He replied.

"After I die, who else can understand you? Who else can go forward with you? My friend... I can't help but shed tears when I think of you living alone in the future..."

In this way, when he saw the man take his last breath, the egocentric king understood that the way of life of this man who was a human but wanted to be more than human was more precious and dazzling than all the treasures he collected. 】

From Enkidu’s own perspective, and God’s perspective——

The epic poem completely restored the image of the hero to people.

It was clearly mentioned twice that he was jealous and wanted to be on par with his brother Gilgamesh, but this trivial shortcoming had already been overshadowed by his more shining personality.

People have already been attracted to him, but Enkidu, who is the protagonist of the story, does not know it at all.

‘Why do you belittle yourself until the end of your life? ! Why envy Gilgamesh! Enkidu - you have become a real hero! ’ Hermitus lamented.

What you expected has been achieved, and you have already stood shoulder to shoulder with Gilgamesh!

Were you not the one who defeated Humbaba with Gilgamesh?

Aren't you the one who walked side by side with Gilgamesh and defeated the Bull of Heaven?

The people have been saved because of you. Even Gilgamesh's mother, the goddess Ningsun, loves you as brothers...

The people of Uruk are cheering your name and supporting your hero's name. Isn't this proof?

The only friend who allowed Gilgamesh to fight happily and become equal to each other...ah!

The only friend recognized and admired by the King of Heroes!

A new illustration appeared in the epic, which showed the King of Heroes kneeling on the ground, holding dirt in his arms and tears streaming down his face.

The King of Heroes, who has never cried before, sheds tears for the first time in his life!

He was so proud, but now he is also so lonely!

Yu Ye stared at this scene blankly, and a trembling and sad thought arose in her heart.

'Gilgamesh looks so sad, ah... just like what the book says. This is because——’

'He lost his only friend who could understand him. ’

And Enkidu, who was worried about his friends until his death, was also in tears.

Are you really as despicable as you think?

Everyone's minds were blocked.

For these two friends and brothers whose friendship and care in their hearts are no less than that of each other, the day when they fully reveal their inner feelings is also the day of separation and death!

It’s also this day——

The proud King of Heroes felt the coldness, loneliness and pain called death for the first time.

However, the next story can only be faced by Gilgamesh alone!

"Is it a curse? Or something - this is the power of gods!" Some humans who were reading couldn't help but show helpless expressions that were sad, irritating, and awe-inspiring.

It’s not just Gilgamesh who faces Enkidu’s death.

The concept of "death" comes to people's minds.

And for most people who are countless times weaker than Enki...

Witnessing the disappearance of the powerful Enkidu's life 'with my own eyes' made me cherish and awe the preciousness of life even more!

Or should I say - all greatness will eventually wither? ?

The thought of not even being able to say that the rabbit died and the fox was sad, and that he was not qualified to say so, crushed the nerves of some people with fragile temperaments.

Chapter 463 Afraid of death? Don't imagine that I am as stupid as you!

The ancestral king Lugalbanda and the goddess Rimat (full name Rimat, Ningsun) combined to give birth to me.

"I seemed to have been quite virtuous during my childhood."

"We got the most perfect king!" The people of Uruk cheered happily.

They support and love me like bees and butterflies.

...Well, wait a minute.

"It seems to be" and "like", these two words should not be used in relation to one's own past.

"Whether it's a person or a country, everything belongs to me. The treasures and possibilities they gave birth to, I want to collect them all and put them into this bag."

"The reason? It's obvious. - For the sake of judgment."

"Human beings, as the embodiment of civilization, do not have a common benchmark. Although it is precisely because of lack that they can continue to create new things, they still need an absolute benchmark."

"A judge who is above human beings but is still human; who is subordinate to gods but is not a god."

What appears before people's eyes seems to be a review of life from the perspective of the hero king Gilgamesh.

It’s also the first time——

From the perspective of his protagonist, he led everyone to witness everything.

It had always been Enkidu who played this role before, but he's dead.

People who think about this feel a little painful and sad in their hearts.

And review it from Gilgamesh's perspective.

When I saw Gilgamesh's habit of collecting treasures, the reason I gave in my heart was to judge... to give human beings, the embodiment of civilization, a common benchmark.

Subconsciously, one is reminded of the words he spoke in dialogue with "him and Enkidu."

‘There are also different types of protection. ’

Everything about Gilgamesh seems cruel, but in fact he has been executing his plans silently and orderly.

"Has he really been cruel? Or did people not understand him until Enkidu came? And then the king's achievements were revealed?" Harut murmured.

His expression was a little complicated. If things were really as he thought, then Gilgamesh's life could be said to be working hard for the progress of mankind, and it was truly spotless.

Even if it was not understood by the people, it was definitely an indelible achievement.

And Harut hoped that the real situation was just as he guessed!

