“Among the heroes, who is the most majestic?

Who is the most handsome among them all?"

"Gilgamesh is the hero of heroes!

Enkidu is the best among heroes, you are the most magnificent! And he is stunningly handsome! "

"Hmm hahahahahaha!"

The proud Gilgamesh was very satisfied with the answers of the musicians, and then he held a celebration ceremony in the palace.

At night, the heroes rested on the bed, and Siqidu also fell asleep, and he had another dream.

Enkidu stood up and told what happened in his dream.

He said to his friend:

"Gil, why do you think the great gods held a meeting?"

"Listen, what exactly did I dream about last night?"

Anu, Enlil, Ea, and the god Shemash assembled.

Enlil spoke to Anu:

‘Because they killed the long-horned beetle and Humbaba, one of them must die. ’

Anu said: 'Whoever tramples on "Fir Tree Mountain" should be punished with death. ’

But Enlil said: 'Enkidu should die, but Gilgamesh can stay. ’

At this time, the god Shemash gave Enlil an answer:

'They killed the "Heavenly Cow" and Humbaba according to my will. Why should the innocent Enkidu die?'

Then, Enlil's heart suddenly became angry, and he said to the god Shemash: 'It's because you come among them every day and hook up with them! Only now will the Heaven's Lock and Heaven's Wedge get out of control! "

(Sun God Shemash seems to be on the side of humans! Seeing this, Hermitos showed Shemash an expression of joy as if he had seen a like-minded friend.

'It's a pity that I and this senior are not gods of the same era...otherwise I would have to make a good friendship with him. ’

Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven were originally divine beasts from the lower realms of the gods, but because they caused too much harm to humans, the gods Shemash instead sided with Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

No wonder Enkidu and Gilgamesh finally sacrificed their entrails to the great god after killing the Bull of Heaven.

At this moment, everyone finally understood that detail. )

Yuzuha and the others watched as the gods were divided into two factions formed by Ishemash and all the other gods combined...

Enlil, the leader on the other side, was already quarreling with him over how to punish Gilgamesh.

The sun god Shemash is a god worthy of human gratitude just like Gilgamesh Ningsun.

But everyone who knew that God King Anu was also leaning toward which side felt a little bad when seeing such a scene.

The God-King will definitely favor Enlil's side!

They were worried about Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

...the epic continues.

Later, not long after Enkidu recounted the dream.

Enkidu fell ill in front of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh, tears like a waterfall——

He remembered the dream Enkidu told him, and said:

"Brother, dear brother! Why do you condone my innocence despite the fact that we are brothers?

Moreover, I must sit in front of the ghost, must sit by the ghost's door?

I can no longer see my dear brother with my own eyes! "

(‘Enkidu, fell ill?! Have the gods already taken action? When!!’ the little princesses thought nervously, their eyes widening.)

On the other side, the epic perspective changed and returned to Enkidu.

‘This is the last story of my life. ’

(The first sentence at the beginning shocked everyone.)

‘Gilgamesh drove back the god’s bull with his weapon.

The dark clouds covering the entire world gradually dispersed, and the earth was spared from the persecution of the flood.

However, I was punished by heaven for disobeying the gods, and slowly returned to the soil I once was.

He hugged these gradually collapsing clods of soil tightly with all his strength, and hugged me.

"Unforgivable...unforgivable...! Why do you have to die!! If it's heaven's punishment, just punish me, it should be me! Isn't all this unreasonable on my part!!"

(From Enkidu’s perspective, people see the arrogant king crying like a child. As a tyrant, will Gilgamesh also shed tears?

He really cares about Enkidu! People think so. )

The sky is still crying. Although I couldn't see the face of the person next to me, I still gave him advice.

"Please don't be sad. I'm just a weapon. Just one of your countless treasures."

"In the future, there will definitely be many treasures that are much better than me. So, I... don't have any reason or value to make you cry."

yes. I'm just a weapon. Just props. I am different from him.

Gilgamesh is a hero. A hero who was created as a son of God, but constantly rebelled against the gods.

He has had his own soul from the beginning. It has its own will from the very beginning of its birth.

He is different from me, real life. Unlike consumables like me, they are precious stars with real value.

...I have always, always longed for...

Hate him like this.

