At this time, an illustration of Merry wearing a white hood and speaking to the ministers was inserted into the text at the right time.

In the illustration, Merry still only showed the lower half of her face, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth (sinister), which made the two girls feel itchy and curious about Merry's real face.

At the same time, they couldn't help but feel that Merry had cheated the "old king".

It was obviously because of Merry's opinion that the old king went to the battlefield.

Although he won the war, his health became worse.


Merry, who was so mean and sinister, the two girls couldn't hate her at all.

Instead, they thought, 'Maybe Miss Merry didn't expect that her well-intentioned suggestion would make the old king really sick. She must not have done it on purpose! Yes! ! Definitely! '

The story continues——

The next day, after everyone gathered.

The demon spirit also came! She asked the king: "After you die, do you want your son Arthur to inherit your land and all your wealth?"

Yu Shipanzuogan turned around and spoke to the ministers present and said something.

In short, a long speech translated into -

'Although he is my son, I love him very much. But - I refuse!

Let him work hard. If he can be recognized and loved by everyone, crown him. If not, let him go. I will not bless him even if I die. '

The two girls couldn't help but be stunned by the old king's last move.

After a mental storm -

The girls opened their mouths slightly, wanting to say something but stopping, stopping and wanting to say something.

Not to mention the two girls, those who were also "reading" the story of "King Arthur" at this time were also stunned.

He, King Yu Shipanzuogan, actually didn't let his son inherit the throne? ! Good -

"How interesting!" Claire suddenly spoke excitedly and excitingly.

This kind of "reversal" she had never seen in the previous "hero biography"!

In any case, it is a ‘fact’ that the king did not let his offspring directly inherit the throne.

After the king died, Queen Ingwin and the major lords and ministers worked together to bury him and mourned for him.

Because the king did not appoint the ‘next heir to the throne’ before his death, the ministers throughout the country began to expand their power and compete for the throne.

This led to the deterioration of Britain’s national situation and crises.

The demon went to visit the bishop of the Canterbury Diocese and suggested that he summon the lords and knights of the country to the capital on a ‘certain day’.

Anyone who refuses will be cursed by God.

Because on that day, the gods in the sky will show their ‘miracles’ here. And reveal to the subjects of this land who should be the real king.

And this news also made those ambitious and confident knights, lords... all in an uproar and excited!

Many readers took a breath when they saw this.

‘Is this the plot to choose the real king? ’

Many people remembered the slogan ‘Sword of the King’ at the beginning of the volume.

At this time, they all had the same guess in their minds.

The handsome warriors wearing bright silver armor gathered on the cover, and the title of this volume was ‘Sword of the King’s Choice - The Sword in the Stone’, plus the figure standing on the stone platform, in front of the golden sword, it was obviously the demon spirit Meili.

Expectation, excitement, as if they were about to get in touch with the truth of the matter!

As Yan said before choosing to write the story, people can’t help but have a strong sense of substitution when reading the story.

This also makes them feel incomparable satisfaction when they explore the ‘truth’.

At this time, the readers in the other world were excited.

And later, Meili appeared again.

Sure enough -

The guesses in the readers’ hearts were verified.

After Chenxi finished praying and the first mass, a large square stone rose up in the courtyard of the church, leaning against the high altar.

At this time, the center of the stone platform was originally empty.

I don't know who and when, but in the center of this marble, a thing like an anvil was erected.

It was about one foot high, with a sword pointed upwards inserted on it.

"The Sword of the Chosen King!" Rhine exclaimed in surprise.

I have already thought of the true identity of the sword.

It is impossible to think of it.

Because at this time, there is also an illustration in the text.

The golden sword standing on the stone platform, shining in the sun, is exactly the same as the cover.

"Is this why this volume is called 'The Sword of the Chosen King - The Sword in the Stone'?"

"The Sword of the Chosen One inserted in the stone. Oh my God, is there really a god secretly enlightening the whole country?" Claire on the side held her cheeks with both hands, her pretty face flushed, and unstoppable little stars came out of her eyes.

This -

Next, 'Arthur' will pull out the golden sword under the watchful eyes of the crowd, right? !

