The battle did not end with either side winning.

He finally took out the last treasure, and I had lost 90% of the soil.

I didn't even have any clothing to cover my body, so I must have looked quite embarrassed.

He looked at me with his eyes wide open, laughed loudly, and fell backwards.

I also knelt on the ground, panting desperately. In fact, I probably can only move once more.

"You and I are the last ones left. If we don't have something to protect, we will just end up with two more stupid dead bodies."

The true meaning of this sentence has never been clear to me from now on. So, should I tell him "it ends in a draw" or should I signal to him that at least a stupid corpse should be lying there.

But no matter what, after hearing his words, I followed his actions just now and fell backward.

"Like a mirror image," I thought. "Don't you feel sorry for the treasures you used?" I don't know why I said these words.

"That's nothing. If the opponent is worthy of me, it won't hurt if I throw them all away." Gilgamesh said, his voice full of cheerfulness and joy. I have been with him ever since.

Enkidu's memories end and new illustrations appear in the book.

It was the figure of the Golden King standing in the air, holding the EA Deviation Sword.


Can it really be called a sword? Human beings - or the power that God wielded to tear apart all things in order to open up the world in an era more ancient than the stars. Its name is EA, Guili Jian!

And standing below, facing him, was Enkidu who had exhausted all his strength and felt embarrassed...

The prostitute was right, his strength was still inferior to that of this king.

If the final blow is delivered...

[At least there will be a stupid corpse lying there. 】

Without Enkidu narrating it, people remembered what he said in his heart from Enkidu's perspective.

People were nervous.

Although what has been said before, the two of them did not unleash the final blow in the end, but moved forward together from now on.


Thinking of the possible consequences of their fight, people sweated.

Fortunately - the outcome of this battle was not a tragedy.

The little princess and the others thought so happily.

...At the same time, they couldn't help but imagine, if the last blow was really struck, what kind of earth-shattering scene would it be?

(What’s interesting is that in the strange and fake version, Twinkle and Xiao En, who were summoned together as servants in the Holy Grail War, struck the final blow. The world is at odds, the star of creation! Son of man, cling to the gods!

Immediately make a big move when you meet him. It means greetings after a long absence, but it also probably means continuing the battle that I couldn't enjoy to the fullest during my lifetime. )

Enkidu used his own strength to win the respect and love of the King of Heroes.

This is the first time the greedy tyrant falls in love.

His character changed as a result...

The rest of the story revolves around these two close friends.

A new adventure begins and they will be inseparable.

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

The perspective returns to Enkidu.

"Since you came, my treasure has been missing. Throwing treasure as a weapon seems to have become a bad habit in my mind."

As before, he still has the hobby of collecting, but he will also remember to use it once or twice occasionally.

This is one of my few achievements.

Harut felt a little complicated in his heart, although he didn't know how much stronger the King of Heroes was than himself.

But the other party is definitely hundreds of times richer than me!

Reminds me of the description of the battle between Enkidu and Gilgamesh.

Throw the treasures and weapons you have collected and attack them by throwing them.

Both sides launched at least thousands of weapons at the same time...

If you include long-term consumption, this number will increase infinitely.

The way Gilgamesh uses weapons seems to contain magic such as space control.

And in the battle with Enkidu...

Enkidu, whose body was made of divine clay, transformed into countless weapons that offset and damaged those treasures.

I don’t know how Enkidu recovered after that.

But looking at the conversation between the two, Gilgamesh collected new treasures.

‘Not even His Majesty the King’s treasure house… can withstand such consumption. 'Harut couldn't help but think.

Did Gilgamesh really collect all the treasures in the world?

He remembered the prologue, the beginning of the story, the words praising the king's achievements.

Gilgamesh collected all the treasures in the world. He traveled all over the world and knew all the secrets of the world.


Later in the epic, there are many interesting conversations between the two.

After Enkidu's arrival, Gilgamesh laughed more and often burst out laughing.

He was supposed to be alone all the time, but he also had a companion by his side.

As Enkidu said -

The reason why he came here was not to admonish Gilgamesh, but because he felt Gilgamesh's loneliness.

But he didn't want to hurt the king's glory and pride.

Jill's self-esteem is so strong.