He did not envy or envy such a great king, and only such a man was worthy of the title of Hero King and his wholehearted respect.

On the other side...

At this moment, everyone seemed to see the complex mental changes of the king after he ascended the throne.

Accompanied by that sentence - "A person who is superior to humans, but still human; a person who is subordinate to gods but not a judge of gods."

Even the dumbest people understood at that moment that Gilgamesh was talking about himself.

Except for what Harut was thinking about.

The little princess and the others were also shocked, and thought of another thing.

People vaguely felt the mythical world of the Sumerian region - the gods' view of humans.

The appearance of Gilgamesh was not accidental, but inevitable...

Now think back to the issues of the Heavenly Wedge and Heavenly Lock that the God King and the others had thought about and discussed.

People with bright minds have already understood the position of the gods in this epic -

For a while, people were a little silent and embarrassed, with complicated and confused eyes wandering...

If the gods in their time also had such "ideas", then -? !

Ordinary people dare not think about what happened later, and do not want to think about such dangerous issues.

Then they saw - Gilgamesh's psychology afterwards.

"But, a life with equal power to mine disappeared before my eyes."

('Enkidu--!' Everyone's mind immediately flashed the desperate scene of the king holding the body of his best friend in the wilderness with tears overflowing.

The hero who was so strong that he defeated the Bull of Heaven and Humbaba also felt the darkest, most desperate, and darkest day!

Loneliness and death are the hardships that even heroes can hardly resist.)

The rest of the story tells that the hero king began to panic about his fate because he witnessed the death of Enkidu, his only friend.

The proud and confident hero king who once regarded everyone as trash and dared to kill even the punishment of the gods in the sky also felt the horror of death.

In order to break free from the shackles of death and to overcome death, he visited the sage.

Then the hero king began his "last" adventure.

So the story of the hero king's search for the legendary elixir of immortality unfolded.

"My motives are different from yours.

Even if I am the son of God, I am just an ordinary human being in the face of death."

"But even if you and I are equally stupid, I am still above you. ...No matter how embarrassed I am, I still silently accept my superficiality and ugliness."

"In fact, I don't understand why all this is for, and for whom. I don't even know if this is to control death."

"I just think that I must be immortal."

Because he still has to witness and judge...

He still has to continue to be the judge of mankind. Continue to watch humans busy surviving until the end of their lives, instead of just watching them live a happy and fulfilling life.

(…——Gilgamesh. Many people read this and had different opinions. Some people thought that Gilgamesh was afraid of death… and therefore longed for eternal life.

Cursed by Ishtar and ignored by the gods, he had long lost the long, permanent life that was part of the gods.

And those who were attracted by the stories of Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the epic paid more attention to the following words.

‘He wanted to be king forever and witness the progress of mankind.’

Harut had such thoughts inexplicably in his mind, and then he fell silent.

“I am not as good as him…” Harut spoke again, and decided not to mention it again in the future. He called himself the Hero King.

It was a duty, a perseverance, a pride and belief of a king.

From beginning to end, Gilgamesh had no doubts or confusions about his identity as a king.

But he was not simply arrogant and conceited. When he was a king, he understood better than anyone what he should do as a king, and he also had the belief that he was willing to bear loneliness forever and witness the growth of mankind. )

"Isn't it just watching people live a happy life? I also want to witness people's busy survival and stop the end of life. The king of mankind..." Hermitos raised his mouth, and there was a bright flame in his eyes.

"Haha... Hahahahaha!" Hermitos suddenly laughed heartily.

As if crossing time and space, he also saw the once proud, confident, powerful and invincible king!

In heaven and on earth, there is only one person who can be called a king.

As the king of mankind, even gods and others, what is it in his eyes, not worth mentioning at all.

"Seeking the elixir of immortality! You are not afraid of death, but there are more things you want to do! Be king forever! What a great spirit!"

The world only sees the glory and power of being a king, but who sees the loneliness of all mankind that a true king bears!

Chapter 464 My body will wither, but human cognition will never stagnate.

As the king of this planet, bear witness forever.

"My body will wither and dissipate in this era, but human cognition will never stagnate. It will continue to grow until one day even the light of hundreds of millions of years ago can be clearly seen" - Gilgamesh.

Sometimes living alone for a long time requires greater courage than death.

People who long for longevity and envy the immortality of gods see Gilgamesh's words and thoughts at this time.

They don't know how to speak.

- What kind of alternative feelings do people have in their hearts at this moment?

It is an indescribable emotion, like a mountain torrent ready to go, and a volcano hidden and waiting to erupt.

People who can only rely on their limited brains to imagine and try to understand the loneliness of eternal life...

For the first time, they discovered that eternal life does not seem to be as beautiful as they imagined.

Its weight seems to be heavier.

Even so - people still want to get 'it'. This is human!

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