Not only Claire, but Rhine's heartbeat also accelerated at this time.

What a glory it would be --

Just imagine that Arthur, who had practiced swordsmanship for more than ten years, finally took advantage of this opportunity to pull out the 'golden sword' and return as a king!

Their scalps were numb and bursting!

Not to mention, the 'golden sword' inserted in the stone platform was actually related to the 'gods in the sky'.

Chapter 45 The hell is ahead! Are you really ready?

In the works of the previous bards, no one has ever been so bold. He actually "borrowed" the name of God to set off the power of the protagonist.

Although the gods in the sky would never care about such trivial matters, no one dared to have any disrespect for the gods in this era when the gods walked on earth.

This has been the "reverence" instinct that has been gradually engraved in the bones of the aliens since their birth.

Therefore, when the "Sword of the Chosen" appeared, the blood of the aliens who saw this place was boiling.

——Surprise! Exciting!

Various senses, indescribably filled the brains of readers who have seen the plot here.

At the same time, many people began to fantasize.

In that distant, ancient era, even the age cannot be estimated.

There is a country called "Great Britain".

There is a handsome boy with blond hair and holy blue eyes named Arthur.

He gradually grew up under the guidance of the mysterious and beautiful demon Meili, and finally embarked on the road to pull out the "Sword of the Chosen King".

This is the epic of the ‘hero’!

An epic that everyone can’t help but admire and yearn for.

The story continues to move forward——

The day that everyone has been looking forward to has finally arrived.

In front of the stone platform with the golden sword, countless knights and nobles wearing bright silver armor gathered here.

They looked at the stone platform and the golden words engraved around the sword.

It reads:

“Anyone who can pull this sword out of the stone platform is born to be the true king of all England.”

Everyone was in awe of discovering this miracle.

When they finished the mass, everyone who read the inscription wanted to climb the stone platform.

Anyone who wanted to be king came forward to try.

As a result, until the last person came forward, no one could make the stone platform shake at all.

Seeing this, the knights around were stunned.

The outside readers who were immersed in the book were also stunned.

‘No... no one pulled out the sword in the stone? How is it possible! ? What about Arthur? Did Arthur fail too? ! '

Claire looked at the description in the book with a puzzled and unbelievable look.

The girl's face showed some obvious anxiety at this time.

She thought that Arthur could pull out the "Sword in the Stone" and become the destined lord of England.

But now the plot tells her that none of the people who came forward to draw the sword "succeeded"? ! No way!

How could this be! ?

Rhine on the side was also surprised.

I don't know why the story has such a big change.

This made the girl who was still looking forward to the moment when Arthur drew the sword a little disappointed and puzzled.

Fortunately, they continued to read on.

The demon spirit Meili stood up at this time and said to the people present:

"The person who can draw the sword has not come yet, but God will definitely introduce him to us."

"--Now, select ten knights with the "best" reputation to guard this sword."

Many lords and knights discussed and finally decided to hold an unprecedented grand tournament.

Everyone here will participate.

They believed that if there really was a person with the "destiny", he would definitely be attracted by this grand "duel".

Whether that person was a commoner or a noble, the one who could draw the sword should appear.


the day of the "duel" arrived.

The barons entered one after another, and the great gentleman Ector also rode into the arena.

His son Kai, and his brother-in-law-young Arthur followed closely behind him.


As soon as they entered the venue, Kai found that he had forgotten to bring his sword.

His sword fell in his father's bedroom, so-

Kai begged Arthur to ride back to get it.

Arthur agreed and rushed home, but found that the hostess had gone to watch the competition with the whole family.

At this time, Arthur thought of the sword in the stone inserted in the church.

"I'll just ride to the church courtyard to pull out the sword inserted in the stone platform. Brother Kai can't do without a sword today."

As the text introduces, Rhine and the others found out that Arthur did not participate in the last sword drawing.

The girls suddenly realized.

Then they regained their anticipation!

Then the next step should be to draw the sword! ? They couldn't help but want to see the moment when Arthur drew out the sword from the stone and became the king destined by heaven!

The girls continued to read.

... Arthur ran all the way to the church courtyard, but found that none of the knights guarding the sword could be found.

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