Although Gilgamesh didn't say anything verbally, he did feel the rare and valuable friendship of a friend because of Enkidu's company.


Enkidu, who regards himself as a tool (Enkidu Heavenly Lock), has always admired the other person in his heart, starting from his childhood, but he denies his own value as a life.

So Enkidu fell into a knot of incomprehension towards Gilgamesh, who regarded him as a precious friend.

'I'm just a weapon. Just props. I am different from him. ’

Along with such harsh words appearing in the article.

The little princess and the others became a little anxious.

"Ah?" Why does Enkidu think so? ?

It should obviously be a beautiful and happy thing.

The two lonely people, both created by God, have found the most precious friend in life.


Why? Why would Enkidu think that way?

Just like when you see a bad or sad plot, you want to change it...

Only then can the mind be clear and relaxed.

At this time, the little princess and the others wanted to shout: Duck together! Stop thinking so much!

I'm so cute, please beg you! Ahh~! Hurry up and get married quickly! Woooooooo!

Chapter 455: Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, and the forest guardian who needs to be defeated!

Enkidu had a dream.

A very bad nightmare.

Disturbing and foreboding.

Then one day, the ominous dream came true. Gilgamesh told Enkidu that he was going to fight against the monster "Humbaba" living in the forest.

"Why would you want to do such a thing?" Enkidu asked.

His eyes filled with tears, and he felt pain in his heart, so he sighed heavily.

Gilgamesh asked him why his eyes were filled with tears and why he was so sad.

Enkidu tells Gilgamesh—

I was familiar with that forest from my days in the wilderness, where I often roamed and roosted with wild animals.

Hence its extent is known to extend to a birr. He also knew that deep in the cedar forest, there was the most dangerous place—that is, the location of Humbaba.

Who dares to go there! Humbaba's roar is a flood, her mouth is fire, and her breath is death (poisonous gas).

Even if you and I combined, it would be difficult to deal with her...

Why...are you determined to attack her?

When he said this, Enkidu himself didn't understand that he was really thinking about Gil's safety...

Or I simply don’t want to see the scene where Gil and Humbaba have similar swords.

"Crunt against... Humbaba?!" Everyone was surprised and lost their voice when they saw this.

Thinking of Humbaba...

Isn’t that Enkidu’s friend in the forest?

The monster who was delighted with the jewelry given by a simple friend.

Why do you want to attack Humbaba? This kind of thing is really...

Mu Ran - a familiar feeling surged into people's hearts.

Could it be another tragedy?

Hermitus felt his stomach hurt a little, and he had a bad premonition.

It is obviously the incarnation of a god in the lower world, but it is indeed just an ordinary human body.

First the beautiful memories, then the painful storm is coming...

Will we see former friends killing each other next, or Enkidu being caught between two friends-a dilemma?

In the end, Enki failed to stop Gilgamesh... but was persuaded by him.

Before leaving, their mother, Goddess Ning Sun, and officials bid farewell to the two.

Ningsun hung a chain with ornaments around Enkidu's neck, announced his adoption of Enkidu, gave Enkidu the same status as Gilgamesh, and loved him as his own son.

And asked Enkidu to protect Gilgamesh on the way.

On the way, Enkidu relied on his familiarity with the forest to walk in front of Gilgamesh to guide him.

Gilgamesh had nightmares many times and couldn't sleep. Enkidu comforted him that dreams are beautiful. Gilgamesh fell asleep with peace of mind after hearing this.

Just when people saw that the two were about to arrive at Humbaba's location and prepare to attack her, everyone became anxious.

This scene is more cruel than the bloody fight between Baling and his brothers in the legend of King Arthur, who once struck a blow that screamed from heaven to earth.

The Baling brothers fought desperately without knowing each other's identity...

But what Enkidu wants to do at this moment is to attack Humbaba, who is also his mother and friend, and has been by his side since birth.

It’s hard for everyone to accept!


Later in the story, it suddenly moved away from the two people and came to a goddess.

It was Venus, the beloved goddess of love, fertility and war, and the Babylonian god of nature and harvest.

His name is Ishtar.

The temple where the prostitute lives is the place where the goddess is worshiped and where Gilgamesh once prepared for his holy marriage.

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