Why are we two - created by the same father, but our lives are completely different?

"You have value, you have the only value!! I hereby swear that my best friend in this world will always be only one person! Only one person! This value will never change in the future, forever and ever!!"

I'm just a weapon. As long as there are weapons, they will one day be replaced by new weapons.

My value, my mystery, can only exist in this era.

But Gilgamesh saw this as something different. At the price of his future being forever alone.

...I remembered...

I remembered what he said to me after I said I was a prop, and his figure.

"Fool..." "Walking side by side, talking side by side, fighting side by side...

(Claire looked at these familiar words and this familiar tone, her eyes widened and became rounder and rounder!)

...This is neither a human nor a tool...but...a friend...Enkidu..." -Ah.


Chapter 462: So proud and so lonely!

Those two words turned out to be "friends"! ?

What a, uh... rustic and simple word.

Claire's heart was touched, and after her previous doubts were resolved, her mood suddenly relaxed.

But the next moment she saw Enkidu, who was still bedridden and seemed to be about to die at any time, the kind side of the girl's heart made her extremely hate such a tragic and desolate outcome.

‘Did Enkidu die in the end? ’

Think back to the enviable friendship between the two. Enkidu chose the path of serving others for the sake of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh also changed his overly cruel way of guardianship, and gradually brought Uruk to prosperity.

They were supposed to be a pair of brothers and friends that everyone would envy.

The result was——

Claire hesitated to speak, looking a little disappointed.

When I was reading a book before, I couldn't help but put myself into the protagonist Gilgamesh...

And Enkidu was imagined by her to look like Rhine.

If Rhine died in her arms, she would definitely go crazy - right!

"Friends..." People's mood became a little heavy and they all murmured.

The naturally sentimental little princess began to have tears welling up in her eyes again.

She can't accept anything sad at all, but she especially likes to read Andersen's epics.

So this time, I fell into the trap willingly.

Even though her eyes were swollen from crying and the pain was excruciating, she admitted that she had to cry now!

She is unhappy and wants to vent her emotions!

On the other side, Hermitus didn't say a word in the bookstore, and finally sighed for it.

He took off the hat on his head, as if to pay his last respects to the hero.

Even if it’s not human…

Enkidu, as God's clay and God's man, still made him love and admire him.

He likes heroes, not just human heroes, he also likes people like Enkidu.

It is precisely because of my love that I feel extremely sorry for the demise of a hero.

If Enkidu had not died, with his divine bloodline, he should have been able to live much longer...

Then he might have a chance to meet this Heavenly Lock! However--

‘How sinful I am. I know I am weak, but I have never reflected on my weakness.

He knew he was powerful, but he never acknowledged that power. He is not supposed to have any understanders.

For him, only by maintaining his aloofness is the greatest sincerity he can embody.

But I put stains and flaws on his modesty that can never be removed.

The rain gradually subsided. I also slowly returned to my original posture - clods of dirt and gravel in the wilderness.

In the end, the only thing that remained in my ears was the King's mournful cry, which resounded through the heaven and earth like rolling thunder.

This is where my memory ends. I am regret that has disappeared from the world.

After this, your future. This is the story of you, a human being who is different from me. ’

As Enkidu's consciousness finally disappeared completely.

The fragments from the epic about Enkidu’s perspective are also gone.

At this time, many people recalled that the conversation between Enkidu and Gilgamesh shortly after the crusade against Humbaba seemed to be the last exchange from Enkidu's perspective that appeared in the story.

But at this moment, before Enkidu died, they knew what Gilgamesh's last words were -

——The words that touched Enkidu and seemed to light up the world, the night sky, and the stars——are exactly [Friends]!

Two simple words, but they seem to be as heavy as a thousand stones! People will always remember that kind of existence.

The last fragment of this page of the epic reads and describes 'him' like that.

【——Once upon a time, there was a man.

He was a ridiculously stupid guy who wanted to be on par with the Son of God even though his body was made of clay.

His unreasonable arrogance naturally offended the gods in heaven, and the man was punished by the gods but lost his life.

The King of Heroes can never forget the look of him dying with tears streaming down his face.

Why are you crying, the King of Heroes asked at that time. Do you regret standing on my side now?

Not like this——

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