

Even though they haven't met yet, they already cherish each other.

Enkidu felt such tenderness and pity for Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh also dreams of Enkidu and embraces him with joy. People can't help but hope that they will meet soon...

That must be an extremely beautiful picture!

Later, Enkidu is seen "awakening."

There was still a hint of loss in the corners of his eyes that he couldn't understand.


No change in Enkidu's heart was found (he had a different attitude towards Gilgamesh. At first, he thought Gilgamesh was a tyrant and wanted to discipline him... but now it's different), and then the prostitute took the lead. Follow Enkidu to the ringed city...

Before leaving, Enkidu asked the prostitute to wait for a while. He wanted to say goodbye to his 'friends' first.

Regarding the word 'friend' in Enkidu's mouth, the prostitute frowned, opened her mouth and finally said nothing.

She thought that after Enkidu learned to be rational, he would not care about those "beasts"...

Didn't you realize he still considered those his friends?

The prostitute born in human society cannot understand the emotions of Enkidu, a son of nature, towards the forest and his wild beast companions.

It’s true that beasts don’t have brains as smart as humans.

But their minds are simpler and more innocent than human beings...

Enkidu also has a pure heart.

And such pure hearts will always attract each other.

Enki is leaving...

As a result, there were only a few 'friends' who could come to see him off.

In the final farewell, there came a terrifying monster with sharp claws that was far superior to anyone on the ground - even Enkidu.

On its head is a flower that Enkidu once planted in the Cedar Forest. Small light colored flowers.

Enkidu wove it into a flower crown and gave it to his friend.

And the name of that monster is - [Humbaba].

In the new illustration, a beautiful corolla of small light-colored flowers appears.

People look at the beautiful corolla lying flat on the sunlit rock, and it seems to have a magical power... calming their mood.

The laurel crown that symbolizes the most innocent and pure friendship...

People were slightly stunned...

I don’t know why, but a close-up of Enkidu, the monster friend?

To be precise, a close-up of the flower crown that is the symbol of their friendship. (illustration)

They sighed a little...

Before Enkidu understood reason, it was rare and valuable to have such a friend! ?

As a monster, the existence did not choose to harm Enkidu, but regarded him as a friend.

After leaving here and entering human society, will Enkidu still remember this friend who once ran together in the forest and on the lawn, and drank water together by the pool?

It's described in the book like that...

That is a monster with a girlish heart and a pure and innocent heart...

"It is precisely because of such a string of ornaments that the innocent soul will be happy." ” Humbaba happily accepted Enkidu’s gift.

Such a warm picture made everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

It's not that it's not bad, on the contrary, it's a bit touching...

But Andersen, the old thief, actually had time to give them candy and warm their hearts? I always feel like there is a conspiracy! ——Youye and the little princess thought.

In Andersen's epic, no matter how sweet the story is, it always ends up with a sad ending that makes people cry heartbreakingly.

Now the girls are a bit shadowy.

Enkidu followed the prostitute...

They headed towards the ring city of Uruk, and on the way they encountered a group of sheepherders preparing a feast.

Enkidu and the prostitute are invited...

This is Enkidu's first taste of human cuisine.

He tasted wine for the first time at the banquet.

It is said that heroes drink.

Enjoying good wine is also an essential thing in life.

Afterwards he took a shower and put on new clothes.

At night, a lion attacked the sheep. The lion was defeated by Enkidu, who guarded the place...

Gradually he became a hero in people's eyes.

His fame also began to spread far and wide.

Until the city-circling Uruk——

A premonition was born within Enkidu and Gilgamesh.

The day when they meet will not be far away.

One day - Enkidu and the prostitute saw a human being in a hurry.

He stepped forward and asked where the other party was going in such a hurry.

The pedestrian told the two that the king of Uruk was going to hold a holy marriage ceremony to pray for good weather in the coming year.

People are going to celebrate...

After Enkidu heard this, he decided not to wait.

Since it is a holy marriage, Gilgamesh, the king, will definitely appear.

The prostitute advises Enkidu not to be impulsive...

Now that he knows Gilgamesh's life, he should understand what a powerful hero Gilgamesh is. You should be more prepared.

However, she couldn't stop Enkidu, or her heart that was eager to see the king.

Mission and responsibility drive him to keep moving forward, and...

So Enkidu went ahead, and the prostitute followed him closely.

As soon as the two arrived in Uruk, people in the city surrounded them.

This scene is exactly the same as Gilgamesh's dream.

The moment people saw Enkidu, they were in a trance, and then they understood who he was!

So people became excited, "The hero who defeated the tyrant finally came here! He came to compete with the outstanding-looking, god-like Gilgamesh in terms of force and strength."


After a discussion, everyone led Enkidu to Ishtar's temple and arranged a place for him.

Just waiting for Gilgamesh to arrive.

"Here it comes...are we going to meet each other soon?" Everyone became nervous inexplicably.

Can these two people, who are both familiar and yet strange at the same time, really become friends after meeting?

Chapter 454 I am just a weapon. Just props. I am different from him.

When dawn is about to fall...

Gilgamesh did appear.

On the only way to the temple, Enkidu directly blocked Gilgamesh's way in the street.

The perspective comes to Enkidu again.

It is said that Gilgamesh was stopped on the street. In fact, it would be more accurate to say:

"You want to discipline me?" I met him in front of the altar where the holy marriage ceremony was performed.

"Exactly. Let me correct your arrogance myself." I shouldn't say it's arrogance.

I should say lonely. But I didn't say it out loud.

I don't want to hurt his glory and pride.

My battle with him lasted for days. I am both a war spear and a heavy axe. It is both a strong shield and a ferocious beast.

Facing me who can freely change everything, he also exhausted all his strength.

"It's ridiculous—it's just a bunch of dirt and gravel, but they want to be on par with me!"

——Is this your first time encountering a comparable opponent and are you surprised or angry?

During the battle, he took into his hands the treasure that had been hidden in the vault.

Taking out such a precious treasure can probably only be said to be a humiliation for him.

Initially, it was due to the helplessness of being chased to the end of the road.

But in the end, he was quite happy and threw away all the treasures he held without any regrets.

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